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Opportunity formation plays a central role in the entrepreneurship literature. The two dominant perspectives on this topic (discovery view and creation view) tended to consider search and action as the main mechanisms. Drawing on strategic issue interpretation view and managerial cognition perspective, we argue for the inclusion of a third mechanism (entrepreneurial interpretation). Specifically, we develop the boundary assumptions and testable propositions of an entrepreneurial interpretation model. Then, we show how entrepreneurial interpretation informs both discovery and creation processes. Overall, our theory provides an expanded understanding of how individuals form and decide to exploit opportunities.  相似文献   

In this paper, we embrace the critique of the contemporary entrepreneurship literature offered by Foss, Klein, and Bjørnskov, and applaud their advance of the Judgment‐Based Approach (JBA) as a way to broaden our understanding of entrepreneurial processes by contextualizing entrepreneurial action. However, we believe that to attain the promise of the JBA, a broader inter‐disciplinary engagement beyond economics is required. Drawing on theory and arguments in the cultural entrepreneurship literature, we emphasize the fruitfulness of foregrounding the role of culture – a theoretical focus that is marginalized both in the mainstream entrepreneurship literature and in the JBA. We compare the JBA and the Theory of Cultural Entrepreneurship and outline how a wider inter‐disciplinary research agenda could be advanced in entrepreneurial studies.  相似文献   

在"双创"教育的指引下,越来越多的大学生投身到创业活动之中,如何提高大学生创业存活率成为理论界与实践界关注的焦点。本文以一家大学生新创企业为例,采用纵向案例研究构建了大学生创业情境下"机会-资源一体化"过程模型,揭示了大学生新创企业利用创业拼凑进行机会开发的微观机制。研究发现在探索期,新创企业以资源为导向,采用物质拼凑和技能拼凑,实现"发现型机会"的开发;在稳定期,新创企业以机会为导向,采用网络拼凑和技能拼凑,实现"发现+创造型"机会的开发;在发展期,新创企业以顾客为导向,采用客户拼凑和技能拼凑,实现"创造型机会"的开发。研究结果可为揭示创业拼凑内部机理的形成提供方向,也可为从校园走出的大学生新创企业利用手边资源、开发有潜力的创业机会、实现企业可持续发展提供有益的借鉴和启示。  相似文献   

We extend the cultural entrepreneurship perspective by investigating how entrepreneurs in deprived contexts gain legitimacy by leveraging proprietary and public places in their entrepreneurial storytelling. Inspired by the sociology of place, we present a longitudinal study of ten new venture journeys over four years in Kasoa, Ghana. We identify three distinct ways places are used in entrepreneurial narratives: projective significance of place, connective significance of place, and authoritative significance of place. We show how impoverished entrepreneurs construct and communicate places in diverse ways, not only as locations, but also as material and symbolic resources that provide legitimacy for their venturing activities. Drawing from our findings, we generate a model of place-based cultural entrepreneurship and elaborate place as a central resource in cultural entrepreneurship and new venture creation in deprived contexts.  相似文献   

李启秀 《价值工程》2011,30(16):148-149
本文以怀化农民创业培训试点县为例,依托怀化职业技术学院对400余名农民开展了创业培训。通过实践证明,农民创业维艰的主要问题在于农业创业风险大、融资难、政策支持不到位等等。本文主要就创业融资难问题进行研究探讨,分析了农民创业融资的现状及存在的问题,并提出了相应的对策和建议。  相似文献   

知识经济时代,创新是一个国家处于领先地位的决定因素。大学生创业能够促进知识、科学技术转化成生产力,能够促进民族自主创新,促进高等教育的改革与发展。培养具有创新能力和创新精神的人才,有利于缓解当前的就业压力,促进社会和谐发展。  相似文献   

高等学校积极构建创业实践体系,是培养高水平创新创业型人才的关键。本文提出了一个中心、一个平台,个性辅导与批量创业相结合,校、院、系三级创业指导网络的模式,以指导学生创业实践活动。  相似文献   

知识经济时代,创新是一个国家处于领先地位的决定因素。大学生创业能够促进知识、科学技术转化成生产力,能够促进民族自主创新,促进高等教育的改革与发展。培养具有创新能力和创新精神的人才,有利于缓解当前的就业压力,促进社会和谐发展。  相似文献   

How does entrepreneurial leadership drive the process of forming and advancing opportunity? Drawing from an ethnographic field study of Nashville music producers, I develop a model of entrepreneurial leadership as creative brokering – the practices and process by which entrepreneurs lead and mobilize a complex network of actors in co-creating and advancing opportunity. I find that entrepreneurial leaders encounter three tensions as they advance this process: 1) generating novel ideas and fitting them within the competitive landscape; 2) incubating opportunity and seizing the moment in the market; and 3) fostering experimentation and navigating hyper-competition. I show when these tensions arise and identify six creative brokering practices through which leaders leverage their brokerage role to navigate these tensions in order to move opportunity forward. The paper offers a model of entrepreneurial leadership as creative brokering, extends extant creative brokering scholarship to consider more distal market actors, and shows how creative brokering and leadership towards creative outcomes involve iteratively stepping forward to infuse market perspective and exert control, and stepping back to let others shine and co-create ideas.  相似文献   

万玺  徐彦 《价值工程》2015,(14):256-257
重庆市为了吸引海归创业,在基础设施建设与政策制度建设方面做了很多工作,但是依然存在创业政策力度不够、创业贷款融资困难、创业政策制定失准等问题,在实地调查的基础上,给出了提高创业政策吸引度,优化创业环境,搭建创新发展平台等对策,对于促进海归创业具有一定的理论与实践意义。  相似文献   

创业机会的识别、开发和利用既是小企业成功创业的重要法宝,也是大公司持续成长的永恒课题。本文以微软与谷歌公司为案例研究对象,选择两大技术型企业的核心业务进行追溯性解剖,揭示影响机会识别和开发的四大关键因素:个人特征、创业者网络、战略匹配、愿景与文化,从而验证了机会识别与开发的概念性模型。  相似文献   

This paper takes stock of the current debate around the informal sector and informal entrepreneurship. Informal entrepreneurship represents a worldwide characteristic of entrepreneurial activity, the main distinguishing feature of which is that it is operating outside the law. Since what is legal can vary considerably between countries, studies of entrepreneurship which exclude informal activity must be considered partial. Moreover, it can be argued that the distinction between formal and informal is not black and white but rather shades of grey. Although informal economic activity is often more prominent in developing countries and transition economies, it is by no means confined to them. There are parts of the UK, for example, where local economies are dependent upon informal employment and for many goods and services. More generally, much of the home-based economic activities, such as cleaning, painting and decorating and other services, are typically provided, at least partially, in the informal sector. As a consequence, it is difficult to argue against including informal activity as part of the study of entrepreneurship, and particularly where the entrepreneurial potential of an economy is being assessed.  相似文献   

凌信阳  樊猛  宋青 《价值工程》2011,30(4):108-109
提出了一种基于流程节点的时间管理方法。先对流程节点的时间属性进行分析,主要包括时间约束和时间冲突。在对流程节点时间属性分析的基础上,通过流程节点的时间调度算法实现对流程的基于流程节点的时间管理与控制。  相似文献   

There is increasing recognition that entrepreneurship research needs to achieve a better balance between studying to entrepreneurial activities and setting these activities in their wider context. It is important that these good intentions are realized and one way of doing this is to bring together ethnographic research with concepts from sociology and from pragmatist thinking. In this study, field research material is interwoven with a set of key concepts to ensure that balanced attention is paid to issues at the levels of the enterprising individual, the organization and societal institutions. The field research is innovative in combining depth study of several enterprises and their founders with the analysis of broader aspects of ‘entrepreneurship in society’. It achieves this through a process of ‘everyday ethnographic’ observation, reading, conversation and ongoing analysis. In the spirit of a pragmatist conception of social science, the underlying logic of entrepreneurial action is identified. This is a logic which needs to be appreciated by all of those who wish to understand and/or engage with the entrepreneurial dimension of contemporary social and economic life.  相似文献   


During the last 20 years, social and political consensus has afforded the successful gradual implementation of entrepreneurship policy in Chile, transforming the country into one of the world’s most productive entrepreneurship ecosystems. However, the excessive political and economic centralization that has characterized Chile raises the question of whether spatial dependence influences entrepreneurship and what factors have led to this condition. By applying spatial econometric tools to data from 320 districts in Chile during the period 2013–2014, we conclude that there is spatial dependence among districts in Chile in relation to the creation of new businesses and that the immigrant population, the presence of different categories of universities and local patenting capacity are the variables with the greatest positive effect on this dependence.  相似文献   

The economics and management literatures pay increasing attention to the technological, competitive, and institutional environment for entrepreneurship. However, less is known about how context influences the judgment of entrepreneurs. Focusing on the emerging judgment‐based approach to entrepreneurship, we argue that economics can say much about how the organizational, market, and institutional context shapes entrepreneurial judgment. We describe entrepreneurs as individuals who deploy scarce, heterogeneous resources to service customer preferences at a profit. Because of uncertainty, this process is essentially experimental, and context influences the experimental process. Thus, entrepreneurs will seek to design the internal organization of the firm so that it facilitates internal experimentation. Moreover, the market or task environment determines the need for experimentation (e.g., how fast do consumer preferences change, how does technology evolve, which assets are available at which terms, etc.). Finally, the institutional environment influences, for example, the transaction costs of acquiring and divesting assets as firms adjust their boundaries through ongoing commercial experimentation.  相似文献   

Our paper takes the case of John and Elizabeth Shaw, early nineteenth-century English hardware factors. The sources are almost 200 hundred letters written by the Shaws and their circle. Using these, two readings of the Shaws' experiences of creating a business are presented. The first is couched within a narrative structure of plotted stages and finds the Shaws starting, struggling to, and ultimately succeeding in creating a successful business. Here, their actions within a nascent industrialized economy can be described as entrepreneurial – they successfully pursued opportunity through founding an enterprise within economically and technologically auspicious environments. The second, more phenomenological reading, opens up for consideration the questionableness of their experience of ‘being in business’. Here the Shaws' understanding of themselves (as conveyed in personal letters) brings into question the academic tendency to emplot their story as one of the staged growth and profitability. Specifically, it resists attempts to ascribe to their experience entrepreneurial status, not simply because they did not think of themselves as entrepreneurs, but because the appearance of the business for the Shaws was woven with their lives in ways that belie the narrative direction and coherence that concepts like entrepreneurship give to it.  相似文献   

Regions have gained a position at the forefront of the economic development policy agenda. However, the regional approach to economic strategy remains contested. This paper tests the extent to which regional policy in less competitive regions is accounting for issues relating to entrepreneurship and enterprise development as a tool for improving regional competitiveness. It does so by examining policies undertaken by the UK Labour government 1997–2010, drawing on interviews with policy makers and an analysis of relevant policy documents. This paper finds that entrepreneurship policy at the regional level is multidimensional, with policies broadly ranging from those that are either economically or socially driven. Although there is a considerable policy activity in these areas across less competitive regions, enterprise policy making remains relatively undifferentiated across the regions. There are a number of evolutions in regional policy occurring, especially a shift from policies relating to the facilitation of clusters to those focused on developing regional innovation ecosystems. It is found that regional policy makers are under pressure to measure short-term outputs at the expense of long-term nurturing. The paper also finds that there is a tension between using enterprise policy as a tool for improving regional competitiveness or for addressing economic and social disadvantage.  相似文献   

陈娅萍 《价值工程》2013,32(1):286-287
高校开展创业教育有利于经济繁荣,缓解就业压力,促进学生全面发展,本文以陕西科技大学创业教育现状为例进行高校创业教育现状对策分析,在此基础上为高校创业教育探索出一条比较清晰的实施思路。  相似文献   

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