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Existing literature on research and development (R&D) alliances focuses on formation motives and performance impacts of these alliances but hardly on diversity of the partners' portfolio. Cooperation with a diverse set of partners leads to learning opportunities with regard to both cooperation and innovation skills and hence is expected to enhance the firm's innovation performance. This paper examines two research questions: (1) the impact of functional and geographical diversity of R&D partners on radical and incremental innovation performance of product innovating firms, and (2) the organizational determinants of partner diversity in R&D alliances. The empirical analysis is based on data from the Dutch Community Innovation Survey, R&D and Information and Communication Technology Surveys, and Production Statistics, which lead to a representative sample of 12,811 innovating firms in the period 1994–2006. Through random‐effects panel Tobit estimates, econometric models for both research questions are estimated. The results indicate that functional and geographical diversity act through different channels. Functional diversity leads to a variety of knowledge intake and synergetic effects necessary to develop and commercialize novel products. Geographical diversity results in successful adaption of existing products to different local requirements such as technical standards, market regulations, and customer preferences. The organizational determinants of both kinds of partner diversity are prior experience, patenting, and information technology infrastructure.  相似文献   

Since the Asian financial crisis of the late 1990's, there have been numerous calls for the reform of East Asian corporate governance. Without reform, fears abound that the crisis will return. However, a baseline understanding of corporate governance in East Asia needs to be established before reform efforts can begin. In the West, three major functions of boards are commonly recognized: resource dependence, service, and control. These functions have yet to be examined in the context of boards of directors of Overseas Chinese firms in East Asia. In this exploratory study, we examine the extent to which these functions are performed, primarily by outside board members, in Overseas Chinese firms in Hong Kong and Taiwan. We find that the service and control functions are less pronounced for East Asian boards than what would be expected in the West, while the resource dependence function is more pronounced. We also findthat the governance of the region is being moved closer to international practices by a new generation of leaders that have been exposed to Western influences and intense global competition. The implications of our findings for managers, educators, and researchers are discussed.  相似文献   

Addressing the interests of a wide set of stakeholders is important because it may have positive effects on financial performance. At the same time, however, it is also very complex because managers may face conflicting stakeholder issues, much more so than organizations that listen to only one stakeholder. Little is known about how multiple stakeholder issues are dealt with in the context of new product development (NPD). The objective of this study is to delineate the elements of stakeholder integration in the context of NPD. A combination of insights from stakeholder theory and market information processing serves as a theoretical perspective to guide the empirical exploration in this study. The authors take the development of green (ecological) products as an empirical context for their qualitative multiple case study. Specifically, they selected four case studies with different expected levels of stakeholder integration, based on literature about green NPD. Data were collected through in‐depth interviews with key informants, collecting documents, and obtaining artifacts. In total, 28 informants from various domains were interviewed. Transcribed interviews were coded using qualitative analysis software. The results show that a distinction needs to be made between market and nonmarket stakeholders, and that not all organizations are equally capable of identifying issues that are important to both categories of stakeholders. Organizations that identify issues that are relevant to both market stakeholders and nonmarket stakeholders are more likely to face tensions between stakeholder issues in NPD. Organizations manage these tensions using several, sometimes redundant, coordination mechanisms and using multiple prioritization principles in conjunction. Based on the results, the authors conceptualize stakeholder integration capability in an NPD context as the combination of stakeholder issue identification techniques, coordination mechanisms, and prioritization principles. They propose that stakeholder integration capability is the result of a learning process. Moreover, they propose that proactivity of environmental management and environmental impact of the industry help to explain why stakeholder issue identification techniques are developed, and that the identification of more stakeholder issues leads organizations to develop coordination mechanisms and prioritization principles. Finally, the authors propose that stakeholder integration capability leads to competitive advantage through organizational identification by stakeholders. The study implies that integrating multiple stakeholder issues is not just a matter of feeding additional information into NPD processes, but of changing the nature of these NPD processes.  相似文献   

以2006年~2007年间我国A股上市公司为研究对象,实证检验了我国上市公司中独立董事的政治关联是否具有业绩后果。研究发现,独立董事政治关联程度与企业以托宾Q值度量的业绩存在显著的正相关关系,该正相关关系在第一大股东为国有股的上市公司中表现尤为明显。该结果表明,我国上市公司独立董事的政治关联是一种有利于增加企业价值和提升企业业绩的至关重要的政治资源,对于第一大股东为国有股的上市公司,该政治资源的业绩后果更明显。  相似文献   

推动经济增长的主导因素由传统的劳动力、资本积累向创新要素数量与网络化程度转变。从来源看,区域创新源于区内自主创新与区外创新溢出。区域自主创新能力直接受创新要素禀赋条件的影响,集聚经济因素通过空间外部性作用直接影响区域创新要素集聚能力与水平。同时区域经济发展过程中形成的空间依赖产生区间创新溢出;对外开放过程中产生创新的国际溢出,都对区域创新绩效产生重要影响。实证分析结果表明,从整体上看,集聚经济与创新溢出皆对区域创新绩效有显著影响。因此,应通过强化集聚经济效应,构建开放式创新环境,提高吸收能力以充分利用创新溢出效应,并促进企业价值网与区域创新网“两网合一”,降低交易成本,不断提升区域创新绩效。  相似文献   

The proliferation of interconnectivity and interactivity through Internet‐based technologies enables new forms of support for new product development. This paper analyzes idea markets, which use widely distributed knowledge, the power of markets, and the Internet to support the crucial initial tasks of the new product development process, including the sourcing, filtering, and evaluation of new product ideas. Idea markets employ virtual stocks to represent new product ideas and allow participants to suggest and trade new product ideas in a virtual marketplace. This paper empirically explores the performance of idea markets in a real‐world field study at a large, high‐tech business‐to‐business company that includes more than 500 participants from 17 countries and features various idea sourcing tasks. The results indicate that idea markets are a feasible and promising method to support the fuzzy front end of the new product development process. Idea markets offer a platform and formal process to capture, select, and distribute ideas in an organization, which motivates employees to communicate their ideas to management. By effectively sourcing and contemporaneously filtering, idea markets help reduce the number of ideas brought to management's attention to those that seem worthy of further consideration. Because idea markets also have the ability to source many ideas, they can increase efficiency at the fuzzy front end of the new product development process.  相似文献   

The board‐level gender quota enacted in France has induced the massive arrival in corporate boards of a new population—namely, women with no prior board experience. We examine the positions and the compensation of these “rookie female directors.” We show that, conditional on their individual characteristics and firm effects, rookie female directors have had a limited access to the key positions within boards and have suffered from a significant compensation gap. We interpret this evidence of positional segregation as resulting from gender stereotypes that have persisted in the process of rookie female directors’ integration within boards.  相似文献   

本文利用2009~2013年高技术产业统计年鉴数据,考察了自主创新、技术引进和投资拉动对中国高技术产业发展的影响和作用,研究发现:投资拉动、自主创新和技术引进都能显著推动高技术市场化;投资拉动和技术引进能够有效促进高技术产业化;技术引进对高技术国际化的正向推动作用比较明显。结果说明,创新驱动和投资拉动是我国高技术产业发展的重要动力来源,但是对高技术产业发展不同层面有着不同的影响和作用。研究结论和相关建议为中国高技术产业发展实践提供参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

Recent empirical findings concerning the performance effects of service business model innovation (servitization) and its interplay with product innovation are mixed. Using the lenses of the demand‐based view on value creation and complementarity, the performance impact of two key service business models is examined: the product‐oriented model and the customer‐oriented model, implemented jointly with product innovation. Results indicate that the interplay between service business model innovation and product innovation results in long‐term performance benefits coupled with a degree of short‐term performance sacrifice. Service business model innovation in isolation from product innovation results in short‐term profit gains but long‐term knowledge loss and, thus, market performance decline. Our study suggests that firms need to look beyond the evidence on short‐term effects in order to achieve superior performance in the long run.  相似文献   

Research summary: Corporate scandals of the previous decade have heightened attention on board independence. Indeed, boards at many large firms are now so independent that the CEO is “home alone” as the lone inside member. We build upon “pro‐insider” research within agency theory to explain how the growing trend toward lone‐insider boards affects key outcomes and how external governance forces constrain their impact. We find evidence among S&P 1500 firms that having a lone‐insider board is associated with (a) excess CEO pay and a larger CEO‐top management team pay gap, (b) increased likelihood of financial misconduct, and (c) decreased firm performance, but that stock analysts and institutional investors reduce these negative effects. The findings raise important questions about the efficacy of leaving the CEO “home alone.” Managerial summary: Following concerns that insider‐dominated boards failed to protect shareholders, there has been a push for greater board independence. This push has been so successful that the CEO is now the only insider on the boards of more than half of S&P 1500 firms. We examine whether lone‐insider boards do in fact offer strong governance or whether they enable CEOs to benefit personally. We find that lone‐insider boards pay CEOs excessively, pay CEOs a disproportionately large amount relative to other top managers, have more instances of financial misconduct, and have lower performance than boards with more than one insider. Thus, it appears that lone‐insider boards do not function as intended and firms should reconsider whether the push towards lone‐insider boards is actually in shareholders' best interests. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper explores the relationship between concentration, output and trade usingtheory and empirical analysis of matched data on 82 manufacturing industries in seven countries. It finds that the higher is domestic concentration in an industry compared to international concentration, the lower is the domestic share of world output and thesmaller are net exports. This relationship persists even when industries with high levelsof concentration are excluded.  相似文献   

Integrating insights from the strategic goal literature and the knowledge‐based view of the firm, this article proposes that the pursuit of social and economic strategic goals by commercial firms affects their innovation performance through different knowledge sourcing activities. The strategic goals, knowledge sourcing practices, and innovation performance of 1257 Belgian firms are investigated. Results show that both social and economic strategic goals are associated with the use of external information sources, but only the pursuit of social goals inspires firms to engage in external collaboration. No evidence is found of an inherent conflict between social and economic strategic goals. Instead, the two types of goals are independent of each other, that is, an emphasis on social goals does not preclude an emphasis on economic goals and vice versa. Moreover, firms’ external knowledge sourcing and innovation performance benefit most when strongly held social goals align with strongly held economic goals. These findings offer new insight into the nature and the effects of goal multiplicity among commercial firms. They open up a new perspective on the potential positive effects of the joint pursuit of social and economic strategic goals instead of seeing them as inherently conflicting, as past research has typically done. We illustrate how social strategic goals can deliver unique benefits to a firm, independently of and in addition to economic strategic goals. Our findings also contribute to the open innovation literature by revealing strategic goals as a driver of firms’ knowledge sourcing practices. Our findings suggest that solely emphasizing economic goals may be one reason why firms struggle to implement open innovation practices and do not reap their full benefits. The practical implications of our research are discussed.  相似文献   

本文从特定组织模式以及要素特征两个研究视角对组织间关系与创新绩效相关研究进行了回顾和梳理,针对相关研究内容和研究方法进行了评述,并从上述两个方面对未来研究趋势进行展望,基于此,提出组织间关系与创新绩效研究的概念模型与实证构想,研究设计更为关注组织间关系的动态性、演进性和周期性,侧重阐释组织间关系的全生命周期演进及其与创新绩效的多层次交互作用机理.  相似文献   

创新是企业保持长久竞争力的不竭动力,创新行为对企业经营绩效会产生重要影响.运用面板随机效应模型和分位数回归方法,以2007年、2008年及2009年共3年的微观企业数据为样本,就创新行为与创业板公司的经营绩效进行了实证分析,研究表明:创新投入对经营绩效有正向促进作用,但缺乏弹性,并且其对经营业绩不好与经营业绩很好的公司影响都较小,最大受益者是经营业绩一般的公司.专利与企业经营绩效正相关,但专利对公司经营绩效条件分布的影响幅度并不稳定,表现出较大的波动性,非参数BootSrap方法表明以上回归结果具有稳健性.  相似文献   

This study is among the first to systematically evaluate the role of foreign ownership (volume of ownership and board representation) on self-interested strategizing behavior of organizational managers. Building on agency theory, strategic management and organization theory literatures, it argues that the volume of foreign ownership is unlikely to have any bearing on the extent of unrelated diversification that managers pursue. However, the level of foreign representation on the board of directors is likely to dampen such strategies. Results from the empirical examination set in India provide support for this line of reasoning. Contributions, implications and future extensions are explored.  相似文献   

作为知识产权保护重要制度之一,专利执行保险通过降低技术溢出损失和外部融资约束提升企业技术创新,进而对企业绩效产生深远影响。本文基于沪深A股2012~2019年上市公司微观数据,实证研究专利执行保险实施背景下专利保护对企业技术创新和财务绩效的影响。研究发现:专利执行保险对企业技术创新存在显著的“创新激励”效应,特别是对创新投入和创新产出的提升作用明显,在考虑控制内生性问题后,上述结论仍成立;技术溢出损失效应和外部融资约束是影响专利执行保险创新激励效应的重要机制和渠道;专利执行保险和企业技术创新对企业财务绩效影响显著,其中对滞后5期内的企业财务绩效提升最为明显。研究为完善知识产权保护对创新激励作用探讨,加快专利执行保险试点推广以及如何激发企业创新提供理论价值和政策启示。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effects of having a separate innovation unit on exploration, exploitation, and ambidexterity in manufacturing and service firms according to traditional paradigms of the innovation management discipline that innovation units should be organized in a separate department. Many manufacturing firms have such a unit while few service firms do. This paper sets out to investigate the advantages of having such a unit for exploration, exploitation, and ambidexterity, and whether there are differences between manufacturing and service firms that could help explain why such units are present or absent. The literature suggests that a separate innovation unit has a positive effect on exploration and ambidexterity in manufacturing firms. However, the effect on improving operational activities, that is, exploitation, is unclear. If exploration and exploitation are two ends of a continuum, as the literature suggests, more exploration comes at the cost of exploitation. On the other hand, others have suggested the possibility of an orthogonal relationship, where a separate unit can simultaneously enhance exploration and exploitation. In this paper, the Dutch Community Innovation Survey (CIS) is used to investigate these relationships for manufacturing and service firms, with a question added to the survey regarding the locus of innovation within each firm, that is, mostly within a dedicated innovation unit or dispersed throughout the firm. Our findings show that a separate innovation unit increases exploration, exploitation, and ambidexterity in both manufacturing and service firms. It thereby provides support for the orthogonal view of ambidexterity. A separate unit enhances the ability to exploit and be ambidextrous equally in service and manufacturing firms, but has a weaker positive effect on exploration, and exploratory and ambidextrous performance in service firms. This finding implies that both manufacturing and service firms benefit from having a separate innovation unit, with the advantages being greatest for manufacturing firms. In service firms, such an innovation unit alone may not be sufficient, as such units are expensive to maintain, while they contribute less to ambidextrous performance than in manufacturing firms. Based on the latter finding, future studies should make a distinction between the ability to be ambidextrous in creating exploratory and exploitative innovations, and ambidextrous performance, the ability to gain financially from engaging in both types of activities simultaneously.  相似文献   

A study was undertaken to identify the most relevant performance evaluation measures for joint venture managers and to analyze differences in perception about joint venture performance between foreign and Vietnamese joint venture managers. The results revealed five factors belonging to three perspectives of particular relevance to managers: operational efficiency (economic indicator), competitiveness and external customer relations (strategic indicators) as well as equity and working relationship (behavioral indicators). This study also points out that under normal operating conditions, there are no significant differences in perception between foreign and Vietnamese joint venture managers regarding both efficiency and equity. This confirms the need for equity in a joint venture relationship in order to maintain balance between the partners and avoid dissolution.  相似文献   

分析了卓越绩效管理与质量管理体系标准的共同点和不同点,并对企业推进卓越绩效管理模式的必要性和措施进行了探讨,为企业更好地贯彻卓越绩效管理模式,提高质量管理水平起到了积极的作用。  相似文献   

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