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经济全球化与收入不平等   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
经济全球化被认为是造成收入不平等的重要原因,但理论分析与经验证据表明,二者之间不存在确定的关系。经济全球化不是影响收入不平等的惟一因素,经济全球化的不同方面会对不同国家以及同一国家内部不同群体的收入产生不同的影响。总体看来,经济全球化能在一定程度上缩小国家间收入的差距,而对一国内部收入分配的影响是两方面的;能否成为全球化的受益者取决于参与全球化的程度。  相似文献   

单玉华 《经济经纬》2004,(4):146-149
金融全球化是经济全球化进程中的一个重要板块。金融全球化对世界经济发展具有积极作用,但是这一进程中也有一些问题需要解决,其中发达国家和发展中国家之间难以体现利益共享原则,发达国家和发展中国家在金融管理和金融经验上的差异,使发展中国家时刻面临金融危机的旋涡,是这一进程中凸现的经济问题,也是包含着深刻伦理内涵的伦理问题。关注这一问题,强调金融全球化进程中的伦理理性,是金融全球化健康发展的客观要求。  相似文献   

The relationship between globalization and economic growth, especially in the poorer developing countries, is controversial. Previous studies have used single globalization indicators such as the ratio of exports plus imports to GDP. This paper uses a comprehensive measure of a globalization of Dreher (2006), which is based on measures of globalization of the economic, social and political sectors. Panel data estimates with data of 21 low income African countries show a small but significant positive permanent growth effects. The sensitivity of this growth effect is examined with the extreme bounds analysis (EBA). Contrary to the findings by Levine and Renelt (1992) that cross-country growth relationships are fragile, the effects of globalization and some other determinants of the long run growth rate are found to be robust by EBA.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether social spending cushions the effect of globalization on within‐country inequality. Using information on disposable and market income inequality and data on overall social spending, and health and education spending from the ILO and the World Bank/WHO, we analyze whether social spending moderates the association between economic globalization and inequality. The results confirm that economic globalization—especially economic flows—associates with higher income inequality, an effect driven by non‐OECD countries. Health spending is strongly associated with lower inequality, but we find no robust evidence that any kind of social spending negatively moderates the association between economic globalization and inequality.  相似文献   

经济全球化、中国收入分配与“人口红利陷阱”   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章从经济全球化影响中国收入分配的各个层面入手,通过数理推导和实证分析探讨了贸易全球化、生产与投资的全球化、金融深化、科技进步、教育水平等对中国国内收入分配的影响。结果发现,贸易全球化短期内会加剧中国的收入差距,原因可归结为人口红利陷阱,但长期内将有助于缩小中国的收入差距;生产与投资的全球化也会扩大收入差距,而金融发展与深化对中国收入分配差距的影响最大;技术进步、受教育程度提高和劳动力由低阶部门向高阶部门的转移则能在一定程度上缓解收入差距过大。  相似文献   

This paper addresses the challenges of measuring the labor income share of developing countries. The poor availability and reliability of national account data as well as the fact that self-employed—whose labor income is hard to capture—account for a major share of the workforce and often work in the informal sector render its computation difficult. Consequently, measuring the labor share requires assumptions. I consult social accounting matrices in addition to national account data to gain information on the production structure and self-employed incomes in developing countries. The final data set covers about 90 developing countries from 1990 to 2011. The data suggest that the finding of declining labor shares of previous studies also applies to the sample of low and middle-income countries. Furthermore, I find the labor share in developing countries to be about one-half in size and hence less than the standard “two-thirds” in economic literature.  相似文献   

This paper examines causal relationships between economic globalization, the three indices for product diversification of exports (Theil index, intensive margin and extensive margin) and economic growth in the unbalanced panel data framework in 139 countries over the period 1970–2010. We also consider the subgroup of the countries related to the income levels and run the panel Granger non‐causality tests for heterogeneous panels. The empirical results indicate that there is a bidirectional causal relationship between economic globalization and economic growth. There is also a significant causal relationship that runs from all three indices for the diversification of exports to economic growth. After implementing various robustness checks, we observe that diversification of exports and economic globalization are positively related with economic growth merely in the upper middle economies.  相似文献   

在全球化背景下国际人口迁移呈持续增长态势。利用"2013年全球国际人口迁移趋势"和"2013年经合组织国家国际人口迁移展望"数据,分析1990-2013年国际人口迁移的规模、流向、结构等的变动趋势及区域特征,揭示国际人口迁移的主要动力机制,包括发达国家和发展中国家之间经济社会发展的巨大差距、经济全球化、世界经济政治格局变动、国际移民政策调整和人口规模等,以及国际人口迁移对迁入国和迁出国经济发展、劳动就业、财政收支、人口增长等方面产生的影响。  相似文献   

技术进步、工资差距与人力资本形成   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文在劳动力异质的假设下通过建立一个二元经济模型分析发展中国家技术进步与收入差距的关系,结果显示技术进步主要通过直接和间接两种途径影响收入差距:其一,通过提高相应劳动力的劳动效率,提高其工资;其二,通过收入差距的扩大,吸引劳动力进行人力资本投资,从而劳动效率的提高,影响其收入.并得也结论,不同类型的技术进步对收入差距的影响存在较大差异,而这种差异在某种程度上影响人力资本投资,因此,在城乡转化的过程中,要缩小收入差距必须选择适当的技术进步,而且还要结合长期经济发展注意保持相应的收入差别.  相似文献   

尽管中国在经济转型过程中取得了令世人瞩目的经济增长速度,但随之而来的是不断扩大的工资收入差异和持续扩大的工资收入差距引发了广泛关注.一般认为,工资差距过大对社会公平和正义造成伤害,并直接影响中国经济和社会的可持续发展.基于家计调查数据并使用经济计量模型分析方法,本论文对中国在过去二十年日益增长的工资差距进行实证分析并探讨影响工资差距的主要因素.研究表明,政府对劳动力市场机构特别是工资政策改革是引发工资差距不断扩大的原因之一.本论文指出,劳动力市场机构的变化不是造成工资差异扩大的唯一因素;其它重要因素包括劳动力市场歧视以及制度性障碍,如中国现行的户口政策造成的劳动力市场分割等.本论文还从政策层面对减少工资差异提出建议.  相似文献   

经济全球化背景下,发达国家经济技术优势的压力、发展中国家之间竞争的加剧以及国内经济矛盾的加剧等,都会对我国的经济安全产生不同程度的负面影响。只有通过持续、健康的经济发展,显著提高综合国力,才能有效消除这些负面影响,保证国家经济安全。  相似文献   

城乡收入差距是城乡差距的一个重要表现,城乡收入差距越小,说明城乡一体化进程越快,反之,越慢。我国城乡收入差距过大是一个比较严重的问题。根据国际劳工组织的数据统计显示,绝大多数国家的城乡收入比值都小于1.6,只有三个国家的城乡收入比超过了2,其中就包括我国。因此缩小城乡收入差距刻不容缓,文章分析了我国城乡收入差距的现状和特征,利用1996-2011年我国29个省市自治区的面板数据,对影响我国城乡收入差距的因素进行了研究,认为影响我国城乡收入差距的因素主要有经济发展水平、国有经济占比、地方政府对经济的干预程度、地方政府财政支出中农业支出的比例以及城镇化水平等。文章结合实证结果对缩小城乡收入差距提供了相关建议。  相似文献   

文章对改革开放以来中国城镇居民收入差别变动过程中的"阶梯型"特征进行了研究。理论模型分析表明,劳动差别决定着城镇居民收入差别的基本走向,同时市场化体制改革措施的逐次推进,通过"制度诱发型"效率增进与收入差别的相互反馈效应在短期内会放大收入差别,然后政策的效果出现衰减,又引发了再一轮的改革,从而导致了收入差别扩大路径上的"阶梯型"特征。实证检验支持了理论模型的结论和前提。文章的政策含义是,制度变革过程中一定要注意市场化改革措施的收入差别效应及程度,防止单纯追求效率的增进而造成收入差别的拉大,有效而恰当的改革措施应充分考虑经济效率与收入差别的均衡关系。  相似文献   

This study analyzes the impact of economic growth and international trade on the level of air pollution. This is done by the estimation of the Structural Equation Model with two factors describing the structure of economic activity and air pollution intensity. It is further assumed that there is causal link between these two factors and that they are influenced by per capita income, international trade intensity and the Freedom House Index.The estimation results suggest that in the developing countries analyzed both international trade and per capita income lead to changes in the structure of economic activity and - as a consequence - to the increase in air pollution. In addition, the estimation results suggest that the impact of economic growth on air pollution intensity varies between the developing and developed countries. In the developing countries, this impact occurs through the change of the structure of economic activity, while in the developed countries, this impact is mainly direct and occurs through the sum of the scale effect and income effect. The positive sign of this impact suggests the dominance of the scale effect over the income effect.  相似文献   

近年来,我国持续增加的城乡居民高储蓄率成为中国经济增长模式的典型特征,正确分析这一现象有利于我国进行合理的宏观调控。本文应用1996—2015年省级面板数据,采用广义最小二乘法,构建双向固定效应模型,研究劳动力转移率和城乡收入差距对城乡居民储蓄率的影响。实证研究发现,劳动力转移率和城乡收入差距对城乡居民储蓄率均有显著影响,其中对农村储蓄率的影响尤为明显。引入劳动力转移率和城乡收入差距的交叉项可以发现,通过提高劳动力流动过程中农村居民获取的非农收入,能有效弥补城乡收入不平衡。劳动力转移规模和转移速度共同通过收入差距的缩小对农村储蓄率存在间接影响机制。在此基础上,本文进一步提出完善公共基础设施和投资环境、缩小城乡收入差距的政策建议。  相似文献   

文章基于1978-2007年包括中国等发展中国家在内的跨国数据探讨结构变化的增长效应,通过扩展MRW(1992)模型得出结构变化与部门间工资比的关系,并着重考察结构变化和工资差异对经济增长的影响。研究发现:(1)当部门间劳动边际产出存在差异时,劳动的重新配置有助于经济增长。(2)结构变化率和工资差异与经济增长正相关。(3)在发展中国家或地区,结构变化的增长效应最大,物质资本的影响次之;在发达国家,人力资本的增长效应最大,结构变化的影响不显著。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effects of population growth and China's entry into the world trading regime on the North and the South. In the absence of the terms of trade effect, population growth reduces the standard of living and causes a decline in welfare. Unilateral trade liberalization of China will worsen the terms of trade for other countries in the South, but will improve those for the North. Thus, population control is an important means to close the gap in per capita income between developing and developed economies. Trade liberalization by developing countries may not necessarily induce income convergence. JEL Classification Number: F1.  相似文献   

While high fertility persists in the poorest countries and fertility declines with per capita income in developing countries, fertility and per capita income are now positively associated across most developed countries. This paper presents a model where a U‐shaped relationship between overall fertility and per capita income reflects within country differences in workforce skill composition and household choice of occupation, fertility, and childrearing. The fraction of skilled workers rises with economic growth. By allowing for both differences in the fertility of skilled and unskilled workers and purchased childrearing inputs, we explain a poverty trap with high fertility, fertility decline with economic development, and the possible reversal of fertility decline in a developed economy where most workers are skilled.  相似文献   

企业创新网络:一种新型的技术创新模式   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
企业创新网络是一种适应知识经济社会和技术创新的新型组织形式。它作为相关企业知识交互作用的创新平台,为企业应对复杂的技术创新提供了条件。文章讨论了企业创新网络的产生和发展、网络交互作用特征和企业创新网络模式,并且认为我国企业创新网络的构建在于企业间相关资源要素的集成和区域企业集群竞争力提高。  相似文献   

国际贸易利益分配的比较优势论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以比较优势为基础的国际贸易利益在发达国家和发展中国家之间的分配并不平衡,发达国家依靠绝对成本优势,以较少的资源换取了发展中国家较多的资源,占有了更多的"产品利益"和正的"成本利益"。而发展中国家在"产品利益"不断下降的情况下,"成本利益"始终是一负值。此外,发达国家还利用了世界的比较优势和发展中国家的汇率过度贬值抬升了贸易利益。因此,从静态来看,以比较优势为基础的国际分工和贸易势必拉大发达国家和发展中国家之间的经济差距。  相似文献   

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