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In a game-simulation context, tax evasion behavior of 15 subjects was observed. Large fines were found to be more effective deterrents than frequent audits. The decision to underreport income appears to be influenced by different factors than the magnitude of underreporting. Tax evasion behavior differed widely among individuals.  相似文献   

In China, the income tax of enterprise is very different between foreign funded enterprises and other domestic enterprises. It is believed that this discrimination is harmful to the entire economy. So there is a reform in the tax system to build a uniform enterprise income tax. This is a significant reform in China's tax system, so every decision about this have to count the cost and the benefit carefully. The author has introduced the Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) to simulate this new tax system and value its benefit and cost. There are two different models in the paper; they are of different assumptions and for different purposes. Model I is a static CGE model and model II is a Ramsey Dynamic model. The static model is mainly used for comparative static approach to examine how the tax reform will change the endogenous variables. According to the results of the model, more goods will be produced by both of the DFEs and FIEs after the tax reform in the medium and low tax effective tax rate situations. If the nominal tax rates decrease 24.24% (from 33% to 25%), the enterprise income tax will only reduce 19.36% and the total tax revenue will only reduce 1.911%. The dynamic model will concentrate on the costs and benefits during the transition. From the results of the model, a lower tax rate will increase the level of investment, capital stock, capital prices, wage rate and also the growth rates through transition. If the capital tax rates are changed gradually, the fluctuating of transition will be smoothed a little.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the impacts of Indonesia's recent income tax reforms on key macroeconomic variables, as well as the impacts on poverty and income distribution. It was found that the reductions in personal income tax and corporate income tax increase economic growth under a balanced budget assumption. The policy reforms also lead to a small reduction in the incidence of poverty. However, the policies also lead to an increase in income inequality because the tax cut is more beneficial to households in the highest income categories. It is recommended that future tax cuts should target the urban and rural poor.  相似文献   

In late 1974 the Government of Colombia implemented a major tax reform package embracing virtually all aspects of the revenue system. The reform was designed to serve allocative and stabilization as well as redistributive goals. This paper focuses upon the likely impact of the 1974 tax measures upon income distribution. Section 2 describes the prevailing distribution of income prior to the reform. Section 3 presents a short outline of the principal features of the 1974 package, and sections 4 through 6 provide an evaluation of its redistributive effects. The authors conclude that the initial impact of the reform was undoubtedly progressive, as it likely served to shift as much as 1.5 percent of GDP away from the top quintile of the income distribution.  相似文献   

In this paper we develop the dynamic CGE model, ifoMod, which is designed to analyse the impact of fundamental tax reforms and in particular capital income tax reforms for Germany. The model is in line with neoclassical growth theory and features all important behavioural interactions between the four major building blocks of an economy including the firm and household sector, the government and the rest of the world. We consider firms of different legal forms which all face an intertemporal investment problem, a financing problem w.r.t. the optimal choice of debt and equity financing as well as a factor input problem when deciding on the optimal amount of different skill types of labour employed. We show the impact of different types of taxes on the behavioural margins of firms and households. The conducted simulation shows the impact of the latest German corporate tax reform of 2008 on the German macroeconomic variables such as investments, GDP, consumption and household's welfare.  相似文献   

Spain has recently concluded a process of wide-ranging reform of its personal income tax (IRPF), in force since 1992. The new IRPF is applicable from 1999 onward. The aim of this article is to analyse the implications of this tax reform for the distribution of personal income, and additionally to provide a comparative evaluation in terms of social welfare of both taxes. Empirical analysis is performed by a simulation exercise, employing the microdata contained in the Institute of Fiscal Studies’?IRPF Panel of Taxpayers. The analysis shows that the new IRPF induces a redistributive effect slightly lower than the old IRPF. The greater redistributive potential of the progressive structure of the new tax proves to be insufficient to compensate for the contrary effect caused by reduction in the level of tax liability. However, this new tax unambigously permits, in an inequality-adverse society, a higher level of social welfare than that attained by the old tax.  相似文献   

For a finite population with quasilinear preferences, it is shown how Mirrlees' optimal nonlinear income tax problem can be simplified to a reduced-form problem involving only the allocation of the consumption good. This result is a finite version of a proposition established in the continuum by S. Lollivier and J.-C. Rochet.  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate the incidence of the corporation income tax in terms of a two-sector, general equilibrium model, where production decisions are made under uncertainty. The conventional result, derived originally by Harberger (1962), is that if the corporate sector is the capital-intensive sector, then capital must bear a greater burden of the tax, in proportion to its initial share in national income, than labor. This result continues to hold unambiguously under uncertainty only if the relative and the absolute risk aversion of the corporations are non- increasing in profits. Otherwise, the Harberger result may not hold.  相似文献   

Hui Wang 《Applied economics》2019,51(20):2172-2194
This article analyses the property tax reform in China in a computable general equilibrium model that recognizes the interaction between and among housing markets in different provinces and macroeconomic development. Using real data in 2010, we present the benchmark equilibrium for reference property and income tax rates. Then, we examine different property and income tax policies and make a comparison of their production, consumption, welfare and national income. We find that the implementation of property tax would decrease the house production at the expense of welfare in taxed area. The expansion of the taxed regions may increase the total social welfare and national income. Even though property tax policy may not be able to change the income distribution in China, increasing income tax rate could narrow the income disparity. Finally, this article shows the reliability of the conclusions when sensitivity analysis on optimal condition of equilibrium computation is performed under varied property tax policy.  相似文献   

This paper examines the welfare consequences of changing the current U.S. income tax system to a progressive consumption tax. We compute a sequence of single period equilibria in which savings decisions depend on the expected future return to capital. In the presence of existing income taxes, the U.S. economy is assumed to lie on a balanced growth path. With the change to a consumption tax, individuals save more and initially consume less. As the capital stock grows, consumption eventually overtakes that of the original path, and the economy approaches the new balanced growth path with higher consumption and a greater capital stock. Both the transition and the balanced growth paths enter our welfare evaluations. We find the discounted present value of the stream of net gains is approximately $650 billion in 1973 dollars, just over 1 percent of the discounted present value of national income. Larger gains occur if further reform of capital income taxation accompanies the change. We examine the sensitivity of the results, both to the design of the consumption tax and to the values of elasticity and other parameters. The paper also contains estimates of the time required to adjust from one growth path to the other.  相似文献   

In many voting situations, preferences over options may fail to be single-peaked. This is especially true when options consist of different amounts of a good which is provided through distortionary taxation. In this paper, voting over linear income tax schedules is considered. Although preferences may fail to be single-peaked, a choice set is shown to exist when only mild restrictions are imposed. For many choices in the public domain, the conditions required for this result are likely to be satisfied.  相似文献   

This paper clarifies the role of the tax possibility frontier and the social indifference curve in the comparative statics analysis of the optimal linear income tax. By a mostly diagrammatic derivation of the results we confirm the conventional conjecture that the optimal marginal tax rate increases with the government's inequality aversion. On the other hand, we cannot always confirm analytically the conventional conjecture that the optimal marginal tax rate increases with the government's budgetary needs.  相似文献   

The existing literature on income tax evasion lays claim to two important implications: one is that higher tax rates induce greater income declarations and the other is that increases in gross income induce a fall in the fraction of income declared. The purpose of this paper is to examine the robustness of these results with respect to three modifications of the standard model. The first involves relaxing the assumption of linear income tax schedules. The second modification is to consider an alternative form for the penalty function. Thirdly, we consider the consequences of the tax payer making a joint hours of work-income declaration decision.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new technique for analysing tax reform proposals. The technique is general in the sense that it allows the user to choose the targets he thinks are the most important. Using this technique the Israeli Income Tax Reform of 1975 is evaluated.  相似文献   

We determine the optimal income tax schedule when individuals have the possibility of avoiding paying taxes. Considering a convex concealment cost function, we find that a subset of individuals, located in the interior of the income distribution, should be allowed to avoid taxes, provided that the marginal cost of avoiding the first euro is sufficiently small. This contrasts with the results of Grochulski who shows that, using a subadditive cost function, all individuals should report their true income. We also provide a characterization of the optimal income tax curve.  相似文献   

《企业会计准则第18号——所得税》在我国大中型企业以广泛应用。但据调查了解,对于企业特殊事项要确认、计量递延所得税有些无所适从。因此,以具体案例的形式着重分析企业发生的特殊交易如何确认、计量递延所得税。相信在会计实践中会有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

A class of decomposable income tax progressivity indices is defined by using a family of generalized entropy measures. For demonstration, changes in income tax progressivity in the United States are studied over time.  相似文献   

This paper shows that the Mirrlees-Seade conditions of agent monotonicity and noninferiority of leisure imply the positivity of the optimal marginal income tax rate in Sheshinski's model of linear income taxation as well as in the general model. The optimal marginal tax rate is bounded above by the Rawlsian rate, which in turn is bounded by the revenue-maximizing rate. The optimal marginal tax rate may be arbitrarily close to the Rawlsian rate. However, the optimal marginal tax rate is bounded away from the revenue-maximizing rate whenever the individual with the lowest ability works.  相似文献   

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