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The objectives of this study were to examine whether consistency and comparability has been achieved through the introduction of AASB 1037 and the subsequent adoption of AASB 141. We find that consistency in measurement methods has not been achieved through the introduction of a prescribed accounting method under AASB 1037 and is not likely to be achieved through the application of AASB 141. Consistency was found however in the application of measurement methods over time and, in particular, in these SGARA types of native forests and plantation timber. The study contributes to an understanding of the issues faced by Australian firms surrounding the processes leading to the introduction of a new accounting standard.  相似文献   

International developments are set to reignite the controversy over how self-generating and regenerating assets (SGARAs) are measured. The International Accounting Standards Committee is working on an international accounting standard on agriculture due to be effective some time after 1 January 2002. The standard is expected to be similar to AASB 1037 Self-Generating and Regenerating Assets. This is an interesting development since the Australian Accounting Standards Board was urged to not move ahead of international developments when it released Exposure Draft 83 Self-Generating and Regenerating Assets
This paper surveys Australian SGARA measurement practices to assess the extent of reporting change required by AASB 103 7 and its international counterpart.  相似文献   

This study investigates whether the revised AASB 1020 Income Taxes was adopted early by Top 100 publicly listed companies in Australia between 2000 and 2004. We found that only three of the companies adopted the revised standard before its implementation date of 1 January 2005. Interviews with senior company representatives indicated that the three companies had quite different reasons for early adoption. Non-early-adopting companies had considered that the revised standard would not make a material difference to their reporting results. Tax consolidations and the impending international financial reporting standards were regarded as more important issues.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is twofold: (i) to investigate whether New South Wales (NSW) local government councils comply with Australian Accounting Standards in accounting for revaluation of their infrastructure assets and (ii) to assess any consequences for the reliability of financial reporting in NSW local government. Using road assets as an example, we analyse the results of revaluations of road assets undertaken by 89 NSW councils as reported in their financial statements during the period 2013 to 2016. In this analysis we focus on the effect of a change in accumulated depreciation and impairment loss component of fair value as a percentage of the gross replacement cost of the revalued assets. The analysis reveals that in most cases this effect is significant. However, the accounting and reporting of this effect is strikingly inconsistent between the councils. Based on a critical analysis of the accounting framework and disclosure of the revaluation effects, we conclude that the main reason for the change in the fair value of assets is altered estimates of remaining useful life. Furthermore, we argue that councils did not comply with the requirements of AASB 116 in determining the useful life of the assets.  相似文献   

Valuation of SGARAs IN THE Wine Industry: Time for Sober Reflection   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The application of AASB 1037 Self Generating and Regenerating Assets provides little guidance to the commercial performance of winemakers. The valuation of grapevines essentially requires the valuation of a segment of a business (vineyards), from which is deducted the value of associated infrastructure. Grapevines are reported at a fictional "net market value" even though they cannot be bought or sold. The combination of recognising revaluation increments as distributable profits through the valuation of grapevines at "net market value", and the subsequent "amortisation" of those revaluation increments over the useful lives of the grapevines, creates a reporting maze which is more likely to confuse than inform.  相似文献   

This paper examines changes in segment reporting in the Australian banking industry following the introduction of the revised AASB 1005 Segment Reporting. We find that the standard has implications for the qualitative characteristics of "understandability" and "comparability". Feedback on the revised standard is timely, as both the AASB and the IASB have recently issued new segmental reporting standards that are based on US GAAP's management approach of determining operating segments.  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyse the factors that have shaped the approach taken by the Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB) in addressing the issue of differential reporting in Australia. In contrast to its early adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards in 2005, the AASB has signalled an independent approach to differential reporting. Still in progress at the time of writing, we show how the AASB's approach has been shaped by feedback from key stakeholder groups, as well as by influential individuals and key events. In the face of strongly held views on both sides of the debate, the Board has moved from reliance on discursive techniques to develop and justify proposed policies to embracing to a greater extent, the use of more objective research evidence to resolve the empirical questions presented in the public debate.  相似文献   

In Australia accounting requirements for companies to report on superannuation fund costs substantially lag those overseas and are unsettled. Superannuation commitments for defined-benefit funds are required to be disclosed by sponsoring employers, although corporations are not required to disclose interests in defined-contribution funds. This paper documents the extent of companies' annual report disclosures of interests in defined-benefit superannuation funds. The paper also reviews the debate on pension accounting overseas and examines the impact of AASB 1028 on the reporting practices of sponsoring firms.  相似文献   

This study examines changes in segment reporting in Australia following the adoption of the international accounting standard, IFRS 8 Operating Segments. We analyse segment disclosures of the top 200 companies listed on the Australian Stock Exchange in their pre‐ and post‐adoption of AASB 8, the equivalent Australian standard to IFRS 8. Our findings indicate that the number of reportable segments and the extent of disclosure have increased post‐adoption of AASB 8. Contrary to expectations, however, there is very little change in the identification of reportable segments. Companies, in general, have managed to retain their segment reporting formats and disclosures from the pre‐AASB 8 period.  相似文献   

The Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB) and the Financial Reporting Standards Board (FRSB) have issued a joint proposal that will allow reporting entities to choose between the direct and indirect method of reporting cash flow statements. This evidence presented in this paper indicates that the direct cash flow reporting format, relative to the indirect method, leads to better prediction of future firm performance and has a stronger association with share prices. The AASB and the FRSB have to decide whether to support high quality reporting or harmonisation.  相似文献   

Years of debate have failed to produce an Australian consensus on accounting for identifiable intangible assets. The AASB in 1999 re-affirmed its view that assets such as brand names, mastheads, licences and trademarks have depreciable amounts that are required to be depreciated. Meanwhile, the Australian Securities and Investments Commission has increased the pressure on companies to amortise such assets. Following a submission from the Group of 100 and others in May 2000, the AASB resolved to place the topic back on its work program. Current proposals by the FASB to accept non-amortisation of goodwill and other intangibles with indefinite lives has "turned up the heat" for further AASB action.  相似文献   

Despite its long gestation, the latest release in the Australian Accounting Research Foundation's conceptual framework, Statement of Accounting Concepts 4 Definition and Recognition of the Elements of Financial Statements (SAC 4), is poorly understood by many accountants. The statement specifies definitions for the elements which form the basis of the information in financial reports and sets out the criteria to be used in deciding when these elements should be recognised (reported) in the reports. Statements of accounting concepts do not attract the same direct legal force as AASB accounting standards. Nevertheless, this statement promises significant reforms to financial reporting. Because of its potential to create far-reaching changes, it is essential that accounting professionals are familiar with its contents and application. This paper describes the structure of SAC 4, comments upon some of its important components and illustrates its operation and key features in the context of one element, “assets”.  相似文献   

The Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB) engages with academics and encourages them to make practical recommendations for the standard‐setter across three sectors: for‐profit, public and other not‐for‐profit sectors. In doing so, the AASB organised Research Forums in 2016 and 2017 that were of great value to researchers, practitioners and the standard‐setters. Four papers from the Forums in 2016 and 2017 were submitted and accepted for publication in this special issue. This paper provides an overview of the Forum, discusses the impact of conducting research and how the findings of the researchers informed the AASB’s standard‐setting process.  相似文献   

In June 1991, the Australian Accounting Standards Board issued AASB 1026, Statement of Cash Flows. Since replacing the funds flow statement, the new accounting standard has become a compulsory part of Australian corporate financial reporting. In contrast to cash flow developments in the US and UK. the emergence of AASB 1026 has been preceded by almost no significant research attention by Australian academics. This study surveyed the attitudes to cash flow statements of 210 public companies listed on the Australian stock exchange. Findings revealed that there was particularly strong support for the essential provisions of AASB 1026 and the underlying principles of cash flow reporting. The results indicated that the cash flow statement is important for a wide variety of internal and external decision contexts, and appealed to a wide range of users. Furthermore, compared with previous research (e.g. McEnroe, 1989), the present survey demonstrated that operating profit was not considered by a large number of Australian companies to be a superior measure of business performance to operating cash flow.  相似文献   

Efforts by Australian standard‐setters to harmonise public sector financial reporting resulted in AASB 1049, which sought to bridge the divide between generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP)‐based and government finance statistics (GFS)‐based financial statements. However, whether AASB 1049 has resulted in information that is considered appropriate for the public sector has not been examined. We explore this issue by comparing the requirements of AASB 1049 with the responses from a survey of public sector stakeholders on the appropriate accounting treatment and presentation of selected financial items. The analysis suggests consensus with AASB 1049 on presentation issues but less consensus on accounting treatments.  相似文献   

In 2000, the Australian Senate disallowed two paragraphs of the accounting standard AASB 1015 Acquisition of Assets, an unprecedented action that sent shockwaves through the business community. As a consequence, a legal dispute erupted between ASIC and MYOB Limited in relation to the application of the disallowed paragraphs, culminating in a recent decision in the Victorian Supreme Court. This paper describes the circumstances surrounding the Senate's decision and the ensuing legal action taken by ASIC against MYOB. It discusses the implications for accounting standard-setting in Australia, and the process by which an accounting standard is made by the AASB and may be disallowed in whole or in part by parliament.  相似文献   

An accounting standard for goodwill, AASB 136 Impairment of Assets was implemented in Australia in 2005. However, several issues of compliance with the Standard were noted in the initial adoption periods. This study examines goodwill reporting practices in Australia over the five‐year period from 2005 to 2010. It explores the extent to which Australian listed entities complied with mandatory requirements in relation to impairment testing. Using a sample of 287 Australian listed firms, we found that compliance with the Standard's goodwill allocation requirements generally improved; however, there was still non‐compliance for all reporting periods. Also, there was a tendency for firms to define the same or smaller numbers of cash‐generating units (CGUs) than reporting segments. This suggests the existence of CGU aggregation, which may have the capacity to influence the incidence of goodwill impairment, and thereby the financial position of an entity. Coupled with non‐compliance and a lack of audit attention, compliance issues surrounding goodwill impairment testing under AASB 136 still remain of concern to regulators. The findings are useful to academics, regulators and policymakers because they signal the (lack of) compliance with AASB 136.  相似文献   

AASB 138 Intangible Assets, adopted by reporting entities in Australia for annual reporting periods beginning on or after 1 January 2005, required derecognition of internally generated intangible assets. Prior to its adoption, the standard was widely expected to have a substantial impact on the reports of affected listed entities. On the basis of information available in the 2004/05 annual reports, this paper projects the expected effects of AASB 138 on reported intangible assets and on key financial measures. It compares these projected measures to the realised measures, reported under both Australian GAAP and AIFRS in the 2005/06 reports. While reported intangible assets and the debt to equity ratio were expected to change significantly as a result of AASB 138, the reported AIFRS results show a significant change in only the debt to equity ratio. The paper considers reasons why the pre-adoption expected changes did not eventuate, and also how the actual changes were reported to stakeholders in the management discussion sections of the annual reports. The conclusion draws implications regarding the transparency of communication in annual reports.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the impact of firms’ adoption of AASB 8 segment disclosure rules on analysts’ earnings forecasts. It examines whether providing more disaggregated segment information following the adoption of AASB 8 is associated with an increase in analysts’ ability to forecast earnings. We find that analysts’ earnings forecasts have not improved significantly after adopting AASB 8 in Australia, regardless of whether firms disclosed more disaggregated segment information. Our use of control firms provides assurance that the results are due to AASB 8 and not to some other events concurrent with the adoption of AASB 8. Overall, our results imply that the benefits associated with the management approach as experienced by financial analysts in the United States have not been realised by financial analysts in Australia. This suggests that the successful adoption of an accounting standard in one country should not be the justification for recommending adoption in other countries. Further, our results raise questions about whether the enhanced disclosures required in the new standard are more for the other users of financial statements, such as investors, rather than analysts.  相似文献   

This study examines the role of corporate governance in employee stock option (ESO) disclosures following the revision of AASB 1028 Employee Benefits in 2001. We find that, while firms do not fully comply with AASB 1028 ESO disclosures, they voluntarily provide other ESO disclosures. In relation to corporate governance measures that have a role in the financial reporting process, we find two corporate governance measures dominate our results—the quality of auditor and duality of the role of CEO and Chair of the Board of Directors. We show that, in general, external auditor quality has positive incremental association with both mandatory and voluntary ESO disclosures while the dual role of CEO and chairperson of the board is associated with lower levels of mandatory disclosure.  相似文献   

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