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The economic impact of two industrial projects was forecast using economic fertility analysis. The results of the analysis suggest that the implementation of projects such as those described here add to the resources of government, enabling them to move closer to realization of social objectives, whereas concurrent decreased government revenues and increased transfer payments based on short term political considerations are directly inflationary and represent a threat to longer term social stability. The two projects were a crude oil petrochemical plant, with an investment of $200 million, and a controlled environment agricultural plant, costing $20 million. Direct, indirect, and induced economic activity for each project were calculated, from which income and employment multipliers, and forward and backward linkages were derived. New government revenues, balance of trade effects, and new capital formation were also forecast. Employment in terms of man-years on construction and in jobs created by the operations, as well as consumer expenditures and personal savings, were other outputs of the analysis. Construction and operation phases of the two projects were more beneficial than an equivalent increase in transfer payments in the generation of longer term effects such as new capital formation, new government revenues, and import-export balance, but were less efficient than increased welfare payments in generating short term effects such as consumer expenditures and short term employment.  相似文献   

The economic development features for the decades after the Second World War provide evidence that investments to new infrastructures are a key driver in strengthening the national economy and enhancing nation’s productivity, as it creates economic benefits and additional income. However, the decision for fund allocation and investments in mega infrastructure pipeline projects often must be made in conditions that are much more fraught with uncertainty. The key question in such decisions is if the economic impact caused by the new project could be able to essentially boost the economy by creating new jobs and generating new income on one hand; and which are the business sectors expected to archive the benefits of this investment. This article deals with the estimation of the mega infrastructure pipeline project economic effects in economy. The methodological framework is based on input–output approach providing quantitative estimations about the economic impact of the project in terms of new income and jobs. The numerical application deals with the assessment of a cross-border crude oil pipeline project, connecting the ports of Burgas (Bulgaria) and Alexandroupolis (Greece), establishing a new transportation corridor for the crude oil from Black Sea to Southeast Mediterranean.  相似文献   

This paper uses input–Output elasticities to identify important economic sectors. Elasticities of output employment and income are used to identify key sectors of the Greek economy. A comparison of the rankings of economic sectors based on input–output elasticities with those based on net backward linkages indicates significant divergence in sectoral rankings obtained from the two approaches. The elasticity approach yields more consistent estimates of sectoral output employment and income potentials than the net backward linkage approach. Measured in terms of the potential to generate output employment and income agriculture services and textiles are found to be the key sectors for the Greek economy.  相似文献   

法国经济目前仍然处在停滞不前的阶段,失业率高企、家庭购买力下降。法国2014年预算法案已讨论通过,主要在增收减支的基础上力求缩减赤字,促进经济增长,扩大就业。2014年,法国科研经费保证基础研究与应用研究均衡发展,重点扶持国家战略性产业发展,其涉及的领域包括:生态与能源转换、工业振兴、数字化经济、大学研究、卫生、航空与航天、青年-培训与国家现代化及国际工业新技术等。对2014年法国科研计划体系建设、经费管理、立项管理、申报程序及项目管理等进行了介绍,该计划优先支持基础研究,推动基础研究与技术研究均衡发展,支持国家战略性产业抢占制高点。  相似文献   

经济周期波动及其政府宏观调节是与市场经济共生的现象.经典理论形成了低谷和顶峰两极时期的财政对策,但忽视转型期的调控政策.我国新一轮增长拐点时期,将过去实施的积极财政政策转型为稳健的财政政策,财政调控的目标、手段、方式都需要发生改变.稳健的财政政策目标应该由单纯追求增长率转变为扩大就业,由类行政的直接调控转变为利用市场对企业施行间接调控,当前财政重点发展农村教育有助于实现经济由短期波动到长期增长的平稳过渡,并由此延长经济增长期.  相似文献   

国防支出对区域经济影响的主要分析工具之一是投入产出分析技术。本文在RIMS Ⅱ(Regional Input-Output Mod-eling System,区域投入产出模型化系统)基础上,讨论了区域投入产出分析的主要乘数模型:产出乘数、就业乘数和收入乘数。将乘数模型应用于国防支出的区域经济效应研究,我们发现,国防支出通过驻地军事基地和装备采购支出对区域经济发展的影响是显著的。由于国防支出由中央政府支付,经济区域内国防支出的流入意味着为区域经济注入了必要的生产发展资金,推动经济区域内循环往复的生产、消费、税收和就业。同时,不同类型的国防支出流入在区域经济内发挥的经济效应是不同的。以生产武器装备,承接国防合同为主而流入大量国防采购资金、国防R&D资金的地区,显然要比经济区内单纯驻有军事基地的地区有更高的乘数效应,国防支出对区域经济的产出、收入和就业的经济效应更为明显。  相似文献   

This paper explores the heterogeneous impact of a rural road improvement project on the economic activities and living standards of households in Morocco. Road pavement improvements are expected to promote better market access, encourage the transformation of traditional agricultural activities, and create opportunities for new economic activities. However, benefits may not extend evenly across different groups, and the distributional consequences call for careful empirical investigation. We employ a difference-in-differences (DID) estimation using a household-level panel dataset collected under a quasi-experimental setting in the 2010s. We classify households into three groups based on asset holdings (rich, middle, and poor). We provide several new findings. First, there was no significant transformation of agricultural production or sales for all groups. Second, rich households increased hired agricultural labor and began paid employment while middle households started new family businesses. Poor households, however, did not enjoy these new employment opportunities except for a marginal increase in family businesses. Third, due to shifts in employment, the rural road renewal project improved household consumption 3%–4% annually for rich and middle households, an impact not clearly seen among poor households. Thus, our findings show that the economic benefits of rural road improvement might not be well-inclusive.  相似文献   

中国就业发展新论——核心就业与非核心就业理论分析   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
正如企业创新作为市场经济的基本动力受到忽视 ,核心就业作为市场就业的基础在中国经济改革以来一直没有受到足够重视 ,因此造成了今天就业发展特别困难的局面。核心就业是指直接参与、引导、促进和扶持企业创新活动的那部分就业。在长期 ,核心就业的兴衰决定了市场经济中总体就业的兴衰。中国企业的核心就业水平目前仅达到 2 5%左右 ,总体核心就业水平达到 3 0 %左右。为了达到 80 %左右的市场一般核心就业水平的目标 ,中国需要改变现行的国有企业改革模式 ,建立政府权力均衡机制 ,以良性发挥政府功能 ,以及完善农村的改革和发展道路等各项政策措施。  相似文献   

数字经济时代数字技术与实体经济深度融合,中国制造企业面临通过战略变革实现创新发展的机遇和挑战。囿于理论视角和研究方法,现有研究难以指导管理者实现有效的战略变革。鉴于此,立足战略三角框架,运用模糊集定性比较分析方法(fsQCA),基于2018年中国A股上市制造企业样本数据,检验政府效率、创新创业活跃度、过往绩效、控股股东性质、市场竞争度与战略变革幅度6项条件对创新绩效的组态效应。结果表明:战略变革不构成高创新绩效的必要条件,不同制度情境下企业应依据组织要素特征选择战略变革模式。4种组态能够引致高创新绩效:高政府效率、非高创新创业活跃度环境下高绩效国企宜实施回避式战略变革;高政府效率、高创新创业活跃度环境下高绩效民企应实施妥洽式战略变革;高政府效率、高创新创业活跃度环境下非高绩效国企宜实施转向式战略变革;非高政府效率、非高创新创业活跃度环境下非高绩效企业应进行复兴式战略变革。  相似文献   

政府投资作为政府弥补市场缺陷的重要工具,在推动国民经济协调发展与经济均衡增长方面扮演着极为重要的角色。但是,由于体制上及投资项目自身固有的原因,政府投资在效率性与安全性方面存在着许多不尽人决之处,投资模式仍以粗放型为主,为提高政府投资的效率,防范政府投资风险,客观需要建立一套健全完善的投资审计机制。  相似文献   

Employment matters for development because it can raise household income, lower inequality, promote economic growth, and contribute to political stability. Many countries have high rates of public employment, but what effect does this have on overall employment and unemployment rates? This paper investigates if and to what extent public‐sector employment crowds out (reduces) private‐sector employment. In particular, we estimate regressions of unemployment or private‐sector employment on two measures of public‐sector employment. The study uses an especially assembled dataset, which is novel for its coverage of a large sample of developing countries as part of a panel of rich and poor countries. Our results point to full or just about full crowding‐out for the entire sample. Unlike previous cross‐country studies, which were restricted to advanced economies, we are able to show that these results also apply to developing countries, although crowding‐out may not be quite as high as in advanced economies. The results mean that high rates of public employment have an offsetting large negative impact on private employment rates and do not reduce overall unemployment rates. With the qualifier that government activities may help the economy in other ways, our results imply that, rather than creating public‐sector jobs, scarce fiscal resources could be better spent on other developmental needs.  相似文献   

A dynamic IS-LM model with a Phillips curve is used to analyze the consequences of familiar flexible government policies. The dynamic behavior of the model depends critically upon the monetary and fiscal policies followed by the government. If a passive stance is taken in which real government spending and the nominal money supply do not adapt to the course of economic events, then the model is unstable. The government can, however, follow simple policy rules which stabilize the economy. The most clearly stable policies involve the joint employment of monetary and fiscal policies.  相似文献   

This paper makes the case for analyzing the gender impact of economic policy, based on the existence of an unpaid as well as a paid economy and on structural differences between men's and women's positions across the two economies. Economic policy is targeted on the paid economy. However, unintended impacts on the unpaid care economy may limit how effective any policy can be. Gender-impact assessment will not only make the effects of economic policies on gender inequalities transparent; it will also enable policy makers to achieve all their goals more effectively, whether or not these goals relate explicitly to gender. The introduction in the UK of a new Working Families' Tax Credit (WFTC), designed to make employment pay and help reduce child poverty, provides an example of how gender-impact assessment could have been used to improve an initial policy design. The paper also suggests criteria for evaluating economic policy, so that its full gender impact and its effects on both paid and caring economies can be assessed.  相似文献   

中国不成熟的市场经济和特殊的人口环境使得用就业弹性和奥肯定律均无法有效反映我国经济增长与就业关系,更无法刻画经济波动对就业的冲击。本文从宏观经济景气波动影响就业增长的三个路径:劳动力供给、劳动力需求和政府公共就业政策来建立系统的分析模型,以探析经济波动与就业增长的长期均衡关系和滞后冲击效应。在劳动力供给系统中,经济波动使经济活动人口增多,加快了就业增长;在劳动力需求系统中,经济波动不利于经济增长,从而不利于劳动力需求增长;在政府就业促进政策系统中,社会保障和就业的投入缓和了经济波动对就业增长的冲击。  相似文献   

袁国龙 《技术经济》2021,40(4):77-86
国内部分学者基于土地财政的含义,认为土地财政出现的制度根源之一固然是我国的土地制度.基于此,欲破解我国目前土地财政困境,必先从变革土地制度开始.而土地制度变革的影响集中体现在土地制度冲击方面,土地制度的冲击通过弱化土地财政影响,进而引起地方经济的波动.试图构建代表性家庭、代表性企业及政府3个部门的新凯恩斯主义动态随机一般均衡(DSGE)模型,将土地制度冲击纳入其中.在此基础上讨论不同土地流转冲击下的经济产出、代表性家庭的消费、政府投资及政府债务等变量的变化,以揭示土地流转对于土地财政治理的影响.  相似文献   

从城乡协调这一视角可将经济结构分解成产业结构、就业结构、收入结构和消费结构四个要素(变量),在分析广东、江苏和浙江该四个要素与经济增长的相关性基础上,通过对广东、江苏和浙江三省1978—2005年的结构变量对经济增长贡献率的计量分析发现,产业结构和就业结构变量对经济增长发挥了积极的作用,而反映城乡收入差距和消费差距的收入结构和消费结构对三省经济增长有着负面的影响。要推进区域经济的快速增长,就完善城乡结构而言,既要加快产业结构和就业结构的调整,实现由第一产业为主导转向第二、第三产业为主导和农业人口向非农就业的转化,同时,还必须兼顾城乡收入差距和消费能力这两个重要要素,逐步缩小城乡收入差距,提高农村居民的消费能力。  相似文献   

This article studies the impact of decentralization on the shadow economy. We argue that decentralization may decrease the size of the shadow economy mainly through two transmission channels: (1) decentralization enhancing public sector efficiency (efficiency effect), and (2) decentralization reducing the distance between bureaucrats and economic agents, which increases the probability of detection of shadow economic activities (deterrence effect). Using various measures of fiscal, political and government employment decentralization in a cross-section of countries, we find the deterrence effect to be of more importance. The deterrence effect is stronger, the lower the degree of institutional quality. We find no robust evidence of the efficiency effect.  相似文献   

Since 2008, the U.S. economy has been mired in the second worst economic crisis in its history. Conceivably, massive government spending could bring the economy out of this slump as massive war spending ultimately ended the Great Depression of the 1930s. However, a far superior strategy exists: guaranteeing employment accompanied by retraining to enable all unemployed workers to become absorbed into the regular work force. Beyond ending the crisis, the superiority of this strategy is that it would institutionalize a procedure for insuring that, in an increasingly technologically dynamic and open economy, workers would possess the necessary skills for available jobs. Guaranteeing employment would also eliminate the ecological costs associated with the need to seek growth to generate employment at practically any cost. Finally, it would establish a new moral social contract, whereby everyone is granted the dignity that accompanies being a productive member of society. Welfare for those able to work could disappear, along with the degradation and humiliation accompanying it.  相似文献   

This article examines the long-term impact of government intervention and sectoral productivity on structural transformation. We construct a multi-sector Dynamic General Equilibrium model that explicitly incorporates government intervention as a force of structural transformation. The government affects the economy through taxation and lump sum transfers. We show that in the steady state, a reduction in the tax rate and an increase in sectoral productivity will decrease the agricultural employment share, and when nonhomotheticity of preference is strong enough, these changes can also increase the share of services employment.  相似文献   

绍兴GDP增长率、就业增长率和就业弹性变化趋势基本上一致,三次产业吸纳就业的能力不同。1994--2006年,第一产业的平均就业弹性为-0.77,第二产业为0.21,第三产业为0.26。绍兴经济增长与就业关系变动的特点与绍兴集群经济发达的特点密切相关。绍兴集群经济演进及就业结构变动趋势对扩大就业的启示是:发展生产性服务业;促进传统服务业转型升级;把青年劳动力作为就业和创业扶助的瞄准点;保持灵活的就业渠道,弥补经济增速下滑的失业损失;发挥政府职能,降低自然失业率。  相似文献   

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