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近年来,随着城镇化和工业化进程的加快,直接导致各地的用地需求量增加,使大量的农地向非农用途转变。但现行农村土地制度的缺陷使得盲目乱占、滥占耕地现象严重,且征地补偿不合理,影响了农地资源的配置效率,损害了农民的利益,造成农民既失地又失业,“失地农民”问题十分突出。因此,要进一步深化农村土地制度改革,完善土地承包制度,建立健全土地流转机制和合理的征用办法,尽快建立起城乡一体化的土地市场和社会保障制度,推动城乡统筹发展。  相似文献   

王冠凤 《特区经济》2010,(9):112-113
制度的意义在于效率,不同的制度会"产生"不同的效率。新制度经济学强调制度对效率的重要性。制度变迁是制度的替代、转换与交易的过程,制度变革会导致效率的变化。中国证券市场的制度变迁中的缺陷导致了证券市场资源配置的低效率。  相似文献   

乡镇企业是一个纯中国的独特现象,也是经济体制改革的一个焦点.本文以秀山平凯机械修配厂为实例来说明乡镇企业分配制度的变迁过程,剖析了乡镇企业所经历的工分制、工资制、利润分成、承包制等几种分配制度产生的背景、原因及影响.在此基础上,对乡镇企业发展过程中的相关问题,作了深入的调查和分析,并揭示了乡镇企业所有制变迁的原因、动力和结果.  相似文献   

This paper considers the issue of local "land finance'" in the context of China "s fast urban expansion. In an analysis of China "s land requisition and public leasing system we argue that low-cost land acquisition is the fundamental cause of land-related distortions that have occurred during China "s urbanization. Granting farmers the power to negotiate directly with land users during urban expansion, combined with coordinated land tax reforms to consolidate local tax bases is the key to China achieving both equity and land use efficiency in urban expansion.  相似文献   

我国住房保障制度的政策误区及盲区探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
住房保障制度是我国民生工程的重要内容,也是中央政府的工作重心,但是目前公众对住房保障制度的不满之情也呈上升趋势。本文通过对我国住房保障制度的政策分析,发现在住房保障制度的政策制定及执行过程中存在着三大误区和三大盲区,并针对这些误区和盲区提出几点建议,以期在理论上为进一步完善我国的住房保障制度提供参考。  相似文献   

林翊  林卿  巫极   《华东经济管理》2009,23(9):65-69
土地权益是农民最基本的经济权益,中国现代化进程高速发展背景下现行农地制度缺陷所带来的农民土地权益问题日益严峻.匈牙利历史上有过非常成功的土地改革成果,其在国家体制剧变之后的艰难探索更为我们提供了值得汲取的深刻教训.文章通过对中匈两国农地制度变迁的比较分析,吸取匈牙利土地变革的经验教训,总结出农民土地权益变更的一般规律,认识到制度安排对农民土地权益的影响,并积极探索我国土地制度的改革.  相似文献   

冯园园 《乡镇经济》2009,25(3):82-85
乡镇政府作为与农村居民联系最紧密的基层政府,在农村最低生活保障制度实施过程中,它是具体的组织者和执行者,其作用主要体现在微观方面,尤其在农村低保对象的确定及动态管理中具有重要作用,在农村低保标准确定、低保资金筹集等方面也有发挥作用的空间。  相似文献   

China' s state planned land use system, including regulations such as setting planned quotas for land use, basic cropland preservation, and pursuing a balance between the conversion of arable land into non-agricultural use and the supplement of new agricultural land, has substantially constrained the economic growth of industrial provinces in China. This article explores the innovative reforms adopted by Zhejiang Province through land development rights (LDR) transfer within a locality and LDR trading across localities. We argue that there is a "Zhejiang model of LDR transferring and trading," which, we believe, has significant implications not only for fostering an efficiency-enhancing market for land development rights and agricultural land preservation, but also for optimal use of land and a more balanced regional development. One important policy issue relating to China's rural land system is that under China' s land requisition system, farmers are usually under compensated for urban land-taking.  相似文献   

熊玉娟 《特区经济》2009,(10):27-28
本文对我国农地产权制度的历史变迁进行了梳理,分析其制度变迁的路径依赖,提出强化和完善土地使用权是我国农地产权制度进一步改革的方向。  相似文献   

日韩养老金制度改革比较与借鉴   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人口与劳动力市场变化是日本和韩国养老金改革的共因,但日本改革略显亡羊补牢,韩国则属未雨绸缪;从改革措施来看,两国都采取提高缴费率、降低替代率等方法缓解养老金财政困境,区别在于日本政府养老金财政的作用更突出,且属于缴费模式,韩国则属于税收模式;从成效来看,改革缓解了但并未根除两国养老金财政压力,两国当前养老金待遇在发达国家中较低,但韩国养老金再分配功能强于日本.鉴于中国耒富先老的典型特征,应该建设生产主义模式的养老保险制度,通过构建基础层次的城乡二元国民年金制度快速提高养老保险覆盖面,同时,尽快建立长期的社会养老政策战略计划,并建立中央政府直接监管养老金基金管理机构.  相似文献   

国际金融危机后的欧盟金融体制改革研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
面对近年国际金融危机的挑战,欧盟选择了加强金融监管和规范金融市场的路径,实施了一系列金融体制改革计划,其具体措施包括机构创新和规则修订,分别从微观审慎监管和宏观审慎监管两个层面入手改革欧盟金融监管体系;并进一步规范资本市场和市场参与者,提高银行资本金要求、消除跨境支付障碍、严格信用评级机构制度、加强欧盟基金体制的协调和统一等等。欧盟中央银行在此次金融体制改革中扮演了重要的角色,尽管这些改革措施不是对现有各成员国监管的取代,泛欧监管体系的形成还有赖于采取更为实质性的措施,但从技术标准和共同监管的文化角度而言,欧盟的金融体制改革仍然取得了巨大的进展。这对我国深化金融体制改革具有重要的借鉴意义和启示作用。  相似文献   

日本“肯定列表制度”对我国,农产品出口的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
关于日本"肯定列表制度"对我国农产品出口的影响,虽然有很多论述,然大多都是定性分析。本文利用最新的数据,运用移动平均剔除法模型,进行定量分析,估算出日本"肯定列表制度"对我国农产品贸易的损失,并提出应对之经验和对策。  相似文献   

Re-distributive policies are often used by governments to forestall conflict. This paper analyzes the evolution of rural conflict in a region of 1930s Spain in which fast transfers of land using temporal expropriations were aimed at reducing poverty and mitigate conflict. Using a subset of exogenous land transfers, we document that these transfers did not reduce conflict. If anything, they increased some types of conflicts for several months after implementation. The short run increase in conflict is consistent with two potential side effects of land reforms. First, land reforms can boost the collective action of beneficiaries. Second, poorly designed reforms can reduce the incomes of beneficiaries.  相似文献   

何海琳 《改革与战略》2014,(5):21-23,67
党的十八届三中全会提出,正确处理政府和市场的关系是经济体制改革的核心问题。深化对政府和市场的关系的认识对于加快和完善社会主义市场经济体制改革,实现全面小康社会的建设具有极其重要的意义和作用。文章从三个方面谈对社会主义经济体制改革核心问题的认识:政府和市场关系是经济体制改革核心问题的原因;处理好经济体制改革核心问题的注意点;经济体制改革核心问题的提出是对社会主义市场经济理论的发展。  相似文献   

朱霖  叶宜德  吴晓红   《华东经济管理》2010,24(10):28-31
纵观我国建国六十年来以及国外医疗卫生事业改革与发展的历史,保障医疗卫生事业的公益性和提高服务效率,总是不能两全。在安徽省基层医药卫生体制综合改革中,政府投入加大,公益性正在得到保障,但却出现了从业人员和医疗卫生机构的积极性不高、服务效率下降的现象。文章从理论上分析了政府职责和政府职责的实现形式是一个问题的两个方面,政府职责不能市场化,但政府职责的实现形式,即服务提供机制要市场化,才能既保证公益性,又提高服务效率;并从操作层面提出了政府履行职责、推进服务提供机制市场化的建议。  相似文献   

于宁宁 《理论观察》2006,19(1):41-42
冷战后,日本国内政治经济状况急转直下,亚太地区挑战不断出现,日本对外战略面临新的选择。1995年起,日本开始外交努力,以赋予日美安全保障体制新内涵。从此,日美安全保障体制进入了一个新的发展时期。  相似文献   

Migration can make an important contribution to rural poverty reduction and overall productivity growth, but it may be limited by prevailing rural land tenure arrangements. Since 1998, the Chinese government has implemented a number of land tenure reforms with the aim of improving the tenure security and the transferability of land. Although these reforms enhanced legal tenure security, it is not clear to what extent they remove existing land tenure bottlenecks in migration. Both actual tenure security, i.e. local implementation of laws that warrant tenure security, and household perceptions of tenure security are likely to play a role. In this paper we examine the impacts of actual and perceived tenure security on rural household migration in China, taking into account the degree of development of land rental markets. We argue that actual and perceived tenure security can have both positive and negative effects on migration decisions and that the presence of land rental markets may modify these effects. A two-step control function approach that controls for endogeneity of tenure security perceptions is applied to household and village-level data collected in Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Liaoning provinces and Chongqing municipality. We find that both actual and perceived tenure security affect migration, but the impact of perceived tenure security measured by land reallocation expectations is much stronger and is positive, whereas the independent impact of actual tenure security is negative. Households perceiving a lower risk of losing land when one or more members migrate are more inclined to migrate, independent of the availability of land rental markets in their villages. Actual tenure security, as measured by absence of land reallocations and possession of land certificates, has an independent negative effect on migration only in villages with underdeveloped land rental markets.  相似文献   

The positive effects of trade liberalisation on several dimensions of poverty have initiated studies of the trade–poverty relationship. Trade liberalisation accompanies institutional reforms that help to reduce institutional barriers against the poor. This study examines the impacts of trade openness and institutional reforms on rural household welfare at the provincial level through the analysis of the determinants of welfare of rural households in Vietnam. The study employs a model of micro-determinants of growth and tests it on the data from the Vietnam Household Living Standards Surveys (VHLSSs) of 2006 and 2010. What makes the study different from some other studies of the same vein is that it attempts to directly capture the institutional effect on welfare. The study finds that, in the provinces with high institutional reforms and trade openness, the welfare of rural households improved. Institutional reforms in Vietnam appeared to be sluggish in the late 2000s. In particular, both access to land and lower informal charges were the important determinants of welfare improvement over time. These findings suggest that Vietnam should maintain its development by accelerating the process of institutional reforms, thereby helping poor households to improve standards of living.  相似文献   


*This study compares the development and performance of the interwar land reforms in Estonia, Finland and Bulgaria: three countries within the so-called Agrarian Reform Zone, which constituted previous parts of the Russian and Ottoman Empires heavily influenced by the Russian revolutions. In spite of their different scope and outlook these land reforms aimed at solving similar problems of an agrarian and socio-economic developmental character. Finland and Estonia underwent wars of liberation when seceding from revolutionary Russia: Finland also had to go through civil war before the land redistributions took place. In Bulgaria, however, land redistribution had been an ongoing theme since the late 1870s when autonomy from the Ottoman Empire was achieved. The interwar land expropriation and redistribution was most profound and radical in Estonia. The gradual Finnish reforms were also radical from the perspective of the precarious political situation they aimed at solving. Bulgaria's less thorough reform was nevertheless radical from the perspective of its agrarian ideological aspirations. These land reforms must therefore be seen as a part of the interwar state-building process and struggle for independence: peasant movements were influential in all three cases and geographical proximity to revolutionary Russia had impacts on their outcomes. The study emphasises that by exploring and comparing the profound interwar land redistributions, we can gain a better understanding of current problems, such as those resulting from the post-socialist de-collectivisation: e.g. the return to small-scale family farming by means of restitution, in countries that were subjugated to a command economy after World War II. For this reason interwar Finland's different road and sustained national independence makes an interesting comparison, since Finland shared several features with the land reform zone countries before the Russian revolution of 1917 and not least during the 1920s and 1930s. In the case of Estonia and Bulgaria, however, the development path was interrupted by Soviet expansion.  相似文献   

日本已经建立了比较完备、保障水平较高的社会保障制度,其经验和教训对中国社会保障体系的构建和发展具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

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