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The study reported here examined the relationship between workplace ostracism and employee psychological distress (i.e. job tension, emotional exhaustion, and depressed mood at work) by focusing on the joint moderating effects of ingratiation and political skill. Data from a two‐wave survey of 215 employees in two oil and gas firms in China indicated that as predicted, workplace ostracism was positively related to psychological distress. Moreover, the findings showed that when employee political skill was high, ingratiation neutralized the relationship between workplace ostracism and psychological distress, but when it was low, ingratiation exacerbated the relationship.  相似文献   

This study examines the role of political skill in the development and utilization of network resources at the individual level. Drawing on the behavioural and network perspectives as well as political skill literature, we propose that political skill increases one's network resources (developing network), which will benefit his/her performance and career success. Moreover, political skill is hypothesized to strengthen the relationships between network resources and performance and career outcomes (utilizing network). A two‐wave study on a sample of 281 supervisor–subordinate dyads from six electronic firms in China confirms our hypotheses. Our examination of the dual role of political skill facilitates a better understanding of the networking process from the perspective of individual skill/behaviour, thus enriching the behavioural theory and network literature. Implications are discussed and directions for future research are suggested.  相似文献   

The authors integrate the entrepreneurship literature's sociological and behavioural perspectives and examine the processes through which entrepreneurs first build social networks and then use the network resources for enhancing venture performance. Field interviews of entrepreneurs during a six‐month period reveal that political skill is an important individual‐level factor that influences the construction and use of social networks. Theoretical and practical implications of the major findings are discussed.  相似文献   

本文章分析了当前内地高校少数民族学生现状和特点,国家对少数民族学生思想政治教育的重视以及高校思想政治教育的主要执行者——政治辅导员的管理和配备工作,辅导员工作在少数民族学生思想政治教育工作中的作用,今后要做的思想政治教育工作及努力方向,高校辅导员思想政治工作内容创新及对策等问题。  相似文献   

We study how a regulator (Securities and Exchanges Commission; SEC) responds to IPOs that have a higher political profile. We find that IPOs with issuers (intermediaries) that actively pursue political strategies receive more (less) SEC comment letters than IPOs without such actors. Cross-sectional analysis reveals that the IPO's political environment moderates the relationship between social pressure for more corporate transparency and SEC scrutiny. Additional tests indicate that the political activities of issuers (intermediaries) contribute to a less (more) efficient IPO process. Overall, our findings suggest that politically active intermediaries have stronger incentives to accurately portray the IPO financial reporting environment than politically active issuers because they have greater reputational and political capital at stake; quite simply, the former have more to lose. We draw out the implications for theory, in terms of agency and reputation.  相似文献   

In this study, we employed the multidimensional view of LMX (LMX-MDM) to develop a model that captured different antecedents and outcomes of task and contextual performance. We tested this model with a sample drawn from subjects from the People's Republic of China. The results indicated that the affect dimension of LMX-MDM was positively associated with task performance and contextual performance. The contribution dimension of LMX-MDM was positively related to the job dedication dimension of contextual performance. Supervisory ratings of the task performance and the interpersonal facilitation dimension of contextual performance predicted the promotability of subordinates, and task performance influenced subordinates' intention to quit. Limitations and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

文章采用实证的研究方法,探讨了下属的个人特质、逢迎与上司的破坏性领导行为之间的关系,结果表明:(1)下属的宜人性和责任心特质对破坏性领导行为具有显著的负向影响,下属的宜人性和责任心越高,越不会引发破坏性领导行为;(2)逢迎本身对破坏性领导行为没有显著的直接影响,但宜人性在逢迎与破坏性领导行为之间起调节作用,下属逢迎仅在具有宜人性特质的时候才会发挥效应.  相似文献   

周锦 《价值工程》2014,(8):284-285
本文以计算机专业影视后期项目的研究为例,对原有技能教学项目进行改造、提炼,转化为教学项目,不断补充和完善项目课程教学,推进竞赛内容的普及化教育。  相似文献   

消费技能是消费者和消费资料相结合的技术和能力。这种能力从根本上决定着消费需要的满足程度。本文依据经济学原理论证了培育消费技能的必要性,并在对消费技能进行界定的基础上,提出了企业培育消费技能的对策。  相似文献   

纳嵘 《价值工程》2014,(20):214-215
技能大赛为学生职业技能培养搭建了平台。加强对技能大赛的研究和探索,对高职畜牧兽医专业人才培养方案的定位和优化、教师队伍的建设、实训条件的改善、学生综合素质的提升、教学方法的改革和校企合作等方面具有重大的现实意义。  相似文献   

雷萍  兰继军 《价值工程》2012,31(35):215-217
研究生的思想政治教育工作是一个系统的工程,导师具备优良的自身条件而作为其主要负责人,但现阶段我国研究生思想政治教育体制不健全,责任不明确,运行不畅通,教育方式与内容陈旧,因此导师的地位与作用难以得到充分的认识与运用。因此,提高导师自身素质,构建和谐的师生关系,采用形式多样的教育方式,建章立制,构建思想政治教育网络体系,以提升导师在研究生的思想政治教育中地位与作用势在必行。  相似文献   

诸映权 《价值工程》2014,(13):161-162
政工工作作为企业管理的重要组成部分,不仅可以提升企业的凝聚力和发展潜力,还可以形成良好的企业文化。所以,探索并发展企业政工工作,对于企业管理和企业发展有着极为重要的推动作用。  相似文献   

王雨 《价值工程》2011,30(13):274-275
阅读理解就是在阅读中对有效信息进行处理,是从对句子的低层次理解迈向语篇的高层次理解;笔者结合自己的教学经验探讨一些实用英语阅读技巧,如:训练以语义为单位的阅读技巧、训练快速阅读技巧、训练基于语境信息的推断能力和训练阅读整个语篇的能力等,以期提高学生的阅读能力和阅读速度。  相似文献   


Ambidexterity at the manager level focuses on the crucial, but underexplored, role of managers’ knowledge, skills, and behaviors to address competing demands and promote organizational ambidexterity. As such, to successfully complete their assigned duties, managers need to employ the appropriate interpersonal style and calibrate their behavior to different contextual demands. This study highlights the role of the individual in the ambidexterity process by introducing the concept of influence tactic ambidexterity, to denote the frequent use of both hard and soft influence and investigating its role on task performance. Drawing on the literature on ambidexterity and HRM, we analyze data from a sample of 172 middle managers and their corresponding 68 supervisors working for multinational organizations, and provide evidence that influence tactic ambidexterity relates to higher levels and less variation in managers’ task performance compared to the sole use of either hard or soft tactics. Our findings also show that political skill positively moderates the relationship between influence tactic ambidexterity and a manager’s task performance. Therefore, this study suggests that influence tactic ambidexterity and political skill can be considered valuable HR assets for managers.  相似文献   

段焰 《价值工程》2010,29(22):222-223
在新的历史时期,要增强思想政治理论课教学的说服力和感染力,提高其针对性、目的性和实效性的关键是高校思想政治理论课教师应做出新的角色定位。一名优秀的思想政治理论课教师,必须是学科教师、人生导师、心理健康教育教师三者的高度统一,文章对此做了全面的分析和论述。  相似文献   

城中村改造中的政府角色扮演:安排者、监管者和协调者   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城中村改造是地方政府实现彻底城市化,改变城乡二元结构的首要目标。以往的政府为主体的城中村改造模式遭到了越来越多的抵制,激化了社会矛盾,不利于和谐社会的构建。政府在城中村改造中应改变传统的主导角色,定位为公共服务的安排者、公共政策的供给者、改造过程的监管者、利益关系的协调者,为城中村改造的顺利推进提供服务。  相似文献   

党组织要在现代企业中发挥政治核心作用,必须与企业法人治理结构有机结合。文章通过分析党组织在法人治理结构中的角色定位和角色构成,提出有效发挥企业党组织政治作用的措施。  相似文献   

Advances in the research of work performance have been due in large part to the conceptualization of performance as a multidimensional construct. Recently, Griffin, Neal, and Parker (2007), have identified three different dimensions of work role performance: proficiency, adaptivity, and proactivity. Social effectiveness constructs (i.e., political skill) have been receiving increased attention in research and there have been recent calls for further research in the area. This study compares the explanatory capacity of political skill, professional experience and intrinsic motivation in the prediction of engineers' proficiency, adaptivity, and proactivity. The relationships were tested with structural equations analysis of 180 supervisor‐engineer dyad data. Results indicate that the three dimensions of individual work performance are significantly influenced by political skill and professional experience, but not by intrinsic motivation. The results also indicate that political skill is the strongest predictor. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

浅析思想政治工作在构建和谐企业中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
管恩军 《价值工程》2010,29(30):102-102
思想政治工作是经济工作和其他一切工作的生命线,思想政治工作在构建和谐企业中处于什么样的地位,发挥怎样的作用,这是新形势下企业思想政治工作面临的一项新的任务和所要研究的课题,本文结合企业管理工作实际,探讨在构建和谐企业中,思想政治工作所发挥的重要作用。  相似文献   

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