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What are the challenges associated with translating indigenous territorial demands into land policy? While most land policy prioritizes the economic utility of land, indigenous territorial demands call for governments to more broadly conceptualize the definition and utility of land. Since the 1990s, most Latin American countries have formally recognized a range of indigenous territorial rights and worked to translate these rights into practice. Drawing on the Chilean experience, this paper argues that these alternative conceptualizations of land and territory complicate the implementation of government efforts to recognize indigenous demands. Specifically, the insufficiently defined scope of the policy exacerbates tension between communities' territorial rights demands and the government's capacity to return land. This tension is gradually and bureaucratically resolved, hindering both the policy's ability to meaningfully respond to indigenous territorial demands and the government's objective of promoting rural development. Future discussions and research must consider how these competing conceptualizations of land affect indigenous and land policy.  相似文献   

This paper integrates aspects of global value chain and sustainable rural livelihoods analyses in an exploration of the local impacts of agri‐food globalization in Chile. In particular, it examines the evolution of the raspberry export sector in the context of Chile's non‐traditional agricultural export boom, and considers its importance to smallholder growers and rural households in central Chile. The paper first outlines the geography and structural configuration of the global value chain for Chilean raspberries, and considers modes of governance and forms of coordination between key actors within the chain. Second, the terms and implications of smallholder grower participation in the value chain are explored in a discussion of access to key livelihoods assets. The paper concludes that institutional support to smallholders, even in the case of a crop that is widely seen to have a small‐scale ‘size bias’, remains integral to their capacity to comply with required safety and quality standards and gain and retain market access via the value chain.  相似文献   

This paper provides a closer look into the concept of eco-regions in Austria. The idea behind the eco-region is to merge organic farming and rural development into a territorial strategy. The actors proposing this are farmers as well as various stakeholders in regional development. A survey of current manifestations of eco-regions in Austria provides an overview and a base for a preliminary classification. It also indicates the eco-region concept as a potential answer to individual problem situations. The ‘Eco-region National Park Hohe Tauern’ serves as a specific case to assess the impact of this concept using the sustainable rural livelihood (SRL) framework. The case study proves that the concept of eco-regions delivers a range of improvements in the livelihood of small organic farms in less favoured regions. Moreover it supports the forging of new alliances, which can extend the principles of sustainability inherent to organic farming to other actors and sectors in the region. Thus it provides the framework for a territorial application of the principles of organic farming. But the case study also reveals potential dangers, especially from powerful market partners who use the concept for their purposes, dominating further development and creating new dependencies. Finally some general conclusions on the preconditions necessary to establish eco-regions are presented.  相似文献   

农户可持续生计对实施乡村振兴战略意义重大。基于可持续生计框架,提出旅游生计效率的概念及理论模型,构建生计资本的投入指标(旅游用地面积、旅游资金投入及劳动力投入)和以家庭旅游年收入为主的生计产出指标,采用随机前沿模型计算了广东省丹霞山128个农户的旅游生计效率。结果表明,农户旅游生计效率总体水平较高,均值为0.7485,旅游对提升农户生计效率作用显著。旅游用地、资金及劳动力的投入具有边际递减效应,农户需合理配置投入要素才能有效提高生计效率。家庭区位条件、教育水平、人情开支、旅游技能以及旅游生计方式数量对旅游生计效率有正向影响。  相似文献   

This paper studies the impact of the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGA) at the all-India level utilizing nationally representative data from the national sample survey (NSS). We propose an alternative methodology for the proper identification of target households in the baseline period using a secondary data source such as the NSS. The programme is assessed in terms of whether it has been successful in ensuring livelihood security for beneficiary households. The study found that the increase in spending capacity of non-beneficiary households was greater than MGNREGA beneficiary households. Moreover, the overall growth trend in spending capacity over time had a greater effect in improving the livelihood security of the target households than the estimated effect of the programme.  相似文献   

脱贫攻坚和乡村振兴是以习近平同志为核心的党中央关于农村建设发展提出的两项重大战略部署。以马克思主义的视角观之,脱贫攻坚对于乡村振兴战略的实施具有重要的基础作用,且这种基础作用具有多重性。脱贫攻坚通过消除贫困、弥补短板、重塑组织、改善系统等,为乡村振兴战略的实施创造前提条件、搭建基础平台、提供组织保障、营造有利环境,从而使乡村振兴战略在农村贫困地区的实施不仅可能,而且可行。为确保乡村振兴战略在农村贫困地区的顺利实施,必须不断夯实脱贫攻坚各项工作,坚决、彻底、全面地打赢脱贫攻坚战,使脱贫攻坚对乡村振兴的多重基础性作用得到充分彰显,从而实现脱贫攻坚与乡村振兴的有机衔接。  相似文献   

Slow adoption of conservation farming systems in the Philippine uplands is a major problem. To address this, the landcare approach, based on community landcare groups, is being piloted in several locations. The results of a study to evaluate the impact of the Landcare Program in Barangay Ned in Southern Mindanao are presented. The sustainable rural livelihoods approach was used as a framework for the evaluation. The study focused on two impacts, the adoption of conservation practices and the formation and development of landcare groups, drawing on four data sources—project reports, key informants, a questionnaire survey, and case studies of landcare groups. The Ned Landcare Program has been associated with rapid adoption of conservation farming practices and the rapid formation of landcare groups linked in an association. The main effect of the Program was to enhance human capital through practical, farmer-led training and extension, enabling farmers to incorporate soil conservation and agroforestry technologies in their farming systems, with desirable outcomes for livelihood security and environmental sustainability. The social capital formed, especially through the landcare association, was crucial to these outcomes. Ongoing partnerships with adequately resourced facilitating agencies were required to maintain the Landcare Program in the long term.  相似文献   

该文针对目前我国农村扶贫政策实施中出现的目标定位不清、政策效果追求片面及基层政府执行偏差等问题进行深入分析,并在此基础上提出了准确定位贫困扶助目标:加快建立生态补偿机制,完善异地搬迁政策;加快公共服务均等化实施;大力推进参与式扶贫等解决措施。  相似文献   

分权管理作为改进治理的民主进程和资源的公平分配或有效性的方法而受到广泛的讨论。分权管理的目标和主要原则(如辅助作用等)已是众所周知的,但付诸实施却总是不很成功。分权管理的途径有时从概念上设计得很好,但因各种原因并未按照设计去执行,从而出现了造成冲突和混乱的严重缺陷,导致目标未能实现。通过对亚太地区案例研究的正面和负面的经验进行了回顾,对森林经营和可持续性的影响给予了关注。成功的分权管理途径需要反映国家所关心的地理、文化和机构方面,以及相关的各种施政、市场和信息功能。分权管理有多种形式,其可以包含地域层次和联邦层次,也可以包括地方政府或不符合常规施政的地域。但所有的分权管理形式都必须做好准备工作,且分阶段实施非常必要。总结案例研究的教训为森林可持续经营提供了制定未来分权管理途径的基础和避免缺陷。  相似文献   

This paper, based on fieldwork results, explores traditional management systems (TMS) in the arid zone fisheries of north-eastern Nigeria with particular reference to their impact on rural poverty. The first section provides a historical background by tracing the evolution of the TMS since the nineteenth century, with reference to government policy on fisheries management and poverty alleviation. The second gives an overview of TMS, including definitions, distribution, principal objectives, regulatory mechanisms and the impact of TMS on the performance of the fisheries and on the livelihoods of rural people. The third considers the perceptions and attitudes of the fishing communities with regards to the fisheries and TMS. The paper concludes, paradoxically, that while TMS provide a basis for the sustainable livelihoods of many fishing people, they also reflect and enforce the social positions of the rich and powerful members of society who oversee them, at the expense of the poor. In the future, poverty alleviation in fisheries will need to incorporate both sectoral and non-sectoral strategies – dealing with the existing 'paradox of TMS' by encouraging appropriate institutional changes and community development, and recognizing the importance of employment creation in other sectors of the economy as a source of alternative income.  相似文献   

研究目的:探索农户生计资本禀赋对不同模式农地整治增收脱贫的影响。研究方法:有序Logistic模型。研究结果:农户生计资本禀赋对两种模式农地整治的增收脱贫均有显著影响,影响显著的生计资本指标对PPP模式农地整治增收脱贫的边际效应高于政府主导模式。研究结论:政府应该引导龙头企业等社会资本积极参与农地整治扶贫,以提高PPP模式农地整治扶贫项目的比例;加强农地整治扶贫与其他精准扶贫手段相结合,以促进农地整治区农户全部脱贫。  相似文献   

基于乡村振兴战略的实施背景,从乡村生态旅游业在农民增收中所起到的作用出发,探讨盐城市大丰区乡村旅游发展问题。通过对盐城地区进行实地调研分析,大丰区有发展乡村旅游的丰富资源和优势,具有非常大的开发潜力,但其重点产业发展阶段总体上仍然处于质量内涵不深的粗放型产业发展的阶段,生态资源综合利用不佳、扶贫攻坚成效低。提出了进一步扩大生态旅游重点产业发展规模、引入专业心人才、发挥当地贫困农户主观能动性作用、加强政府监管等政策建议。  相似文献   

The issue of rural poverty continues to shape critical academic and policy discourses in the global South. In such discourses, some scholars and policy‐makers highlight non‐agrarian pathways leading to prosperity, while others continue to emphasize the significance of land and farming for poverty reduction. However, such analyses tend not only to obscure strong linkages between agriculture, migration and rural labour, but also stay silent on how rural people interpret changes or continuities in their livelihoods. In this paper, I focus on the case of rural Nepal to unfold how some rural people, but not others, improve their livelihoods through international labour migration, farming and rural labour. This paper reveals that many poor people have experienced improved livelihoods pursuing a diverse portfolio of agricultural and non‐agricultural activities including labour migration. However, the dispossession of poor people from land and their adverse incorporation into the local and international labour markets continue to perpetuate chronic poverty.  相似文献   

This article examines the political conflict in rural society during the Popular Unity Government (1970–73) by focusing on the mobilization of forestry workers in Panguipulli, a district in southern Chile. Adopting land invasions as their main strategy in the struggle for land and power, Panguipulli workers experienced a radical politicization by aligning themselves with the Peasant Revolutionary Movement, the “peasant front” of the Revolutionary Left Movement. Because of its relation with this emerging “new left,” rural mobilization was a significant expression of the “revolution from below”, which challenged the Popular Unity's “Chilean road to socialism.” Moreover, because rural mobilization also took place in other areas throughout Chile where the Revolutionary Left Movement was influential, it gave rise to a grassroots project for radicalizing the government's agrarian reform. As a result, the rural “revolution from below” strongly influenced the content and trajectory of political conflict under the Popular Unity Government.  相似文献   

农村贫困地区生态、经济系统的现状表明,原因与结果之间的作用不是单方向的,而是相互的。农村贫困地区处于生态建设与经济发展的不良耦合之中。自然、经济、社会、制度因素的综合作用,导致农村贫困地区经济发展滞后,社会发展水平低,贫困和生态脆弱互为因果的局面。这些因素成为农村贫困地区构建环境友好型社会的障碍。  相似文献   

我国林业扶贫工作的主要问题及优化措施研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
林业扶贫是当前我国扶贫工作的重要内容。通过介绍开展林业扶贫工作的政策背景、理论背景以及经济背景,分析林业扶贫工作开展过程中存在的基础设施落后、针对性差等问题,提出了因地制宜,互联网+林业扶贫,鼓励社会资本进入扶贫工作、志智双扶等应对措施。  相似文献   

对江西赣州集中连片的9个贫困县区的林药发展现状展开调研,在精准扶贫的背景下分析江西林药的生产要素、主要经营模式、产业结构特点及其存在问题,探讨支撑江西林药发展的精准扶贫对策建议。结果表明:赣州9个贫困县区系野生药材资源富集区,林药规模生产特征初现,但未见第一产业主导优势经济集群效应,产业结构和生产要素组成待优化完善,林药与精准扶贫的发展挑战与机遇并存。为此,赣州9个贫困县区应依托丰富的中药资源,发挥第二产业优势,通过加强对产业结构的调整,培育各具特色的优势主业,建立良好的产业体系,助推第一产业健康发展,以较好地支撑江西林药种植的精准扶贫。  相似文献   

根据对贫困的深层次定义,通过入户调查,对黑龙江省国有森工林区的贫困成因从财富积累、创业机会、技术人才以及消费等方面进行了论述。并针对贫困形成的原因,建议通过增加森工林区的财富供给、建立有效的人才培养和使用机制、增加林区职工自我创业的动力、改变人们的不合理的消费观念解决黑龙江省国有森工林区面临的贫困问题。  相似文献   

新中国70年产业扶贫政策:演变路径、经验教训及前景展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
产业扶贫是实现持续稳定脱贫的根本之策。新中国成立70年来,我国产业扶贫政策经历了基础夯实、起步摸索、雏形确立、加速推进、精准施策五个阶段,在产业扶贫推进过程中,各地区持续改善产业扶贫基础环境,结合实际创新推进模式,坚持政府主导各界参与的多元形式,实施差异化的支持政策,为脱贫攻坚取得重大决定性成就提供了有力支撑,与此同时,也面临趋同化现象明显,益贫性仍然较低,政府和市场边界相对模糊等问题。今后,产业扶贫仍将是消除绝对和相对贫困人口的重要手段,更是促进乡村产业全面振兴的重要路径。展望未来,在扶贫产业迈向产业兴旺的进程中,产业的特色化与差异化将更加凸显,多元化与创新性的推进模式机制将不断涌现,全方位与立体式的促进乡村振兴将加速实现。  相似文献   

Many questions have arisen about the relationship between international agricultural trade and poverty in developing countries. This article explores these questions by analyzing local agricultural tradability indices, which measure the degree to which commodities produced in a particular region are traded internationally. Data are examined for Chile, a middle‐income country with a history of international agricultural trade over the last decades. Empirical results indicate that a higher agricultural tradability index is associated with lower poverty rates across Chilean comunas.  相似文献   

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