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The purpose of this study is to review the research activities in information systems (IS) in the mainland of China. We reviewed and analyzed a total of 859 research papers in information systems published in 18 leading academic journals in business and management in the mainland from 1999 to 2005. Applying the content analysis method, we first categorized the papers by their reference disciplines, research topics, research methods, and the units of analysis. The data were then compared with the results of similar Western studies. Results show that, among the published IS research papers in the mainland of China, IS research itself represents the primary theoretical reference discipline; organizational and system/software issues are the main topics of the focus; non-empirical studies were the dominant research method; and the majority of studies were conducted at the organizational and/or system level. Compared with the West, IS research in China demonstrates its own characteristics in theoretical foundations, research focuses, and research methods, and there are a number of areas that need to be improved. Translated from Guanli Kexue Xuebao 맜理科学学报 (Journal of Management Sciences in China), 2006, 9(2): 76–85 The original published paper was based on the data from 1999 to 2003. The current paper is based on the data from 1999 to 2005  相似文献   

Based on a framework grounded in the institution-based view, this paper addresses the extent of global patent system integration and development. Our findings suggest that nations’ patent systems have yet ‘met’ the ‘international standards’, despite national and international endeavor toward this goal. The impact of international institutions on national institutions is reflected in the process rather than the outcome. Among the three components of patent systems across 88 nations, conformity is the strongest for ‘patent mechanism’, operations is the most diverse for ‘patent administration’ and ‘patent enforcement’ does not form a cross-nation divide due to most nations being moderate enforcers.  相似文献   

Since 1992, the national business systems (NBS) approach has been increasingly used to analyse not only firm characteristics, structures and strategies within NBS, but also the nature of international business and its interactions with both national and transnational institutions. In reviewing 25 years of NBS literature, we heed calls in IB journals urging researchers to use NBS notions and findings in IB research. Our systematic review of 96 articles analyses the patterns and contributions of NBS literature, revealing four thematic junctures: (1) comparative business systems, (2) firm internationalisation and the management/organisation inside MNCs, (3) the role of internationalisation in the development of organisational capabilities and innovation and (4) the emergence of transnational communities in and across firms and societies. Themes are described in terms of (a) the research questions (RQ) they focus on, (b) how NBS approach investigates the RQ and what are the major findings, (c) how IB frames and approaches the same RQ, (d) how does the NBS approach extend the perspectives of IB and (e) what are the problems faced by NBS in terms of developing further insights into the RQ. Our review contributes to the recent endeavour of IB research to institutionalism, encouraging a productive dialogue between IB and NBS research.  相似文献   

<正> 浙江温州虹丰粮油集团公司是一家由4个濒临倒闭的小粮食企业合并组建而成的集团公司。在短短的5年间,我公司发展成为了农业产业化国家级重点龙头企业、农业部稻米及其制品质量监督检验测试中心"定点企业",固定资产达2.4亿元。2001年我公司实现产值3.18亿元、销售收入4.2亿元、税后利润3 156万元。我公司发展粮食产业化经营,生产优质米、"放心米"的一条经验是从源头上抓大米生产,上游生  相似文献   

湖北安琪酵母股份公司是由一个30多人的科研单位靠950万元贷款和一个工业性试验项目发展起来的高科技上市公司.目前,公司的生产规模、市场占有率和经济效益均居全国同行业第一位,产品出口亚洲、非洲、欧洲、美洲.2001年,公司实现利税9 599万元;今年年初,又被国家人事部批准建立国家级博士后工作站."安琪"商标现已被国家工商总局认定为"中国驰名商标",并连续六年被评为"湖北省著名商标".  相似文献   

It is not surprising that managers find it hard to distinguish similar-sounding, IT-based concepts such as augmented reality and virtual reality. To many, all of these constructs mean nearly the same and, as a result, the terms are often used interchangeably. This confusion holds back those eager to explore the different opportunities these new technologies present. This Executive Digest presents six different types of reality and virtual reality—(1) reality, (2) augmented reality, (3) virtual reality, (4) mixed reality, (5) augmented virtuality, and (6) virtuality—as part of our actual reality/virtual reality continuum. We then illustrate their differences using a common example and outline business applications for each type.  相似文献   

The case begins with the protagonist, João Silva, in Oslo for a meeting of personnel directors of the subsidiaries of a large Scandinavian multinational, Norge Electronics. Silva is the administrative director (Finance and Administration, HR, Legal) of the division's smallest subsidiary—Norge Electronics Portugal. Silva had been asked by the vice president of human resources to present to the personnel directors what has been achieved in Portugal. The evening before his presentation, Silva received a fax from a consultant he hired in Portugal with the preliminary results of a climate study. The consultant's report is not what Silva expected and, in fact, raises questions about the effectiveness of a series of change actions implemented over the past two years. The case describes in detail the actions taken by Silva to “professionalize” HR management in the Portuguese subsidiary. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc  相似文献   

Past research into internationalisation processes assumes that prior experience influences both a firm’s capability to absorb foreign market knowledge and its international competitiveness. However, recent international entrepreneurship research seems to suggest that an early international commitment can also contribute to develop competitive advantages. Further study of this relationship will provide a better understanding of the competitive behaviour of international new ventures. This paper focuses on how international new ventures acquire market knowledge from foreign markets and develop sustainable positional advantages there. The hypotheses derived from our model were tested using extended data gathered from samples of Spanish and Belgian new ventures. To support the validity of the scale content used, all the items were taken from a review of related literature. We attempted to ensure that they meet the conceptual definition and reflect all the relevant dimensions. We used confirmatory analysis to evaluate convergent validity. A structural equation model was used to test the research hypotheses. The results of the data analysis allow us to confirm that an early international commitment influences the positional advantages of international new ventures, since it facilitates the development of market orientation.  相似文献   

在承包国际工程项目的过程中,除了系统性风险外,还存在承包商因各种原因,如市场定位不准、信息来源不确切、代理选择不当、技术方案和设备选择存在问题、设备及材料质量没有把好关、合同不严谨存在严重漏洞、商务操作不当、组织管理措施不力而造成项目利润下降、亏损或严重亏损等后果的非系统性风险。这种风险包括项目前期、投标阶段、合同履约、施工完毕四个阶段的风险。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the determinants of the institutionalisation of political risk assessment (IPRA) within publicly traded international firms in Jordan. The aim is to contribute to the development of IPRA theory by identifying indicators of institutionalisation; by describing and explaining their determinants; and by investigating their relative importance. The paper also represents one of the first studies of political risk assessment of firms in a Middle East context.The study focuses on firm-specific characteristics and extends previous research by investigating firms’ size and degree of internationalisation. A survey strategy was adopted and self-administered questionnaires were distributed to the entire target population of Jordanian international firms. 44 usable responses were obtained (54.9%). Non-parametric statistics were used to test the research hypotheses.The main findings are that the level of institutionalisation of political risk assessment (PRA) within firms is significantly and positively correlated with a firm's total assets, international revenue and number of operating countries. Of the three significant determinants of institutionalisation, the number of operating countries is found to be the most important. The more countries in which a firm operates, the more likely it is to face significant risks, and so to institutionalise political risk assessment.  相似文献   

Using data generated by a global Delphi study involving international business (IB) scholars and practitioners, this article reflects on the core and domain of a discipline that, on one side, has to deal with increasing competition from related disciplines, which internationalize their research focus, and, on the other side, is trying to develop conceptual knowledge to explain ever more complex international phenomena. Generating a multilevel framework of important issues for IB leads to propositions, which may widen the focus of the discipline to go beyond the firm, which, comparing IB to related disciplines, can provide pathways that maintain IB highly relevant for most diverse communities affected by international business. ©2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Patterns of international capital raisings   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper documents several new patterns associated with firms issuing stocks and bonds in foreign markets that motivate the need for and help guide the direction of future research. Three major patterns stand out. (1) A large and growing fraction of capital raisings, especially debt issuances, occurs in international markets, but a very small number of firms accounts for the bulk of international capital raisings, highlighting the cross-firm heterogeneity in financial globalization. (2) Changes in firm performance following equity and debt issuances in international markets are qualitatively similar to those following domestic issuances, suggesting that capital raisings abroad are not intrinsically different from those in domestic markets. (3) Firms continue to issue securities both abroad and at home after accessing international markets, suggesting that international and domestic markets are complements, not substitutes. Existing theories do not fully account for these patterns.  相似文献   

Werner  Horst 《Intereconomics》1978,13(1-2):18-23
Intereconomics - Since March 1973 virtually all major currencies or currency blocs have been floating. As a result — so it seemed — controls over international capital movements would...  相似文献   

As the periodic surges of international capital movements undermine stability, the question arises at what rate of priority the principle of unhampered international capital movements should be treated, and whether there are potential alternatives to replace this principle.  相似文献   

The genesis of international business in Africa from 1947 to 1996 is traced to colonial times. The article analyzes the dynamics and observes that international business in Africa witnessed growth but has not meaningfully influenced Africa's general economic development because of constraints: poor infrastructure, lack of maintenance culture, inadequate funding, debt burden and overemphasis on export of raw materials instead of manufactured goods. The article suggests placing a greater emphasis on the development of intermediate and capital goods industries and granting debt relief to all African countries as a means of further promoting international business entente in Africa.  相似文献   

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