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This paper investigates the role of non-financial performance measures in executive compensation. Using a sample of airline firms we document that passenger load factor, an important non-financial measure for firms in this industry, is positively associated with CEO cash compensation. This association is significant after controlling for traditional accounting performance measures (return on assets) and financial performance measures (stock returns). This evidence is consistent with the hypothesis that non-financial measures provide incremental information about CEOs actions over financial measures and hence, receive a positive weight in compensation contracts. We also explore cross-sectional differences in the importance of non-financial performance measures. We find weak evidence that CEO power and the noise of financial performance measures impact the relationship between non-financial performance measures and cash compensation.JEL Classification: J33, L25, L93, M41, M52  相似文献   

本文以信息技术业为例,对网络型产业并购的市场预期绩效和经营绩效进行实证考察。研究表明,并购事件公布所引致的市场异常收益说明中国证券市场属于非半强式有效;委托代理问题的存在使得并购方和目标方的累积异常收益率都会上升;在个人理性和兼容性约束的共同作用下,目标方经营绩效会得到提高,但并购方却出现降低。因此,完善证券市场信息披露制度、建立具有竞争机制的职业经理人市场及引入现代企业制度和公司治理机制,对提高网络型产业并购绩效具有重要意义。  相似文献   

This case is designed to help students enhance their analytical skills and link accounting policy choices with corporate strategy. Written initially for MBA students and senior analysts attending executive education sessions, it provides participants with 1) industry background for the Canadian airline sector, and 2) historical and selected financial and non‐financial information from the annual reports and initial public offering documents of three players in this industry. Participants are invited to reflect on the theoretical and practical reasons underlying the choice of a depreciation method by airline companies, to find ways to quantitatively compare companies that use different depreciation methods, and to link these policy choices to possible strategic considerations. This case is based on a unique situation prevailing in 2009 where financial information was available for all three airlines which were using different approaches for aircraft depreciation.  相似文献   

This paper applies portfolio change and conditional performance measures to assess the performance of the dynamic investment model in various industry-rotation settings spanning the 1934–1995 period. The dynamic investment model employs the empirical probability assessment approach in raw form. In addition, it incorporates three adjustments for estimation error: James–Stein, Bayes–Stein, and CAPM-based corrections. The tests are unanimous in their conclusion that the excess returns attained by the (unadjusted) historic, the Bayes–Stein, and the James–Stein estimators are (sometimes highly) statistically significant over the 1966–1995 and 1966–1981 sub-periods. This lends support to the idea that the joint empirical probability assessment approach based on the recent past, with and without Stein-based corrections for estimation error, contains information that can be profitably exploited. The relationship of these findings to the extant literature on momentum and contrarian strategies is addressed.  相似文献   

Value Relevance of Nonfinancial Information: The Case of Patent Data   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
When used in conjunction with traditional R&D expenditure information, scientific information on patent quality appear to give investors a more useful basis upon which to judge the economic merit of the firm's R&D effort. This complementary relation suggests that consistent disclosure of patent quality information would be helpful to investors in their ongoing assessment of firms in the high tech sector.  相似文献   

通过运用因子分析法对我国16家上市银行的14个指标进行归纳分析,从各家银行的规模性、效益性、流动性和安全性等四个方面的表现分别作出评价,按照特征值加权得出上市银行绩效综合排名。研究结果表明:规模因子和效益因子在很大程度上决定银行绩效水平。最后针对结论和银行业现状,提出了合理化对策。  相似文献   

This study examines the association between when an airline sells its passenger seats and the pricing method (marginal cost or full cost) it employs. Prior literature suggests that when firms are able to change prices during the selling period, the optimality of full cost pricing or marginal cost pricing depends on when demand information is revealed during the period between capacity commitment decisions and time of sale. Full cost‐based pricing is appropriate in determining capacity commitment and prices simultaneously, while marginal cost provides more relevant information for pricing when capacity has been committed. Using the price and cost data from a sample of four U.S. domestic airlines, we find that full cost explains price variations of first‐day sales robustly. The adjusted R2 of the marginal cost pricing model is larger in the sample of sales two days prior to departure than in the sample of first‐day sales. In the analysis of the sample of sales two days prior to departure, we find that, based on the adjusted R2 of the full cost pricing and marginal cost pricing models, the explanatory power of marginal cost pricing is relatively weaker than full cost pricing. Our results document the use of different cost information along the dynamic change of price and provide implications in understanding the role of cost information in setting prices.  相似文献   

我国上市银行经营绩效的经济动态分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
葛敏  许长新 《金融论坛》2006,11(6):14-19
本文从盈利能力、抗风险能力和发展能力三种视角深入剖析上市银行经营绩效的生成机理,构建了上市银行经营绩效的经济动态分析模型,并运用我国上市银行2001 ̄2004年的时序立体数据对上市银行经营绩效进行实证分析。研究结果表明,FDFS模糊动态因子分析法克服了采用平面数据进行分析的静态局限,简化了影响因素结构,客观反映了我国上市银行经营绩效的动态实际;盈利能力和成长能力等因素成为影响我国上市银行经营绩效的重要因素。本文还根据实证研究结果提出相应的政策建议:包括政府应加强和谐金融生态环境建设;银行应提高自身盈利能力和抗风险能力。  相似文献   

本文从盈利能力、抗风险能力和发展能力三种视角深入剖析上市银行经营绩效的生成机理。构建了上市银行经营绩效的经济动态分析模型,并运用我国上市银行2001~2004年的时序立体数据对上市银行经营绩效进行实证分析。研究结果表明,FDFS模糊动态因子分析法克服了采用平面数据进行分析的静态局限,简化了影响因素结构,客观反映了我国上市银行经营绩效的动态实际;盈利能力和成长能力等因素成为影响我国上市银行经营绩效的重要因素。本文还根据实证研究结果提出相应的政策建议:包括政府应加强和谐金融生态环境建设;银行应提高自身盈利能力和抗风险能力。  相似文献   

We examine whether performance persistence is suspicious. Top quintile portfolios formed on the Sharpe ratio, alpha, and information ratio persistently outperform similarly constructed mediocre third quintile portfolios throughout our sample period, but performance is more modest and less persistent when portfolios are formed on the excess manipulation‐proof performance measure (EMPPM). By selecting funds formed on ranking by Sharpe and information ratios, investors also select funds that have persistently doubtful performance according to the doubt ratio. In contrast, portfolios formed on alphas and especially the EMPPM have much less excess and persistent doubt.  相似文献   

Thispaper examines the optimal disclosure policyin a principal/agent setting in which investors and a managerdirectly receive pre-decision, non-contractible signals. Themanager's signal is more informative than the investors' signal.Under no disclosure, the market price provides contractible informationabout the investors' signal, whereas it does not reveal the investors'signal if the manager fully and truthfully discloses his signal.The Revelation Principle does not apply and we identify conditionsunder which no disclosure dominates full disclosure, and providea ``hurdle' model in which partial disclosure strictly dominatesboth no and full disclosure.  相似文献   

We evaluate the conditional performance of U.K. equity unit trusts using the approach of Lynch and Wachter (2007, 2008) relative to three conditional linear factor models. We find significant time variation in the conditional performance of some trust portfolios and individual trusts using the lag term spread as the information variable. The conditional performance of the trusts is countercyclical and larger trusts have more countercyclical performance than smaller trusts within certain investment sectors. These patterns in conditional trust performance cannot be fully explained by the underlying securities that the trusts hold.
Jonathan FletcherEmail:

This paper investigates the determinants of currency risk management in nonfinancial firms in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Mexico, based on a panel data sample of firms that list as American depositary receipts from 2001 to 2004. Our evidence indicates that derivatives held for hedging purposes can yield cash flows of the same order of magnitude of capital expenditures, operational earnings, and financial expense, unlike what was previously found by Guay and Kothari (2003) for U.S. firms. We study not only the decision to use derivatives, but also the magnitude of derivatives holdings and the importance of operational hedging in firms' risk management strategies. We find that economies of scale, financial distress costs, informational asymmetry, and growth opportunities are important for risk management decisions, and that firms do not hedge because of potential tax benefits.  相似文献   

股利的信号传递理论认为股利的变化意味着企业未来盈利能力的变化,即股利有信息内涵。但国内外学者仅仅从收益角度来分析股利的信息内涵,所得到的实证结果与理论假设并不一致。本文从上市公司信息风险和未来盈利能力相结合的角度探讨股利的信息内涵。实证结果表明我国上市公司现金股利变化包含收益和风险两方面的信息,上市公司应该根据对未来现金流持续性的预期来制定现金股利政策。  相似文献   

股利的信号传递理论认为股利的变化意味着企业未来盈利能力的变化,即股利有信息内涵.但国内外学者仅仅从收益角度来分析股利的信息内涵,所得到的实证结果与理论假设并不一致.本文从上市公司信息风险和未来盈利能力相结合的角度探讨股利的信息内涵.实证结果表明我国上市公司现金股利变化包含收益和风险两方面的信息,上市公司应该根据对未来现金流持续性的预期来制定现金股利政策.  相似文献   

政府部门预算支出绩效管理改革框架分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
政府部门预算支出绩效管理改革框架分析是以公共部门理性人和制度契约假设为理论研究前提,突出组织实施系统构建、部门预算分析员设置、绩效信息审计约束等制度体系创新,同时配合以必要的技术手段,使政府部门能够在科学的制度保障下,在产出、效率、结果和生产率四种不同层次绩效评定间进行理性选择,并最终为建立适应市场经济需要,以提高支出绩效水平为根本目标的现代政府部门预算支出管理模式奠定基础。  相似文献   

We examine the relationship between the frequency of stock splits and firms' motives for splitting their stock. Compared to their peers, infrequent splitters show higher post‐split operating performance, but not so for frequent splitters. We find that split ratio and liquidity change explain the stock split announcement effect for the frequent splitters. In contrast, the change in operating performance in the split year explains the announcement effect for the infrequent splitters. Our results suggest that frequent splits are more consistent with the trading range‐improved/liquidity hypothesis and infrequent splits are more consistent with the signaling hypothesis.  相似文献   

徐泓  曲婧 《审计研究》2012,(2):14-19,51
经济的可持续发展和自然资源的逐渐匮乏使得自然资源的绩效审计十分重要。自然资源绩效审计作为一种新兴的审计类型,需从资金和资源配置、保护、利用的经济性、效率性、效果性和可持续性等方面开展评价,基于理论研究滞后于实践发展的现状,本文从自然资源管理目的、绩效审计的要求和已有的审计案例出发,阐述了自然资源绩效审计的宏观目标、微观目标和内容,并依据自然资源绩效审计的目标和内容,从自然资源政策、资金、开发保护、使用自然资源、收益分配等五个方面构建了自然资源绩效审计的评价指标体系。  相似文献   

场外市场会计盈余的信息含量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以万德数据库提供的新三板企业为样本,检验场外主体市场的会计盈余信息含量。混合样本检验显示,盈余信息披露对投资者超额收益有显著影响。分期检验中,2009年披露的盈余信息还不具备有效的信息含量;2010年披露的盈余信息具有信息含量,可能预示着场外市场的完善和成熟。此外,样本检验结果没有找到场外市场具有半强势有效的证据,但可以推断该市场处于弱势有效状态。  相似文献   

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