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近几年,由于电煤价格持续大幅上涨、煤质严重下降,新投产机组大量增加,市场竞争日趋激烈,加上排污费和水费征收标准不断提高,使发电行业的利润空间被不断挤压。大唐洛阳首阳山发电厂(以下简称首阳山发电厂)面对一度亏损的严峻形势,在加大市场营销力度、开展节支挖潜工作的同时,积极反思企业在管理水平、经营意识上存在的不足。以建设和谐发电企业为目标,从解放思想、转变观念、改进管理流程、实施细化管理入手,尝试以文化凝聚人心,以机制创新提高效率,走出了一条企业和谐发展的探索之路。截止2005年底,安全生产实现3104天;4台机组首次实现“…  相似文献   

学习型战略联盟:企业知识的创新与外溢   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
战略联盟是一种全新的现代组织形式.由于知识的特殊性,使知识交易存在市场失灵现象,企业为了转移和学习知识建立学习型联盟.不同学习联盟类型与不同的学习方式相关,我们区分了三种学习方式,探讨了与之相适应三种学习型战略联盟类型.并进一步指出学习型战略联盟的知识创新和学习竞赛导致的知识的外溢问题.  相似文献   

While a considerable body of research examines the strategic orientation–innovation relationship, findings in that literature have been mixed. This article calls attention to an underinvestigated problem: the composite, multidimensional conceptualization and measurement of most strategic orientations, which likely contribute to the mixed findings in the literature. To address this issue, the researchers explore a decompositional approach to the strategic orientation–product innovation relationship. The authors utilize the stimulus‐organism‐response framework to select, decompose, and recast a set of strategic orientation components previously identified to be essential to product innovation. To produce more nuanced insights, the authors also decompose product innovation outcomes into breakthrough versus incremental. Furthermore, the sample is decomposed by product type to assess the generalizability of the conceptual model across manufactured goods and services firms. The authors test the conceptual model with a sample of 222 executives of services and manufacturing firms in Germany and Switzerland using partial least squares. By decomposing the strategic orientation effects into direct, indirect, total, and specific components, the detailed empirical analysis yields several new insights. Overall, the results suggest that the relationship between strategic orientation and product innovation is more complex than previously identified in the literature. For example, the results demonstrate that technology orientation works to augment innovation differently in services versus manufacturing firms. More specifically, a focus on technology boosts only breakthrough innovation in manufacturing firms, and only indirectly by enhancing an organization's open‐mindedness. In contrast, services firms extract additional benefits from investing in technology directly (and for both incremental and breakthrough innovation), as well as indirectly by increasing open‐mindedness. The authors also identify complementary as well as suppressing effects on product innovation outcomes from different strategic orientation components. Based on the findings in this study, future research avenues are identified, and managers are advised to consider each component of alternative strategic orientations individually and evaluate the capabilities aligned with components to assess their interdependencies.  相似文献   

煤炭黄金10年终结,如何深挖内部运营潜力,保障战略目标实现,成为摆在煤炭企业面前一个极具挑战性的课题。阐述了战略地图内涵和特点,煤炭企业引入战略地图的重要意义,基于战略地图来思考创建内部运营关键绩效指标体系,探索煤炭企业创新商业模式、保障战略目标实现的有效途径。  相似文献   

如何在快速发展中越过中等收入陷阱,是一个重大的理论和实践问题,也是一个关乎我国经济长期增长前景的大问题。鉴于这是中国必须面对的巨大挑战,在经济发展与转型的重要战略时期,有必要进行深入探讨、提出应对措施,充分挖掘我国自身发展潜力,跨越中等收入陷阱。  相似文献   

随着经济全球化不断向纵深发展以及市场竞争的日趋激烈,科技创新正逐渐取代传统生产要素成为企业发展最重要的核心资源,但受资金、科技人才、研发平台等资源限制,单个企业或者企业间合作很难在创新方面有实质性突破,亟需一种可以充分调动各方积极性和充分利用各种创新资源的科技创新团队,而基于产学研战略联盟发展起来的产业技术创新战略联盟,不仅可以引导创新要素向企业集聚,还可以提升产业核心竞争力,备受各国关注和青睐。目前,国外企业越来越重视利用产业技术创新战略联盟应对技术创新环境的变化,通过产业技术创新战略联盟有效地实现联合技术创新,成效显著。基于此,通过对日本、美国、欧盟的产业技术创新战略联盟发展成效进行深入剖析和总结,以期其先进做法对我国产业技术创新战略联盟发展有所启示。  相似文献   

In search of fresh ideas, firms increasingly engage with external contributors in open innovation collaborations. However, research has found that such collaborations frequently fail, and has pointed to conflicting demands of control and openness. On the one hand, firms want controlled and selective participation, clarity of purpose, and a choice of ideas based on their own current capacity and value appropriation strategies. On the other, their external contributors tend to want open and unfettered participation, the creative potential of the idea per se, and unrestricted knowledge sharing. This article proposes to shift the conceptual frame from looking at the tensions between control and openness as problems to looking at them as synergies. Drawing on the literature of open innovation and organizational paradox, this article contributes a novel perspective on open innovation that suggests how firms can leverage open innovation collaborations through paradox by combining practices based on differentiation and integration.  相似文献   

The product innovation activities and strategies employed by successful innovators often differ from those used by firms having more mature products. Marketing strategies for innovating firms can vary along two dimensions of knowledge: technological development (stable and evolving) and market needs (known and emerging). In addition, producers often commit to forms of strategic relationships with their buyers because of the difficulties encountered when buying firms adopt and implement technological innovations. Starting with these two orienting constructs from the literature, Patricia Meyers and Gerard Athaide describe the kinds of learning that develop between producers and buyers when markets for a technological innovation are forming.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes how uncertainty and life‐cycle effects condition the knowledge boundary between assemblers and suppliers in interfirm product development. Patents associated with automotive emission control technologies for both assemblers and suppliers are categorized as architectural or component innovations, and technology‐forcing regulations imposed by the government on the auto industry from 1970 to 1998 are used to define periods of high and low uncertainty. Results confirm that suppliers dominate component innovation whereas assemblers lead on architectural innovation. More importantly, when facing uncertainty firms adjust their knowledge boundary by increasing the knowledge overlap with their supply‐chain collaborators. Suppliers clearly expand their knowledge base relatively more into architectural knowledge during such periods. But assemblers' greater emphasis on component innovation in periods of greater uncertainty is only true as a relative deviation from an overall trend toward increasing component innovation over time. This trend results from an observed life‐cycle effect, whereby architectural innovation dominates before the emergence of a dominant design, with component innovation taking the lead afterward. Thus, for assemblers life‐cycle effects may dominate over task uncertainty in determining relative effort in component versus architectural innovation. This work extends research on strategic interfirm knowledge partitioning as well as on the information‐processing view of product development. First, it provides a large‐scale empirical justification for the claim that firms' knowledge boundaries need to extend beyond their task boundaries. Further, it implies that overlaps in knowledge domains between an assembler and suppliers are particularly important for projects involving new technologies. Second, it offers a dynamic view of knowledge partitioning, showing how architectural knowledge prevails in the early phase of the product life cycle whereas component knowledge dominates the later stages. Yet the importance of life‐cycle effects versus task uncertainty in conditioning knowledge boundaries is different for assemblers and suppliers, with the former dominating for assemblers and the latter more influential for suppliers. Finally, it supports the idea that architectural and component knowledge are critical elements in the alignment of cognitive frameworks between assemblers and suppliers and thus are key for information‐exchange effectiveness and resolution of task uncertainties in interfirm innovation.  相似文献   

灵谷化工集团有限公司作为最早一批进行大化肥生产建设的企业,目前已发展成为中国氮肥制造的明星企业。近十年来集团进行了多次重大技术改造,采用国内外先进生产工艺,在技术创新发展上取得了一定的成绩。文章在总结灵谷化工集团有限公司技术创新经验的基础上,发掘其在技术创新问题上的不足,并提出提升其技术创新能力的对策。此举,对于广大化工企业提升技术创新能力上具有指导意义。  相似文献   

Using the case of Chinese Family Business Groups (FBGs) in East Asia, this paper examines the relationship between the strategic behaviour exhibited by an organisational form and it's administrative heritage. To do so, we trace the origins of the strategic behaviour that scholars commonly attribute to FBGs to the environmental conditions prevailing during their emergence in the turbulent post-Colonial era of East Asia. We explain how fundamental changes brought about by shifts in the post-Cold war environment of East Asia have confronted FBGs with new opportunities and organising imperatives which their administrative heritages have left them ill-equipped to deal with. In concluding, we explain how the lack of fit between a dominant organisational form and contemporaneous environmental conditions may have significant implications for the organisations themselves and the economies whose landscapes they dominate.  相似文献   

营销业务及管理的信息化,不仅是当前电网营销技术进步与创新的核心,而且是电网企业落实科学发展观、实现集约化经营的重要手段和工具,是实现管理创新、服务创新、文化创新的重要载体和推动力,也是南方电网公司实现“经营型、服务型、一体化、现代化的国内领先、国际著名企业”战略目标的重要支撑和保障。  相似文献   

There is a growing recognition of the opportunities of innovation through experience staging. The literature, however, tends to focus on high‐profile examples of firms from largely hedonic sectors, such as entertainment and hospitality. These cases provide vivid and persuasive examples, but they fail to address how firms outside these sectors can join the experience economy—a term coined in 1998 by Pine and Gilmore—by developing new products and services with experiences at their core. The paper reports on two studies undertaken to examine why firms that do not belong to sectors that are largely hedonic innovate through experience staging and how they benefit from doing so. The first study is an in‐depth case study of 15 diverse firms, which examines these firms' motives for pursuing innovation through experience staging. The second study is a two‐year longitudinal quantitative survey of 131 small‐ and medium‐sized firms (SMEs) to address the question of the benefits that firms that do not have strong brands can gain by from innovation through staging experiences. The first study provides the basis for classifying firms along two dimensions depending on the nature of the new products or services (referred to collectively as offerings) they create. The first dimension has to do with whether new offerings have a functional or experiential core. The second dimension has to do with the degree of experiential augmentation applied to offerings. The first study suggests that firms adopt an experience‐staging strategy to innovation based on both outward‐facing and inward‐facing motives. The outward‐facing motives include improving a firm's image in its market, entering new markets, and attracting new customers. The inward‐facing motives include improving a firm's attractiveness to employees and increasing profitability. The results of the second study suggest that creating offerings with an experiential core can contribute to success by enhancing a firm's image, its attractiveness to employees, and its ability to enter new markets. Moreover, experiential augmentation contributes to profitability, new customer attraction, and employee attractiveness. This research has important implications for theory and practice. In the first place, this research extends existing theory about experience staging to firms outside sectors that are largely hedonic. In the second place, the managerial implications are that innovation through experience staging can be an effective way for SMEs, even those outside industries, such as entertainment or hospitality, to create competitive advantage.  相似文献   

“以史为鉴,可以知兴衰”。管理学是人类历史上最伟大的发现之一,虽然它兴起至今不过百年历史,真正进入国内更是只有短短20余年,但纵观百年管理理论的风云变幻,展望未来管理模式的创新趋势,无疑能使企业更积极、更主动、更清醒地面对日益激烈的竞争和挑战。  相似文献   

This article explores the role of institutions in innovation from a service-ecosystems perspective, which helps to unify diverging views on innovation and extend the research regarding innovation systems. Drawing on institutional theories, this approach broadens the scope of innovation beyond firm-centered production activities and collaboration networks, and emphasizes the social practices and processes that drive value creation and, more specifically, innovation — the combinatorial evolution of new, useful knowledge. Based on this ecosystems view, we argue for institutionalization – the maintenance, disruption and change of institutions – as a central process of innovation for both technology and markets. In this view, technology is conceptualized as potentially useful knowledge, or a value proposition, which is both an outcome and a medium of value co-creation and innovation. Market innovation, then, is driven by the combinatorial evolution of value propositions and the emergence and institutionalization of new solutions.  相似文献   

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