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This study uses stock price data to examine certain aspects of Federal Reserve Boards' administrative decisions regarding non-bank acquisitions by bank holding companies (BHCs). The results suggest that stockholders of BHCs whose acquisition plans were approved realized positive abnormal returns following the announcement of the acquisition of a non-bank firm. This result is consistent with the synergy interpretation of non-bank acquisitions by BHCs. Another finding is that stockholders of BHCs that were denied permission to acquire non-bank firms sustained significant losses during the five weeks following the Board's decision. These abnormal losses can be interpreted as foregone synergy rents or as a market reaction to the Board's signal that the BHC in question is excessively risky.  相似文献   

Bank mergers are a control mechanism for reallocating resources because regulation has a pervasive influence on bank decision making. Unlike industrial firms, bank mergers are subject to regulatory approval. Bank shareholder returns are analyzed at the time of Federal Reserve approval of mergers to assess whether regulation reduces differential information between bank managers and outsiders or reduces managers' ability to take advantage of differential information. Empirical tests indicate there are negative returns to acquiring banks for external mergers but normal returns for internal mergers; emergency mergers generate positive returns before and upon announcement; more negative results occur in states with branching restrictions and in cases when equity financing is used.  相似文献   

The recent literature advances a hypothesis that addresses the possibility of mortgage redlining caused by a dynamic information externality in property appraisals and mortgage lending. In particular, Lang and Nakamura (1993) hypothesize that because property appraisals depend on past transactions, appraisals in neighborhoods where transactions were infrequent tend to be less precise. The greater uncertainty about house valuation in such neighborhoods can lead mortgage lenders to impose stringent requirements on borrowers. Lang and Nakamura's article, like most economic analysis of property appraisals, is theoretical. Using a sample of mortgages purchased by Fannie Mae, we present preliminary research results that cast doubt on appraisal behavioral rules such as weighted averages or backward-looking expectations on which Lang and Nakamura and other theoretical studies are based. Instead, our results refocus attention on the moral hazard issues of appraisal. We find that in more than 80 percent of the cases, the appraisal is between 0 and 5 percent above the transaction purchase price, in only 5 percent of the cases is the appraisal lower, and in 30 percent of the cases, the appraisal and transaction prices are identical. It would take a strong statistical model to generate such occurrences. Our resutls also indicate that appraisal outcomes are used as a risk factor with different weights for loans with different characteristics (loan-to-value ratios and house prices). The results suggest that more empirical investigation of appraisal practices be conducted to verify the validity of conventional wisdom embedded in theoretical studies, and we offer an econometric framework toward this end.  相似文献   

This paper examines why some firms have no debt in their capital structures despite the potential benefits of debt financing. It adds new insights to this zero-leverage phenomenon by addressing two unexplored questions: Does a firm have zero leverage as a consequence of financial constraints or because of a strategic decision to mitigate underinvestment incentives and preserve financial flexibility? Is the decision to follow a zero-leverage policy affected by macroeconomic conditions? Analyzing a new sample of UK firms over the period 1980–2007, we show that the zero-leverage policy is prevalent but that zero-leverage firms are not homogeneous. There are two distinct groups of unlevered firms with different levels of constraints as measured by their dividend policy, namely payers and non-payers. Importantly, we find new evidence that these groups have different motives for eschewing debt. Firms in the second group (non-payers) have zero leverage mainly due to financial constraints. Firms in the first group (payers) deliberately eschew debt to mitigate investment distortions, as predicted by the underinvestment and financial flexibility hypotheses. Macroeconomic conditions have a significant effect on the zero-leverage decision, especially for this less constrained group.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationship between bank risk and product diversification in the changing structure of the European banking industry. Based on a broad set of European banks for the period 1996–2002, our study first shows that banks expanding into non-interest income activities present higher risk and higher insolvency risk than banks which mainly supply loans. However, considering size effects and splitting non-interest activities into both trading activities and commission and fee activities we show that the positive link with risk is mostly accurate for small banks and essentially driven by commission and fee activities. A higher share of trading activities is never associated with higher risk and for small banks it implies, in some cases, lower asset and default risks.  相似文献   

There is limited research which focuses on the use of external monitoring by private companies, domestic or international. We use World Bank data to explore the factors that are associated with the probability of using external monitoring by private firms in emerging and developing countries. In this research, the service of external auditors is considered as a proxy for external monitoring. We tested our results both on the full sample (114 countries) and on 5 different income clusters based on World Bank economic development categorization. From our results, we conclude that there is not a single set of “universal” factors associated with firms' decision to engage external auditors. We observe that factors associated with external auditors, a proxy for monitoring, differ across the various categories of economic development. As a policy implication, there is a need for a voluntary adoption of a uniform set of standards for external monitoring and auditing in this area.  相似文献   

This article tests an income-smoothing hypothesis for a sample of 106 large bank holding companies for the period 1976 to 1984. Our focus is on the behavior of the provision for loan losses as a function of bank income and alternative measures of business conditions likely to affect loan portfolio risk-taking or quality. Using an econometric model with pooled time-series, cross-sectional data, we find evidence of income-smoothing behavior over our test period. Our dummy-variable models indicate that regional banking companies tend to engage in income smoothing more than money-center banks. Alternative motivations for income-smoothing behavior, which include bank regulatory policy, risk management, agency theory, and compensation policy, are explored and their policy implications considered.  相似文献   

Recently, there has been a great deal of interest on the part of many organizations in the concept of IT governance in order to justify IT investments. Some studies have shown that companies, which have good IT governance models, generate higher returns on their IT investments than their competitors. However, there is a lack of scientific research confirming that effective IT governance leads to better financial performance. In this paper, we attempt to determine whether companies that have adopted IT governance mechanisms have improved their financial performance, by measuring pre and post adoption performance indicators. We found that companies that adopted IT governance practices improved their performance when compared to the control group, particularly in relation to profitability. Furthermore, we found that the effects of adopting IT governance mechanisms on financial performance were more pronounced in the year following adoption than in the year in which they were adopted.  相似文献   

This paper examines common stock returns and dividend and earnings patterns surrounding specially designated dividends labeled by management as ‘extra’, ‘special’ or ‘year-end’ and compares them to those surrounding regular (unlabeled) dividend increases. The results support the notion that management uses the labeling of dividend increases to convey information to the market about the future potential of the firm. Unlabeled increases appear to contain the most positive information. Contrary to the sometimes suggested view, specially designated dividends appear to convey positive information about future dividends and earnings beyond that relating to the current period.  相似文献   

Extensive empirical work shows that bidders do not gain from the acquisition of publicly traded targets but experience positive excess returns in the acquisition of privately held firms. This study investigates how two important differences between private and public firms, namely, informational uncertainty and ownership characteristics, impact the returns to acquirers. A sample of targets that were acquired shortly after filing for an IPO was collected to circumvent the lack of information on private firms. In spite of the special characteristics of these targets, the listing effect is still prevalent in this sample. The results of the analysis are consistent with the hypothesis that acquirers gain in the acquisition of private firms because these targets have a relatively weaker bargaining position due to informational and agency problems and costly access to external capital markets to finance growth opportunities.  相似文献   

From 1970 to 2003, we document earnings restatements for the top 500 Australian firms, examine the characteristics of restating firms, and test whether restatements are value relevant. Of the 195 earnings restatements, 49 per cent decrease prior‐period earnings (negative restatements). Negative restatements are relatively larger than positive restatements. We identify three reasons for earnings restatements; namely, accounting policy changes, revision of estimates, and errors and unknown, and they comprise 49, 40 and 11 per cent of the sample, respectively. Restatement firms have higher growth opportunities and are smaller than non‐restating firms from the same industry. Restatements are generally negatively associated with market and non‐market value.  相似文献   

Several recent articles have analyzed conditions under which allowing capital-deficient banks to continue to operate may be optimal policy. This article examines the performance of banks admitted into the FDIC's Capital Forbearance Program between 1986 and 1989 and finds that, for the majority of these banks, there was no substantial improvement in their capital ratios. We use a logit regression analysis to attempt to identify those banks whose financial condition improved with forbearance and find that banks which did improve are not clearly identifiable from pre-forbearance financial data. Instead, the banks which improved did so due to infusions of new capital, extraordinary income, and improvements in the local economies, factors which are not easily identifiable ex ante by regulators. The conclusion is that, while some grants of forbearance may result in large saving to the FDIC, in the majority of cases granting forbearance to troubled banks is unlikely to reduce the expected loss to the deposit insurer.University of HoustonUniversity of HoustonCooperative Bank of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan  相似文献   

Under methodologies of the event study procedure and the multiple regression analysis, this study investigates equity agency costs and internationalization, using a Taiwanese sample from 2000 to 2004. The evidence shows that the shareholder wealth effects of security offering announcements are unfavorable for higher equity agency costs, especially unfavorable for higher equity agency costs of foreign-exposed multinational corporations (MNCs) because internationalization renders monitoring more difficult in comparison to domestic corporations (DCs).This study suggests MNCs to increase their information transparency in order to achieve lowered equity agency costs, and help to reduce information asymmetry, thereby enable firms to raise capital on the best available terms.  相似文献   

This paper examines the link between globalization-measured by foreign direct investment (FDI) and foreign portfolio investment (FPI) – and privatization of state-owned enterprises, in a multi-country sample that focuses on developing countries. We hypothesize that privatization has an effect on FDI/FPI as the process of fostering private sector participation is often accompanied by liberalization reforms, and by allocations of substantial shares of newly privatized firms to foreign investors. Similarly, we expect FDI/FPI to foster privatization efforts as new capital inflows, technology and managerial skills that accompany FDI/FPI make the environment more prone to competition, providing governments with incentives to privatize inefficient firms that need to be turned around. This relation is assessed in two ways, first in a dynamic panel using a generalized method of moments approach, and second through panel causality tests. We find a bi-directional positive relation between privatization proceeds and globalization, particularly in the case of FDI.  相似文献   

Many cases exist of multiple currency usage throughout history. As two leading examples, secondary currencies were widespread during both the Great Depression in the United States and the 2002 recession in Argentina. What are the determinants of multiple currency usage and what is the effect on economic activity? Both issues are empirically addressed using individual-level surveys collected by the authors in Argentina during 2002 and 2003. The evidence supports the theoretically predicted determinants of secondary currency acceptability put forth in monetary theory. In particular, findings show that the acceptability of the secondary currency increases when the supply of national currency is low, the relative transaction cost of the secondary currency is low, and the individual trading technologies are less effective. Moreover the acceptability of the secondary currency has real effects on economic activity. Among those who use the secondary currency the monthly income gain is more than 15% of the average Argentine's monthly income. Excluding trades of used goods, this amounts to a 0.6% increase in GDP.  相似文献   

This study aims to explain what drives innovation diffusion in management accounting during its various phases. Based on Abrahamson [Abrahamson, E. (1991). Managerial fads and fashions: the diffusion and rejection of innovations. Academy of Management Review, 16, 586–612], four perspectives with potential to explain the diffusion of accounting innovations are identified: the efficient-choice, forced selection, fad and fashion perspectives. The diffusion of activity-based costing (ABC) in Finland provides an empirical context to study how these four perspectives apply to management accounting innovation. Data comes from a set of four surveys (total n=490, response rate 39.5%, 114 ABC cases), from interviews of consultants, academics and software industry employees, and from archival sources. The study proposes that the driving forces behind innovation diffusion in management accounting change over the course of diffusion. Efficient choice may explain the earliest adoptions, whereas fashion-setting organizations exert considerable influence in the take-off stage. Later on, the influence of fashion setting organizations diminishes. Further diffusion is explained both by mimetic behaviour and efficient-choice.  相似文献   

Mortgage lenders routinely guarantee rates and points for periods of 60 days or more and hedge the inherent interest rate risk by selling the proportion of mortgages expected to close in forward markets. This article presents a model of the decision to close on the mortgage and demonstrates that the estimates of the model increase the precision of closing rate forecasts. The analysis indicates that changes in mortgage rates are important determinants of the closing rate for fixed-rate mortgages (FRM) and adjustable-rate mortgages (ARM). Other important factors include whether the mortgage is for a new purchase, for owner occupancy, and for a single-family house, and what the overall level of mortgage rates and the loan-to-value ratio are and whether the rate guarantee was granted at the application date or later.  相似文献   

To discuss the role of bank-dispatched directors in the governance of Japanese firms, it has to be noted that the board is heterogeneous and only senior directors, including presidents and managing directors, are likely involved in major management decisions. With a panel of about 1150 firms in 1990–98, we find that, when bank loans constitute a significant portion of the firm's assets, the low industry-adjusted profitability increases the probability that a new (or additional) director is dispatched from the bank at a senior level but not at a junior level. This dispatch improves the firm's performance provided it does not merely replace the predecessor.  相似文献   

How do firms choose their lenders? An empirical investigation   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
This article investigates which companies finance themselvesthrough intermediaries and which borrow directly from arm'slength investors. Our empirical results show that large companieswith abundant cash and collateral tap credit markets directly;these markets cater to safe and profitable industries, and aremost active when riskless rates or intermediary earnings arelow. We show that determinants of lender selection sharpen duringinvestment downturns and that there are substantial asymmetriesin the way firms enter and exit capital markets. These resultssupport a theoretical framework where intermediaries have betterreorganizational skills but a higher opportunity cost of capitalthan bondholders.  相似文献   

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