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进入5月下旬以后,各产区小麦进入收获季节。今年新小麦上市后的价格走势受到各方高度关注。预计新产小麦收购价格将受以下六大因素推动。国家最低收购价政策。去年10月份,国家决定再次提高2011年小麦最低收购价,2011年生产的白小麦(三等,下同)、红小麦和混合麦最低收购价分别提高到每50千克95元、93元和93元,比2010年分别提高5元、7  相似文献   

谷雨 《致富天地》2011,(10):26-29
2012年小麦最低收购价格确定国家发改委9月28日发布《关于提高2012年小麦最低收购价格的通知》。通知提出,从明年新粮上市起,适当提高主产区生产的小麦最低收购价水平。每50千克白小麦(三等,下  相似文献   

晋昆 《致富天地》2007,(7):45-45
随着夏粮收割进程的不断加快,新小麦上市也逐步启动。分析2007年新小麦价格走势,一级市场收购价格高于去年,同期随着国家托市收购的陆续进行,价格趋升,并将稳定在小麦最低收购价格上下,大起大落的可能性不大。[第一段]  相似文献   

为了积极推进优质小麦生产的产业化 ,提高我国小麦生产的综合竞争力 ,国家粮食局标准质量中心组织河南、河北、山东、江苏、安徽等五省粮油质检机构 ,开展了 2 0 0 1年优质商品小麦品质测报试点工作。本次测报共采集 2 0 0 1年新收获连片种植的优质商品小麦样品 4 5 6份 ,涉及  相似文献   

近年来全球小麦持续增产,库存累积。国际小麦市场不断受到天气问题、地缘政治和国际贸易争端的冲击,价格呈现出敏感性提高和波动性增大的新特点。针对这种国际贸易当中的新形势,文章提出了企业要加强关注全球小麦主产国产情、加大套期保值业务力度和多放开拓进口来源国的对策和建议。  相似文献   

柳琪 《农机市场》2013,(9):27-28
在上半年国内的跨区作业主要以小麦跨区收获作业为主,在经历2010年、2011年、2012年市场销量连续三年的下滑之后,否极泰来,今年上半年小麦收获机市场终于迎来了久违的回暖,1-6月份,小麦收获机销售近4万台,同比增长45%,新增的机子为用户提供了更多的选择,但也会加剧作业市场的竞争,那么,今年上半年的跨区作业市场有哪些新变化与新特点呢?  相似文献   

据陕西省物价局价格监测分局监测数据显示,10月份,我省粮食、水产品、民用燃料类价格上涨;肉禽蛋、食用油价格涨跌互现,其中鸡蛋价格降幅明显。随着新玉米上市,生猪养殖成本下降,猪粮比价为7.3∶1,已连续5个月平均高于盈亏平衡点0.7个点位。10月份,国家提高了2014年小麦最低收购价格,每50公斤小麦由112元提高到118元,农民及粮食经纪人比较看好小麦后期市场价格走势,小麦市场价格上涨。我省定点监测粮食价格上涨。  相似文献   

据陕西省物价局价格监测分局监测显示,8月份,全省小麦、水产品、肉禽蛋价格上涨,其中生猪、猪肉、鸡蛋价格涨幅明显;玉米、食用油、食品和民用燃料类价格平稳;化肥价格下降;猪粮比价为7.1∶1,已连续14周高于盈亏平衡点。小麦、面粉、鸡蛋、牛羊肉及水产品价格上涨小麦:8月份,本地新小麦收购已接近尾声,市场价格高于国家最低收购保护价每50公斤19.85元,国有粮食购销企业已停止了托市收购,其他社会粮食收购单位也因价格原因,购销双方进入  相似文献   

赤霉病作为小麦常见病症的一种,近年来发生的越来越频繁。本文简述小麦赤霉病发生的性状、影响因素、处理手段,为赤霉病小麦的处理方法提供一些参考。  相似文献   

据陕西省物价局价格监测分局监测显示,去年11月份,我省粮食、肉禽蛋、水产品价格涨跌互现;食用油价格下降;民用燃料类价格平稳;随着新玉米上市,生猪养殖成本下降,猪粮比价为7.4∶1,已连续6个月高于盈亏平衡点。我省定点监测点大荔、武功两县的小麦扣杂混等平均收购价格为每50公斤134.50元,环比、同比分别上涨0.86%和18.25%。小麦价小麦价格以涨为主。  相似文献   

Can implied motion enhance consumer judgment of food freshness and taste? Freshness plays an important role in determining anticipated taste. Different perceptual cues may influence judgments of freshness. While some cues such as coloring and bruising play an obvious role, the authors argue that cues that on face value appear unrelated to freshness may also influence judgments of freshness. Specifically, the authors argue that humans have learned to relate movement to food freshness, and that this leads perceived motion to generate enhanced judgments of freshness, and, consequently, projected taste. This proposition is demonstrated in four studies. The studies show that the inclusion of implied motion in food pictures leads to elevated judgments of freshness and projected taste.  相似文献   

Animal scientists today can produce pale colored grain-fed veal, thus achieving a high quality grade, while averting concerns over unethical treatment of milk-fed calves and excessive antibiotic use in milk-fed veal production. It is feared, however, that consumers may reject pale cuts of veal labeled as Grain-fed. Random parameter logit analyses of data from repeated choice experiments conducted in six suburban supermarkets in Quebec (n = 1027) revealed that intrinsic color of veal meat and extrinsic labeling of production method may significantly influence product choice; however, the direction of effects were inconsistent across ethnic and non-ethnic consumers and between experienced and non-experienced consumers of veal meat. Price effects were significant, but with a positive mean and a large standard deviation, indicating that, for many consumers, price may act as an surrogate indicator of veal meat quality. Older freshness dates were significantly discounted. It thus appears that most consumers will not categorically reject pale veal meat with a grain-fed label.  相似文献   

粮食不完善粒是反映原粮质量的重要指标。不完善粒指标在实践操作中,对于不完善粒的理解存在很大分歧,为了方便实践操作,本文对稻谷、小麦不完善粒项目检验操作细则进行了探讨。  相似文献   

麦麸和麦皮的概念不同,麦皮作为小麦籽粒结构的组成部分是个定值,麦殖是相对出粉率的变量。作者从这一观点审视,研究了二者之间的和麦麸产量,营养成分在制粉工艺中的动态变化,揭示出麦麸这一食物源对人体健康的重要性,展现了麦麸综合利用的画面和索得纤维食品的途径,从此呼唤制粉工业拓宽产品新路。  相似文献   

Lowering of underwriting standards may have contributed much to the unprecedented recent rise and subsequent fall of mortgage volumes and house prices. Conventional data do not satisfactorily measure aggregate underwriting standards over the past decade: the easing and then tightening of underwriting, inside and especially outside of banks, was likely much more extensive than they indicate. Given mortgage market developments since the mid-1990s, the method of principal components produces a superior indicator of mortgage underwriting standards. We show that the resulting indicator better fits the variation over time in the laxity and tightness of underwriting. Based on a vector auto-regression, we then show how conditions affected underwriting standards. The results also show that our new indicator of underwriting helps account for the behavior of mortgage volumes, house prices, and gross domestic product during the recent boom in mortgage and housing markets.  相似文献   

用碱性蓝6B作指示剂测定辣椒油酸价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选择碱性蓝6B作指示剂改变辣椒油酸价滴定终点的颜色,建立了辣椒油酸价测定的新方法。在GB/T 5009.37-2003《食用植物油卫生标准分析方法》的基础上,通过实验证明,在辣椒油酸价测定时用碱性蓝6B代替酚酞作为指示剂,在滴定终点的颜色变化上更敏锐,观察更方便、更准确。  相似文献   

Since 2002, the Chinese government has initiated the “Wet Market Transforming into Food Supermarket (WMTFS)” program that aims to transform the traditional fresh food retailing system into a more efficient system that adopts a supermarket operation mode. However, after years of effort, the process of implementing the WMTFS program has been painfully slow. In addition to several supply side factors, this paper focuses on the consumer demand side using survey data in three large Chinese cities to identify the factors affecting consumers' decisions to buy fresh food from traditional vs modern retail formats. It further explores regional differences in consumers' shopping behavior. We find that freshness, accessibility, and whether buyers can bargain are influencing factors and the effects of socioeconomic factors such as income and storage facility are very limited. In addition, we find regional difference exists in consumers' retail format preferences. We suggested that managers of fresh food supermarket should enhance product freshness and safety in the future. Meanwhile, since traditional retail formats are still preferred by many consumers, the policy-makers should give a further thinking on the specific way of transformation.  相似文献   

有关文献大多将预期视为不可观测的潜变量,本文尝试考察预期的可观测性。首先采用混频时变DFM方法估计了中国的潜在产出,以代表经济基本面,发现中国经济在2008年金融危机前就开始下行。接着构建了一个不完全信息SVAR模型,基于动态识别方法估计预期冲击和噪声冲击的影响。研究发现:消费者信心指数“错误”预期主要宏观变量的变化;相较而言,商业信心指数是更好的预期指标,但包含噪声成分。以商业信心指数为预期变量,预期冲击对主要宏观变量形成持久的正向效应,预期冲击解释了潜在产出变化的60%,解释了GDP变化的55%;噪声冲击对宏观变量具有正向“驼峰状”影响,对GDP的短期解释力超过8%。消费者信心指数表现不佳可能源于消费和宏观经济的脱节。本文的基本结论在大数据集、替代指标、基本面检验以及其他识别方式下依然成立。  相似文献   

Visual packaging elements play a crucial role in influencing consumer behavior in stores. Front of pack (FOP) formats frequently present images of the product in motion (i.e., implied motion), especially in food categories. Despite the popularity of implied motion in real-world business, little research has been done to understand its effect on consumer behavior. To fill this gap, the present study adopts an evolutionary lens to investigate the impact of implied motion as a packaging design technique on consumers’ attention, product evaluation, purchase intention and choice. We carried out two experiments using realistic milk and orange juice packaging. Specifically, Experiment 1 was conducted in a lab using an eye tracking method to provide an objective measure of attention. The findings show that implied motion significantly increases visual attention and consequently generates more frequent choices. Using an online experimental design and declarative measures, Experiment 2 indicates that implied motion also enhances freshness, which translates into greater tastiness, product attractiveness and, ultimately, purchase intention. The study provides marketers with an inexpensive yet efficient way to enhance in-store marketing performance by incorporating implied motion into the FOP design.  相似文献   

This study contributes to current literature by constructing a model to evaluate how using green marketing to promote brand image affects consumers' purchase intentions. First, the decision-making trial and evaluation laboratory (DEMATEL) method was used to explore the mutual influence on evaluation indicators, and an influential network relation map (INRM) of indicators and sub-indicators was constructed based on the results. The DEMATEL method was then combined with the analytic network process to create a DANP method to calculate weights for each indicator and sub-indicator. A modified Vlse Kriterijumska Optimizacija Kompromisno Resenje (VIKOR) method was then employed to explore the comprehensive performance of each indicator and sub-indicator using empirical data. Finally, conclusions were summarised and suggestions were proposed. This study's findings can serve as a reference for firms seeking to improve the tangible effects of their green marketing strategies by stimulating consumers' purchase intentions.  相似文献   

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