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没有一家汽车企业会不重视市场。"以销售为龙头"是以前很多厂家提出的口号,借以表达对销售和市场的极端重视。销售老总也被称为冲锋陷阵的功臣,当然也常常被不断上涨的销售目标压得喘不过气来。但事实往往不尽人意,你越重视销售,越得不到市场,因为市场不仅仅是销售。2009年,中国汽车市场首次成为全球第一,2013年,又有可能首次突破2000万辆大关。  相似文献   

徐沪初 《董事会》2012,(5):107-107
中国的汽车市场已经正式进入新的竞争阶段,部分不具竞争力的汽车企业将被淘汰。未来三到五年,是汽车企业奠定市场竞争地位的重要机会  相似文献   

中国汽车市场存在的重大机会和商业利益,只是实现了合资合作不断的重复增长,并没有体现在核心技术和能力的增长上,一个有实力的汽车企业应该做到崇洋而不媚外。  相似文献   

“只要有1美元的车在路上跑.它就会牵出至少8美元的汽车售后服务.”业内专家认为.汽车后市场是产业链中最稳定的利润来源.汽车业60%的利润来自汽车后市场服务。目前.我国汽车后市场的发展状况明显落后于汽车制造业.尽管国内相关企业数量众多.但普遍业态简单、规模不大.几乎没有形成具有全国市场号召力的连锁品牌。  相似文献   

随着众多汽车经销商在资本市场上登台亮相,中国的汽车流通市场将会有新的产业格局出现。  相似文献   

润滑油挖掘本土品牌 从上世纪90年代开始,国外润滑油品牌在没有任何限制性门槛的宽松政策下,随国外的品牌汽车一起陆续进军中国,蚕食中国的润滑油市场。2003年,中国有4500家润滑油工厂,排名第一的企业份额也只占到5%,没有强势的品牌可言,润滑油高端市场80%都被美孚、壳牌等国外品牌所占据。  相似文献   

新年已至,新的一年开始了。随着各卡车企业商务年会的陆续召开,企业对2014年重卡市场的构想已经呈现在大家面前。销量目标如何确定?主打哪些产品?面临哪些机遇与挑战?如何应对新形势?《商用汽车新闻》将各企业的计划与分析进行梳理,以期为读者呈现出卡车企业应对市场的共性与个性。  相似文献   

中国的汽车工业和汽车市场连续几年都处于高速发展状态,汽车营销和汽车消费都呈现出巨大的潜力,相对汽车工业的发展,汽车营销没有出现本质性的变化,  相似文献   

今年将是我国进入WTO的完成年。至今年7月,我国的关税将全面与世界接轨,这也预示着我国经济将更完全参与社会分工。入世五年来,我国汽车行业也迎来了发展最为迅速的五年。由最初与跨国巨头合资到现在各汽车厂积极投身自主创新热潮,由以市场换技术到以"心"换市场的理念转变,我国已逐步掌握汽车市场的话语权。我国汽车行业的发展,也带动来零部件企业的发展。如今,我国已成为世界上最大的汽车零部件出口国。作为拥有一颗中国心的中国人,我们希望借零部件行业出口的浪潮,中国汽车能在这场没有硝烟的战争中赢得一个又一个大捷。但是这场战争将不只是8年,可能是80年,或者800年。  相似文献   

2006年是中国“俄罗斯年”。记者最近在采访中了解到,国内不少零部件企业表示要搭上“俄罗斯年”的班车,争取早日进入俄罗斯市场。中国“俄罗斯年”将有250多场活动,涵盖多个领域,其中包括一部分汽车行业的技术和信息交流会及贸易洽谈活动。有关人士认为,随着俄罗斯汽车市场对外国新车需求不断增加,俄罗斯将成为我国汽车行业有潜力的出口市场之一,而汽车售后市场也将随之成为吸引中国企业的一块诱人大“蛋糕”。根据俄罗斯有关机构的调查,当前,中国生产的汽车在俄罗斯市场上所占比例约为0.3%左右,车型主要为SUV类越野车。同时,俄联邦统计…  相似文献   

产业集成化:产业组织结构演进新趋势   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
本文基于信息时代背景下,研究我国产业如何实现国际化战略问题。引入了集成思想,以产业为‘‘轴线”,运用超边际分析方法和演化经济学理论,指出“产业集成”发挥了市场最重要的功能,改变了传统产业分工模式和产业国际化发展路径,在一定程度上突破了要素框架为主的产业发展方式,对产业关系做出新判断,对产业趋势和特点给出新解释,揭示了新全球主义时代市场新“游戏规则”。  相似文献   

Practitioners and researchers have carefully explored the causes of new product failures. Studies have been conducted, results analyzed, and recommendations offered. Yet despite these efforts, new product failure rates have not decreased. In fact, they appear to be increasing in some product categories. Are we missing something? Noting that most research on new product failures has focused on a firm's activities in specific projects, William H. Redmond proposes that new product outcomes might also be influenced by macro-level or environmental factors. By focusing on environmental factors rather than a firm's activities in specific projects, we might better understand why competent firms in one industry consistently experience higher failure rates than those of firms that are no more competent, but operate in a different industry. For example, failure rates for new food products are consistently higher than those for new industrial products. With no evidence that product development professionals in industrial firms are simply superior to their counterparts in the food industry, Dr. Redmond suggests that we need to look beyond specific product development projects and consider the effects of the market in which these products are introduced. Encouraged by past successes, many firms in the food manufacturing business seek sales growth through the development and introduction of additional new products. Over time, this creates a market in which customer demand is fragmented into increasingly small niches and distribution channels are flooded with product choices. As a result, the failure of a new product is more likely than it might have been under less crowded conditions. In much the same way that the population of deer on an island is limited by the available food and physical space, food products are apparently faced with the market equivalent of natural selection. In the absence of available market niches and a clear competitive advantage, a new product's chances for success are meager. In a market that is overcrowded by existing products and new product introductions, it becomes increasingly difficult and uneconomical to identify opportunities for meaningful differentiation. On the other hand, industrial products face a much different set of environmental conditions. Compared to the food manufacturing business, relatively few new industrial products are introduced, and those introductions are typically successful. In most cases, the new products are simply replacements for inefficient or obsolete products. In such an environment, failed introductions are probably the result of errors in the product development process.  相似文献   

中国大飞机项目成功的关键在于实现产业化,而能否产业化又取决于市场基础。由于民用大飞机产业属于买方约束条件十分严格的市场,中国大飞机项目产业化的基本立足点应该是储备进入市场的条件。目前中国国内民用航空市场的结构状况不利于国产大飞机进入市场,应当对航空公司作进一步重组的市场制度安排。为了能使中国的大飞机在实现规模化生产之前就能获得“买家”的订单,有必要在航空运输市场重组现有的航空公司,减少航空公司的数量,鼓励更有实力的航空公司的涌现。  相似文献   

市场环境惨淡,融资环境不利,依靠单一产品打天下的大多数中国芯片企业能否摆脱兴亡轮回?"你好,这里是中纬吗?"10月20日,当记者按照宁波中纬公司网站上提供的联系电话打过去,那头一位接听电话的男士说:"现在是比亚迪!"宁波中纬因资金亏空破产,于10月6日以1.7亿元的价格拍卖给半导体产业"圈外"的企业——深圳比亚迪有限公司。  相似文献   

根据对国内乙烯工业在建和拟建计划的分析,我国已经进入乙烯工业高速发展时期。由于当前乙烯产业正处于景气周期的高峰,石化市场表现良好,行业利润较高,掩盖了我国乙烯工业发展中的一些问题。文章通过分析我国乙烯工业发展规模、发展模式、发展时机及其而临的来自中东的市场冲击等几个方而存在的突出问题,提出了相应的应对措施,以期对我国乙烯工业健康有序发展起到积极作用。  相似文献   

英国电信产业的放松管制和对主导运营商BT的再管制   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
自 1 980年起 ,英国电信产业先后实施了邮政、电信分离 ,建立独立的管制机构 ,对开放市场准入和私有化以后仍然居于主导地位的运营商———英国电信公司 (BT)实施包括价格上限管制在内的一系列管制 ,促进了英国电信产业向竞争性结构的转化。目前 ,我国电信产业同样面临着放松管制以及放松管制以后如何重组和再管制主导运营商的棘手难题。本文拟对英国电信产业 2 0余年的改革经验进行比较系统的回顾和评析 ,以期对我国电信产业的下一步改革有所启示。  相似文献   

We partition the variances of market shares, which we use as surrogates for competitive position, of the business units of all public manufacturing companies available in the Trinet data base into industry factors, corporate parent‐specific factors, and business unit‐specific factors. Our results differ somewhat from Rumelt's (1991) , which decomposed variances in profitability. We find that corporate parent effects on market share are considerably greater than zero when lines of business are defined more narrowly, when small business units are included, and when firms are medium‐sized. Our results suggest that the relative importance of corporate, industry, and business unit effects depends on the types of criteria, such as the level of industry aggregation, whether small business units are included, and firm size, that are used to construct samples. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

For banks operating in the fiercely competitive derivatives market, the difference between the leaders and the also-rans often boils down to their respective approaches to product innovation. To achieve market leadership in this highly volatile field, a bank must develop and continually refine the processes and the expertise necessary for identifying new areas of business and attracting and retaining customers. Although the development of derivatives is a complex, expensive process, such development efforts provide the means for satisfying existing clients as well as attracting new customers. F. Axel Johne and M. Panos Pavlidis examine the managerial practices of banks that are acknowledged leaders in bringing new derivatives to market ahead of their competitors. In particular, they examine how those first-mover banks apply their marketing expertise and they review the advantages those banks enjoy as a result of their success in product innovation. The banks studied fall into one of two groups: highly active innovators and less active innovators. The study reveals several significant differences between the two groups with respect to managing marketing inputs for product innovation purposes. First, compared to less active banks, the highly active innovators take a more sophisticated, market-based approach to identifying innovation opportunities. Rather than looking for innovations that offer a close fit with existing products and competencies, they analyze the benefits sought by target clients and initiate innovation efforts based on those analyses. Highly active innovators recognize the important role that internal marketing plays in encouraging functional specialists to work together for the purpose of identifying follow-on development opportunities. Internal marketing also helps to ensure that all parties understand and can support the planned innovation. The highly active innovators in this study do not take a formulaic approach to the development of new derivatives; instead, they rely on marketing expertise to identify and capitalize on business opportunities. Rather than concentrate solely on improving the core technical features of a product, the highly active innovators also recognize the importance of product augmentation innovation (to ensure the appropriate support for various market segments), process innovation (so they can reduce prices, when necessary), and market innovation (to ensure that they pursue the optimal mix of markets).  相似文献   

文章着重分析"中部崛起"对湖南服装产业产生的深远影响。"中部崛起"给湖南的服装产业带来了便利的交通、完善的物流网络,减少了物流成本;促使湖南服装企业增强品牌意识、导入现代化的管理模式、先进的设备和生产技术;促使湖南服装企业接纳和吸收更多优秀的服装专业人才;促使湖南服装加快产业集群。同时也加剧了市场的竞争,为湖南服装产业如何把握"中部崛起"这个契机提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

Probably no other industry is as affected by governmental interventions via regulation and their respective directives as is the energy industry. On the one hand, firms must deal with a considerable amount of resources bound in order to satisfy consequential challenges. On the other hand, a variety of chances are offered due to the phenomenon of strict regulation often fostering innovation. In addition, digitization has heavily influenced the energy industry among many others in several ways. Digitization has not only enabled new business model innovation, but also incorporated it in itself. Unfortunately, the circle of beneficiaries remained limited in the beginning, because many foremost municipal utilities do not possess enough capacities to exploit these chances. Nonetheless, as our case study of REMIT highlights established utilities were able to utilize this new market in form of business model innovation. Therefore our case serves as a blueprint for innovation management driven by regulation and digitization alike.  相似文献   

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