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每个星期五,丹佛斯武清工厂总经理张其中都会从生产和仓储部门随机挑选五位员工,与他们共进午餐。他无法在薪资方面给予他们任何帮助,但午餐期间却可解决很多问题。  相似文献   

其伟 《中国外资》2004,(5):32-34
<正>研读跨国公司在中国的发展轨迹不难发现大多数跨 国公司已经把“本土化”作为在中国生存发展的一条 重要原则,而成功的公关战略是跨国公司顺利实现关 系本土化的重要途径。跨国公司行销中国的公关招数 主要有以下几种:  相似文献   

投资大师巴菲特被全球的投资者顶礼膜拜,他有3条赖以成功的选股法则:选择有“壁垒”的公司集中持股;以“安全边际”买卖;只买看得懂的公司。在中国也有这么一位基金经理,矢志不渝地践履着这3条选股铁律,在1年多的时间内为持有人赚取了111%的回报。南方高增长基金经理吕一凡,用他与巴菲特一样平凡的哲理,走出了一条不凡之路。  相似文献   

一、寻找客户(一 )缘故法缘故法是一个新客户经理经常想到的方法。有许多成功的客户经理开始从事公关工作时 ,将自己接触过的亲戚、朋友列出清单。一般来说 ,一个人的亲朋关系有两种划分方法 :“五同”法 (即同学、同乡、同事、同好、同邻 )和“五缘”法 (即亲缘、地缘、业缘、神缘、物缘 )。运用缘故法公关有三个特性 :第一 ,容易接近 :不须过多地寒喧和客套即可切入主题。第二 ,较易成功 :以缘故法进行公关比直接公关法的成功率要高出许多 ,尤其是做人比较到位者为最为佳。第三 ,得失心重 :就是因为是故旧 ,才会患得患失 ,害怕遭拒绝而丢…  相似文献   

<正> “公关”。我们可以简单地理解为一定的组织和个人与社会公众的关系。有人将它与人才、技术、资金合称为在当今社会成功的“四大支柱”。随着世界经济一体化进程的不断加快。跨国公司如潮水般涌向中国,在激烈的市场竞争中,各公司采取种种公关手段,对消费者、媒体、政府等进行公关工作,力求进一步占据、站稳中国市场。但是,我们注意到,直到2、3年以前,国内的研究机构、媒体和来华的跨国公司,并没有对跨国公司在华如何公关进行全方位和有深度的研究和探讨。2002年,微软在北京市政府采购中投标全军覆没,一  相似文献   

近期,巴菲特午餐的拍卖又被中国人夺得.这次朱晔天将花费235万美元与巴菲特共进午餐,加上之前段永平的62万美元、赵丹阳的211万美元,三位中国人合计花费508万美元(相当于3150多万元人民币)和巴菲特共进午餐. 花如此巨款请“股神”吃饭,除了博得广告效应,真能从巴菲特那儿得到什么投资秘籍吗?  相似文献   

薛飞 《理财》2006,(8):8-8
6月30日晚,步步高电子公司的创始人段永平以62万美元(相当于人民币492万元)的标价,竞得与亿万富翁“股神”巴菲特共进午餐的机会。目前已举家定居美国的段永平,一掷百万金只是为赢得一餐豪华的午宴,目的是要“请教”和“谢  相似文献   

<正> 一年以前,当麻省理工大学经济学家Bengt Holmstrom成为诺基亚董事会成员时,他向公司的首席执行官约玛·奥利拉提出了一个问题:“你们的成功秘诀是什么?”他说:“你们肯定有个制胜法宝。” 这也许是当今世界上最重要的商业问题了。诺基亚,可以说是家喻户晓的名字。1998年,它超过了摩托罗拉,一跃成为世界第一的移动电话制造商。1999年,诺基亚的市场份额上升至27%(根据Dataquest调查,位于第二的摩托罗拉占17%),公司移动电话业务的利润达到70%,根据INTERBRAND资讯公司的调查,诺基亚已成为世界第11位最富品牌价值的公司(仅次于万宝路)。它的股值在4月中旬达到2500亿美元,成为欧洲最大的公司。虽然它的股值只是美国技术公司巨头思科、微  相似文献   

我们黑龙江省珠算协会是按照理论联系实际这个原则走出自己的珠心算算法发明创造道路的。现在汇报一下我们自己的体会。一、加减法研究的汇报(一)加减法口诀的改进我们现在珠算所用的加减法口诀源于明朝程大位的《算法统宗》。我们在80年代进行算史研究发现.程大位虽然在明朝是一位了不起的数学家、珠算宗师,但是那个时代还没有解析几何,运珠的向量性地还没有认识清楚。譬如,同样向梁加5,他有“五上五”,“一下五去四”等。都向一个方向运珠,且有“上五”、“下五”的用词矛盾。为了纠正这个用词矛盾,我们把拔珠方向规定为“上、…  相似文献   

<正> 在市场经济条件下,由于各方面的交往越来越多,各种关系也越来越复杂,“公关(公共关系)学”越来越广泛被社会各界所青睐和运用,公关机构在许多部门应运而生。作为与社会各界有千丝万缕关系的专业银行要顺应社会主义市场经济建立和发展的历史潮流,更新观念,不断改善服务。因而理顺与各个方面的关系,设立公关机构也就成为一种必然。  相似文献   

As universities respond to a prolonged period of economic rationalism there appears to be resignation, for the most part, that the role of a university is not what it once was. By adopting the operational strictures of economy, efficiency and performance, many universities are behaving like and being run as though they were a business. The term ‘corporate university’ now carries much meaning and has been the subject of significant discourse over the last decade. Resource limitations, political influences and competitive pressures are commonplace with implications for the way in which a university can fulfil a role in society, however that is defined. In this paper we consider the notion of corporate citizenship and ask whether this concept is relevant to the role of a university in Australia and New Zealand. In these countries universities are substantially (although progressively less so) funded by the government and are public service entities. The application of corporate citizenship to universities serves to highlight the duality of these institutions, which operate like corporations, and yet have more obvious historically based obligations to society. The comparison also suggests that as corporations are becoming more aware of the long-term benefits of a societal role for business entities that universities appear to be moving in the opposite direction. With a few exceptions academics have been reluctant to engage in public debates. They have progressively lost control of their working environment. The risk is that the public interest will have no place in the corporatised university of the 21st century unless academics increase their critic and conscience activities.  相似文献   

During the financial crisis, sovereign ratings have come under increased public scrutiny due to their strong impact on sovereign borrowing costs and hence financial stability of countries. However, their influence on corporations within and outside the respective nations has so far attracted only limited attention, although several academics have provided intriguing insights in this regard. In order to obtain a structured overview of this relatively young strand of research, this paper reviews key insights and conclusions that the extant literature offers on the role of sovereign creditworthiness for corporations. Herein, it focuses on the effects that have been observed for the corporate business environment, access to capital, and foreign investment activities. Different research issues providing fertile ground for future studies are identified.  相似文献   

There is a clear trend in corporate governance toward increased attention to the environmental and social impacts of business operations. Major consulting firms are advising Fortune 500 companies on how to become more environmentally sustainable, private equity and “impact” investors are measuring environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors, and voluntary reporting and shareholder resolutions on issues of environmental sustainability are on the rise. While traditional corporate forms allow companies to embrace social and environmental responsibility with some measure of success, various real and perceived risks encourage directors to focus on short‐term profitability. Even if a company has a strong social mission at inception, founders often have difficulty “anchoring their mission” over time. And the lack of required disclosure of social and environmental performance makes it more difficult for investors to evaluate and compare companies. Many believe that the institutionalized mispricing of natural resources and the continued failure to price externalities, combined with the progressive nature of climate change, require the transformation of both business and law. This article discusses social and environmental sustainability within the traditional corporate form and then explores three emerging alternatives that are now being used by businesses in California: limited liability corporations (LLCs); benefit corporations (B corps); and flexible purpose corporations (FPCs). Of these three alternatives, FPCs—a corporate form that requires shareholders to agree on one or more social missions with management and the board—may be best suited to meet the needs of the many small private firms (as well as some large public companies) that, whether for purely economic or altruistic reasons, plan to integrate ESG into their operations.  相似文献   

We show that information exposure through international business networks enables firms to take proactive measures that benefit employees and potentially the local community. Specifically, in the early days of COVID-19, firms that have business networks with China and Italy are more likely to be aware of the severity of the disease, and proactively implement work-from-home (“WFH”) policies that can protect their employees. Using Safegraph foot traffic data, we find a higher stay-at-home ratio before local governments impose lockdowns in zip codes where firms have a larger information exposure. These areas are also associated with a lower spread of COVID-19. Our main findings are more pronounced when local governments face constraints in quickly responding to COVID-19 and when firms have a higher WFH capability or have more investors with socially responsible preferences. Collectively, we present evidence on the role of private corporations in mitigating the negative effects of a public health crisis before government intervention.  相似文献   

Strategic foresight, in the sense of ‘understanding the future’ [R.A. Slaughter. Futures studies as an intellectual and applied discipline. American Behavioral Scientist 42(3) (1998) 372-385; A.N. Whitehead. Modes of Thought. Free Press, New York, 1966], can play a significant role in the long term success, or failure, of business corporations. However, in understanding the development and management of strategic foresight within business enterprises, instances where lack of foresight was exhibited, can be equally instructive, especially when these business organizations are some of the world’s largest multinational corporations and they are faced with a situation they had met before: new market entry.By drawing on 42 in depth interviews, conducted by one of the authors with executives from Multinational Enterprises (MNEs) currently operating in China, this paper identifies the causes and consequences in the lack of foresight exhibited by many MNEs in their China-market entry strategies. In this way the foresight failure is distilled into two factors: Failure of understanding, and Failure of anticipation.  相似文献   

In today's global world, corporate social responsibility (CSR) is increasing public demand for greater transparency from multinational companies. CSR is a new and growing financial risk factor. If it is mismanaged, a firm's corporate reputation can be badly damaged and a direct negative impact on its business and bottom-line may result. Instead of simply campaigning directly against industrial groups and lobbying governments and international organisations to issue new legislation, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) are increasingly putting pressure on the financial services groups and insurance companies. This new global tactic may affect a bank's relationship with its clients and shareholders.There are market benefits and competitive advantages for those companies whose business policies integrate CSR. The growth in socially responsible investments and in CSR awareness among City people persuades some bankers that the most successful firms of the future will be those who proactively balance short-term financial goals with long-term sustainable franchise building. To respond to this challenge, corporations will have to convince citizens they can trust both their brands and the people behind them. In this context, one must recognise that finance brands have been clumsily managed. Nowadays, several big consumer brands are used as societal role models, but they are also the targets of anti-globalisation and anti-logo activists. In order to avoid such an outcome — not to mention corporate mortification — the key social marketing strategy must be to communicate proactively the business activity's raison d'être to opinion leaders and the general public. In general, industry does not yet care enough and many companies are reacting only when put under pressure by public opinion. It is time, however, to market the social raison d'être of a business and indeed to contest its current exclusion from ‘civil society’. Consumer and service sectors lead the field. In view of the downturn of the global economy, more than ever before, CSR branding is of paramount importance to the financial sector if bankers do not want to become the easy scapegoats. It is necessary to make it clear that financial services companies are global citizens too.  相似文献   

Commensurate with the growth of their pay packages and public visibility, the role of the CEO in the corporate value creation process has increased significantly in recent years. This article argues that sustained wealth creation in a corporation has three distinct elements. The first and most basic is the selection of the lines of business in which to operate; this element is probably the most visible manifestation of CEO action in large corporations today. The second element is the value creation model, which answers the question: How is this particular set of businesses expected to add value over and above the sum of the values of each business or asset category standing alone? The third element is the internal governance system, which establishes the corporate structure and administrative processes of the firm and, perhaps even more important, defines the corporate values that drive the strategic and operational priorities of the different business units. The authors suggest that the essence of the work of the CEO is to develop and maintain a balanced relationship among these three elements of wealth creation and to ensure that the relationship evolves in the face of changing circumstances. CEOs are inevitably faced with dilemmas in managing this process—in particular, the need to balance continuity and change and to maintain the integrity of short‐term performance disciplines while encouraging not only investment in growth opportunities (which can hurt near term performance), but also experimentation and collaboration among business units (which are difficult to measure and reward with most performance measurement and incentive schemes). Adding to the difficulties of managing such dilemmas, visibility and a strong public image are often thrust upon (if not sought by) CEOs, who must then determine how they can use that image to strengthen the commitment of their employees and investors.  相似文献   

This paper presents an optimal business model configuration for public financial intermediaries (PFIs). Using nonparametric techniques on Italian public financial corporations, the most efficient business models combined asset diversification and income specialization. These business models were unaffected by external financial turmoil, due to weak connections between PFIs and the traditional financial circuit; and public–private ownership is more efficient than purely public ownership, regardless of the business model adopted.  相似文献   


The case of Cyprus with respect to the adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) is unique given the country’s strong reliance on international business and accounting-related services. As such, Cyprus has required the use of IFRS since 1981 not only for publicly listed firms but also for private companies regardless of their size. Cyprus’ reluctance to fully transpose Directive 2013/34/EU into national law cannot be unrelated to its long-standing requirement of financial statements that are not only prepared under IFRS but are also audited for all types of corporations registered in the Republic. We conclude that transposing the new Accounting Directive in its entirety into national law could have adverse effects on the Government tax revenue, the GDP of the services sector and the credibility of Cyprus as an international business and financial services center.  相似文献   

The paper explores the going public decision in a sample of family-owned corporations in Sweden, 1970–1991. the issuers' motivations for going public are documented and contrasted with economic theory. We find that the average firm is old, that a significant portion of the shares are sold by existing shareholders, that most going public activity took place after an exceptionally sharp stock price increase, and that going public activity is not related to the business cycle. the findings suggest that firms were taken public by their owners who wanted to liquidate their investment to finance consumption or portfolio diversification. the findings strike the common view that firms go public to finance growth. Data from other European countries exhibit similar patterns and suggest that our findings for Sweden may extend to other markets as well.  相似文献   

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