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In its quest for development, Zambia is pursuing a land policy that facilitates privatization of customary land. This article investigates the effects of privatization in terms of how it shapes people's behaviour and perception of private tenure and related tenure dynamics. Findings have shown that the appetite to privatize land is growing stronger in peri‐urban areas as land becomes more scarce. Furthermore, privatization of land appears to be a threat to traditional political structures as allegiance and loyalty towards chiefs diminish and tension and struggles over land in peri‐urban areas increase. Similarly, privatization of land erodes people's faith in the role that cultural and ancestral beliefs play in traditional land management. Also, people in rural areas tend to favour private tenure more if ‘privatization of customary land’ means allocation of land to outsiders. If, by contrast, the phrase is taken to mean communities registering their own land, peri‐urban communities tend to have a stronger desire to register land. Furthermore, rural communities were found to be less informed about land policy and seemed less keen to be involved in land policy processes when compared to peri‐urban residents. However, rural people may have no reason to inform themselves about land policy until they realise that the policy is likely to affect them.  相似文献   

This study is concerned with the way colonial land use planning practices have persisted within local institutional structures in the former French colony of Morocco. We use a historical institutionalist approach to reevaluate Morocco's land use planning history and identify key feedback mechanisms that support the continuity of colonial practices within the Moroccan planning institutional structure. We used institutional mappings to identify key actors involved in planning and examined the formal power relations between them. Interviews were used to discuss the effect of informal interactions on the development of land use plans. We argue that aspects of French colonial planning that persisted within the Moroccan local institutional structure have created constraints for Moroccan land use planning. We focus in particular on how a centralist formalization of planning institutions has hampered the effectiveness of decentralization reforms and explain how institutional patterns deriving from the French paternalist approach to colonial rule have persisted in the form of a duality in modern planning structures. Finally, we argue that this path dependence has been strengthened by the creation of the derogation system as a potential way out for actors who are most capable of inducing change.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the rationale for land law reforms as well as their implications for different societal groups in Cameroon. It is revealed that the rationale — that is, to place as much land as possible in state hands — has remained unchanged since the colonial era. The study further shows that the land law reforms have always been skewed in favour of political and bureaucratic elites, entrepreneurs and the salariat at the expense of women in the informal sector, ethnic minorities and the poor. Thus, a potent consequence of land law reforms in Cameroon is that they have effectively accentuated socio-economic inequities characteristic of the country. To remedy these problems, it is recommended that authorities seek to create some fit between the ‘modern’ land tenure system and the traditions, culture and beliefs of the Cameroonian society. Additionally, it is recommended that serious efforts be made to institute programmes designed to redistribute income and improve the performance of the bureaucratic machinery, particularly the institutional framework for land policy administration. Cet article explore la raison d’être des réformes de la loi agraire ainsi que leurs implications pour différents groupes sociaux au Cameroun. Je révèle que la raison d’être —à savoir, mettre le maximum de terres dans les mains de l’état — n’a pas changé depuis l’époque coloniale. Cete étude montre aussi que les réformes de la loi agraire ont toujours été biaisées en favour des élites politiques et bureaucratiques, des entrepreneurs et des cadres au détriment des femmes du secteur officieux, des minorités ethniques et des pauvres. Une conséquence importante des réformes de la loi agraire au Cameroun est donc que les inégalités socio-économiques caractéristiques du pays ont effectivement été accentuées. Pour résoudre ces problèmes, cet article recommande que les autorités essaient d’ajuster le système ‘moderne’ d’occupation des terres et la culture et croyances traditionnelles de la société camerounaise. De sérieux efforts pour introduire des programmes de redistribution des revenus et pour améliorer la performance de l’appareil bureaucratique, en particulier le modèle institutionnel pour l’administration de la politique agraire, sont aussi recommandés.  相似文献   

Residents of informal settlements worldwide face challenges defending their land tenure. In contexts with overlapping systems of governance these challenges are even more complex and claims to land tenure more precarious. How do heterogeneous systems of governance, a characteristic of some global South megacities, affect evictions? This article presents an in-depth case study of the informal Otodo Gbame waterfront settlement's struggle to defend its customary land tenure through multiple authorities in Lagos, Nigeria. The analysis reveals how a heterogeneous system of governance disempowers citizens by obscuring the locus of power and creating confusion when communities make claims on the state. Communities find themselves claiming rights to the city that receive varying degrees of recognition from the many authorities within the heterogeneous system. In Lagos, the state weaponizes this heterogeneous system in pursuit of modern development and urban growth.  相似文献   

This article examines Mayor Daniel Webster Hoan's socialist administration of Milwaukee from 1916–1940. The analysis delves into Hoan's challenges and victories—especially in the early years of his administration—and examines whether the citizens of Milwaukee actually embraced socialism. To answer that question, this article draws extensively from primary sources, including newspaper articles and archived documents, as well as several secondary sources. The evidence shows that Hoan's long tenure as mayor came in spite of, not because of, his socialism. Indeed, Hoan's popularity was due in part to his willingness to break from the Socialist Party platform when it was politically necessary. Ultimately, the people of Milwaukee embraced a popular reformer rather than the ideology he represented.  相似文献   

Informal, or illegal, occupation of land is growing in importance in the cities of the developing world, especially sub‐Saharan Africa. The widespread nature of ‘illegality’ in some situations has led to queries of whether this should be termed ‘illegal’, and this is particularly so where there are potentially different entities bestowing legality. It has been increasingly recognized that informal land development is a solution for access to land by the urban poor, where formal supply is inadequate and inflexible, but that there need to be more efficient relationships between the formal and informal sectors. It is thus argued that new forms of association and new forms of partnership across the formal boundary are required. This article looks at the situation of land access for housing in Maputo, the capital of Mozambique, with a focus on the poor majority, and suggests alternative mechanisms for urban land rights to the simplistic application of full freehold tenure in formal land markets. These alternative mechanisms are based on structures within civil society, as it is argued that where the state and market are weak, as in Mozambique, these are more appropriate and less alienating for the urban poor majority. L'occupation irrégulière, voire illégale, des terrains s'accroît dans les villes des pays en développement, notamment en Afrique sub‐saharienne. Le caractère répandu de ‘l'illégalité’ dans certaines situations a conduit à s'interroger sur la pertinence du terme ‘illégal’, en particulier quand différentes entités sont susceptibles d'accorder la légalité. De plus en plus souvent, il est reconnu que l'aménagement non‐officiel du sol est une solution permettant aux citadins pauvres d'accéder à la terre (lorsque l'offre officielle n'est ni suffisante ni souple), mais que les relations entre les secteurs officiels et non‐officiels doiventÀtre plus performantes. L'article affirme qu'il faut créer de nouvelles formes d'association et de partenariat dépassant le cadre officiel. Il observe la situation de l'accès foncier pour le logement à Maputo, capitale du Mozambique, en considérant la majorité pauvre, et suggère d'autres mécanismes pour les droits fonciers urbains jusqu'à la demande toute simple de la pleine propriété sur des marchés fonciers officiels. Ces mécanismes de substitution sont basés sur des structures appartenant à la société civile, car lorsque l'État et le marché sont faibles, comme au Mozambique, ces mécanismes sont plus appropriés et moins aliénants pour la majorité urbaine pauvre.  相似文献   

王霞 《价值工程》2011,30(10):145-145
土地测量是国家一项基本工程,对于国家军事部署、矿产开发、经济建设以行政区域划分等均具有重要的基础参考作用。全站仪是全新的科技成果,将全站仪应用于土地测量工作当中是土地测量工作全面进入到智能化新时代的标志。本文将就全站仪如何应用于智能化土地测量工作当中进行详细全面的阐述。  相似文献   

This article interrogates the nature of political agency deployed at sites of market‐oriented water reforms. It presents a case study from Bangalore, India of a water project mandating significant ‘beneficiary’ cash contributions from lower‐middle‐class dwellers for the capital cost of extending piped water to the city's peripheries. Drawing on quantitative and ethnographic data, it illustrates why property owners who lack formal water access and land tenure — groups referred to in this article as the ‘peripheralized middle class’ — consent to paying for pipes rather than resist all together despite the high cost involved. It argues that far from reflecting an internalization of a ‘willingness to pay’ or ‘stakeholder’ ethos celebrated by development practitioners today, payment for water provides an insurgent means to bargain for greater symbolic recognition, respectability and material benefits from the state. In particular, payment for pipes enables peripheral dwellers to strengthen their claims to secure land tenure in an era of exclusionary and punitive spatial policies. Payment thus comprises a terrain of contested meaning making and political struggle, at the heart of which lie the stakes of urban citizenship. In documenting the process by which property related interests and tenure claims are advanced under a scenario of reforms, this article contributes to Gramscian political‐ecological conversations on subaltern political agency and the lived character of hegemony in urban environments.  相似文献   

丁丽艳 《价值工程》2014,(13):304-305
土地登记制度是国家的一项法定制度。《中华人民共和国物权法》确立了不动产统一登记制度。土地是最重要、最基础的不动产,土地登记是不动产登记的基础。土地登记是将国有土地使用权、集体土地所有权、集体土地使用权和土地抵押权、地役权以及依照法律法规规定需要登记的其他土地权利记载于土地登记薄公示的行为。我国的土地登记具体工作由县级以上人民政府土地管理部门负责,经县级和县级以上人民政府批准后,根据国家有关土地确权和土地登记的规定,依照法定程序,对土地所有权和使用权进行注册登记、确认、发放土地证书。  相似文献   

本文通过对统筹城乡发展内涵介绍,结合重庆市为统筹城乡发展所做的土地改革探索,分析了重庆市土地承包经营权入股改革、"地票"制度建立及农村土地交易所创设、农民转市民农村集体土地退出与利用探索对于重庆市统筹城乡发展的意义,重庆市在土地改革上的探索为确保国家统筹城乡综合配套改革试验区顺利推进,打破城乡二元结构,缩小城乡差距发挥了重要作用。文章最后提出为实现城乡统筹发展,土地改革要以充分保障农民权益为前提,土地改革的重点是要建立城乡统一的土地市场。  相似文献   

A new policy approach that seeks to formalize street vendors by immobilizing them in designated places has been taken as an alternative to exclusion in Guangzhou, China. This article develops an analytical framework for understanding this spatial formalization by drawing upon Foucault's concept of governmentality. Formalization can be understood as a form of spatial governmentality that seeks to guide the behaviour of informal economic individuals towards officially desired norms by creating bounded spaces. While the formalization programme reflects a moral form of political rationality that directs modern governments towards principles of social justice, it is fundamentally founded on a dispositional spatial rationality that imagines the dependence of social control on the ordering of space. However, this spatial rationality entails a tension between the goal of formalization and its practical effects, resulting in a failure to respect vital attributes of street vending and vendors’ counter‐responses to it. The article concludes by questioning the government's formalization approach, given its ignorance of the reality of informality, and opens up the question of what might be good formalization.  相似文献   

Madre de Dios in south-eastern Peru, like other tropical regions, faces important threats that are resulting in a loss of forest resources. The predominant types of land tenure in the rural zones of Madre de Dios are mining, agricultural and forestry concessions of land given by each Ministry to the settlers. Concessionaires fail to act as owners, because concession contracts do not guarantee secure property rights. Short-term non-sustainable land uses are favored over sustained management practices. The way in which people use the natural resources depends upon the allocation of rights over those resources. Considering communal property as a policy proposal: a system of land tenure which does not facilitate legal titling of the lands occupied by settlers and loggers will continue to hinder the possibility of developing sustainable long-term management strategies. In this article, the main proposal for a policy reform is that the land tenure system of concessions currently employed by the Peruvian government must be replaced with the assignment of legal communal land titles to the settlers' communities (not to isolated individuals) who are currently occupying forest lands in the region. The communal land titles would create an incentive for privately motivated group management of the forests, which could help reverse some of the wasteful and indiscriminate uses of land currently government-owned.  相似文献   

Board members' attitudes towards environmental protection are an important antecedent of how companies define and implement sustainability initiatives, but little is known about directors' attitudes and the factors associated with these. Using survey data on Italian board members, the research sought to explore the relationships between these individual's personal attributes, especially those related to their roles on boards, and their attitudes towards environmental protection. The findings suggest that female directors, directors with financial background, and independent directors are positively related to attitudes towards environmental protection. In the financial sector, younger board members and risk committee members show stronger environmental attitudes. The results could be of interest to policymakers because the board member attributes identified may require a stronger regulatory focus in order to achieve public policy's environmental protection objectives and to governance bodies in terms of defining board committees' composition and selecting “green directors” oriented towards environmental issues.  相似文献   

In the conspicuously geographical debate between ‘North’ and ‘South’ urbanism, settler colonial cities remain displaced. They are located in the ‘North’ but embody ‘South‐like’ colonial dynamics and are hence neither colonial nor postcolonial. Heeding the call to theorize from ‘any city’, this article aims to contribute to a more systematic theorization of the urban from settler colonial cities. In it we focus on the work property does to materialize the settler colonial city and its specific relations of power. We identify three faces of property—as object, as redress and as land—and use case vignettes from Israel/Palestine and Australia to consider how each register continues to inform the functioning of settler colonial cities. We find that, through property, dispossession and settlement are continuously performed and creatively enacted. At the same time, the performance of property reaffirms the endurance of Indigenous land systems amid ongoing colonization. The article makes a contribution to contemporary debates in urban studies about the importance of surfacing the specificities of urban experiences around the world, while further unsettling the dissociative nature of urban property.  相似文献   

Environmental expenditure estimates resulting from US environmental policy are based on current technology which may overstate policy's true costs. Existing evidence shows that ex ante cost estimates are greater than realized costs due to unexpected technological progress. This research programme asks whether innovation is a response to environmental regulation or whether the true regulatory compliance costs are overestimated ex ante when technological advancement is ignored? The author conducts an empirical study of the US manufacturing industry's environmental patent activities and environmental regulation as measured by pollution abatement and control expenditure (PACE) data. She finds a statistically significant positive relationship between environmental regulation and innovation when estimated by ordinary least squares (OLS). However, the OLS coefficient of pollution abatement costs is inconsistent because of a correlation between the explanatory variable and unobservable variables. Two-staged least squares addresses the inconsistency problem, resulting in positive and significant PACE coefficients. Thus, there is evidence that innovation is a response to environmental regulation. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

随着我国农村经济的快速发展,农村集体建设用地使用权流转问题引起了社会各界的关注。自2003年开始,我国各地开始对农村集体建设用地按“同地、同价、同权”的原则,纳入统一的土地市场。这一举措将有利于盘活农村原有的建设用地,从而大大减轻对新增建设用地需求的压力,推进农村工业化、农业产业化和城镇化进程。可是,在实际操作过程中,农村集体建设用地与国有建设用地却很难实现“同地、同价、同权”。因此,从多个方面分析这种现象产生原因并从中找出解决问题的具体方法显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

The article investigates the technical rationality behind Bangkok's recent land use zoning plans. It does so through the example of Chinatown. The plans, intended to promote urban sustainability, introduce zoning techniques such as (1) land use subcategorization to hierarchize urban districts, and (2) density zoning to encourage intensive development around transit stations. The case of Chinatown foregrounds the discussion in this article, which then, in turn, explores the two zoning techniques. I argue that both techniques are formulated through a functionalist rationality, and thus omit place‐specific conditions of land, such as local practices, histories and land tenure. Worse yet, the landed elite uses them to justify displacement and eviction. The article theorizes Chinatown as a space of difference, pointing to particularities that are unseen and thus at risk of being unmade by what is often passed off as technical expertise.  相似文献   

地方政府过度依赖土地出让收入是当前中国公共管理面临的重要难题。改革房地产税制并触发土地制度的连锁反应是破解中国土地治理困局的基本出路。通过预测不同改革方案下典型城市住房相关土地财政收入变化,评估房地产税替代土地出让(纯)收益成为地方支柱性收入源的前景。研究发现,如果合理设计覆盖城市存量和新增住房的房地产税,可在短期内保证地方土地财政收入的相对稳定,并在远期实现房地产税替代土地出让金成为地方财政支柱的目标,增强土地财政收入的可持续性。近期政府应改变“重流转、轻保有”的状况,将房地产税培育成为地方主体税种,远期应推进城乡一体化土地市场体系、土地出让制度和土地增值税制度联动改革,使地方土地财政收入从以一次性的土地出让纯收益为主向以持续的房产保有税、土地增值税等为主转变,促进政府土地管理本位职能回归,破解土地财政与政府治理困局。  相似文献   

Land trafficking, responsible for the unprecedented rate of urbanization in many Latin American cities, is often conceptualized through corruption as ‘abuses of public office for private gain’. While those involved in the practice rely at times on violence and illegality, their repertoire is sophisticated, allowing them to move in and out of legality as part of their cost–benefit calculations. In this article I argue that land trafficking is based on legalized corruption. I use an ethnographic approach to observe the strategic conduits that are technically embedded in, and opportunistically related to, different municipal processes to legalize illegality. I demonstrate how land traffickers use morphing possibilities between land tenure types (communal, private and government) and mimic development typologies that have gained legitimacy over time. I also show how conflicting, competing and humanitarian rationalities that characterize the state play a crucial role in promoting land trafficking, by grafting illegality and violations onto ‘formal’ practices.  相似文献   

A bstract . Some of the author s land tenure and land use studies of the 1930s analyzed the basic dilemma of modern rural society , in which the traditional institution of private property in land (which, more than competing systems, helps to bring about the efficient use of the land), at the same time also frustrates innovation and enterprise and creates unstable social conditions. A resurvey of the situation in the same areas half a century later shows that the same fundamental problem still confronts us. Traditional agriculture should be made more productive, but land concentration in the hands of elite groups or large corporations spell bleak prospects for the small plot farmer and landless laborer. Case studies of selected Latin American countries show the political implications of how land scarcity is induced by a tiny upper crust, often supported in power by the military. Agribusiness emphasizes export crops rather than food crops for domestic consumption. The rich get richer. Many are absentee owners, living abroad. Wages are low, food prices are high. Peasants clannor unsuccessfully for land on which to grow some of their own food to help make ends meet. The Green Revolution , with its emphasis on expensive inputs, has failed to solve the problems of the small farmer. It is concluded that small farmers should be, and are being, encouraged because they are extremely efficient when their total yields are measured against input, and that only wider access to decent land or to decent jobs will give the dispossessed a chance to work their way out of extreme poverty and undernutrition.  相似文献   

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