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论文以2009-2011年中国上市公司为研究样本,从企业盈利能力和发展能力两个方面分析了企业的研发活动对企业绩效的影响。研究发现:(1)我国各行业研发投入普遍不足;(2)企业的研发活动与企业进行研发的当年及随后两年的绩效显著负相关,特别是对企业的盈利能力影响更明显。  相似文献   

A current concern for China's long‐term growth prospect is whether China can become an innovative economy and achieve industrial upgrading to compensate for the gradually declining competitiveness resulting from low‐cost labor. The present study examines this issue by exploring how trade participation impacts on the R&D investment of manufacturing firms through various channels. Merging China's Annual Manufacturing Survey Dataset and the Chinese Customs Dataset allows us to study such a relationship at the individual firm level. The empirical results suggest that channels such as geographical diversification of export markets, share of imports from high‐income countries, average unit value of imports, number of intermediate goods and capital goods imports, and the trade regime are significant factors that influence firm‐level R&D investment. The study discusses the policy implications of the empirical findings in relation to industrial and trade policies that may be potentially beneficial for China's transition towards an innovative economy.  相似文献   

Using firm‐level data, the present paper investigates whether, and to what extent, firm balance sheet problems mattered for investment over the period 1992–2002. Various categories of firms are compared, with firms grouped according to their a priori degree of liquidity constraint. Firms are also divided into pre‐crisis and post‐crisis periods to examine the impact of the financial crisis on firms’ investments. The results support the existence of the balance sheet channel and suggest that Thai firms faced greater liquidity constraints following the financial crisis. Small firms and non‐bond‐issuing firms are found to have been more adversely affected by the crisis than large firms and bond‐issuing firms.  相似文献   

利用2010-2014年创业板上市公司的平衡面板数据,采用双向固定效应模型实证分析研发投入与企业绩效的相关性以及董事会成员激励对二者关系的调节作用。结果表明:研发投入负向影响当期绩效,但随着研发投入对绩效积极作用的发挥,其负向影响在滞后一期内减弱,在滞后两期内正向影响企业绩效。董事会薪酬激励对二者关系起正向调节作用,股权激励对二者关系没有调节作用,说明合理的薪酬激励能有效促进企业的研发投资效率,提高企业绩效。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact of foreign direct investment (FDI) and exports on urbanization in China. Using prefecture city‐level panel data covering China's 262 prefecture cities for the period 2004–2013 and employing a dynamic panel system generalized method of moments model with instrumental variable regression techniques, our study finds that FDI and exports have, on average, played a significantly positive role in China's urbanization. However, the impacts of FDI and exports on urbanization vary across regions. FDI has a positive and significant impact on urbanization in the coastal region but has no impact on urbanization in the inland region. Exports have a positive and significant impact on urbanization in both the coastal and inland regions, but the effect is much larger in the coastal region than in the inland region. The results imply that further attracting FDI inflows and promoting exports will contribute to China's urbanization, especially for the inland region.  相似文献   

刘敏  冯丽娟 《科学决策》2015,(10):66-81
利用2013年沪深A股上市1118家制造企业数据为样本,研究高管内部薪酬差距对投资行为和企业绩效的影响。结果发现:拉大高管内部薪酬差距能够一定程度上促进企业采取积极的投资行为,提高企业投资水平,提升企业绩效,但拉大高管内部薪酬差距不会提高企业投资效率,即企业投资规模的扩大并不意味着投资效率的提高;在不同所有制样本中,拉大高管内部薪酬差距对非国有企业投资水平影响显著,但对国有企业没有影响。研究结果深化了高管内部薪酬差距对企业绩效内在影响的机理分析,为我国上市制造企业高管薪酬的制度设计带来启示。  相似文献   

根据发达国家经济发展的历史经验,在整体技术水平发展的关键阶段,政府的公共政策往往决定了该国的产业技术水平。因此,从政府和企业两方面探讨何种类型的公共政策有利于产业的全面提升,以及它们对各方的利益和长远发展会产生怎样的潜在影响,是一个具有重要理论和现实意义的主题。本文提出了对政府公共政策进行分类编码的方法,并根据2003年至2011年间广东省高技术行业的技术创新数据和相关政策信息,对政府公共政策与企业创新绩效之间的关系进行了实证研究。研究结果表明,一方面,环境政策与市场结构政策对企业创新投入存在显著影响;另一方面,公共政策给予国有企业的市场优势地位会对该行业创新绩效带来负面影响。  相似文献   

This paper theoretically and empirically investigates the home‐country effects of a firm's outward foreign direct investment (OFDI) activity, specifically OFDI motivated by lower labor costs in the host country. A two‐country imperfect competition model is developed, and the interaction between a firm's R&D spending and its OFDI is examined. It is found that the relationship between a firm's OFDI and its domestic R&D is indeterminate because there is a complementary effect as well as a substitution effect induced by OFDI activity. Panel data on Taiwanese manufacturing firms from 1992–2005 are applied to test the validity of the theoretical results. The propensity score matching method is used to construct a comparison group without selection bias. Our empirical evidence reveals that a Taiwanese firm's OFDI is positively related to its domestic R&D spending, particularly in R&D‐intensive industries.  相似文献   

流转税的"税负转嫁"特征和现实企业的"议价能力"使理论上完全价外中性的增值税变为现实中的价内非中性,导致增值税降率微观传导机制"黑箱"。文章利用2015-2019年分行业上市公司的财务数据,采用双重差分模型实证检验了2018年增值税降率政策对企业投资行为、研发行为和制度性交易成本产生的影响。实证结果表明,现实中的增值税是价内非中性而非理论上的完全价外中性;降率的"抵扣冲减效应"对固定资产投资的直接负向作用显著,而降率的"收入效应"对固定资产投资的间接正向作用却不显著,最终降率政策"抵扣冲减效应"大于"收入效应"减少了固定资产投资;降率显著促进了"强势企业"的研发行为,对"弱势企业"无显著促进作用;降率节约了管理性交易成本的同时却导致政治性交易成本增加。妥善处理好增值税降率微观传导过程中的企业异质性问题,尤其是保护好降率过程中可能受损的中小企业是落实好普惠性减税的关键。  相似文献   

This paper attempts to identify the major economic factors that influence the bilateral trade balances of Malaysia and Thailand with the US and Japan. To this end, an unrestricted VAR model was estimated using quarterly frequency data from 1980: I to 1996: IV. The Johansen results indicate a stable long-run relation between trade and three macro variables: exchange rate, domestic income and foreign income. The main findings of this paper are: (i) the real effective exchange rate is an important variable in the trade balance equation and devaluation improves the trade balances of both economies in the long-run; (ii) the other important variables that determine trade balance include domestic and foreign incomes; (iii) the results indicate no J-curve effect and causal run from exchange rate to trade balance, (iv) the real effects of devaluation are distributed over a period of eight to nine quarters.  相似文献   

This study investigates the location choice performance of foreign direct investment (FDI) originating from small‐ and medium‐sized multinational enterprises established in newly industrialized economies. In this study we integrate location diversification, breadth and corporate governance to examine the performance of Taiwanese enterprises investing in Chinese mainland. Examining Taiwanese manufacturing enterprises from foundational, traditional and high‐technology aspects, our findings demonstrate the following: (i) diversifying the location choice negatively affects the return of assets; (ii) investments in regions with an abundant population positively affect the performance of Taiwanese traditional manufacturing enterprises; and (iii) a higher percentage of insider holdings in Taiwanese enterprises results in better FDI performance. We conclude that the performance of FDI originating from Taiwanese enterprises varies depending on industrial and governance characteristics. We suggest that the location choice for Taiwan FDI in Chinese mainland should be determined by the characteristics of the industry. Chinese mainland should attract multinational enterprises from emerging markets according to the characteristics of regions.  相似文献   

李书娟  王贤彬 《南方经济》2020,39(11):83-98
中国地方政府肩负着实现地方经济增长的任务,在其面临经济增长压力时,必然想法设法稳增长。文章进一步拓展已有文献,提出了一个地方政府借助国有企业投资扩张保障地方经济增长目标实现的逻辑框架。文章采用2001-2016年地级市经济增长目标数据,构造了一个度量地方政府面临的经济增长压力的指标,结合A股上市公司微观数据对理论逻辑进行验证。实证发现:增长压力显著提高了国有上市公司的投资,对非国有上市公司则没有明显影响。这一规律在中国经济受到重大冲击的情况下更加明显。最后,发现在经济增长压力下的国有上市公司投资扩张对企业投资效率有不利影响。文章的研究增进了对国有经济作用以及中国经济增长规律的学理认识。  相似文献   

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