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本文为了研究中国上市公司信息不对称、公司治理和现金持有价值之间的关系,以沪深上市公司2004-2009年数据为基础,利用知情交易概率作为管理者和投资者之间的信息不对称代理变量,以高管持股比例作为公司治理代理变量,利用公司各种财务指标作为控制变量,发现信息不对称与中国上市公司现金持有价值呈显著负相关,高管持股比例和现金持有价值显著正相关,支持自由现金流理论和委托代理理论,信息不对称程度越高,管理者越可能滥用现金,导致现金持有价值下降,而提高公司治理,加强投资者保护可以提高现金持有价值。  相似文献   

数字金融的逻辑起点是互联网金融,互联网金融发展面临严重的治理与监管问题。数字金融在缓解传统的信息不对称的同时又引致了严重的数据不对称,表现在数据规模和质量的不对称、数据技术的不对称、数据管理的不对称、数据效用的不对称、数据外部性的不对称、数据监管的不对称。与信息不对称相比,数据不对称是基础层面的不对称,对市场主体的影响显得更为深刻。数字金融平台具有"数据垄断"的优势,而普通金融消费者处于绝对的劣势地位。要治理数字普惠金融的数据不对称,需要采取加快制定完善的数据法律法规、强化金融数据平台的治理与监管、开发政府实时监管技术平台、构建数字普惠金融适当性服务体系等措施。  相似文献   

基于沪深股市高管交易行为信息披露,在对高管卖出行为短期市场效应研究基础上,进一步研究高管买入、卖出行为的短期和长期市场效应及其产生根源.结果发现,无论从短期还是长期来看,高管买入行为有显著为正的市场效应,而卖出具有显著为负的市场效应,并且交易量越大、日内交易次数越多,市场效应越强烈.进一步结合公司治理理论发现,终极控股股东控制权与现金流权分离导致更强的买入市场效应,而法制环境抑制了买入市场效应.  相似文献   

德国公司治理采取监事会和管理委员会的双重结构,并在各自的人员组成与素质要求、任务与职责、议事规则、薪酬,以及二者之间的关系与协调等方面有明确要求。相应地,德国银行业也体现出较高的公司治理水平。与德意志银行的公司治理结构相对照,我国银行业公司治理普遍存在董事会独立性、专业和权威人士不足,薪酬与绩效挂钩不强,风险管理意识薄弱,专业委员会作用有待进一步提高,缺乏对公司发展战略的切实关注等问题,有必要借鉴德国公司治理经验进行完善。  相似文献   

信息不对称、严厉监管与商业银行治理结构特殊性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
彭洁 《新金融》2005,(8):15-17
商业银行是一种企业组织形式,因此其公司治理的基本原则与治理框架符合企业公司治理的一般性。但是作为金融企业,商业银行还具有特殊性,即商业银行信息透明度低和受到政府的严厉监管。本文从商业银行公司治理结构特殊性产生的原因及其影响出发,探讨了商业银行公司治理结构的特殊性。  相似文献   

在当前全球经济形势不容乐观的大环境下,由于信贷市场中普遍存在的信息不对称性,使得银行在面对资金需求者做出信贷决策时面临较大违约风险。针对该问题,在传统信贷过程中引入了信号模型及存量客户角色,研究了存量客户参与下的基于信息不对称性下多阶段银行信贷策略选择的过程,试图从一个全新的角度探索有效的信贷资金风险防范机制。  相似文献   

由于银行信息披露的不完全和不规范,监管机构搜集和处理信息的成本高昂,因而银行风险监管中的信息不对称现象较为严重,并因此产生风险。其原因,一是信息披露主体出于利益上的考虑而存在的信息选择性倾向;二是信息的披露和传递机制存在诸多障碍时,缺少一个严格而有效的监管机制,因而造成信息不对称现象的惯性发展。毫无疑问,必要的监管机制和有效的监管手段是防范信息不对称风险的重要途径。  相似文献   

During the first quarter of the twentieth century there was marked information asymmetry as between senior managers and shareholders. The differences in information provision can be dichotomised into 'volume' and 'distortion' effects. This paper measures the (matched pair) differences between two standard measures of corporate performance, returns on equity capital and equity dividend cover, based on internal and then published data, in each case derived from a broadly-based set of quoted companies in UK industrial sectors. The results suggest that levels of information distortion were low until 1914, and material and much higher, after rather than during the First World War.  相似文献   

The 2001 to 2002 corporate scandals led to the Sarbanes–Oxley Act and to various amendments to the U.S. stock exchanges' regulations. We find that the announcement of these rules has a significant effect on firm value. Firms that are less compliant with the provisions of the rules earn positive abnormal returns compared to firms that are more compliant. We also find variation in the response across firm size. Large firms that are less compliant earn positive abnormal returns but small firms that are less compliant earn negative abnormal returns, suggesting that some provisions are detrimental to small firms.  相似文献   

分析公司债券市场信息不对称的后果和处理方式的特点,以及政府在减少公司债券市场信息不对称方面应该发挥的作用.指出我国政府对公司债券的利率管制和强制担保要求等不当干预加重了公司债券市场的信息不对称,阻碍了市场的健康发展.建议取消政府在公司债券市场上的不当干预、将公司债券的主要投资者定位于机构投资者、完善金融市场基础设施建设.  相似文献   

信息不对称与金融脆弱性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
我国金融业存在较严重的脆弱性。本文运用信息经济学相关理论分析我国信贷市场与证券市场脆弱性原因,并提出若干减少信息不对称、防范金融风险的措施。  相似文献   

Abstract:  Undervalued firms with high information asymmetry may announce takeover bids to attract the attention of investors with a view to increasing the share price through revaluation. Announcement period returns to such bidders should include both revaluation and synergy gains although the revaluation gains should be confined to early bids and decline with the number of bids announced within a reasonable period. Our results offer strong support to these predictions. Undervalued firms with high pre-bid information asymmetry gain the most from early bids and the gains decline with the number of bids announced. These findings are robust to methods of payment, relative size of deals, target status, relatedness of businesses, domicile of target, M&A activities and alternative measures of information asymmetry, and confirm that gains from early bids include revaluation as well as synergy gains, especially in the cases of undervalued firms with high information asymmetry.  相似文献   

面向落后群体或遭受信贷歧视的经济主体开展的“小额信贷”(Microcredit,或称“微贷”),是对信贷市场失灵的一种补充,然而其本身也同样面临着信息不对称问题.从导致金融市场失灵最核心的因素即信息不对称出发,讨论在过去几十年间,小额贷款技术创新在修正这一市场失灵上所取得的进展,并对其中涉及的主流小额贷款技术进行评价,以期对我国的小额信贷产业发展起到借鉴作用.  相似文献   

信息不对称与金融市场脆弱性   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在金融市场中,信息起着至关重要的作用.作为金融市场中普遍存在的现象,信息不对称是导致金融市场脆弱性的主要原因之一.本文对金融市场中的信息不对称现象进行了详细的分析,同时提出了相应的解决措施.  相似文献   

A firm must issue common stock in order to undertake a new investment, and the firm's manager-owners can value the firm more accurately than the market. The ability of the manager-owners to trade in the firm's shares during the issue (a) reduces the investments that are foregone because of the market's mispricing the firm's shares, (b) changes the size and direction of the stock price change when the firm announces a new stock issue, and (c) changes the market value of the firm before and after the issue announcement, whether or not it decides to issue.  相似文献   

非对称信息理论与农村信贷市场——兼谈泰国BAAC的经验   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
从非对称信息理论出发,联系泰国农业合作银行(BAAC)的经营实际,笔者认为非对称信息引起的逆向选择和道德风险,是阻碍正规金融机构在农村开展金融业务的重要原因。解除金融抑制,实现农村利率自由化并不能完全解决农村正规金融弱化的问题,政府介入农村金融市场应该重点采取制度创新方式,帮助解决农村信息不对称问题,激励正规金融部门为农村提供金融服务。  相似文献   

We examine the diversification discount while controlling for differences in information asymmetry between diversified and nondiversified firms. We show that both diversified and nondiversified firms with higher levels of information asymmetry have discounted firm values relative to firms with lower levels of information asymmetry, although a diversification discount remains at all levels of information asymmetry. Fixed‐effect Fama‐MacBeth regressions confirm the existence of a statistically significant relation between information asymmetry proxies and excess value, but they also show that a significant diversification discount remains after controlling for differences in information asymmetry and other firm characteristics discussed in earlier studies (e.g., size, profitability, leverage, and capital constraint).  相似文献   

信息不对称与上市公司股权再融资偏好   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大量理论和实证研究表明:上市公司应该避免采用股权再融资方式筹集资金,以减少对公司价值产生的负面影响。但是国内外仍有不少上市公司采用股权再融资,我国还呈现强烈的股权再融资偏好,这说明上市公司采用股权再融资存在一定理论依据。运用信息经济学理论,从信息不对称角度对此现象进行解释,结论为信息不对称产生的“逆向选择”和“道德风险”给上市公司采用股权再融资方式找到充分的理由。我国不合理的制度背景,产生更加严重的信息不对称,造成我国上市公司强烈的股权再融资偏好。  相似文献   

This study analyzes the effect of information asymmetry on corporate cash holdings. Using various measures of information asymmetry, this study shows that companies that operate in environments with higher information asymmetry have smaller cash holdings. This study continues to find a negative relationship between information asymmetry and corporate cash holdings from a battery of sensitivity analyses, including the tests using different regression methods and the difference‐in‐difference tests employing brokerage‐firm merger and closure events. On the whole, the results support the monitoring cost hypothesis of cash holdings over the investment opportunities hypothesis.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effects of target information asymmetry in a takeover transaction. We find that a target with more information asymmetry receives a larger bid premium from the acquirer. We examine the response of the acquirer's investors to the bid to clarify whether the larger bid premium is an overpayment by the acquirer. We observe that the acquirer's investors respond more positively to the acquisition of an opaque target, indicating that the market recognizes the acquirer's valuation of the opaque target and agrees with the offer price. Our results indicate that corporate takeovers help to resolve asymmetric information in the capital market.  相似文献   

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