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Researchers and policymakers in many countries are interested in better understanding the relationship between financial education participation and cognitive outcomes such as financial knowledge and self‐efficacy. We used two waves of the nationally representative Canadian Financial Capability Survey along with propensity score matching (PSM) to compare outcomes between persons who had taken a financial education course to those who had not. After matching and adjusting for demographic and economic factors, financial education participants exhibited significantly higher objective and subjective financial knowledge and financial self‐efficacy scores. Post‐estimation analysis showed that higher overall objective financial knowledge scores were at least partially driven by higher scores of men. Financial education participants had higher subjective knowledge and financial self‐efficacy scores for both genders and across age. Future research into financial education ought to consider cognitive dimensions in addition to behavioral and financial outcomes.  相似文献   

This study examines how study participants' financial knowledge and participation in a Child Development Account intervention affects 529 College Savings Plan account holding among caregivers of infants. The study uses data from the SEED for Oklahoma Kids (N = 2,651), a statewide randomized experiment using a probability sample of infants selected from birth records. Results of logit regression show that participants' financial knowledge is positively related to account holding in the treatment group but not in the control group. The interactive effects between financial knowledge and treatment status are statistically significant. This finding implies that the effect of financial knowledge on financial decisions related to college savings is moderated by institutional features, such as incentives, information and access. Results of this study support the propositions of financial capability and suggest that expanding financial capability requires both improved individual financial knowledge and supportive policy .  相似文献   

金融部门对实体经济技术创新存在着主体功能和攫取两个方向的双重作用。主体功能作用通过甄别机制、监督机制、风险分散机制、人力资本积累机制等促进技术创新;攫取则是金融部门瓜分实体经济发展成果的过程,这对技术创新将会产生一定的阻碍作用。通过对中国省域数据的实证分析发现:金融资源动员能力和配置能力主要体现了金融的主体功能能力,金融机构的微观盈利能力则体现了金融部门的攫取能力;金融资源动员能力的提高会增强金融系统对高风险创新活动的包容性,金融机构攫取能力的提高对低端创新活动的抑制作用更显著,金融资源配置能力的提高则会使金融系统倾向于支持低风险技术创新。另外,东部地区虽然有充足的金融资源,但金融部门市场势力也更强大,对实体经济的攫取能力也更强;中西部地区则由于金融资源稀缺,金融基础设施薄弱,金融主体功能能力仍处在边际报酬递增的阶段。因此,中西部地区的金融体系建设应着重金融基础设施投资,提高金融系统的主体功能能力;东部地区则应强调市场改革,适当削弱金融机构的市场势力,抑制其攫取能力。  相似文献   

党的十九大报告要求加快建立现代财政制度.中国特色社会主义进入新时代,我国社会主要矛盾已经转化为人民日益增长的美好生活需要和不平衡不充分的发展之间的矛盾.化解矛盾需要财政力量的介入.新时代新矛盾的科学判断直击发展的要害.发展的本质是扩展人的可行能力,实现人的实质自由.本文从可行能力的视角理解不平衡与不充分的内涵,从经济状况、住房与就业状况、人力资本、社会资本与自然资本五个维度构建当前社会发展语境下度量可行能力的指标体系,提炼出中国居民可行能力不平等与可行能力贫困的特征性事实.在此基础上,指出扩展可行能力的财政制度约束,从事权与财权的划分、转移支付总资金的决定机制、转移支付的形式与绩效考核四个层面分析如何加快建立现代财政转移支付制度,以缓解居民可行能力不平等、消除可行能力贫困.  相似文献   

This field study explores the effects of an offer of financial counseling provided to low‐income people exiting welfare assistance in a workforce development program. While only about one‐third of workers actually took part in counseling, those who did were able to reduce the amount of debt they had in collections. We did not find other statistically significant effects on financial behavior or well‐being, however. People living at or below poverty levels of income may need more intensive financial support services than counseling can provide. This study illustrates the challenge of engaging participants in financial capability services, as well as the limitation of interventions like counseling for people who have very low incomes.  相似文献   

为减少环境污染,实现经济社会的可持续发展,银行业应积极提供绿色金融服务.根据沪深A股上市银行2014-2018年年度报告公布的数据,采用内容评析法对上市银行绿色金融服务能力进行打分,评价上市银行的绿色金融服务能力.通过构建回归模型,探析上市银行绿色金融服务能力的影响因素.从影响因素分析结果发现:银行盈利能力和外资持股比例与银行绿色金融服务能力显著正相关,同时在境内境外上市的银行相较于只在境内上市的银行,其绿色金融服务能力显著更低.  相似文献   

Youth may benefit from having enhanced financial knowledge and skills and access to financial services to help them navigate transitions to adulthood, though reliable and valid measures of youth financial capability to help assess financial education and inclusion intervention outcomes are lacking. Using survey responses from 5,451 youth ages 12–18 in Ghana, we used exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis to assess 18 survey items concerning youth financial behavior and understanding and attitudes concerning financial services. A 12‐item, group invariant scale (α = .72) with three latent factors was retained in a well‐fitting model that may help practitioners assess financial education and inclusion outcomes. We found that six items were poor indicators of youth financial capability, possibly because these items measure other constructs like numeracy, or because these items were not sufficiently assessed for developmental and cultural validity using qualitative methods like cognitive interviewing.  相似文献   

This study uses data from the 2002 and 2004 Health and Retirement Study to investigate the impact that new and existing health problems have on the financial strain of older Americans. Two‐period models are estimated for a series of financial ratio guidelines that take into account household solvency, liquidity, and investment asset accumulation. We test our models using a subjective measure of self‐reported health status and two objective measures of health that control for the severity of specific health conditions. The results show that health problems significantly increase the likelihood of financial strain for older individuals, but the effects vary by the measure of financial strain used and how health status is defined. Specifically, existing health conditions were more likely to affect solvency and investment asset accumulation than liquidity, while new health events were more likely to affect solvency. The severity of the condition did not seem to matter as much as whether the condition was chronic. These results provide insight into the future financial security of older Americans and have important implications for health policy and research.  相似文献   

This study examines the influence of network capability (the ability to use external relationships), information and communications technology (ICT) capability (the ability to strategically use ICT for business purposes), and financial slack (unused and uncommitted financial resources) on the innovation performance of small firms. This extends the current resource‐based view and small firm innovation management literatures by proposing the direct and interactive effects of organizational capabilities and financial slack. The results of regression analysis based on survey data from technology‐based Swedish small firms show that the three‐way interaction involving network capability, ICT capability, and financial slack influences innovation performance.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on identifying the factors affecting the success of social ventures operating in social settings in Israel. An exploratory qualitative field study included 33 social ventures, founded in the 1990s by individuals acting independently of their positions in other organizations. The study demonstrates eight variables as contributing to the success of the social ventures, arranged in the order of their value: (1) the entrepreneur's social network; (2) total dedication to the venture's success; (3) the capital base at the establishment stage; (4) the acceptance of the venture idea in the public discourse; (5) the composition of the venturing team, including the ratio of volunteers to salaried employees; (6) forming cooperations in the public and nonprofit sectors in the long-term; (7) the ability of the service to stand the market test; and (8) the entrepreneurs’ previous managerial experience.  相似文献   

This essay explores the potential for social workers and other human services professionals to build the financial capability of vulnerable populations. These professionals routinely work with the financially vulnerable and are uniquely positioned to provide basic financial guidance and support. Their education in human development, family dynamics, organizational and community functioning, and social policy prepares them to be key partners in creating solutions to financial vulnerability. However, human service professionals need additional training. Although there has been significant progress in developing curricula, additional resources, such as assessment models and practice tools for serving specific populations, would facilitate financial practice. Academic degree programs and continuing education in financial capability must be developed, along with greater clarification about career pathways and credentialing. Building the financial capability of vulnerable families is an ambitious agenda, but one that is essential to well‐being in the 21st century.  相似文献   

Product placement in TV shows is becoming increasingly common, yet little is known about its effectiveness nor even how to define and measure such effectiveness. This research examined the effectiveness of product placement with the use of two different types of measures: explicit measures that tap memory directly (with the use of a recognition and recall task), and an implicit measure that measures the effect of exposure on product choice indirectly. It was hypothesized that the ability of product placement to enhance memory and choice may be mediated by distinct mechanisms. The results showed an overall enhancement in product recall, recognition, and choice due to placement. Further, although products central to the plot were remembered and recalled more than products placed more subtly, no reliable effect of centrality of placement was observed on the choice measure. This dissociation also occurred with modality of placement—where seen‐only products most influenced choice but were least recalled. The present data conform to theories of memory, which predict that performance on explicit memory task can be dissociated or uncorrelated with performance on implicit performance or choice. This finding has significant implications for how product placements are designed and how their efficacy evaluated. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   


Every year in the US, over 20% of all traffic fatalities are caused by drunk drivers. The average Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) of fatally injured drivers is 0.17, with almost half of these have a BAC of 0.20 or higher. In October of 2000, a new federal law was passed requiring states to lower the BAC from 0.10 to 0.08 or lose millions in highway funding. Proponents of this legislation feel it will save over 500 lives a year. Those opposed feel this law will target the social drinker, overburden the justice system, and will not address the real problem, the habitual drunk driver. This study looks at these issues concentrating on: other laws that could affect the number of alcohol-related fatalities; the number of fatalities involving habitual offenders; legislative efforts in the state of Indiana; and the effect this legislation could have on the hospitality industry.  相似文献   

This pilot study measures levels of cross-cultural understanding and ethnocentricity of college students and tests the hypothesis that students exhibit increased levels of cross-cultural understanding and lower levels of ethnocentricity after taking a university course in international business. Two matched-demographic groups of students are surveyed, one before taking the course, and t l' e other following completion of the course. The findings indicate some tendency to change in ,a positive direction with increased exposure to international business issues. The study also uses a factor analytical approach to examine the underlyin structures of attitudes relating to cmss-cultural understanding andethnocentricity. In this respect, differences in cross-cultural understanding and ethnocentricity are found to exist among sub-groups of the research population, with women and cosmopolitans scoring higher in terms of cross-cultural understanding and lower in ethnocentric- . Practical implications and suggestions for further research are a '7 so offered.  相似文献   

金融虚拟性与金融体系效率——来自中国的实证数据   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金融虚拟性研究是虚拟经济与金融理论交叉研究的新领域。金融虚拟性以金融发展的客观现实为基础,其演进与提升带来金融发展吗?本文首先提出了测算中国金融虚拟性的指标,接着测算了中国金融体系效率,对开放条件下中国金融虚拟性与金融体系效率的关系进行了实证研究,并给出了相关政策建议。基于中国2000—2007年数据的实证研究表明:(1)中国金融虚拟性已进入上升期,中国金融体系效率总体偏低;(2)中国金融虚拟性与金融体系效率不存在因果关系;(3)金融开放提升了中国金融虚拟程度。  相似文献   

With prior research on home insurance largely focused on supply side practices, we know little about demand side attributes of this market, especially about consumer perceptions of insurance. This article demonstrates that, despite seemingly more equitable industry practices, ethnic homeowners (Mexican Americans in this study), relative to the majority White population, have a greater tendency to view home insurance as a cost burden (as opposed to coverage against potential damages and injuries) and, hence, are more vulnerable to living with minimal or no home insurance coverage. The findings suggest that this disparity is attributable to cultural differences rooted in diverse structural and institutional circumstances in which ethnic homeowners often find themselves situated. The role of ethnic identity is salient even after accounting for personal, household, property, mortgage, and natural calamity factors. New directions for policy are proposed to address the situation by informing and empowering vulnerable consumers.  相似文献   

Redefining Beijing For a long time Beijing has served as the political and cultural center for the country.While Shanghai and Shenzhen were encouraged to grow and reach their financial goals,Beijing cautiously dodged the label of a"financial center",in order to avoid the criticism of"redundant construc- tion".However,Beijing is the birthplace of China's financial policies.Due to its special geographic position and drive towards  相似文献   

We address the micro foundations of international business research by examining negotiation beliefs as a parsimonious guide for international business negotiators. We conceptualise the construct of ‘negotiation beliefs’ as a negotiator’s cognition about the nature of negotiation and effective negotiation strategies. We integrate the negotiation literature and empirically investigate the differences and similarities in the negotiation beliefs of Americans and the Chinese. Across two studies, we conduct a conceptual analysis of negotiation beliefs and develop measures for the culturally similar and culturally different factors of the negotiation beliefs of Chinese and American negotiators. We find that negotiation beliefs can predict negotiation outcomes. Our findings indicate that Americans and the Chinese share negotiation beliefs about cooperation and competition. They also understand negotiation using culturally different factors, namely hierarchy and relationship for the Chinese and economic interest and confrontation for the Americans. We further discuss the theoretical and practical implications for international negotiations, particularly regarding disputes between the US and China.  相似文献   

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