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We investigate the effect of marking-to-market on an optimal futures hedge under stochastic interest rates. An intertemporal optimal hedge ratio that accounts for basis risk and marking-to-market is derived. This ratio includes all previous hedge ratios, with constant interest rates as special cases. In a preliminary empirical study using S&P 500 index futures contracts, we demonstrate that the futures-forward hedging differential is nontrivial, especially in risk-return optimization. We also show that the covariances between interest rates and spot and futures prices explain the differential: the larger the covariances are, the larger the differential will be.  相似文献   

This article examines the relation between 15-, 30-, 45-, and 60-day gold, silver, and copper futures, and their realized cash or delivery settle prices, for deliveries on the first, middle, and last business day (FD, MD, and LD, respectively) of the delivery month. Samples of futures prices for gold, silver, and copper, and the realized cash or delivery settle prices, based on fixed maturities for a cross-section of contracts are used, because time-series over fixed maturities are unfeasible owing to the restrictive maturity periods in these contracts. This study contrasts with similar studies for forwards, which are not hampered by this problem (e.g., Baillie and Bollerslev in 1989), studies that use contemporaneous time-series of futures and cash prices to obtain optimal hedge ratios (e.g., Ghosh and Clayton in 1996), and studies that examine for parity between different futures prices (e.g., Franses and Kofman in 1991). Near-term gold, closest to delivery silver and all copper futures (the latter only with settle prices at delivery) are good predictors of the future cash price, except for silver and copper deliveries on the last day of delivery months. These results are consistent with previous studies on short-term cash (Ma in 1985) and futures (Ma and Soenen in 1988) parity between gold and silver, and with Gross's (1988) results for copper. The longer-term gold (45- and 60-day) and silver (30-, 45-, and 60-day) futures reject an unbiased expectations hypothesis. This result is consistent with Leistikow (1990) because cash prices respond less than futures prices in these instances.  相似文献   

This paper examines the hedging effectiveness of the FTSE/ATHEX-20 and FTSE/ATHEX Mid-40 stock index futures contracts in the relatively new and fairly unresearched futures market of Greece. Both in-sample and out-of-sample hedging performances using weekly and daily data are examined, considering both constant and time-varying hedge ratios. Results indicate that time-varying hedging strategies provide incremental risk-reduction benefits in-sample, but under-perform simple constant hedging strategies out-of-sample. Moreover, futures contracts serve effectively their risk management role and compare favourably with results in other international stock index futures markets. Estimation of investor utility functions and corresponding optimal utility maximising hedge ratios yields similar results, in terms of model selection. For the FTSE/ATHEX Mid-40 contracts we identify the existence of speculative components, which lead to utility-maximising hedge ratios, that are different to the minimum variance hedge ratio solutions.  相似文献   

This study examines the distributional properties of futures prices for contracts traded on LIFFE. A filtering process is employed to remove day of the week and holiday effects, a maturity effect, moving average effects and the influence of an asset's conditional variance from the raw returns series. Alternative distributional models from the stable paretian and ARCH families are examined for their applicability to futures data using a stability under additions. The results conclusively reject the hypothesis that futures returns are normally distributed with findings in favour of two related hypotheses – the mixtures of stable distribution and the ordinary stable distribution.  相似文献   

This study examines the distributional properties of futures prices for contracts traded on LIFFE. A filtering process is employed to remove day of the week and holiday effects, a maturity effect, moving average effects and the influence of an asset's conditional variance from the raw returns series. Alternative distributional models from the stable paretian and ARCH families are examined for their applicability to futures data using a stability under additions. The results conclusively reject the hypothesis that futures returns are normally distributed with findings in favour of two related hypotheses – the mixtures of stable distribution and the ordinary stable distribution.  相似文献   

The constant and dynamic hedge models, with the presence of transaction costs are compared for the Share Price Index futures contract trading on the Sydney Futures Exchange. The optimal hedge ratio is estimated by using a dynamic, bivariate two-stage model for the return equation with a dynamic GARCH error structure for the conditional hedge ratios. When portfolio projections are compared based on their profit positions (net of transaction costs), the GARCH hedge model dominates the next best competitor in terms of trading profit.  相似文献   

This study presents empirical evidence on the efficiency and effectiveness of hedging U.S.-based international mutual funds with an Asia-Pacific investment objective. The case for active currency risk management is examined for a passive and a selective hedge, which is constructed with currency futures in the major currencies. Both static and dynamic hedging models are used to estimate the risk-minimizing hedge ratio. The results show that currency hedging improves the performance of internationally diversified mutual funds. Such hedging is beneficial even when based on prior optimal hedge ratios. Further, efficiency gains from hedging, as measured by the percent change in the Sharpe Index, are greatest under a selective portfolio strategy that is implemented with an optimal constant hedge ratio.  相似文献   

This paper aims to determine optimal hedge strategy for the Istanbul Stock Exchange (ISE)-30 stock index futures in Turkey by comparing hedging performance of constant and time-varying hedge ratios under mean-variance utility criteria. We employ standard regression and bivariate GARCH frameworks to estimate constant and time-varying hedge ratios respectively. The Turkish case is particularly challenging since Turkey has one of the most volatile stock markets among emerging economies and the turnover ratio as a measure of liquidity is very high for the market. These facts can be considered to highlight the great risk and, therefore, the extra need for hedging in the Istanbul Stock Exchange (ISE). The empirical results from the study reveal that the dynamic hedge strategy outperforms the static and the traditional strategies.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the effectiveness of cross-commodity hedging between China's base metal spot and futures markets, using daily data of metal spot and futures prices in the Shanghai Futures Exchange. The main findings suggest that, compared to unhedged spot portfolios, a naïve hedge increases risk exposure, while static and dynamic hedges can significantly reduce the risk of holding spot assets. Zinc futures and nickel futures outperform other base metal futures in individually hedging lead spot and tin spot respectively, while copper futures constitute a moderately optimal instrument to hedge both lead and tin spot assets.  相似文献   

This article examines the hedging of constrained commodity positions with futures contracts. We extend the study of Adler and Detemple (1988a, 1988b) to include a partial information framework where the convenience yield is not observable. As a consequence, futures prices depend on investor's beliefs regarding the value of the convenience yield, and every component of the hedge is impacted by these beliefs. We achieve a decomposition of the demand that clarifies the impact on the optimal hedge of the beliefs, the spot price and the risk‐free rate as well as the hedging horizon.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the impact of the 1997 Asian financial market crisis upon hedging effectiveness within the KOSPI 200 stock index and index futures markets. The paper utilizes the inter-temporal relationship between the two markets to examine the characteristics of several minimum variance hedge ratios. It also examines the performances of alternative hedging strategies for dynamic portfolio management in the presence of cointegrated time-varying risks. The results show a decline in the persistence of conditional volatility within market prices after the crisis. This decline leads to the relative performance of utilizing constant hedge ratios to increase, though not significantly so to guarantee a superior performance over more sophisticated time-varying hedge ratio strategies.  相似文献   

The hedging effectiveness of dynamic strategies is compared with static (traditional) ones using futures contracts for the five leading currencies. The traditional hedging model assumes time invariance in the joint distribution of spot and futures price changes thus leading to a constant optimal hedge ratio (OHR). However, if this time-invariance assumption is violated, time-varying OHRs are appropriate for hedging purposes. A bivariate GARCH model is employed to estimate the joint distribution of spot and futures currency returns and the sequence of dynamic (time-varying) OHRs is constructed based upon the estimated parameters of the conditional covariance matrix. The empirical evidence strongly supports time-varying OHRs but the dynamic model provides superior out-of-sample hedging performance, compared to the static model, only for the Canadian dollar.  相似文献   

We use the All Ordinaries Index and the corresponding Share Price Index futures contract written against the All Ordinaries Index to estimate optimal hedge ratios, adopting several specifications: an ordinary least squares‐based model, a vector autoregression, a vector error‐correction model and a diagonal‐vec multivariate generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity model. Hedging effectiveness is measured using a risk‐return comparison and a utility maximization method. We find that time‐varying generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity hedge ratios perform better than constant hedge ratios in terms of minimizing risks, but when return effects are also considered, the utility‐based measure prefers the ordinary least squares method in the in‐sample hedge, whilst both approaches favour the conditional time‐varying multivariate generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity hedge ratio estimates in out‐of‐sample analyses.  相似文献   

This paper explores effective hedging instruments for carbon market risk. Examining the relationship between the carbon futures returns and the returns of four major market indices, i.e., the VIX index, the commodity index, the energy index and the green bond index, we find that the connectedness between the carbon futures returns and the green bond index returns is the highest and this connectedness is extremely pronounced during the market's volatile period. Further, we develop and evaluate hedging strategies based on three dynamic hedge ratio models (DCC-APGARCH, DCC-T-GARCH, and DCC-GJR-GARCH models) and the constant hedge ratio model (OLS model). Empirical results show that among the four market indices the green bond index is the best hedge for carbon futures and performs well even in the crisis period. The paper also provides evidence that the dynamic hedge ratio models are superior to the OLS model in the volatile period as more sophisticated models can capture the dynamic correlation and volatility spillover between the carbon futures and market index returns.  相似文献   

This paper examines optimal hedging behavior in a market where preferences for current consumption are partly determined by the consumer's past consumption history. The model considers an individual exposed to price risk, who allocates wealth between consumption and futures contracts over a (continuous-time) finite planning horizon. The speculative component of the hedge ratio is shown to be smaller and the consumption path smoother than in models where preferences are separable over time. Some comparative-static properties of the hedge ratio are also examined.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of management preferences on optimal futures hedging strategy and associated performance. Applying an expected utility hedging objective, the optimal futures hedge ratio is determined for a range of preferences on risk aversion, hedging horizon and expected returns. Empirical results reveal substantial hedge ratio variation across distinct management preferences and are supportive of the hedging policies of real firms. Hedging performance is further shown to be strongly dependent on underlying preferences. In particular, hedgers with high risk aversion and short horizon reduce hedge portfolio risk but achieve inferior utility in comparison to those with low aversion.  相似文献   

Hedging long-term exposures with multiple short-term futures contracts   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This article analyzes the problem facing an agent who has along-term commodity supply commitment and who wishes to hedgethat commitment using short-maturity commodity futures contracts.As time evolves, the agent has to roll the hedge as old futurescontracts mature and new futures contracts are listed. Thisgives rise to hedge errors. The optimal hedging strategy ischaracterized in a world where contracts of several differentmaturities coexist. The strategy is independent both of theagent's risk aversion and, under certain conditions, of beliefsabout expected returns from holding futures contracts. The methodologyis compared with approaches based on dynamic models of the termstructure. It is tested on data from the oil futures market.  相似文献   

This article considers the hedging problem of a producer with along-term forward commitment to deliver a commodity at multiple futurepoints in time. The aggregate quantity to be delivered over time is knownwith certainty; however, the period-by-period quantity is determined bythe customer and is unknown to the producer. A minimum-variancemultiperiod futures position that considers both price uncertainty andperiod-by-period quantity uncertainty is derived. The following resultsare obtained: The individual effects of price uncertainty and quantityuncertainty on the multiperiod minimum-variance are separable. In thetwo-period case, if the spot price is expected to decrease over time, therisk-minimizing hedge considering both price and quantity uncertaintiesis greater than that which considers price uncertainty only. If the spotprice is expected to increase over time, then the hedger would beover-hedged if only price uncertainty were considered. Convenience yieldpromotes a larger risk-minimizing futures position, whereas storage costsand financial costs reduce the size of the risk-minimizing futuresposition. In the multiperiod case, if forward prices are unbiasedestimators of future spot prices, or if spot prices are expected todecrease over time, then quantity uncertainty increases the size of therisk-minimizing hedge. If spot prices are expected to increase, then theeffect of period-by-period quantity uncertainty isindeterminate.  相似文献   

A novel methodology for the analysis of derivatives pricing in incomplete markets is tested empirically. The methodology generates hedge ratios and derivatives prices. They are estimated from the correlation structure between the local co-movements of securities prices. First, the hedge ratios from a parsimonious complete-market model are estimated by fitting locally the changes in the derivatives and the underlying securities prices. Second, derivatives prices are obtained from the locally estimated hedge ratios. The methodology, referred to as local parametric estimation, is tested on a dataset of DAX index options and futures transactions from the computerized German Futures Exchange.  相似文献   

Currently, theories of financial futures hedging are based on either a portfolio-choice approach or a duration approach. This article presents an alternative: a firm-theoretic model of bank behavior with financial futures. Assuming the bank is uncertain about cash CD interest rates and the quantity of CDs it needs in the future, expressions for the optimal futures hedge are derived under constant absolute risk aversion and constant relative risk aversion. The performance of these two strategies is estimated from 1981–1983 using either the recently developed CD futures contract or the T-Bill futures contract. These results are also compared with the performance of a portfolio-choice strategy and a routine hedging strategy. The analysis indicates that the CD futures market can serve a hedging purpose that is not served by the previously established T-Bill futures market.  相似文献   

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