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D. 《De Economist》1915,64(1):362-370

Economic Journal 1914

东亚经济一体化与合作:朝向共同体   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
长期以来,东亚地区的经济一体化主要靠市场力量推动,区域经济合作则落后于经济一体化进程。亚洲金融危机证明,仅靠市场推动的经济一体化是脆弱的,只有加强区域经济合作,东亚地区才能增强抵御外部风险的能力,保持经济的持续繁荣。亚洲金融危机后,东亚地区迅速建立起“10 3”的合作机制,在加强金融领域合作的同时,也不断拓展在经贸投资等领域的合作,并逐步确立了以建立东亚自由贸易区和东亚共同体的长远奋斗目标。特别是在中国提出与东盟建立自由贸易区后,东亚地区的合作步伐明显加快。尽管目前离建立东亚共同体的长远目标还很遥远,但东亚地区的合作进程已不可逆转,各种形式的合作努力将最终推动长远目标的实现。  相似文献   

林华生 《开放导报》2004,(1):16-21,36
近年来,经济全球化将区域经济一体化推到了前所未有的重要地位。而亚洲这个有着世界最多人口的地区,却至今在经济协作方面未有实质性的进展。东盟自由贸易区(AFTA)是亚洲唯一的自由贸易区,目前尚未完成贸易的完全自由化。亚洲的两大经济贸易体中国和日本,基于对本国市场的保护,对自由贸易  相似文献   

第一,亚洲经济合作的机会。在过去20年,东亚地区透过贸易活动形成区域整合程度已经快速上升。统计资料显示,在1998—2002年这15年当中,就东亚地区对外贸易的总额来讲,区域内贸易比重从34%增加到52%,其巾也包括口本。换句话说,区域内彼此之间的贸易依存度越来越高,这就表示整合的趋势是市场机制在推动,这是非常自然、很好的一个趋势,  相似文献   

有关连接性,其实是走向一体化的道路.我感觉是一个同步化的问题.我们需要有政治的意愿性进行连接.连接性和一体化并不是我们最终的目标,我们的目标在我看来应该是要提供平等的机会以及货品给到我们的成员国.  相似文献   

It is imperative that Asian Economic Community be built, either seen from internal or external environment. The clarification of the concept ASIA in the sense of Asian Economic Community is necessary. While China increasingly plays the role of a locomotive in the Asian economy, India, as one of the fastest growth economies in the world and with a population of 1 billion, is entitled to be another core in Asian Economic Community. In the process of building the Community, the diversity of such factors should be taken into account as politics, culture, economy, and religion. Also, it is proposed in this paper that new thinking be followed for Asian Economic Community, i.e., framework precedes details; ASEAN works as the main axis driven by multi-wheels; Cooperation out of Competition for Win-Win for All.  相似文献   

建造“东亚经济圈”的构想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本分别分析中、日、韩、印4国与东盟建立自由贸易区的利弊得失,比较全面地论证了建造“东亚经济圈”构想的前景、障碍,认为4个“1 10”不等于“4 10’,但4个“1 10”构想的实现,是实现“4 10”构想的有效途径和保证。在区域经济一体化的大趋势中,“东亚经济圈”是世界特别是亚洲国家共同关心的课题。  相似文献   

中国经济的飞跃发展和亚洲的对应   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

This article surveys and anabses the very lure literature on direct foreign investmenl (DFI) in the developing economies of East Asia and the Southwest Pacifi. Commencing with an overview of the MNC (mufcinafional corporation) presence in the region, successive sections a-amine patterns and performance of major investors, trude-DFI interrelationships, the impact of DFI on market structure and peflormance, the modalities of MNC entry, and host country policy. The latter, it is argues, is criticully importunt for assessments of the costs and benefits of DFI.  相似文献   

In the absence of economic regionalization, the paradigm of globalization is likely to be operationally dysfunctional. In the contemporary world economy, a small subset of sovereign nation state economies commands hugely much larger shares of world output and trade while an overwhelmingly large number of such sovereign economies has their respective shares of world output and trade rather very marginal. Regionalization can help regional economic unions/communities enjoy competitive shares of world output and trade and thus become competitive actors in the inter-regional competitive world market, contributing to the success of globalism. Inadequacy of the post-WWII infrastructure for the global free market economy and the success of EU and the Euro-regime are noted. The 21-member APEC has been exposed to the great geographical divide of the Pacific Ocean, underscoring the fact that the divide of the Atlantic Ocean made the map of Europe differentiated from the Americas. Lessons from EU and the Euro-regime are noted. Based on an extensive empirical analyses of relative shares of world output and trade, the case for Asian Economic Community (AEC) has been presented. The model of 3 plus 5, three economies in Northeast Asia and five in Southeast Asia, may be the step one for the AEC.  相似文献   

亚洲金融危机后韩国的经济改革   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
陈杰 《开放导报》2003,(4):36-37
自1997年来,韩国政府为化解亚洲金融危机所暴露出的经济问题,除主动向IMF、世界银行、亚洲发展银行寻求资金援助外,更积极落实一系列的经济改革措施.实践显示,韩国的改革取得了显著成效,经济快速增长,金融机构体质显著改善,外汇储备迅速,跃升至世界第四位.  相似文献   

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