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天津城市更新改造的探索与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建城600年的天津,大规模的城市更新改造发生在近30年间,先后经历了更新赴阶段、危房改造阶段、制度创新阶段和战略提升阶段.其经验是:以科学发展观为指导,不断提高城市更新改造的科学性;坚持规划先行,充分发挥城市规划的先导与统筹作用;新区开发与老城改造并举,实行双向联动;开发与保护并重,确保历史文脉延续传承;注重改善低收群众住房问题,努力构建和谐社会.  相似文献   

欧美国家在城市更新与重建过程中的经验与教训   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
城市更新改造是一项复杂的综合性社会系统工程,本文通过对欧美国家上世纪城市更新与重建的成功经验和失败教训的分析,以及对我国城市重建与改造中出现问题的反思,从中探寻在城市建设与更新中对历史文脉保护、社会环境整治、旅游资源发掘,为城市可持续发展提供有益的启示.  相似文献   

Since the late 1990s, the ‘urban citizenship’ literature has accentuated the burgeoning potential of the city as host to more democratic interpretations of citizenship. A more recent literature highlighted the ‘local trap’ in such assumptions, arguing that the local cannot exist outside of neoliberalization. This article examines some of the recent institutional transformations in Istanbul's local government and seeks to understand where these might be situated in this discussion. Three institutions dealing with disability are scrutinized with regard to their power dynamics, discourses and practices. The argument is that, although superficially such developments seem to represent some of the tendencies highlighted by the urban citizenship literature (in terms of their scale, timing and appeal to a group previously excluded from modern citizenship), deeper analysis shows that these often promote charity‐ rather than rights‐based approaches. This is because the push factors in the emergence of these institutions are not the urban struggles on the part of the disability community, but rather the ruling party's populism, the impact of supranational agencies and the demands of non‐disabled residents at district level. Each of the three institutions examined is shaped primarily by one factor, leading to differing degrees of charity‐ and rights‐based practices. Arguments concerning the prospects of more democratic interpretations of citizenship at local level need to consider experiences in diverse settings.  相似文献   

The symbolic and physical map of Istanbul has undergone dramatic shifts over the past four decades. Squatters—the persistent underdogs in this huge metropolis—have mounted an attack against established economic and cultural hierarchies. This challenge has transformed the structures of symbolic violence through the production of an alternative urban space (contentious neighborhoods and districts, teahouses, innovative district and street layouts, and ‘Islamic’ internal and external architecture). In the process, the meanings of urbanity and provinciality, of secularity and Islam, have been altered—and stigma, along with urban rent, has been systematically redistributed (although redistribution has been far from egalitarian). The dominant sectors ultimately absorbed the attack: squatters remained subordinated, but the terms of subordination have changed. A synthesis of Bourdieu and (a geographically revised) Gramsci sheds light on this process of challenge and absorption in and through urban space.  相似文献   

What is the role of legal ambiguity in the creation and institutionalization of private property regimes? In what ways does the (ab)use of legal ambiguities affect market‐making processes? I address these questions through a detailed analysis of two large‐scale urban renewal projects in Istanbul that impose a formal private property regime on informal settlements. My research reveals that without the strategic utilization of legal ambiguities and administrative arbitrariness by public and private actors, private property cannot be easily created and hence capitalist markets cannot function efficiently. My findings challenge the assumptions of several social science traditions such as neoclassical and neoinstitutionalist economics, as well as most works within the law and economics tradition regarding the relationship between law, property and economic development. These approaches to economic development are underpinned by the legal certainty that private property entails as the most important element for an efficient economic order. However, in their unconditional support for private ownership, they fail to realize the degree of legal ambiguity and administrative arbitrariness needed to create the private property regime in the first place. As such their arguments remain theoretically and empirically incomplete. A more complete analysis of the relationship between law and economic dynamics must focus on how private property is constructed, and the extent to which legal ambiguities and loopholes are utilized in this process.  相似文献   

叶文香 《价值工程》2013,(27):299-302
城市更新是世界各国城市发展中共同关注的问题,也是我国城市化进程中的重要课题之一。本文通过对中西方城市更新进行对比研究,比较了中西方对城市更新概念的理解,回顾了中西方城市更新的发展历程,比较分析了中西方城市更新的差异,认为西方的城市更新有许多成功的理念和深刻的教训,对我国城市更新发展具有一定的借鉴与启示作用。  相似文献   

论城市更新的管理   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
伴随城市化高潮而及早到来的大规模城市更新,土地刚性约束使城市化必须借助于城市更新,集中爆发的社会矛盾和公平效率问题,使城市更新管理上升为公共管理的重要内客.其问题根源为体制性利益主体缺失,城市更新管理研究滞后和社会关注的物质技术化倾向以及城市更新共识科学标准缺失.在公共物品有效供给与合理调整各社会群体利益的前提下,在城市更新中必须推动第三方评估制度,实现利益主体的监管到位和城市规划主导城市更新,完成城市政府公共管理的职能定位.  相似文献   

Focusing on the case of young socialist vigilantes who were arrested and imprisoned as ‘terrorists’ in 2007, this article illustrates how vigilantism in working‐class neighbourhoods of Istanbul with a high Alevi population evolved from an unarmed, public and participatory form of vigilantism to an armed one, and discusses the role of the anti‐terror law in this transformation. The article illustrates the ways in which the anti‐terror law, by narrowing the space for civil politics, paved the way for youth engagement in violent forms of extra‐legal security practice in spaces occupied by the historically stigmatized working‐class Alevi population. The article also argues that, over the last decade, Turkey’s ruling elites have used the anti‐terror law to wage a war against the oppositional politics conducted by the country’s historically stigmatized populations (such as Kurds and Alevis). Not only has this war put politically active and respected local figures from these communities behind bars, it also ‘polices’ (à la Rancière) these communities. Accordingly, the article illustrates how the law that considers attempts at self‐governance as a threat to state sovereignty effectively intervenes in local politics and space, leading to the reconfiguration of political space at the local level.  相似文献   

论城市改造的谨慎更新理论与实践——以柏林为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
阎明 《城市发展研究》2012,19(7):112-117,122
城市改造是城市研究与实践中一个极具争议性的论题。本文以德国首都柏林市的城市改造为例,梳理、分析了"谨慎更新"理念形成的脉络及其实践含义,着重考察了从大拆大建向谨慎更新转变过程中所蕴含的有关城市发展理念和政治经济格局等多重因素的相互作用,以期对我国的城市改造有所启示。  相似文献   

梁语晨  黄剑 《价值工程》2022,(6):162-165
城市更新是新时期城市转型发展的必由之路,也是城市自我调节与提升的内在要求.然而,我国现有的诸多城市建设与管理制度是改革开放以来为支持大规模、快速城镇化进程而确立的,在应对城市发展转型时表现出越来越强的不适应性,对城市更新工作形成一定阻力,致使各地更新进程不时陷入困境.如何建立体系化的城市更新制度以有效推进更新活动秩序化...  相似文献   

旧城改造开发项目的容积率问题研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着我国城市化进程的加速推进,不断增长的城市人口与持续升级的功能需求,对现代城市的建设与发展提出了新的要求。旧城改造是提升城市形象和改善人民生活的有效手段。本文在阐述容积率相关概念的基础上,根据投入产出理论,提出了旧城改造容积率测算模型,分析了容积率与利润率之间的具体关系。旧城改造实施人员可据此提出适宜的旧城改造方案。最后,本文以重庆市某旧城改造地块为例,对其容积率进行了重新测算,提出相关规划改造方案。  相似文献   

Improving the habitat of residents in central‐city neighbourhoods without simultaneously gentrifying these is becoming a pressing dilemma in right‐to‐housing and right‐to‐the‐city agendas, both in the global North and the global South. This article explores what possibilities limited‐equity housing cooperativism can bring to the table. Insights are drawn from two urban ‘renewal’ processes in which limited‐equity housing cooperatives have played an important role: in Vesterbro (Copenhagen) and Ciudad Vieja (Montevideo). The article analyses the everyday politics within and around these cooperatives through a broader institutional and political‐economy lens. This approach sheds light on mechanisms of inclusion and exclusion that operate within these cooperatives, as well as on the processes through which they have been directly and indirectly implicated in the displacement of low‐income neighbours. Despite providing a grassroots housing alternative for local ‘non‐owners’, individual cooperatives participate in, and are vulnerable to, urban transformations that traverse multiple scales. They are inserted, moreover, within wide‐ranging unequal social structures that the cooperative's formal equality has limited tools to offset. The ways in which cooperatives interlink as a sector and how this sector relates to the state are two key dimensions to be considered in challenging capitalist‐space economies.  相似文献   

Drawing upon diverse elements of Islamic thought, this essay examines the notions of gathering and footwork to think through the elaborations of a material sensibility embedded in the everyday navigations of contemporary urban life. From reflections on the surreptitious encounters of African Americans in various contexts of subjection, to zar practices in Amman and to popular orientations to megacomplex residencies in Jakarta, the essay attempts to address what it means to think and act collectively in urban contexts that fragment, track, evict and erase long‐relied‐upon forms of collaboration. How might we discover in the seeming contraction of urban sociality something else besides intensive individuation, and what kinds of vernaculars and rhythmic encounters, of bodies moving towards and away from each other, might turn the peripheral forms of the urban into sites of new generativity?  相似文献   

从法律政策、短期住宅建设用地使用权到期续期的现实案例可以看出,住宅建设用地使用权到期后自动续期并不代表不需要缴纳续期费用.因此,研究续期费用的测算方案就显得尤为关键和重要.城镇住宅建设用地使用权到期续期费用测算应以家庭拥有住宅实际分摊的土地使用权面积为对象,并统筹考虑续期缴费对象的价格时点、续期年限、续期次数、土地出让...  相似文献   

城市滨水区更新的土地利用策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过分析城市滨水地区土地利用现存问题及更新改造的动力因素,结合宁波市甬江东岸旧工业区改造规划,探讨了城市滨水区更新的土地利用策略,主要包括建立完善的土地储备制度、选择合理的用地功能布局以及制定土地开发控制和引导法则等内容.  相似文献   

董晨鹏 《价值工程》2011,30(4):188-189
在城市的更新和发展过程中,要把握好传承和可持续的关系,要坚持人和城市、自然的和谐统一,因此,必须把城市视作是由一个个有机的城市模块融合而成的有机综合体,而不能简单看作是由一个个单纯的功能中心叠加而成的无机的城市综合体。  相似文献   

通过回顾北京市1980年代以来的旧城改造进程,从政策驱动的角度分析旧城区对改造的响应。采用多目标决策的数据包络分析方法,以北京市原西城区为例,对其旧城改造做出综合绩效评价。总体来看,北京原市西城区旧城改造综合绩效良好,只有少数几年的政策实施和相关投入与城市发展规律不相吻合。北京旧城改造各项法规的落实和各种经济投入,推动了旧城区经济的发展和旧城风貌的改变,但对社会空间结构优化和景观环境的作用比较微弱。  相似文献   

谈当前中国城市发展中的一些问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
盲目大城市化的后果是土地利用率低下,过度超前的基础设施闲置,城市人气不足,经济效益不显著.把旧城改造简单地演变为城市重建或新建,其后果是破坏城市历史文脉、割断城市发展机理、丢弃原有城市特色.为了遏制住宅住房价格的非理性上涨,有必要改革现行的土地使用管理制度.城市政府必须采取有效措施,使每一个城市居民都能够得到必要的住房,不能由于少数人把住房用于投资或投机.而影响、妨碍弱势群体居住的权利.  相似文献   

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