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This paper examines Hungarian privatisation strategy and the financial performance of privatised enterprises. The results suggest that Hungary has preferred privatisation by direct sales by a considerable margin, but has recently shifted towards share issues. Both types of sale have predominantly been gradual. Subsequent sales, however, confirm the government's intention to sell previously retained shares. An analysis of IPOs during 1990–1998 shows positive initial returns on Privatisation Initial Public Offers (PIPOs) and greater underpricing than for other IPOs. The long term returns of PIPOs are positive and they outperform other IPOs in all periods after the listing.  相似文献   

This paper investigates UK privatisation issues as initial public offerings (IPOs) of equities on the International Stock Exchange (London). Excess returns on such issues are compared with private sector initial public offerings. The results, which are unaffected by firm size and underwriting commission, indicate that, on an ex post basis, the issues provide excess returns above those of private sector firms on average by about 31% over a 32-week period. None of the existing theories of underpricing of IPOs is consistent with our results which imply wealth transfer to those who acquired the shares in privatised issues. After-market pricing was, however, found to be consistent with secondary market efficiency.  相似文献   

王景斌 《新金融》2003,(2):18-19
一、金融控股集团的定义及分类 "控股公司"又称"持股公司"或"股权公司",是以少量资本控制其他公司股份的垄断组织.按照控股的方式可以分为两种一种只是凭借持有其他公司一定数量的股票来控制和操作其他公司,而自己并不经营实际业务,称为纯粹的控股公司.另一种是除了控股为业务外,还同时经营某种业务,称混合控股公司.  相似文献   

加入WTO后国有投资公司的财务战略选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国加入WTO,给国有投资公司带来了新的机遇和挑战.国有投资公司应按照市场对资源开发与配置的要求,积极调整发展战略,在职能定位、战略取向、业务构架、结构调整、机制创新、人才培养等方面进行必要的调整,大力培育其核心竞争力.  相似文献   

车萌  李晓帅  张妍 《财务与金融》2018,(2):47-51,87
随着证券投资市场的快速发展,上市公司财务绩效也逐渐成为社会关注的热点问题,如何对绩效给出客观评价,也成为理论界研究的重点.通过查阅国家发改委以及能源局发布的《电力发展"十三五"规划》相关资料,论文依据我国电力行业上市公司的季报数据,通过选取盈利能力、营运能力、偿债能力和发展能力中的相关财务指标,构建企业财务绩效评价体系,利用主成分分析法来进行财务绩效评价探索,最终通过排名分析电力上市公司的财务绩效,并根据结论提出发展过程中的对策,以使电力上市公司更好地提高其管理水平,实现我国电力行业的全面可持续发展,并带动相关产业快速发展.  相似文献   

随着经济全球化进程,上市公司所面临的外部环境从简单、静态变得更为复杂、动态,随之上市公司财务绩效评价指标体系由单一化过渡为多元化.文章从我国创业板上市公司的角度出发,对国内与国外学者的财务绩效研究进行了梳理和归纳,并探索未来该领域的研究方向.  相似文献   

基于DEA模型对39家风电板块上市公司的财务绩效进行定量分析,结果显示:中国风电上市公司有必要进一步改进财务绩效,特别是连续3年评价结果均不理想的上市公司更迫切需要进一步优化投入产出系统,提升财务绩效;从投入指标的松弛程度看,未来风电上市公司应通过并购、合资等方式进一步扩大企业经营规模,更为重要的是亟需建立行之有效的成本控制体系,降低企业的经营成本冗余程度,从而提高企业财务绩效;国家有必要进一步出台面向风电产业的政策法规和行业标准,通过合理制定电价标准、加大财政补贴力度等方式支持、规范、引导风电上市公司合理经营,实现又好又快的跨越式发展。  相似文献   

This study examines the operating performance of privatised firms in three Central European Transition Economies between 1990 and 1998. Overall, we find no evidence of a significant improvement in operating performance for the first six years after privatisation. Contrary to the increasing empirical evidence for non‐transition economies, our privatised firms experience no improvement in profitability, capital investments, efficiency, and output, a significant drop in employment, as well as a significant increase in leverage. The most important determinants of the performance changes following privatisation were country effects, timing of the privatisation sales, industry classification, and state ownership after privatisation. Our findings are consistent with the empirical evidence that the transition process proved to be more difficult than expected and that, although necessary, privatisations do not necessarily produce equal efficiency gains in transition economies ( Megginson, 2005 ; Havrylyshyn and McGettigan, 1999 ).  相似文献   

在世界金融业纷纷抛弃分业体制转而实行综合体制的主流趋势下,尽管我国目前的金融制度和技术条件还不允许我国近期实行综合金融体制,但从发展的观点看,开放的中国不可能在金融制度方面长期游离于国际金融制度之外,加入WTO后,我国的金融业必须要走上混业经营,统一监管的道路。在目前分业经营、分业监管的体制下,我们有必要加强对金融控股公司发展问题的研究。对建立金融控股公司的必要性、途径及对金融控股公司监管等主要问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

对金融资产管理公司发展为投资银行的探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国金融资产管理公司当前从事的业务主要属于投资银行范畴,其业务发展为向投资银行转化奠定了基础。为适应加入WTO和国际竞争的需要,四大国有商业银行应该向金融控股公司集团方向发展,把金融资产管理公司发展成为金融集团的投资银行机构。  相似文献   

吉林省上市公司特征分析与财务业绩评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在分析吉林省上市公司的行业特征、规模特征以及资本结构特征的基础上,对吉林省上市公司的财务业绩进行综合评价,并从盈利能力状况、资产质量状况、偿债能力状况和发展能力状况四个方面对一汽轿车股份有限公司进行深入分析。旨在为利益相关人全面、客观地了解企业的财务状况、经营成果等情况提供依据,进而做出科学决策。  相似文献   

资产剥离行为在西方企业的资产重组活动中己被广泛应用并对公司业绩起到积极的作用.在我国,随着证券市场的发展和经济结构的调整,上市公司为了优化内部资源配置、提高企业核心竞争力,也纷纷进行了资产剥离.目前学者们在研究资产剥离的过程中,通常选择在沪深证券交易所实行资产剥离的上市公司为研究对象,而没有专门针对财务困境公司进行研究.本文在借鉴国内外资产剥离相关理论成果的基础上,以陷入财务困境的上市公司为样本,针对其资产剥离的绩效问题进行研究.  相似文献   

关铁军 《新金融》2005,(4):39-42
随着企业运作市场化程度的不断深入,企业财务战略日益受到重视,在企业运营中扮演着越来越重要的角色。作为金融服务的提供者之一,银行业如何通过有效配合企业财务战略,争取更大的发展空间、与企业实现双赢自然也更为金融界关注。笔者从银行金融服务的角度,通过分析企业财务战略及对我国企业发展的趋势判断,揭示了按照筹资--采购--生产-流通--销售-债权-债权回收-投资的企业基本运作循环模式,银行服务企业财务战略的结合点。  相似文献   

以"金融科技"为核心的金融创新正在微观层面变革传统的金融模式,既可能是对金融机构主体布局的重塑,也可能是对金融产品功能的优化。对于金融控股公司而言,金融科技的运用在提高其效率和拓展其业务的同时,也相互层叠其固有风险,对金融监管提出了新的要求。本文建议从监管对象及信息披露等多个方面进行监管转型,构建并完善金融控股公司的监管制度,从而对金融科技背景下金融控股公司进行有效的规制,防范发生系统性金融风险。  相似文献   

对金融机构直接施加业务限制,目的是为了保障受管制公司的偿付能力,确保公众权利人的利益和保护金融机构免受其他金融机构倒闭的负面外部效应的影响。  相似文献   

与欧美全能银行、投资银行或商人银行运作模式不同,亚洲日本、韩国、泰国和我国台湾地区采取另设证券金融公司,以解决证券市场融资问题。证券金融公司始于20世纪20年代末的日本,最多时达到9家,后合并为3家,都是上市公司,其中日本证券金融公司最为突出。1955年,韩国证券商协会成立韩国证券联合金融公司,次年成为上市公司,1962年改名为韩国证券金融公司(KSFC)。  相似文献   

证券公司各类风险最终基本上都会转化为财务风险.本文通过分析证券公司财务风险的基本特征和财务风险点,设计了全面、系统、逻辑一致的风险识别和评估的指标框架及风险动态监测框架.  相似文献   

This paper describes a financial model currently being used by a major U.S. multiline property-casualty insurer. The model, which was first developed for solvency monitoring purposes, is now being employed for a variety of internal management purposes as well, including (1) the allocation of equity to corporate units, thereby allowing measurements of profitability by business segment and policy year, as well as analysis of the progression of “free surplus,” (2) the analysis of major risks–such as inflation risks, interest rate risks, and reserving risks–that have heretofore been difficult to quantify, and (3) consideration of varying scenarios on the company’s financial performance, both of macroeconomic conditions as well as of the insurance environment.

Many aspects of financial modeling do not differ significantly between life and property-casualty insurers, and these are not discussed in the paper. Rather, the paper focuses on the following topics:

1. Surplus allocation and profitability: how economic surplus and the returns on this surplus are determined by line of business, separately for new business and for the runoff of existing business, and how the progression of free surplus is viewed.

2. Multifaceted risks: how to model risks that affect multiple components of the insurer’s operations, such as economic risks and financial risks. The multiple effects of macroeconomic conditions and changing inflation rates on workers’ compensation claim frequencies and severities complicate the basic interest rate path modeling of life insurance products and annuity contracts.

3. Scenario building: how to construct scenarios of macroeconomic conditions or industry cyclical movements to test the resilience of the company to changing external conditions.  相似文献   

The e-business market has experienced a speeding development at emerging market. This research aims to identify the corporate-level factors that influence decisions of pursuing an internationalization strategy at e-business companies from emerging market, based on the study of Chinese e-business companies. The Probit model and General Estimation Equation (GEE) estimation are performed to analyze the effect of corporate-level factors on the decisions of internationalization strategy, and the Heckman selection model is further performed to analyze the sample selection of Chinese e-business companies in their strategic decisions. This research will be helpful to managers and administrators of e-business companies from emerging market.  相似文献   

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