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Much has been learned about emerging markets finance over the past 20 years. These markets have attracted a unique interdisciplinary interest that bridges both investment and corporate finance with international economics, development economics, law, demographics and political science. Our paper focuses on the research areas that are ripe for exploration.  相似文献   

Many modern computational approaches to classical problems in quantitative finance are formulated as empirical loss minimization (ERM), allowing direct applications of classical results from statistical machine learning. These methods, designed to directly construct the optimal feedback representation of hedging or investment decisions, are analyzed in this framework demonstrating their effectiveness as well as their susceptibility to generalization error. Use of classical techniques shows that over-training renders trained investment decisions to become anticipative, and proves overlearning for large hypothesis spaces. On the other hand, nonasymptotic estimates based on Rademacher complexity show the convergence for sufficiently large training sets. These results emphasize the importance of synthetic data generation and the appropriate calibration of complex models to market data. A numerically studied stylized example illustrates these possibilities, including the importance of problem dimension in the degree of overlearning, and the effectiveness of this approach.  相似文献   

当前我国经济体制处于转轨期,由于财政民主成分的缺失,严重影响着公共财政制度的建立.因此,本文从研究民主的内涵与外延着手,通过剖析民主与透明、科学决策、集中、制衡的四项关系,提出民主财政是政府的各项财政决策反映民意,受民众监督的一种制度.本文认为民主财政意味着人们通过民主机制控制公共财政.由于民主财政既是公共的又受民主机制的控制,因此,它对政府治理具有深刻和全面的影响.财政民主化则是一个动态的过程,是从一种民主化程度较低的财政制度向民主化程度较高的财政制度不断转化的过程.因此,推进财政民主化改革应着重增强财政透明度、建立财政制衡机制、推进政府预算的科学决策和中央与地方之间适度的财政分权.  相似文献   

中国财政体制的目标定位与改革思路   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
夏杰长 《财贸经济》2003,(10):26-30
在向市场经济体制转型过程中,明确财政体制改革的方向与目标是极为重要和紧迫的.用公共财政理论构筑与市场经济模式相适应的现代财政体制,是一个方向性选择.今后一段时期,财政体制的改革与创新要从界定政府事权范围、科学划分政府间税种、规范政府间转移支付制度、完善支出管理制度等方面入手.  相似文献   

The article argues that the primary cause of the current subprime mortgage crisis in the United States is the absence of adequate market discipline in the financial system. This tends to promote excessive lending, high leverage, speculation, and an unsustainable rise in asset prices. Unwinding later on gives rise to a vicious cycle of selling that feeds on itself and leads to a steep decline in asset prices followed by financial crisis and economic slowdown. The solution lies in introducing risk sharing along with the availability of credit for primarily the purchase of real goods and services that Islamic finance aims at introducing. This can help inject greater discipline into the system and, thereby, substantially reduce financial instability. Since the introduction of greater discipline into the financial system may deprive the subprime borrowers of credit, the article also discusses the need for finding ways of satisfying their genuine credit needs. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This paper briefly surveys the literature on finance, growth, and policy in China and emerging markets. We introduce the papers that comprise this special issue of Emerging Markets Review. The papers comprise themes in corporate social responsibility, innovation, insider trading, financial reporting behaviours, and financial openness. Also, we discuss research trends and offer suggestions for future research on corporate governance and finance in China and emerging markets.  相似文献   

房地产税收与住宅资产价格:理论分析与政策评价   总被引:33,自引:1,他引:33  
房产税会降低住宅资产的长期均衡价格 ,短期效果是提高房租、降低均衡住房供给量且有效率损失。住宅转让所得税降低了住宅资产价格 ,具有抑制房地产投机的功能 ,但其效果取决于能否设计出一种甄别投机与投资 (或自住 )交易的机制。歧视性契税可抑制投机性住宅需求 ,但让其发挥资源配置作用显然是扩大了契税的原有功能 ,这种政策只宜作为一种过渡性制度安排。  相似文献   

This paper considers the impact of full Islamic shari’ya compliance on developing stock exchanges in their effective provision of development capital. Evidence from a unique study focussing on the Sudan telecommunications company and its listings on the Khartoum as well as Arabian Gulf stock exchanges reveals that costs of capital are considerably higher in the former than latter markets. While there are firm governance benefits arising from Islamic finance monitoring costs are substantial and the banking system is better placed to administer financing arrangements. Larger firms are better placed to circumvent this segmentation through cross-listing on regional exchanges.  相似文献   

The present research design adopts the dual instruments of the mail-survey questionnaire and the interview. The research was aimed at deriving an objective function of an Asia-Pacific finance and investment model of the Republic of China in the twenty-first century. The objective function consists of three types of policy or strategic variables pertinent to economic achievement, global finance and investment strategy, the macro-impact on international finance and investment. Another purpose of this study was to confirm three hypotheses qualitatively through empirical findings.  相似文献   

市民眼中的宜居标准:多元与统一   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
亚里士多德说:“人们为了活着,聚集于城市;为了活得更好,而居留于城市。”1933年国际现代建筑协会通过的《雅典宪章》明确指出居住是城市的首要功能,城市是市民的生活空间,倡导站在市民都市生活活动立场进行城市规划建设,要把满足市民心理、生理的需求与社会、经济、政治条件结  相似文献   

The authors investigated the role of influence factors and information sources why African Americans choose or do not choose a career in accounting or finance. The most important factor was career-based occupational growth. Students were more deeply influenced by information on the university's website than any other media source. The findings will provide useful insights for the university's administrators, and accounting and finance professional bodies in formulating strategies to promote accounting and finance careers.  相似文献   

2008年12月21日,由中国广告主协会和北京大学新闻与传播学院共同主办,北京大学新媒体营销传播(CCM)研究中心负责执行、远景联动网络新名词有限公司承办的“2008年新媒体保险单传播管理高峰论坛暨首届新媒体营销传播案例评选、企业网站品牌传播力、中国城市旅游网誉指数发布典礼”在北大博雅国际会议中心举办。  相似文献   

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