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Why are political rallies free to attend? Fundraising is a central campaign activity and a perennial correlate of political victory. We argue that politicians set a zero price for rallies in order to reap a non‐pecuniary benefit: political support. An ‘allocation by waiting’ scheme selects those attendees with a lower opportunity cost of time relative to a standard ‘allocation by price’ scheme. Transactions costs mitigate Coasean bargaining by removing the secondary market, thereby altering the composition of the average rally crowd. This mechanism allows politicians to facilitate exchange with ‘general interests’: citizens who do not engage in rent seeking due to collective action costs but still stand to gain from redistributive policies.  相似文献   

Behavioural economics offers a critique of modern neoclassical economics by providing empirical evidence that the model of rational choice does not accurately describe human decision‐making processes. The existence of cognitive biases, what we might term ‘agent failure’, becomes reason to doubt the efficacy of unhampered markets, and is seen by some as a sufficient condition for government intervention. This article offers a critique of this argument from an Austrian and public choice theory comparative institutions perspective. Agent failure arguments are analogous to market failure arguments of the mid‐twentieth century and the same kinds of responses made against the latter are applied to the former. Behavioural economics arguments for intervention ignore the cognitive biases of political actors, neglect the comparative perspective that results from such biases, and do not examine the ways in which markets are superior to politics in providing the information and incentives actors need to become aware of their errors and correct them. The existence of imperfectly rational agents, like the existence of imperfect markets, is therefore not a sufficient condition for government intervention into the market.  相似文献   

The well-known “MAX effect” documents that stocks with high maximum daily returns in the past month underperform those with low maximum daily returns. We show that such an effect varies with firm-level political sentiment. Among firms with low political sentiment, the usual MAX strategy gives a monthly risk-adjusted return of 1.52% and is statistically significant. However, the MAX effect weakens substantially or even reverses for firms with high political sentiment. Our findings provide novel guidance for trading on the MAX effect. Moreover, the results challenge the usual sentiment-based explanation for the MAX effect. Further evidence suggests that the prospect theory or investors’ underreaction to news may be consistent with our findings, although these channels cannot empirically explain the impact of political sentiment.  相似文献   

马会芳 《价值工程》2011,30(26):175-176
和谐教学是一种教学理念,把和谐教学引入到高校思想政治理论课教学中,有助于提高思想政治理论课教学的实效性。针对高校思想政治理论课教学中存在的不和谐因素,高校思想政治理论课教师必须积极探索走向和谐的有效对策。  相似文献   

薛大东 《价值工程》2012,31(5):262-263
网络时代给高校政治理论课的课堂教学带来了诸多挑战,政治理论教育者应当对此进行及时反思,并从挖掘课堂教学的比较优势着手,进一步调整和明确网络时代政治理论课课堂教学的功能定位,在此基础上找准努力方向不断提升高校政治理论课的课堂教学实效。  相似文献   

卢粉艳  赵雪红 《价值工程》2012,31(2):236-237
高校思想政治理论课合班上课存在着学生到课率低,内容入脑少,教师教学组织困难,多种教学方法无法开展,教学效果不理想等问题。为此,必须采取必要措施,加强学生管理,提高教师理论水平,加强师生双向交流,同时适当增加实践性教学环节。  相似文献   

卢粉艳  姚红玉 《价值工程》2011,30(13):281-282
高校思想政治理论课,承担着对大学生进行系统的马克思主义理论教育的任务,是对大学生进行思想政治教育的主渠道,是帮助大学生树立正确世界观、人生观和价值观的重要途径。要提高高校思想政治理论课教学的针对性、实效性和吸引力、感染力,就必须适应形势要求,积极进行创新,以发展的马克思主义建设高校思想政治理论课的课程体系,用创新性思维改革高校思想政治理论课教学工作。  相似文献   

李峰 《价值工程》2011,30(33):249-250
随着网络技术的不断发展和普及,各高校纷纷搭建起思政教育专题网站,探索思政理论传播的新模式。要优化思政理论网上传播效果,可以从传播主体、传播媒介、传播客体、反馈等四个方面入手梳理出一些主要途径。  相似文献   

黄娟  叶文英 《价值工程》2010,29(30):133-133
当今社会,经济发展突飞猛进,科技进步日新月异,国与国的竞争日趋激烈。要想在未来社会的发展中抢占先机,具备优势,就必须拥有一大批综合素质高、创新能力强的实用型和复合型人才。作为高校教师,必须认真总结,积极探索知识传授与能力培养的有效途径和方法,找到一条适应时代发展要求的新型教育模式,使学生既拥有一定的科学理论知识,又具备多方面的实践创新能力,为社会主义经济建设培养出一大批素质高、能力强的实用型人才。因此,高校老师认真钻研学习马克思主义理论与思想政治教育具有十分重大的意义。  相似文献   

We study how a regulator (Securities and Exchanges Commission; SEC) responds to IPOs that have a higher political profile. We find that IPOs with issuers (intermediaries) that actively pursue political strategies receive more (less) SEC comment letters than IPOs without such actors. Cross-sectional analysis reveals that the IPO's political environment moderates the relationship between social pressure for more corporate transparency and SEC scrutiny. Additional tests indicate that the political activities of issuers (intermediaries) contribute to a less (more) efficient IPO process. Overall, our findings suggest that politically active intermediaries have stronger incentives to accurately portray the IPO financial reporting environment than politically active issuers because they have greater reputational and political capital at stake; quite simply, the former have more to lose. We draw out the implications for theory, in terms of agency and reputation.  相似文献   

许汉良 《价值工程》2010,29(10):213-214
中专政治理论课在新的历史时期,如何适应时代的发展变化,如何突破原有的教育模式,如何提高育人实效,迎接时代的挑战。本文中专政治理论课要走出困境,其出路和对策入手,试图从中专政治理论课教学角度探讨作为切入点,分析中专政治理论课教学所面临的问题困境的根源。  相似文献   

郭晶石 《价值工程》2011,30(23):237-237
思想政治理论课实践教学是提高高等教育教学质量,更新教育观念,深化教学改革,提高学生综合素质,增强思想政治理论课教学效果的重要手段。  相似文献   

闫普耀 《价值工程》2011,30(35):212-213
政治理论课是我国高等学校开设的必修课,对于培养社会主义事业合格的接班人有着十分重要的作用,政治理论课教师承担着教书育人的重任,要搞好政治理论课的教学、科研,离不开丰富的图书资料,因此,研究政治理论课教师对图书资料的需求十分重要。  相似文献   

徐永慧 《价值工程》2014,(24):245-246
本文在分析高职院校思政师资队伍建设的现状和挑战的基础之上,提出了相关的建设策略。  相似文献   

石晨 《价值工程》2012,31(11):184-185
面对新形势、新矛盾、新问题,军队院校思想政治理论教学必须以开放的心态、务实的态度探索出新的教学方式。本文在简要介绍自主学习、自主学习教学模式内涵的基础上,对军校思想政治理论课自主学习教学模式应用的必要性、构建的原则及实践中的运用进行了探讨,旨在为军校思想政治理论课的教学改革提供一些新思路、新方法。  相似文献   

姚冬梅 《价值工程》2008,27(6):35-37
利用集对分析理论从高校思想政治理论课教学系统的同一、差异、对立三方面描述、分析和处理其中的确定性和不确定性。通过对随机抽取的200名学生的问卷调查和同异反联系数的计算分析,认为在高校思想政治理论课教学中学生的不确定性感受是影响思想政治理论课教学效果的一个重要因素,调控思想政治理论课教学中不确定性的关键在教师。  相似文献   

International environmental agreements typically strive for the solution of a common property resource dilemma. Since the sovereignty of states precludes external enforcement, international environmental agreements must be self‐enforcing. Game theoretical models explain why rewards and punishments imposed through the environmental externality generally fail to enforce full cooperation. Therefore, environmental treaties incorporate provisions that enhance the incentives for participation such as transfers, sanctions and linkage to other negotiation topics in international politics. Moreover, interaction with markets and governments as well as the rules and procedures adopted in the negotiation process influence the design and the effectiveness of an international environmental agreement.  相似文献   

试论灌输与质疑相结合的原则在思想政治理论课中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
彭瑞良 《价值工程》2011,30(7):281-282
灌输作为一种方法,其本身本无所谓好坏。将灌输等同于"强制灌输"、简单化为"知识传授"倾向等错误是拒斥一切灌输的原因。在思想政治理论教育中,灌输作为一种方法依然发挥着用,灌输作用的发挥必须是理清灌输含义及正确实施的基础上进行。除此之外,质疑精神在"思想政治理论课"教学中也发挥着重要的作用。实际教学当中,如果能将灌输原则与质疑精神相结合,将会更明显地提高思想政治理论课的实效性。  相似文献   

This paper explores the constraints that should inform understandings of which political economic institutions are both economically and political feasible and ethically attractive. Focusing on cognitive constraints and motivational constraints, it suggests that the classical liberal ideal of a society based largely on voluntary exchanges within a minimalist conception of justice comes closest to matching the terms of a ‘realistic idealism’.  相似文献   

孙晓凯 《价值工程》2011,30(36):147-148
本文从资源及其配置的涵义入手,逐步深入地对高等体育专业院校学生思想政治教育资源的含义进行分析,直至对高等体育院校学生思想政治教育资源配置的含义有一个清晰的认识,为高等体育院校学生思想政治教育资源的有效配置提供详实的理论基础。  相似文献   

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