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上海发展对外承包工程事业是从1979年开始的,至今已有24年的历史,总的来说成绩是显著的.据统计,截止2003年6月,上海累计中标国际工程项目526个(含国内外资项目),合同总金额为81亿美元;1998年以来,由于市政府加大了对外经企业"走出去"的支持力度,上海对外承包工程合同金额年均增长率为21.5%,合同总金额为66亿美元,是1998年以前累计合同金额的3.9倍.  相似文献   

“十五”时期,是青海省发展历程中的最好时期,这五年,时逢国家实施西部大开发战略,为我们提供了千载难逢的历史机遇。全省各族人民高举邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想的伟大旗帜,树立和落实科学发展观,抓住机遇,开拓进取,全力推进“消除贫困、富民强省”和“深化改革、创新体制”两大历史任务,取得了令人鼓舞的成就。2005年,全省地区生产总值达到543.2亿元,年均增长12.0%,人均10043元。累计完成全社会固定资产投资1417亿元,年均增长20.9%。全省财政一般预算收入63.3亿元,年均增长19.5%。城镇居民人均可支配收入8058元,农牧民人均纯收入2165元,扣除价格因素,年均分别增长8.4%和5.5%。五年城镇新增就业15.2万人,减少农村牧区贫困人口77万人。“十五”时期是全省经济快速增长、实力显著增强的五年,是发展质量最好、城乡面貌改善最明显、人民安居乐业、得到实惠最多的五年。  相似文献   

上海发展对外承包工程事业是从1979年开始的,至今已有24年的历史,总的来说成绩是显著的。据统计,截止2003年6月,上海累计中标国际工程项目526个(含国内外资项目),合同总金额为81亿美元;1998年以来,由于市政府加大了对外经企业“走出去”的支持力度,上海对外承包工程合同金额年均增长率为21.5%,合同总金额为66亿美元,是1998年以前累计合同金额的3.9倍。虽然上海的对外工程承包业务已经初具规模,但是,如对以下一些基本现状进行定量分析,还是可以发现其发展后劲不容乐观,如要保持持续快速发展尚有一定难度:一是业务覆盖的地区太过集中。1998年…  相似文献   

对外承包工程行业发展现状及展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
改革开放以来,中国对外经济合作事业发展迅速,特别是“九五”计划期间,对外承包工程和劳务合作取得了前所未有的良好业绩,新签合同额和完成营业额都不断刷新纪录,外派劳务人数亦有增加。对外工程承包和劳务合作业务遍及100多个国家和地区,形成了以亚洲、非洲为主的全方位  相似文献   

总体发展情况始于20世纪70年代末的我国对外承包工程是在对外援助基础上逐步发展起来的,现已经作为我国对外开放的一个重要组成部分。经过二十多年的发展,我国对外承包工程取得了举世瞩目的成就。从工程金额来看,承包工程合同额从1979年的0.3亿美元增加到2000年的117.2亿美元,增长390.7倍。从业务范围来看,承包工程最初主要涉及土木建筑(如房屋建筑、道路建设),现已经走向多元化,不仅包括土木建筑等传统业务,而且涉及技术性较强的各类工业、供水、污水处理、危险废弃物处理、电力、石油化工业等。从工程承包方式来看,承包工程方…  相似文献   

对外承包工程定额是经营承包工程和劳务分包项目不可缺少的基础资料。在工程投标阶段,定额种类是否完善,定额项目是否齐全,定额水下是否适度,不仅关系到估价工作能否顺利进行,而且影响到报价的准确性,在项目实施阶段,工程定额是考核工效和开展核算的基础,是衡量施工管理水平的重要尺度。对外承包工程定额包括劳动定额、材料消耗定额和机械使用定额,内容形式大体上  相似文献   

对外承包工程的索赔秦骧远(中国公路桥梁建设总公司)中国路桥建设总公司在肯尼亚修筑的卡坦路一瞥工程承包过程中最核心的问题是经济效益问题。合同条款中规定最多、工程实施中纠纷最多、交涉最频繁的也正是经济问题。对外工程项目的管理中最关键的问题是要控制造价,因...  相似文献   

考核对外承包工程的经济效益有多种指标,本文仅以利润指标这个核心来试加分析。1979年我国对外开展承包工程以来,这项业务无论从广度还是深度上均获得了长足的进展。截至1987年底,各对外承包公司先后在世界各地的112个国家和地区开展了承包工程和劳务合作业务,共签订承包劳务合同5100多项,总金额约82亿美元,其中承包合同额69亿美元,劳务合同额13亿美元,承包和劳务的营业总额为45亿美元。我国对外承包公司不仅在激烈的国际竞争中站住了脚,而且业务有了新的发展,初步在国际上树立了信誉。现在,我们既可以搞工程劳务分包,又可以搞项目工程总包;  相似文献   

当前我国对外承包工程面临前所未有的机遇,但其进一步发展还受到一系列因素的限制。其中对外承包工程自身的一些体制性矛盾是不容忽视的障碍。体制性矛盾1.经营主体多元化与经营秩序混乱的矛盾1999年外经贸部发文调整了企业申请对外承包工程经营资格的标准条件,重点放宽了专业工程企业特别是大型企业和企业集团的资格审批标准。当年就有近400家这类企业获得对外承包工程经营权。作为窗口型企业的原有中央和地方的国际公司在对外承包工程企业中的比重大大下降。这是推进对外承包工程经营主体多元化的又一重大步骤。它有利于调动各地…  相似文献   

以国际标准促进对外承包工程事业的发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
发展境外承包工程业务对于带动机电产品出口,解决就业、换取外汇等都具有重要意义。据国际权威机构统计,每年国际工程市场的承包总量在3200亿美元至3600亿美元,如此巨大的市场,而我国的对外承包规模仅占0.3%左右,因此,提高我国境外承包企业的竞争力,对今后逐鹿国际承包市场尤为重要。对外承包工程事业是实施“走出去”战略中的一个大系统,积极采用国际标准,能协调各系统之间的相互关系,提高产品质量、项目质量与管理水平,使资源配置与效益最大化,促进对外承包工程事业持续,健康地发展。一、采用国际标准能促使对外承包工程系统…  相似文献   

电站设备是我国国民经济的支柱产业之一.据有关方面统计,最近几年我国电站设备行业通过在海外承接工程获得的订单不断上升.2003年至2006年我国在海外承接的电站建设项目合同金额分别为12.1亿美元、31.1亿美元、29.6亿美元和62.4亿美元,平均年增长36%.电站行业已成为我国企业开展国际化经营的一支重要力量.同样,经过近几年的海外拼搏,上海电站设备已成为上海"走出去"群体中的龙头企业.  相似文献   

以国际工程咨询带动我国国际工程承包业务快速发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国的国际工程承包是随着国家改革开放和现代化建设不断发展起来的新兴事业,经历了从无到有、从小到大的发展过程,近年来,随着"走出去"发展战略的实施,更是取得了令人瞩目的成就.  相似文献   

“走出去”战略是我国对外开放总体战略的重要组成部分。我国石油行业的三大国家石油公司积极实施“走出去”战略,大力开展国际化经营,取得了明显的成效。其中,对外承包工程业务是“走出去”比较成熟的实现形式之一。中国石油天然气集团公司在开拓海外业务方面领先一步,在苏丹、哈萨克斯坦、委内瑞拉、墨西哥和伊朗等国家具备强大的竞争实力,已形成了以苏丹为中心的北非、以哈萨克斯坦为中心的中亚和以委内瑞拉为中心的南美三大地区市场。2003年国际工程技术服务队伍已达到163支,完成合同总额16亿美元,工程技术承包项目扩展到28个国家。中国…  相似文献   

当前,中国对外工程承包增长方式面临转变.一方面,面对工程承包行业全球化和世界强势竞争对手,中国工程承包企业的国际化战略需要转型;另一方面,中国企业亟待从市场领地、融资实力、价值链运作、科技水平等方面将境外市场范围拓展到高端市场.以上两方面问题都涉及企业FDI.为此,我们从历史视角,对工程承包行业FDI的全球趋势和中国动态进行比较,以就FDI对解决上述两方面问题的意义和机制做简要分析.  相似文献   

The tourism sector's contribution to economic development depends upon complex and dynamic socioeconomic, environmental, and institutional factors. Policymakers require objective evidence to base decisions on which public policies or investments to pursue. In this paper we develop an economy‐wide approach to assessing public investments in tourism. The approach is powerful in that it considers all inter‐sectoral linkages that are critical for tourism‐sector analysis. This framework is linked to a microsimulation module that enables estimation of household‐level and destination‐specific impacts and the distribution of benefits. To illustrate the framework and the insights it can generate, we apply it to a public investment in Belize's Cayo District. Our findings show that the overall level of economic activity increases while an appreciation of the real regional exchange rate results in slower growth in traditional nontourism exports. Greater availability of capital and labor to meet increased demand would reduce this effect. The investment results in a reduction in the poverty headcount on the order of 0.7 percentage points, though there is a small increase in inequality that is a function of the skill requirements of the new positions created as a result of the investment.  相似文献   

This article proposes a generalized productivity decomposition approach to evaluate the contribution of firm innovation to aggregate productivity growth (APG) of China’s manufacturing industry. Results indicate that APG is mainly driven by firm-level productivity improvements, while across-firm resource misallocations lead to sizable productivity losses. The weak contribution of firm innovation to APG is found to be mainly caused by resource misallocations within innovating firms. The results suggest that firm innovation has not yet taken a dominant driving force for APG.  相似文献   

We investigate the effect of financial development on economic growth in the context of Saudi Arabia, an oil-rich economy. In doing so, we distinguish between the effects of financial development on the oil and non-oil sectors of the economy. Using the Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) Bounds test technique, we find that financial development has a positive impact on the growth of the non-oil sector. In contrast, its impact on the oil-sector growth and total GDP growth is either negative or insignificant. This suggests that the relationship between financial development and growth may be fundamentally different in resource-dominated economies.  相似文献   

Abstract.  This article attempts to explain the large and persistent disparities in levels of output per worker across countries. It is argued that an explanation for these disparities requires an understanding of the relationship between knowledge and technology. The model that is constructed can be summarized as an open-economy version of the Solow-Swan growth model, in which technological change is investment specific, and knowledge about new technologies is embodied in labour. In the model, income differences arise because poor countries lack the knowledge to implement foreign technologies productively. Furthermore, these disparities persist when countries differ in their ability to learn. JEL classification: F43, O11  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relationship between foreign direct investment, clean energy, trade openness, carbon emissions and economic growth in case of UAE covering the period of 1975Q1–2011Q4. We have tested the unit properties of variables in the presence of structural breaks. The ARDL bounds testing approach is applied to examine the cointegration by accommodating structural breaks stemming in the series. The VECM Granger causality approach is also applied to investigate the causal relationship between the variables. Our empirical findings confirm the existence of cointegration between the series. We find that foreign direct investment, trade openness and carbon emissions decline energy demand. Economic growth and clean energy have positive impact on energy consumption.  相似文献   

Cane, sugar and ethanol production in Brazil has been divided between two major production regions, the Centre-South (CS) and the North-Northeast (NNE), which present very different productivity, and henceforth production costs. The CS average productivity is more than 72 tonnes of cane per hectare, while average productivity in the NNE is 49 tonnes per hectare. The objective of the study was to establish interrelations between the cane agro-industry and other regional sectors and with the overall Brazilian economy. This framework was used to compare a demand impact upon regional cane production upon the regional and the overall Brazilian economy. An interregional input–output matrix was used to characterize how regional demand impacts on both regional and overall Brazilian economies. Rasmussen–Hirschman indexes, together with a pure linkage index were used for the analysis. In addition, production multipliers, with and without considering endogenous family consumption were estimated. The results showed that a positive demand impact upon the cane agro-industry produces a greater impact upon the NNE compared to the CS, considering income effects, indicating that cane production is more important for the NNE than for the CS. These results can be useful to establish priorities for development policies for the country.  相似文献   

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