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Religious and cultural practices have major implications for a Country's economic performance. However, it is not clear if the formal institutionalization of these social norms within a country's legal system causes material economic effects. In this study I show this to be the case. By employing the synthetic control methodology to mitigate endogeneity concerns, I show that the institutionalization of Sharia Law within a Muslim-majority country's legal system causes material economic costs. Results hold in different settings, confirming that the governmental enforcement of existing social norms constrain individuals' social and economic freedom, ultimately resulting in worsened economic outcomes.  相似文献   

随着我国市场经济的不断完善与发展,现代企业制度的建立和国际化企业的不断涌现,使得我国企业会计职能正在由核算型向管理型转变.会计管理职能的应用成为我国企业的内在需求,也必将在我国经济建设中发挥出更大的作用.因此,探讨加强和完善会计管理职能所应该采取的措施具有一定的现实意义.  相似文献   

随着我国市场经济的不断完善与发展,现代企业制度的建立和国际化企业的不断涌现,使得我国企业会计职能正在由核算型向管理型转变.会计管理职能的应用成为我国企业的内在需求,也必将在我国经济建设中发挥出更大的作用.因此,探讨加强和完善会计管理职能所应该采取的措施具有一定的现实意义.  相似文献   

Given the high levels of attrition in the teaching profession there is a need for research to better understand factors that lead to greater teacher well-being and engagement. The present study explores the roles of coping and buoyancy in predicting teacher well-being and engagement. In particular, a process model is hypothesized in which the use of ‘direct’ coping strategies (mastery orientation and planning) predict high levels of buoyancy, well-being, and engagement, while ‘palliative’ coping strategies (self-handicapping and failure avoidance) predict low buoyancy, well-being, and engagement. Amongst a sample of 515 teachers from 18 schools, results generally supported this model with particularly strong direct effects for buoyancy and strong direct and indirect effects for mastery orientation. Failure avoidance, self-handicapping, and planning also produced significant direct and/or indirect effects via buoyancy on teacher well-being and engagement. Implications for school executives and future research are discussed.
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Demystifying demotion: A look at the psychological and economic consequences on the demotee
Paula Phillips Carsona, and Kerry David Carson, a,
aMoody College of Business, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Lafayette, LA 70504-3570, USA  相似文献   

Possible consequences of nutritional improvements for the economic development     
Hans-Rimbert Hemmer 《Intereconomics》1979,14(4):185-189
Studies of the relationship of nutrition and economic development have hitherto largely focused on the question how the state of nutrition has changed in consequence of economic developments. The analysis concentrated on the “passive role of nutrition”. In the following article the question is reversed: what possibilities exist for influencing the development process by measures of nutrition policy?  相似文献   

景诚 《上海商业》2008,(11):68-68
今年刚出版的《上海移民》一书是上海市教育委员会立项的研究课题.上海市重点学科(商品流通学)建设成果之一。本书由上海商学院朱国栋教授主持、该校国际交流学院和法政学院刘红、陈志强等中青年教师共同组成的课题组.历时近二年完成。  相似文献   

The Shanghai immigration and the Shanghai Commerce     

Different paths to economic reform in Russia and China: causes and consequences   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Trevor Buck  Igor Filatotchev  Peter Nolan  Mike Wright 《Journal of World Business》2000,35(4):371
Economic reform in Russia has been described as ‘shock therapy’ because rapid industrial privatization, price liberalization and democratic reforms of the political system were introduced simultaneously. However, shock therapy led to insider control of most manufacturing firms, with important consequences for foreign investment. In contrast, China’s ‘gradualist’ reforms, without privatization or significant democratization, facilitated foreign joint ventures as the dominant means of reforming State-owned enterprises incrementally. This paper proposes an explanation for these contrasting reform paths in Russia and China and then traces their consequences for inward foreign domestic investment (FDI), exporting and for corporate governance in the short and long term. The impact of national level policies on enterprises is demonstrated in a matched pair of cases in Russia and China. Conclusions are drawn for policy, for practice and for future research.  相似文献   

刘英梅 《中国对外贸易(英文版)》2011,(8)
单位内部审计报告是作为独立于委托者与被审计对象的财务报告或其他经济业务信息质量的鉴证,它是单位经济管理中不可多得的稀缺"资源",自然会引起经营管理者的高度重视,并对其决策行为产生重大影响.因此,本文试对内部审计报告中的经济信息利用作一个基本分析,以供大家参考.  相似文献   

The economic consequences of corporate tax rates reductions in the EU: Evidence using a computable general equilibrium model     
María Teresa lvarez‐Martínez  Salvador Barrios  Diego d'Andria  Maria Gesualdo  Dimitrios Pontikakis  Jonathan Pycroft 《The World Economy》2019,42(3):818-845
In a globalised world, governments are eager to attract foreign investors by lowering corporate tax rates. Recent trends point towards a revival of a race to the bottom in corporate income tax (CIT) rates in developed economies. EU countries have been active in this respect. A generalised fall in CIT rate could prove detrimental to tax revenues and trigger increase in other taxes to meet fiscal policy objectives. However, it could also spur investment and growth and prove to be a good fiscal policy strategy if, as a result, the corporate tax base increases. The final economic and fiscal impact of a reduction in CIT rates is therefore unclear. Using a CGE model, we find that uncoordinated tax reforms significantly impact national economies and third‐country effects can be significant when large countries implement CIT rate cuts. Small countries are better off unilaterally reducing their CIT rate at the expense of other EU countries. We find that negative spillovers are mitigated when the country reducing its CIT rate restores its budget balance by cutting either public expenditures or social transfers. A larger degree of non‐EU capital mobility also tends to reduce the negative spillover effects of unilateral CIT rate reductions.  相似文献   

The political market for immigration restrictions: Model and test     
Miguel D Ramirez 《The journal of international trade & economic development》2013,22(2):159-178
This paper addresses the important question of whether public investment spending on economic infrastructure enhances economic growth in Mexico. It estimates a Cobb-Douglas production function that includes public infrastructure capital. Using cointegration analysis, the paper estimates a vector error correction model (VECM) for the 1995?–?99 period. The results suggest that there is a long-term stable relationship among the variables included in the VECM. The evidence also indicates that both public infrastructure spending and private capital formation have a positive and highly significant effect on the rate of output growth. Finally, the impulse response functions (IRF) and the variance decompositions (VDC) of the endogenous variables in the VECM suggest that the response of private capital to public infrastructure is positive while the reverse causation is not affirmed. From a policy standpoint, the findings call into question stabilization policies that disproportionately reduce public infrastructure to meet targeted reductions in the fiscal deficit (JEL, O1, O47, O54).  相似文献   

Interfirm strategic integration in retailer buying groups: antecedents and consequences on the retailer's economic satisfaction     
Miguel Hernández-Espallardo 《International Review of Retail, Distribution & Consumer Research》2013,23(1):69-91

Independent small retailers have shown a growing trend toward joining buying groups as a means to compete against large distribution chains. The retailer's strategic integration of the relationship with the buying group (RSI), i.e., the retailer's recognition of this relationship as a strategic asset, is the focal theoretical construct of this study. With a sample of retailers of home appliances that are integrated in a buying group, the empirical test of two alternative models about the antecedents and consequences of RSI has confirmed that the concept plays an important and significant mediational role in explaining the effects of environment and relational characteristics on the retailer's satisfaction with the buying group. The author discusses the theoretical implications of the results obtained and explores consequences for decision makers.  相似文献   

李晓辉 《中国对外贸易(英文版)》2010,(16)
由于美元的世界货币地位和巨大的消费量,在次贷危机对美国经济造成巨大冲击的同时,危机也向欧洲、日本等发达国家蔓延.危机进一步引发了全球性信贷紧缩和全球金融市场的剧烈动荡与恐慌.美国经济衰退所导致的全球需求增长的大幅放缓,必然对我国经济增长造成影响.本文通过分析美国次贷危机产生的原因、蔓延及对我国经济的影响,说明此次金融危机对我国商业银行、资产证券化及金融监管等有着深刻的启示.  相似文献   

National branding strategies and economic development: Implications for NIEs and LDCs     
Chow-Hou Wee 《Thunderbird国际商业评论》1994,36(2):119-145
As the four newly industrialized economies (NIEs), Hong Kong, South Korea, Taiwan, and Singapore, continue to improve their economic development, there is an increasing realization of the need to create world class brands for global competition. This is because these four NIEs, largely dependent on manufactured products for highly export-oriented strategies, are facing threats from lower cost semi-NIEs and LDCs (less developing countries) that are adopting similar strategies. This article examines the important roles played by brands in securing market share. In particular, it highlights the experiences of Japan in the development of international brands. Lessons are then drawn for the NIEs and LDCs, especially with regard to the need to consciously develop world class brands as part of the overall economic growth and development. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

National culture,entrepreneurship and economic development: different patterns across the European Union     
Francisco Liñán  José Fernandez-Serrano 《Small Business Economics》2014,42(4):685-701
The aim of this paper is double. Firstly, it contributes to identifying the specific role of national culture as a variable that helps explain the level of economic development and reinforces the effect of entrepreneurship on the income level. Secondly, a deeper understanding of these relations in the case of the European Union is sought. In this study, data from two different sources have been used. The Schwartz Value Survey measures seven cultural orientations that are then grouped into three bipolar dimensions (embeddedness vs. autonomy, hierarchy vs. egalitarianism and mastery vs. harmony). The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor provides information regarding entrepreneurial activity. Using linear regression analysis, cultural and entrepreneurial variables are able to classify countries according to their development level, explaining over 60 % of the variance in Gross Domestic Product per capita. The role of culture is complex, with geographical elements being significantly relevant. In the case of Europe, some common elements conform what could be called “a European culture”: autonomy and egalitarianism clearly predominate over embeddedness and hierarchy, while harmony tends to prevail over mastery. Nevertheless, four well-defined groups of countries within the European Union emerge. Central and Northern Europe is closer to this European stereotypical culture, while English-speaking countries, Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean area exhibit their own differentiating elements each. These differences also exist with regard to entrepreneurial activity (overall Total Entrepreneurial Activity, necessity and opportunity-driven activity). Each of the four regional entrepreneurial cultures is characterized by a different entrepreneurial dynamics that may be plausibly explained by culture and income.  相似文献   

Bilateral trade effects of fiscal devaluation: Evidence from OECD countries     
Halis Kıral 《The journal of international trade & economic development》2018,27(6):585-606
This paper empirically examines the effects of a fiscal devaluation on bilateral trade. To this end, employers’ social contribution (ESC) and value-added tax (VAT), which stand as the factors that represent typical fiscal devaluation, are embodied within the framework of a gravity model. Fixed effects vector decomposition (FEVD) technique is applied to the empirical models specified within this framework, employing panel data from 22 OECD countries over the 1980–2014 periods. The findings show that the effectiveness of the fiscal devaluation policy seems to alter with respect to how ESC and VAT are measured. Considering the fiscal devaluation policy implemented unilaterally, the policy turns out to be effective in nine countries in the sample.  相似文献   

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