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利率、汇率波动的加剧,使金融衍生市场的风险成为影响金融体系稳定运行的最重要因素之一。在金融风险定价理论和资产组合技术的支持下,金融衍生工具已成为防范基础性金融风险的有效工具。但金融衍生工具在用于金融风险管理中也存在市场风险、信用风险、流动性风险等基本金融风险。不仅存在着市场风险与信用风险的替代性,还存在着加大金融风险总量的可能。金融风险管理的实质是寻求风险损失与风险收益的平衡。  相似文献   

Traditionally, banks conduct standard credit evaluation such as credit scoring following the receipt of loan request and make the accept/reject decision accordingly. This research explores the possibility of two stages credit evaluation in lending process. When the evaluation cost drops below the trigger cost, it pays to conduct the second-stage loan appraisal. We derive two trigger cost thresholds for borrowers who are rated as credible and default in the first stage, respectively. Contingent on the share of good borrowers relative to the bad ones, the optimal strategy of the bank can be differentiated to implement second-stage evaluation on either (1) both types, or (2) only one type, or (3) neither type of the borrowers. We find that during severe economic contractions or in geographic areas/industries which are in deep troubles, whilst the borrowers who repay the loan are out-numbered by the borrowers who fail to pay, the trigger cost for good borrower is higher than that of default borrower. In this scenario, the banks are more inclined to undertake the second-stage credit evaluation on good borrowers. On the other hand, if the percentage of credible borrowers is higher than that of default borrowers, the trigger cost for good borrower lies below the trigger cost of default borrower. As a result, the banks are less inclined to undertake the second-stage evaluation on good borrowers.  相似文献   

It is commonly observed that high grade loans with better ratings are often associated with low recoveries if they default (i.e. with relatively high loss-given-default (LGD)). To address the mismatch problem, this paper proposes a credit risk approach by minimizing LGD for higher rated loans as a risk-rating matching standard in the sense that the decreasing LGD from creditors’ perspective is associated with higher credit rating for the borrower. This standard forces customers’ credit rating of each grade to be optimally determined in correspondence to its LGD, which means the LGD of high grade loans tends to be low. The approach is then tested using three credit datasets from China, i.e. credit data from 2044 farmers, 2157 small private businesses and 3111 SMEs. The empirical results show that the proposed approach indeed guides the way to solve the mismatch phenomenon between credit ratings and LGDs in the existing credit rating literature. By optimally determining credit ratings, the findings derived from this paper help provide a valuable reference for bankers, and bond investors to manage their credit risk.  相似文献   

在网络环境下,商家的信用评价标准应与传统公司信用的评价标准不同。为此,在回顾了不同学者对于信任和信誉的定义后,对学者在电子商务信誉评价方面所开展的研究进行了综述,并分别从C2C环境下的信誉评价研究和B2C环境下的信誉评价研究这两个角度对研究工作进行了总结。  相似文献   

The current research on credit risk is primarily focused on modelling default probabilities. Recovery rates are often treated as an afterthought; they are modelled independently, in many cases they are even assumed to be constant. This despite their pronounced effect on the tail of the loss distribution. Here, we take a step back, historically, and start again from the Merton model, where defaults and recoveries are both determined by an underlying process. Hence, they are intrinsically connected. For the diffusion process, we can derive the functional relation between expected recovery rate and default probability. This relation depends on a single parameter only. In Monte Carlo simulations we find that the same functional dependence also holds for jump-diffusion and GARCH processes. We discuss how to incorporate this structural recovery rate into reduced-form models, in order to restore essential structural information which is usually neglected in the reduced-form approach.  相似文献   

In this paper, we embed optimal contracting between the manager and equity holders into Leland-Toft endogenous structural credit risk model to study the impact of moral hazard on the firm's credit risk with rollover debts. Our model quantitatively shows that the agency costs induced by the moral hazard can endogenously have significant impacts on credit spreads, besides the costs of rolling over the maturing debts of the firm. It originates from the conflicts that these two costs should be covered by equity holders while both the manager and maturing debt holders are still paid in full. The numerical results show that the credit spread with the agency costs of moral hazard is larger than the one without the agency costs. Thus, the moral hazard could be used to explain “credit spread puzzle” as an endogenous factor. The explicit formulae of the equity value, the debt value, and the endogenous default boundary are also given.  相似文献   

对我国商业银行信用风险管理的思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
信用风险已经成为我国商业银行面临的严峻挑战。我国商业银行信用风险管理需要解决基础数据、科学评价客户信用、建立信用风险管理文化等一系列问题。  相似文献   

农村信用社金融风险的成因与防范   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杜金向 《生产力研究》2004,(6):51-52,64
由于某些历史的和现实的原因以及农村信用社自身体制上的一些原因 ,造成了近几年农村信用社大面积出现亏损 ,全行业面临着巨大的金融风险。因此 ,化解与防范农村信用社面临的金融风险 ,是当前我国农村金融领域的一项十分艰巨的任务  相似文献   

The internal ratings–based (IRB) approach (based on a single risk factor model) was designed by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) to determine banks’ regulatory credit risk capital. Key inputs of the model – asset correlations – are prescribed by the regulator; relevant banks must use them for capital determination. To ascertain whether these correlations are too onerous or too lenient, empirical asset correlations embedded in loss data spanning different loss milieu were backed out of the regulatory model. Static and rolling correlations over a period of time were compared with the prescribed correlations for developed and developing economies and found to be significantly more conservative.  相似文献   

Because of their opaque nature, SMEs are overly reliant on bank lending. Therefore, we examine whether banks' credit supply to SMEs are affected by their financial conditions. To this end, we employ a Granger causality analysis to examine whether there is an indication of a significant direction of determination between SME lending and non-performing SME loans. The results reveal no bidirectional relationship between SME lending and NPL for the entire banking sector. For Islamic banks, however, we find two-way linkages between these two parameters: a negative causation is running both from SME lending to NPL growth and from NPL to SME lending. Given Islamic banks' deposit-oriented funding practices and their adherence to profit-and-loss sharing principles, this finding suggests the presence of heightened market discipline within the Islamic banking system.  相似文献   

Much of the volatility in emerging markets in the 1990s stems from the fact that the major form of foreign investment is the bond rather than the bank loans which predominated until the debt crisis of the 1980s. Bondholders are too dispersed to negotiate with during a liquidity shortfall. Thus, a shortage of reserves becomes a full-blown crisis. This was not the case in the 1980s when banks, as the major creditors, often lent to countries in arrears. The risk to a loan is therefore rescheduling, while the risk to a bond is default. Empirically pricing loans and bonds as assets reveals that bonds incorporate the greater risk of default into their spreads. Debentures are thus riskier credit than loans. As developing countries now obtain most finance through these risky instruments, the volatility of the 1990s is better understood.  相似文献   


We generate measures of banking risk across Indian states and examine the relationship between banking risk and economic production in India. We find that banking risk co-moves with total grain production (TPG) and real gross domestic product (RGDP). The long-term impact of banking risk differs across Indian states. Ten states are negatively affected while one state maintains growth in RGDP. Likewise, the results show that six states are negatively affected while two states maintain growth in TPG. Banking risk is found to induce a larger decline in TPG than in RGDP at the national and state levels. Overall, banking risk shocks induce negative effects on both TPG and RGDP.  相似文献   

The article analyses external and domestic determinants of Russian sovereign credit risk from January 2001 to May 2015. The analysis is conducted in a time series framework, involving the ARDL approach and VECM model. External risk factors outperform domestic fundamentals. The VIX index and oil prices are the most important factors, followed by the Fitch credit rating changes and TED spread. There is evidence for the piggyback effect by S&P whose credit rating changes are driven by Fitch Ratings and Moody’s decisions. Among macroeconomic fundamentals only exchange rate dynamics and foreign reserves appear significant. The importance of the fundamentals further decreases when Granger (no) causality tests are conducted. The findings reveal a limited role of domestic macroeconomic policy in curbing Russian sovereign credit risk.  相似文献   

信用是市场经济的基础,也是市场经济的必然产物,因此,信用风险一旦发生就会对经济发展产生诸多不利影响,在金融领域的影响尤为严重。中国作为一个农业大国,农村金融领域发生信用风险就会严重地制约经济的总体发展水平。因此,从农村金融的角度,以黑龙江省为例,提出合理防范农村金融领域的信用风险,对黑龙江省整体县域经济发展具有重要意义。基于此,分析了农村金融领域信用风险产生的原因和对区域性农业经济发展的影响,提出了相应的风险防范措施.  相似文献   

本文在科学把握企业信用风险管理和价值链理论的基础上,将波特价值链分析法应用于企业信用风险管理,以销售——回款过程为主线,构建了企业信用风险管理价值链,探讨了企业信用风险管理的基本理论和管理技术。  相似文献   

In order to address practical questions in credit portfolio management it is necessary to link the cyclical or systematic components of firm credit risk with the firm's own idiosyncratic credit risk as well as the systematic credit risk component of every other exposure in the portfolio. This paper builds on the methodology proposed by Pesaran, Schuermann, and Weiner [Pesaran, M.H., Schuermann, T., and Weiner, S.M., (2004), Modeling regional interdependencies using a global error correcting macroeconometric model, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 22, 2, 129–169.] and supplemented by Pesaran, Schuermann, Treutler and Weiner [Pesaran, M.H., Schuermann, T., Treutler, B., and Weiner, S.M., (2006), Macroeconomic dynamics and credit risk: a global perspective, Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, Volume 38, Number 5, August 2006, 1211–1261.] which has made a significant advance in credit risk modelling in that it avoids the use of proprietary balance sheet and distance-to-default data, focusing on credit ratings which are more freely available.In this paper a country-specific macroeconometric risk-driver engine which is compatible with and could feed into the GVAR model and framework of PSW (2004) is constructed, using vector error-correcting (VECM) techniques. This allows conditional loss estimation of a South African-specific credit portfolio but also opens the door for credit portfolio modelling on a global scale, as such a model can easily be linked to the GVAR model. The set of domestic factors is extended beyond those used in PSW (2004) in such a way that the risk-driver model is applicable for both retail and corporate credit risk. As such, the model can be applied to a total bank balance sheet, incorporating the correlation and diversification between both retail and corporate credit exposures.Assuming statistical over-identification restrictions, the results indicate that it is possible to construct a South African component for the GVAR model that can easily be integrated into the global component. From a practical application perspective the framework and model is particularly appealing since it can be used as a theoretically consistent correlation model within a South African-specific credit portfolio management tool.  相似文献   

信用风险管理的核心问题是信用风险的度量。本文重点探究基于统计方法的VaR信用风险模型,通过实证分析可知,以VaR值为核心的CreditMetrics方法,通过适当修正,符合我国商业银行信用风险管理的实际情况。  相似文献   

The computation of the bilateral counterparty valuation adjustment for a credit default swap (CDS) contract is in effect the modeling of the default dependence among the investor, the protection seller, and the reference entity. We present a contagion model, where defaults of three parties are all driven by a common continuous-time Markov chain describing the macroeconomic conditions. We give the explicit formula for the bilateral credit valuation adjustment (CVA) of CDS and examine the effect of the regime switching on the CVA.  相似文献   

Online Peer-to-Peer (P2P) lending has emerged recently. This micro loan market could offer certain benefits to both borrowers and lenders. Using data from the Lending Club, which is one of the popular online P2P lending houses, this article explores the P2P loan characteristics, evaluates their credit risk and measures loan performances. We find that credit grade, debt-to-income ratio, FICO score and revolving line utilization play an important role in loan defaults. Loans with lower credit grade and longer duration are associated with high mortality rate. The result is consistent with the Cox Proportional Hazard test which suggests that the hazard rate or the likelihood of the loan default increases with the credit risk of the borrowers. Finally, we find that higher interest rates charged on the high-risk borrowers are not enough to compensate for higher probability of the loan default. The Lending Club must find ways to attract high FICO score and high-income borrowers in order to sustain their businesses.  相似文献   

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