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The banking sector is subject to explicit taxation and to bank regulation and supervision with quasi-fiscal implications. The assignment of national fiscal policy rights and duties regarding international banks in the EU varies with the fiscal instrument and with whether the international bank owns foreign branches or subsidiaries. Decentralized national policy-making in the EU gives rise to fiscal burdens on banks that differ internationally and with the national origin of banks in the same country. This paper discusses the international aspects of the overall fiscal regime facing banks in the EU and it evaluates some avenues for reform.  相似文献   

国际经验表明,一国利率市场化改革有力推进了银行业经营理念和发展模式革新,而商业银行利率定价管理能力的提高,也会对市场利率变化趋势产生影响。文章回顾了英国利率市场化改革的简要历程及其对银行业利率和利差水平变化的影响,重点考察了英国银行业的应对策略及其成熟的定价管理模式,并就国内银行业如何借鉴国际经验以有效应对利率市场化的机遇与挑战进行了思考。  相似文献   

本文基于跨境金融关联视角对宏观审慎政策能否抑制国际性银行危机传染这一重要的理论与实践问题进行了实证研究。选取亚洲金融危机和全球金融危机时期遭受冲击的10个代表性国家作为样本,构建Logit模型和多元回归模型探讨本国及具有金融关联的国家协调实施宏观审慎政策对本国系统性银行危机传染的影响。研究表明,具有金融关联的国家出现金融危机会显著增加本国系统性银行危机的发生概率,具有金融关联的国家实施宏观审慎政策对本国信贷的影响比对房价的影响更明显,本国及具有金融关联的国家协调实施宏观审慎政策会显著降低本国系统性银行危机的发生概率。在调整银行危机指标及考虑贸易关联和流动性风险的影响后,研究结果依然保持稳健。本文的研究结论揭示了加强宏观审慎政策协调有助于维护全球金融稳定,对于中国政策当局强化宏观审慎管理具有极其重要的政策含义。  相似文献   

代理行业务作为商业银行国际业务的重要组成,对于促进跨境金融活动、支撑国际贸易、推动包容性增长等方面具有重要意义。但由于该业务的内生特点,往往隐藏着较大的洗钱风险。近年来代理行业务洗钱案件频现,凸显了代理行业务在风险治理、尽职调查、风险评估、交易监控等方面的问题。商业银行要稳健发展好代理行业务,需要从事前、事中、事后等环节加强反洗钱管理。  相似文献   

This paper reviews the progress in European banking integration over the last twenty years, and evaluates the current system of banking supervision and deposit insurance based on ‘home country’ control. The public policy implications to draw from the paper are threefold: First, after a relatively slow start, European banking integration is gaining momentum, in terms of cross‐border flows, market share of foreign banks in several domestic markets, and cross‐border M&As of significant size. If this trend continues, the issue of adequate supervision and safety nets in an integrated European banking market will become even more pressing. Second, although until recently banks have relied mostly on subsidiary structures to go cross‐border, this is changing with the recent creation of the European company statute, which facilitates cross‐border branch banking. A review of the case of the Scandinavian bank, Nordea Bank AB, helps to understand some remaining barriers to integration, and the supervisory issues raised by branch banking. Third, it is argued that the principle of ‘home country’ supervision is unlikely to be adequate in the future for large international banks. Because the closure of an international bank would be likely to have cross‐border spillovers, and because some small European countries might be unable to finance the bail‐out of their very large banks, centralization, or at least Europe‐wide coordination, of the decision to close or bail‐out international banks is needed. This raises the issue of European funding of bail‐out costs, European banking supervision, and European deposit insurance.  相似文献   

Motivated by public policy debates about bank consolidation and conflicting theoretical predictions about the relationship between bank concentration, bank competition and banking system fragility, this paper studies the impact of national bank concentration, bank regulations, and national institutions on the likelihood of a country suffering a systemic banking crisis. Using data on 69 countries from 1980 to 1997, we find that crises are less likely in economies with more concentrated banking systems even after controlling for differences in commercial bank regulatory policies, national institutions affecting competition, macroeconomic conditions, and shocks to the economy. Furthermore, the data indicate that regulatory policies and institutions that thwart competition are associated with greater banking system fragility.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the effect of banking crises on market discipline in an international sample of banks. We also evaluate how bank regulation, supervision, institutions, and crisis intervention policies shape the effect of banking crises on market discipline. We control for unobservable bank, country, and time specific effects using a panel data set of banks from 66 countries around 79 banking crises. The results suggest that on average market discipline weakens after a banking crisis. This weakening is higher in countries where bank regulation, supervision, and institutions promoted market discipline before the banking crisis, and where a more accommodative approach is adopted to resolve it.  相似文献   

纵观古今,对于全球银行业来说,信贷风险管理的好坏决定了银行的生死存亡。近年来,随着我国银行业体制改革深入,各家银行信贷业务发展迅速,但是我国银行业信贷风险管理观念薄弱,管理水平仍较低,信贷业务快速发展和风险管理相对滞后的矛盾日益凸显,国内关于银行信贷风险管理手段和技术的研究也比较落后,本文将着重从财务报表分析角度探讨财务指标在信贷风险评价中的运用,探讨财务指标在信贷风险评价中的有效性。  相似文献   

This paper identifies national corruption as a determinant of international banking. Using total international banking claims of 21 countries from worldwide borrowers, at the bilateral lender-borrower level, we document that when lender countries are less corrupt than borrower countries, international banking volume tends to be higher between countries with similar corruption levels. In contrast, when lender countries are more corrupt than borrower countries, corruption difference has no significant impact on international banking volume, because relatively more corrupt lenders perceive relatively less corrupt borrowers as generally creditworthy. The effect of corruption difference weakened during the 2007–2009 financial crisis, but subsequently regained its precrisis strength among the relatively less corrupt lenders while gaining new force among relatively more corrupt lenders.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the transmission mechanism of banking sector shocks in an international real business cycle model with heterogeneous bank sizes. We examine to what extent the financial exposure of the banking sector affects the transmission of foreign banking sector shocks. In our model, the more exposed domestic banks are to the foreign economy via lending to foreign firms, the greater are the spillovers from foreign financial shocks to the home economy. The model highlights the role of openness to trade and the dynamics of the terms of trade in the international transmission mechanism of banking sector shocks: spillovers from foreign banking sector shocks are greater the more open the home economy is to trade and the less the terms of trade respond to foreign shocks.  相似文献   

从传统部门银行向流程银行过度是我国银行业深化改革一条较优的路径选择。随着我国商业银行经营体制的不断变革,构建流程银行已成为国内商业银行深化改革的重要目标。本文从流程银行理论入手,结合国际流程银行再造的成功经验,以及我国商业银行的经营管理模式,提出构建流程银行的设想。  相似文献   

经济资本管理:理论分析及我国实践   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
近年来,经济资本管理作为优化资源配置、提高风险调整收益的核心工具,在国际先进银行中得到广泛应用。通过经济资本可以量化各类业务敞口的风险水平,计算抵御风险所需的资本金额,银行决策层可据此调整风险偏好与发展战略,制定更为科学、合理、清晰的政策组合,确保银行价值最大化目标的实现。本文阐述了经济资本管理的基本理论、国内外实践情况,分析了我国银行业实践中存在的问题,提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

本文通过历史比较与国际比较,指出中国银行业虽然综合税负不断下降,但仍较国外偏重,进而运用面板数据模型论证了相对过重的税收负担对中国银行业经营绩效产生负效应,最后,提出降低我国银行业税负的若干政策建议,以应对经济全球化和国际金融危机的双重挑战,提高中国银行业在开放金融体系中的竞争力。  相似文献   

We analyze the impact of financial globalization on business cycle synchronization using a proprietary database on banks’ international exposure for industrialized countries during 1978 to 2006. Theory makes ambiguous predictions and identification has been elusive due to lack of bilateral time‐varying financial linkages data. In contrast to conventional wisdom and previous empirical studies, we identify a strong negative effect of banking integration on output synchronization, conditional on global shocks and country‐pair heterogeneity. Similarly, we show divergent economic activity due to higher integration using an exogenous de‐jure measure of integration based on financial regulations that harmonized EU markets.  相似文献   

The coordinated response to extreme events is critical as illustrated by recent disasters in Haiti and Japan. As a way for coordinated provision of international humanitarian assistance to disaster-hit countries, the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) developed cluster coordination model (CCM). With content analysis and network analysis of OCHA situation reports, this study checked four premises regarding activation of CCM, interaction between national and international actors, roles of proximity country, and level of cluster coordination. This study found that there were meaningful variations in implementing the CCM for 2010 Haiti and 2011 Japan disasters. From the analyses, we found that the current CCM may be vulnerable to black swan disasters; thus, extensive and active estimation of national disaster management capacities should be conducted to prevent collapse of national disaster management system. However, the reconciliation of state sovereignty and international humanitarian assistance also should be considered.  相似文献   

商业银行操作风险管理与监管研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
当前,操作风险已成为银行损失的重要源头之一,国际银行业正在积极研究加强和完善操作风险管理和监管的方法.本文在定性分析操作风险的基础上,概括性地回顾了国际银行业在操作风险管理制度、监管手段和方式等方面的探索,分析了我国银行业操作风险管理与监管中存在的突出问题,并从培育风险管理文化、健全监管制度框架、完善公司治理结构和内部控制、加大风险管理工具开发和创造良好的外部环境等方面提出对策和建议.  相似文献   

The heyday of overseas banking already has passed for U.S. institutions and, according to this paper, the international financial role played by American banks is likely to be diminished still further in coming years. Recent trends in international lending to various groups of countries are examined as are the available data on the profitability and risk attached to overseas exposures. Looking towards the future, the paper reviews the outlook for profit opportunities, capital adequacy, and country risk concentration and it concludes that these factors probably will impose limits to banking growth that may well curtail, for instance, the recycling role formerly (and successfully) played by U.S.-chartered banks.  相似文献   

Nick Hewlett 《Futures》1985,17(1):34-44
Retail banking is traditionally highly labour-intensive and employment in the industry has been rising steadily for many years. However, new technology is now being introduced which is beginning to have an impact on levels of employment. In the European Economic Community it is likely that productivity will increase only slightly faster than demand up to 1990 and that employment will not fall substantially. After that date, it will almost certainly fall faster. Negotiations between management and unions, at a national and international level, should ensure that the introduction of new labour-saving technology be complemented by reductions in working time and the creation of more stimulating, labour-intensive positions.  相似文献   

国际金融危机爆发以来,影子银行体系的迅速发展及其影响成为当前金融界一项重要的研究内容。从国内外现有文献来看,绝大部分是以西方国家的影子银行为研究对象。该文从对比分析中西方影子银行体系间的差别人手,对我国影子银行机构的特征及类别进行了归纳,估算了我国影子银行体系的规模,分析了影子银行快速发展会对金融稳定造成的影0向,并就加强我国影子银行体系管理提出相关政策建议。  相似文献   

This paper quantitatively examines return transmission and volatility spillovers between banking sector stocks in the US and eight other countries by applying our newly extended VAR-DCC-MEGARCH-M model with asymmetric spillovers and Student-t or skew-t errors. Our investigations clarify almost unidirectional stock return transmission from the US banking sector to all other eight international banking sectors. In addition, we also uncover bidirectional volatility spillovers between the US and other eight international banking sector stocks, which are all tied to the leverage effect. Moreover, using the dynamic conditional variances and covariances from our extended model, we derive the time-varying optimal hedge ratios and optimal portfolio weights. These analyses reveal that, except for such extraordinary periods as during financial crises, we can hedge the US banking sector stocks with other international banking sector stocks, and that well-balanced portfolios of the US and other banking sector stocks are optimal. Furthermore, additional analysis using gold, silver, and platinum futures reveals that we can hedge international banking sector stocks with precious metal futures highly effectively, and that well-balanced portfolios of banking stocks and precious metals are optimal. Based on the results from our analyses, this paper derives many significant interpretations and implications for financial and systemic risk management.  相似文献   

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