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在服装设计过程中,必须掌握和运用全方位、全新的视角去构思的方法,善于观察生活、积累素材,可以通过偶发性思维,如仿生构思法、移植借鉴法、心理构思法等获得灵感,利用发散思维、辐合思维、侧向思维、逆向思维等技法产生创意思维,并将灵感和创意思维用于指导服装设计,完成好的作品。  相似文献   

Can organizations exert control and provide structure for NPD activities while at the same time encouraging and managing creative performance? Any new product development (NPD) project requires some level of creative effort. In new product development, creative performance is of preeminent importance. Most NPD projects are executed with the NPD team as the organizational nucleus. As a result, managing creativity in NPD thus implies managing the creativity of NPD teams. Besides having to manage creative performance, companies are generally also concerned with improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the NPD process. Modern NPD projects therefore have the need for an approach that can be planned, optimized, and verified. As a consequence, systematic design methods have become widely used in NPD. In this article conceptual model is developed of the effect of modern design methodology on the creative performance of NPD teams. First, it is argued that the effect of systematic design methodology on NPD team creativity is mediated by the communication patterns of the NPD team. It is then proposed that four principles underlie modern design methodology: hierarchical decomposition, systematic variation, satisficing, and discursiveness. These principles affect NPD communication by, respectively, influencing the establishment of subgroups, the frequency of communication, the level of agreement or disagreement in the team, and the level of centralization of communication. Next, arguments are presented of how each of these four communicational characteristics shapes the creative performance of NPD teams. This second part of the conceptual model is tested empirically. This is done by studying the communication patterns in 44 NPD teams, employing social network analysis tools. These patterns of communication are then related to team‐level creative performance through a set of regression analyses. The main conclusion of the article is that the design principles work together and need to be considered as an integrated whole: the creative performance of NPD teams can only effectively be managed by using and aligning all four of them.  相似文献   

Building on suggestions from the work of Martin Heidegger, a distinction is made between two ways of being in the world. One is associated with the unplanned particularity and care of Dasein, another with the planning and thinking-out of design; the former is characteristic of a more traditional way of life, the latter of contemporary life. Included are brief etymologies of `Dasein' and `design', along with some reflections on the two-fold history of design of internal structure and surface appearance (that is, of engineering and aesthetic design, respectively). The conclusion sketches out a problematics of engineering design as involving a disengagement from fundamental human experience, and suggests the need to discriminate between authenticity and inauthenticity in the world of design.  相似文献   

At the beginning of this new century, design and technology educators face a serious dilemma: Practice conventional modes of design and technology, which have consumed proponents in Canada, England, Germany, and the US, or model design for sustainable lifestyles. Our conventional design, problem solving and technological methods embody a liberal, political ecology and in effect, these methods – our practices – are not sustainable. Using the political ecology of Nike shoes as an example, I describe ecological footprints, resource streams, and wakes as effective metaphors for sustainable practice. In contra-distinction to technocentric methods, I argue for modelling ecocentric processes rooted in political ecology and cultural studies. Attending to the political ecology of design and technology means nothing less than remodelling the design of lifestyles and reducing production and consumption in our practice.  相似文献   

The Irish model of social partnership is considered distinctive as it is based on the principles of deliberative democracy more than adversarial bargaining. The deliberative features of the model are considered to be threefold. First, the negotiations to conclude national social agreements are not confined to the government, trade unions and employers, but also include a wide range of civil associations. Second, agreements are not simply concerned with wage determination, but cover a wide range of matters designed to promote social inclusion. Third, there is an effort to avoid agreements being overly centralized by promoting programmes at the local, territorial level. This paper examines the validity of this argument by assessing efforts to forge a local dimension to the social partnership model. The conclusions suggest that while the model has improved the delivery of public services, it is premature to claim that Irish social partnership represents a new model of labour market governance based on deliberative democracy.  相似文献   

结合中国石油天然气管道局工程建设的特点,适时开展用户满意度调查,掌握工程建设的质量水平和用户的满意程度、期望与要求,寻求工程建设质量与工程技术服务水平的改进机会,最终能够对潜在的问题采取预防对策和改进措施,满足用户的需求。  相似文献   

折纸作为一种传统的民间手工艺,有它独特的文化艺术内涵以及无限的空间创意性。在受到极简主义及东方潮流的影响,手工折纸的轮廓以及细节开始在服装上出现,使得服装的风格开始返璞归真。折纸的挺阔感及线条的硬朗感也让服装有了全新的面貌。这让国内外设计师为她的魅力所倾倒,不断的探寻小小的纸张背后巨大的创造力。文章以折纸为主要设计元素,尝试出几种折纸与服装结合的方法,并通过服装造型来达到创意的体现。  相似文献   

The value of teams in new product development (NPD) is undeniable. Both the interdisciplinary nature of the work and industry trends necessitate that professionals from different functions work together on development projects to create the highest‐quality product in the shortest time. Understanding the conditions that facilitate teamwork has been a pursuit of researchers for nearly a half century. The present paper reviews existing literature on teams and team learning in organizational behavior and technology and innovation to offer insights for research on NPD teams. Building on prior work, the organizational benefits of NPD teams are summarized, and five attributes of these teams are identified that hinder attainment of their potential: (1) project complexity; (2) cross‐functionality; (3) temporary membership; (4) fluid team boundaries; and (5) embeddedness in organizational structures. It is argued here that effective management of these five attributes allows not only organization‐level benefits but also team‐level benefits in the form of new capabilities and team member resilience. The critical roles of leadership and of communication and conflict management training are then highlighted as strategies for overcoming the challenges to team effectiveness in NPD as well as for realizing five team benefits: (1) project management skills; (2) broad perspective; (3) teaming skills; (4) expanded social network; and (5) boundary‐spanning skills. The paper concludes with a discussion of the implications of these ideas for conducting future team research.  相似文献   

专利是知识产权的核心内容之一,是企业开展市场竞争的锐利武器。专利申请是企业知识产权工作中的一个重要环节,探讨专利申请方法与技巧有助于改善企业专利申请质量,提高企业的专利拥有量。一、充分论证专利申请的必要性一项发明创造并不一定要申请专利,有些技术成果以技术秘密形式存在,更有利于发挥它的价值;有些成果则采取文献公开战术,阻止其他企业申请专利。因此,在专利申请前必须充分论证专利申请的必要性。笔者认为,可按以下三个步骤作出判断:1.是否应采取文献公开战术文献公开战术是一种以公开发明来阻止对手获得专利的战术。如果企业…  相似文献   

Current methods of failed bank resolution are unnecessarily expensive for taxpayers and impose substantial costs on borrowers at failed banks. This situation is the result of distorted incentives imbedded in the standard contract between the government and acquirers of failed banks, which result in more loan foreclosures than if the loan were held by a well-capitalized bank. This paper proposes a modification to the standard contract in the form of a transferable put, which would introduce market-based incentives to the disposition of failed bank assets.  相似文献   

随着企业的不断发展,跨地区、跨行业的产业范围和领域越来越广,管理层级逐渐延伸,强化内部控制、防范企业运营风险愈来愈迫切。焦煤集团在营造良性内部控制氛围、强化内部控制制度建设、注重监督考核执行等方面的具体实践,实现了堵塞漏洞,防范风险,有效应对当前严峻的经济形势的效果,确保了国有资本保值增值。  相似文献   

钻井企业生产用物料量大、种类多、价值高,使得钻井物料管理难度大、成本高,质量跟踪管理存在滞后与空白。钻井队物资质量管理信息系统对钻井过程中物料管理数据特性进行了研究,采用钻井队现场物料信息电算化的管理思想和面向对象设计的方法,基于SQL Anywhere数据库与mobile link服务器快速数据交换技术,设计实现了一个钻井队现场物资质量管理信息系统,并给出了系统的面向对象分析设计模型和系统组成模块。钻井队物资质量管理信息系统的应用,能对钻井队物料进行有效地管理,并为加强钻井队生产用物资的质量管理打下坚实的基础。  相似文献   

We study the impact of work from home (WFH) on subjective well-being during the Covid period, where self-selection of individuals into telework is ruled out, at least part of the time, by stay-at-home orders. We use a difference-in-differences approach with individual fixed effects and identify the specific impact of switching to telecommuting, separately from any other confounding factor. In particular, our identification strategy avoids the influence of interpersonal heterogeneity by exploiting the multiple entries into WFH, by the same individuals, at different times. On average over the period, switching to WFH, especially full-time, worsens mental health. We also find a positive but imprecisely measured impact of part-time WFH on life satisfaction. However, this hides a dynamic evolution, whereby the initial deterioration gives place to an adaptation process after a couple of months. We also uncover a particularly pronounced fall in subjective well-being of women with children, especially in the first months; this could be associated with home-schooling.  相似文献   

应用创新方法可以提高创新成功率,降低创新风险,有利于企业自主创新能力建设,利用现代信息技术构建创新方法推广应用服务平台是促进创新方法推广应用的有效手段。创新方法作为一种核心知识资源,其推广应用必须遵循知识扩散机理。本文在分析现有平台不足的基础上,基于改进的知识扩散理论和现代信息通讯技术发展态势,对创新方法推广应用服务平台的改进方向进行了深入分析。秉承Web2.0理念设计了创新方法推广应用服务平台的架构与模式,提出了对现有资源整合的方式,探讨了利用 SOA 技术在平台上集成创新辅助软件的具体途径,基于情境式知识转移理论构建了网上互动环境,从而促进知识扩散,提高创新方法推广应用的效率,并探讨了平台的可持续运营机制,该平台具有简单易用、资源丰富、互动高效、可持续的优点。  相似文献   

本文介绍了电子设计的基本内容及发展历程、常用EDA工具主要功能及应用。  相似文献   

Literature on Design Thinking has mainly focused on whether its key principles enhance performance in the development phase (the D of R&D) of the technological innovation process. However, it has dedicated scant attention to the earlier research phase (the R of R&D). This aspect is surprising, given that many innovations fail as a result of early research actions and decisions. This article examines how it is possible and desirable to apply Design Thinking to the research phase of the technological innovation process. How can Design Thinking support innovation, even when advanced breakthrough technologies are at stake, the market is distant, and product applications and specific user needs have not been identified yet? To respond to this question, we investigate the research work of the design center of a global electronics company that uses a design approach called Proxemics to envision future interactions between bodies (people), objects (technology), and spaces (context). Although Proxemics is consistent with and implements the human centeredness and experimentation principles of Design Thinking, results of this study show that its logics and tools are different from those used in Design Thinking in the D of R&D due to the more abstract nature of the tasks in the R of R&D.  相似文献   

Working collaboratively with suppliers is increasingly cited as a “best practice” in product development. The importance of sharing knowledge between buyer and supplier in this context has been well recognized, although comparatively little research exists on the interorganizational socialization mechanisms that facilitate it. The present research proposes and tests a theoretical model of the impact of formal and informal socialization mechanisms on the level of knowledge sharing within interorganizational product development projects and the subsequent effect on buyer firm performance. Results from this study of 111 manufacturing organizations in the United Kingdom largely support its hypotheses. It is revealed that informal socialization mechanisms (e.g., communication guidelines, social events) play an important role in facilitating interorganizational knowledge sharing, whereas formal socialization mechanisms (e.g., cross‐functional teams, matrix reporting structures) act indirectly through informal socialization to influence knowledge sharing. The results also show that interorganizational knowledge sharing is positively associated with supplier contribution to development outcomes, which, in turn, improves buyer product development performance and, ultimately, financial performance. Product development managers are encouraged to build social ties between interorganizational development teams to increase the flow of knowledge and to improve both product development outcomes and financial performance.  相似文献   

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