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对我国中小企业发展国际化经营的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
桂花 《商业研究》2004,(2):117-119
党的十六大报告里进一步明确了“走出去”的战略 ,在当今经济全球化的世界 ,企业经营的国际化是大势所趋。而纵观世界经济的发展轨迹 ,一国企业要走向世界 ,是离不开中小企业经营国际化发展的。我国中小企业经营国际化在发展中还存在一些问题 ,在加入WTO后 ,我国中小企业经营国际化的发展水平和活力对保持国民经济持续快速健康地发展、缓解就业压力、推动产业结构调整和技术创新至关重要 ,所以需要政府和企业共同努力 ,搞好中小企业国际化经营。  相似文献   

经济全球化已成为不可阻挡的历史潮流,中小企业要求生存与发展也只有积极应对全球化的挑战,积极开展国际化经营。虽然中小企业开展国际化经营面临着诸多问题,但只要充分利用自身优势、抓住市场机遇,定能在国际市场取得一席之地,实现走出去战略。  相似文献   

中小企业国际化模式的影响因素及相关问题研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
伴随着经济全球化的深入发展,影响企业国际化的因素越来越多,同时我国中小企业国际化趋势日趋频繁和普遍,成为学界研究热点.本文依据我国中小企业国际化经营现状,探讨了我国中小企业国际化的三种模式,基于此对中小企业国际化理论进行了探讨与分类,以期为国内相关问题的研究提供明晰的研究脉络,从而为引导国内中小企业国际化经营路径与模式的理论实践提供借鉴.  相似文献   

中小企业的国际化经营策略   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
在经济全球化浪潮中,进行国际化经营已经成为许多中小企业发展的战略选择。在充分考虑企业自身的因素和国际市场的情况的基础上,我国中小企业应选择有特色的、适合自身的国际化策略,以提升国际化发展的竞争优势,最大限度分享经济全球化带来的利益。  相似文献   

陈燕  杨义东 《消费导刊》2014,(10):160-160
我国的中小企业成为目前经济发展的一个重要部分,在国际合作方面潜力巨大。但是,我国中小企业国际化经营中也存在许多问题,本文研究在中国融入经济全球化进程中,中小企业的特点及面临的问题并提出建议。  相似文献   

郭芳芳 《华商》2008,(15):25-26
随着我国加入WTO,世界经济全球化的进一步发展,我国中小企业国际化经营已成为一个必然的趋势。本文从经济环境角度,并把其看为影响我国中小企业国际化经营的一个重要因素,分析了在面对当代经济新环境变化下,我国中小企业应如何规避劣势,发挥优势,选择可行性国际化路径,提高自身国际竞争力。  相似文献   

随着经济全球化的加深和我国加入WTO后市场的不断开放,进行国际化经营已成为科技型中一小企业发展的必然选择。本文基于对安徽省85家科技型中小企业的问誊调查,对科技型中小企业国际化的影响因素进行了理论和实证分析,并针对存在的问题,提出了一些建议和对策。  相似文献   

随着世界经济一体化进程的加快,中小企业国际化经营已成为当前经济环境下的必然选择,而企业国际化经营战略的选择更是企业进入国际市场成败的关键。分析了中小企业国际化经营的必然性,并对我国中小企业开展国际化经营存在的问题做了梳理,在此基础上,提出了我国中小企业在国际化经营过程中的战略选择。  相似文献   

中小企业是经济发展的基础,随着经济全球化的不断深入,中小企业的成长不断地接受国际竞争的考验。本文先分析了我国中小企业国际化的机遇和优势,然后分析了跨国经营管理中的战略选择问题、组织结构问题、冲突管理问题等问题。  相似文献   

经济全球化迅猛发展,我国中小企业开始涉足以出口和投资为代表的国际化经营。基于自身的竞争优势和不足,我国中小企业国际化经营应该走以"渐进式发展为主,跨越式发展为辅"的发展路径。  相似文献   

金融危机之后,全球主要发达经济体,以美国为代表纷纷制订了本国新的经济发展战略。这些经济发展战略的共同特征就是确立后危机时代本国经济发展的目标:绿色经济,绿色增长。作为全球碳排放量排名前两位的两个国家,中美两国一开始一直以合作关系示人。但看似双赢的合作随着中国在该领域的异军突起而产生了激烈竞争,以致美国不惜诉诸贸易手段打压对手。从全球经济发展的方向来看,中美之间在这一领域将存在长期博弈,而且联动国内因素很有可能是一种犬牙交错的复杂态势。  相似文献   

2003年英国政府发表《能源白皮书》首次提出"低碳经济"概念,引起了国际社会的广泛关注。与低碳经济相关的一系列新概念、新政策应运而生,其研究内容不断拓展。近两年来,越来越多的国内学者也开始着手研究低碳经济相关问题。本文系统地整理了国内有关低碳经济方面的既有文献,试图通过对既有研究的述评,发现尚且存在的缺漏和不足,明确进一步研究的方向和趋势。  相似文献   

白天佑 《中国广告》2009,(7):120-122
当今艺术设计存在于各行各业当中,艺术设计在以经济利益为主的市场经济中,如何兼顾艺术与经济?如何为品牌的发展助力?这些问题成为艺术设计者一直在追寻的问题。本文通过探讨当前艺术设计的生存态,意在探究艺术设计在市场经济中的功效。  相似文献   

Is the rise in populism driven by economic issues, e.g. inequality and stagnating incomes, or by social issues, e.g. illiberal views on gender, race and migration? This paper argues that it is impossible to distinguish between the two factors, as social issues have a profound impact on economic issues. Populists make use of this tight link and exploit the inability of mainstream policymakers to address the negative economic impact that open borders for goods, capital and labour have on a large number of people within their countries. The result is the return of economic nationalism, as it seems to provide policymakers with an opportunity to dismantle the policy constraints set by a globalised economy.  相似文献   

Sales and sales force management is a complex activity that largely determines a company's commercial success. Customer perception of the salespeople in terms of expertise, trust, interaction, and risk can drive the establishment of long-lasting ties, making customer portfolio management profitable in the long-term. Yet to date, while much work has been done on company-customer relational issues, very few studies have taken customer perception of salespeople as their reference. Moreover, most existing studies have taken western countries and developed economies as their reference of analysis.The present study, in contrast, provides an analysis of an emerging economy context, Peru. Using a sample of more than 400 consumers and structural equations analysis, this article presents a model based on the Social Exchange Theory. The final part of the study presents the theoretical discussion together with key implications and recommendations for management.  相似文献   

由于世界各国对可持续发展的日益重视,发展循环经济已经成为发达国家的一股潮流,发展循环经济有助于解决当前日益严峻的环境污染和资源短缺等问题.我国应从国外吸取那些有益的经验,推进我国经济的发展,文章提出了自己的观点.  相似文献   

More and more people in China are now realizing that the country has already become a globalizing economy, but some contend that China's economy is still far from being based on knowledge. However, as globalization necessarily brings with it a knowledge economy, China is of necessity involved in the new economy, and has in consequence encountered many new ethical issues. In the first part of the paper some of these issues are discussed – issues of intellectual property protection, issues related to the exploitation of Chinese know-how and knowledge products by foreign companies, and issues of cultural colonization. These issues are complicated, widespread and novel, and there is a need to develop ethical guidelines to deal with these issues. Although the perspective of the analysis is Chinese, these same problems are faced by countries the world over.  相似文献   

聚集经济理论主要起源于英国学者阿弗里德-马歇尔(Alfred Marshall)。后马歇尔时代,西方不同的学术流派把聚集经济引申出不同分类,这些分类从不同的角度对聚集经济进行探析。马歇尔理论遗留的很多问题依然亟待解决。  相似文献   

This study investigates the relationship between the board of director attributes and corporate social responsibility (CSR) engagement across a sample of Asian emerging economy firms. We find a statistically positive relationship between CSR engagement and several directors' attributes including their political influence, international experience, business expertise, other directorships held and independence from management. These empirical results indicate that while corporate governance recommendations designed for developed economy firms are relevant for emerging economy firms, additional director attributes are also important in encouraging CSR engagement in emerging economy firms given the divergent institutional and resource dependency issues they face.  相似文献   


Research on the informal economy has largely focussed on supply-side issues, addressing questions like what motivates individuals to work in the informal economy and how can governments tackle this phenomenon. To date, much less attention has been given to demand-side aspects, examining issues around who purchases goods and services from the informal economy, why, and to what extent there are variations according to demographic, socio-economic and geographic dimensions. This paper addresses this imbalance by examining the purchasing of goods and services from the informal economy in South-East Europe. Firstly, this paper identifies the prevalence of such informal purchasing in South-East Europe as well as who undertakes such purchasing. Next, it examines the relative significance of cost factors, social factors and failures in the formal economy, in motivating such purchasing. Finally, it explores variability in the significance of these motivators based on individual-level factors, within and across three South-East European countries.  相似文献   

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