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While apparel businesses leveraging the sharing economy have begun to emerge in recent years, academic research on “sharing” consumption for apparel is extremely limited. To fill this research gap, the researchers analyze current literature to present a conceptual framework that offers a durable theoretical foundation about the concept of collaborative consumption for apparel. Using a metatheory approach, the researchers develop a framework that explores how two major Internet‐supported collaborative consumption modes (utility‐based nonownership and redistributed ownership) manifest in an apparel context. Next, the researchers explore the implications of each consumption mode to understand the consumer's relationship with the product, peers, and businesses involved in these sharing schemes. A series of research propositions are also developed to stimulate discussion and future research about collaborative apparel consumption.  相似文献   

We analyze in this paper how various forms of state intervention can impact microfinance institutions’ lending behavior. Using a simple model where entrepreneurs receive individual uncollateralized loans, we show that, not surprisingly, state intervention through the loan guarantee increases the number of entrepreneurs receiving a loan. However, after modeling business development services (BDS) provided by the microfinance institution, we show that the loan guarantee can have a counterproductive effect by reducing the number of entrepreneurs benefiting from such services. We therefore analyze an alternative policy: BDS subsidization. We show that if BDS are efficient enough and are targeted toward less performing borrowers, then—for fixed government expenditures—such subsidies do better in terms of financial inclusion than the loan guarantee. Moreover, we argue that—under similar conditions—BDS subsidization alone does better in terms of financial inclusion than a mix of policies.  相似文献   

转换成本可以通过市场力量和企业的策略性行为对市场竞争产生重要影响,因此成为竞争执法机构竞争评估的重点考察因素,而当前数字经济具有的网络效应和多归属等特征使得转换成本对市场竞争的影响更加复杂。本文首先从经济学角度剖析转换成本的定义、起源与分类,而后考察转换成本与网络效应和多归属之间的关系,最后研究转换成本对市场竞争的影响、系统论述转换成本在数字经济下可能引起的竞争关注。  相似文献   

The use of advanced business services has become an essential element for competitiveness in modern economies in which traditional competitive advantages based on prices, lower labour costs or the abundance of natural resources are being replaced by new advantages based on higher quality, greater knowledge or the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs). Within this context certain services (computing, communications, human resources, engineering, consulting or management) are generally outsourced so as to exploit the advantages derived from specialisation and division of labour, as well as those of economies of scope and scale. However, some businesses, sectors or regions appear to have very different patterns of outsourcing advanced producer services. This paper presents an explanation of elements of business outsourcing decisions applied to the Spanish economy, applying discrete response models to the information obtained in a survey elaborated by the authors. The data thus obtained have enabled us to identify differences between the Spanish regions in the tendencies of businesses to use internal or external advanced services.  相似文献   

This article presents the open-market paradigm in the context of digital convergence and proposes strategic directions for open-market participants. Although not a new phenomenon, open market has become the most popular e-business model, linking millions of buyer and seller individuals (Customer to Customer: C2C). This article examines the drivers of digital convergence that enable the open-market paradigm and conducts industry and Blue Ocean analyses for open-market business. Finally, a real-world application—the Cyworld market of Korea—is presented as an illustrative example.  相似文献   

This paper investigates how sharing economy platform multinational corporations (SEP-MNCs) orchestrate ecosystem resources to drive sustainable growth in a different country, through a dynamic capability perspective. Based on a multiple-case design, we offer a process perspective that identifies three sets of distinct integrative capabilities that come to the fore at different stages of the SEP-MNC's ecosystem development in a different country. By arguing that dynamic capabilities need to be co-created, we posit that, ultimately, the platform ecosystem value creation requires collective engagements of both internal and external resources of the platform ecosystem in building and preserving the collaborative action that amplified their individual resources to identify new and novel opportunities. We therefore re-conceptualizing dynamic capabilities of SEP-MNCs resides at the ecosystem level where the capabilities become an emergent and highly integrated property, with recurrent patterns that only become apparent from continuous interactions with their ecosystem partners. We also contribute to the IB literature by offering a holistic view that infuses dynamic capabilities with the themes of interdependence, sub-national network coordination, and data intelligence; themes that are yet to be fully incorporated into IB scholarship.  相似文献   

Drawing on the results of a survey conducted in the Lyon metropolitan area (France), this article shows that the localisation strategies of business services within a metropolitan area depend on the nature of the relationship between the service provider and the customer and the size of the market area. When face-to-face meetings with customers are required, those activities which sell their services within the metropolitan area attempt to locate near their market and those whose customers are essentially outside the metropolitan area choose the centre because of its easy access to motorways, the TGV station and the airport. Otherwise, an accessible peripheral site can be perfectly suitable, whatever the firm's market area.  相似文献   

In the centrally planned economies of Eastern Europe, monetary policy played a subordinate role, there were no capital-market institutions and the banking system was single-tier. All this has to be changed in the transition to a market economy. The example of Hungary, which abolished the traditional system of central planning as early as 1968, shows some of the pitfalls to be avoided.  相似文献   

《Business History》2012,54(8):1201-1222
This article presents empirical evidence about the contribution of family-controlled business groups as highly efficient alternatives to the large vertically integrated and professionally managed corporation in specific institutional and market environments. This hypothesis is tested with a single case study, SEUR, in the Spanish transport services sector. SEUR is one of the most prominent Spanish courier companies. It was founded during Franco's dictatorship, expanded in democratic times, and imaginatively adapted to the financial challenges of the late globalisation at the end of the twentieth century, while maintaining the traditional values based on personal trust and family ties.  相似文献   

Strong digital developments are changing markets, and firms may adopt a digital business model to deal with these developments. This special issue focuses on such digital business models. In this editorial, we discuss the relevance of digital business models, propose a conceptual framework, and discuss how digital business models affect firms, firm performance, and markets. We introduce the papers in this issue and show how they each fit within the conceptual framework. We discuss four important areas for future research.  相似文献   

This paper reviews and analyses the rationale for an innovation policy in services. It focuses on the relevance of the various categories of market and system failures, on the basis of economic arguments and some empirical evidence at EU level. Results show that market and system failures affect service innovation, so that there are no economic reasons supporting any discrimination of policy actions against service activities. Moreover, some of the market and system failures may be even more relevant in the field of services than of goods, although differences between categories of services should be also taken into consideration.  相似文献   

To analyze Ukraine's deep and comprehensive integration with the EU, we develop a multi-regional general-equilibrium simulation model incorporating heterogeneous firms and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in business services. This allows for consideration of (a) trade growth in new varieties; (b) aggregate productivity changes attributed to reallocation of resources across and within an industry; and (c) productivity growth in manufacturing due to increased access to business services. The results indicate relatively small gains for the EU, whereas Ukraine benefits with a welfare increase of over 8%. The deindustrialization impact, previously found by Olekseyuk and Balistreri (2014 Olekseyuk, Z., and E.J. Balistreri. 2014. “Trade Liberalization Gains under Different Trade Theories: A Case Study for Ukraine.” Working Paper 2014-13. Colorado School of Mines, Division of Economics and Business. Golden. [Google Scholar]) in a comparison of different modeling structures, is supported by our findings. Ukraine's welfare gains are higher under an Armington structure compared to monopolistic competition. This is due to a movement of resources into Ukraine's traditional export sectors producing under constant returns. Implementation of the FDI modeling approach and liberalization of barriers to FDI, however, mitigates the deindustrialization impact as multinational firms enter the Ukrainian market. This increases the number of available varieties and, consequently, induces productivity growth of manufacturing sectors due to improved access to business services as critical inputs.  相似文献   

Lee  Kwang-Ho  Kim  DongHee 《Service Business》2019,13(4):647-669
Service Business - This study applies the resource exchange theory and social exchange theory perspectives in examining the structural relationships among value-creating components, trusting...  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2017,60(6):759-770
New and existing companies are looking for ways to thrive in a competitive environment with innovative business models while respecting society and avoiding actions that harm the planet. Trends such as circular economy, fair trade, lowsumerism, and sharing economy are some of the many emerging entrepreneurial approaches that address this issue, but there is still a gap between what theory argues and the levels of environmental and social sustainability realized when theory is put into practice. In fact, most research on the topic of sustainable business models is still exploratory and does not fully acknowledge these emerging approaches, whose definitions, boundaries, and defining characteristics are still somewhat vague. This study seeks to contribute to the understanding of the inner entrepreneurial dynamics of innovative sustainable business models. In particular, we focus on the fashion business, a resource-intensive industry in which opportunities to reduce environmental impacts and to innovate business models abound. The aim of our research is to investigate innovative business models in the fashion industry that have sustainability as their defining characteristic, especially in terms of value proposition. In order to do that, we combine a systematic review of the literature with empirical research comprised of six interviews with specialists in sustainability, business model innovation, and the fashion industry, along with eight case studies on innovative fashion startups we define as ‘born sustainable.’ As a result, we propose a synthesizing framework that discloses trends and drivers of innovative and sustainable business models in the fashion industry. We also highlight opportunities and challenges for researchers and entrepreneurs interested in this topic.  相似文献   

我国加入WTO已经整整五周年了,明年开始,包括金融市场在内的中国市场几乎全面对外开放。对商业而言,外资和外企进入中国市场已经没有任何壁垒、障碍,进入了全面开放的新阶段。按国际惯例,内、外资企业都在一个平台上,展开公平竞争。面对新形势,上海商业如何保持全国的领先地位?怎么样鼓励国有商业、民营企业、外资企业、外地企业在沪  相似文献   

Digital technologies have dramatically changed the organisation and marketing environments. Whether this presents an opportunity or a challenge for small and medium organisations depends on how these organisations approach it, strategically. Specifically, organisations that are guided by a combination of market, learning and entrepreneurial orientations are well-positioned to take advantage of the opportunities presented by digital technologies because they adopt attitudes and behaviours that support the generation and use of market insight, proactive innovation and openness to new ideas. We call this combination the digital orientation (DO), and present a set of propositions that facilitate its development. This paper creates value both through the conceptualisation of the DO and the outlining of the implications for strategic marketing management of understanding the strategic factors supporting or hindering the performance of small and medium enterprises in the digital economy.  相似文献   

Residential segregation has played a central role in theories of minority entrepreneurship and in the diversification of the U.S. labor market. Racial diversity in public accommodations, including schools, has been an issue of continuous public policy debate at least since the U.S. Supreme Court’s Plessy versus Ferguson decision (1896). This study applies theory from the literature on social capital to an examination of the role of racial segregation in the public schools of blacks during childhood on their adult likelihood to become self-employed and their level of occupational status. The model results indicate that, after controlling for a number of individual, household and metropolitan-area factors, lower rates of segregation during public schooling results in higher likelihood of wage-salary employment and self-employment among a cohort of black Americans that attended public schools during the 1960s.  相似文献   

This article analyses the impact of digital distribution of music on business models developed by independent musicians. More specifically, it aims to analyse the main changes in the network of relationships between musicians and record companies, and between musicians and consumers; and to analyse how independent musicians’ business models have been evolving as a response to increasing change in the distribution of music. The data was collected through semi-structured interviews with independent musicians, music journalists, and small independent record labels. The article discusses empirically the main results regarding changes in the network of relationships under study and analyses the evolution of business models, concluding that independent musicians follow a diversification strategy, aiming to capture the business opportunities provided by technological changes in the distribution of music. The implications of such an option, including its main challenges, are discussed.  相似文献   

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