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美国政府食品与包装安全机构对总统、国会、法庭及公众负责。美国政府主要食品包装安全管理机构有5个,它们均有着各自的职能范围和安全职责。  相似文献   

美国玩具巨头美泰公司本周二公布的最新财报显示,由于有效的成本控制抵消了全球需求疲软及美元汇率走强所造成的不利影响,同时得益于芭比娃娃、风火轮及与新蝙蝠侠电影有关玩具的销量增长,该公司2012年第二季度的业绩超出了分析师预期。美泰公司的财报显示,2012年第二季度,该公司实现净收益9620万美元,合每股28美分。  相似文献   

This paper examines the use of social relationships in the organizing of a business network in the case of an international joint venture (IJV) developing over time. The organizing process and the multicultural setting of the international joint venture emphasize the actions of and interactions between individuals from various organizations. The IJV-managers' use of their social relationships in business organizing is explored through analysis of narratives of IJV-managers in a longitudinal single case to provide empirically grounded theory. From the in-depth interviews with IJV-managers the business relationships are identified as characterized by four possible levels of interpersonal relationships whose type influences the functions of the relationships and visa versa. One business relationship may contain only one or many of these interpersonal levels and an effective business relationship contains the appropriate interpersonal level for the business issue at hand.  相似文献   

Research summary: Firms introducing disruptive innovations into multisided ecosystems confront the disruptor's dilemma: gaining the support of the very incumbents they disrupt. Through a longitudinal study of TiVo, a company that pioneered the Digital Video Recorder, we examine how these firms may address this dilemma. Our analysis reveals how TiVo navigated coopetitive tensions by continually adjusting its strategy, its technology platform, and its relational positioning within the evolving U.S. television industry ecosystem. We theorize how (1) disruption may affect not just specific incumbents, but also the entire ecosystem; (2) coopetition is not just dyadic, but also multilateral and intertemporal, and (3) strategy is both a deliberative and emergent process involving continual adjustments, as the disruptor attempts to balance coopetitive tensions over time. Managerial summary: New entrants confront a dilemma when they introduce a disruptive innovation into an existing business ecosystem, viz., how can they gain the support of the incumbents that their innovation disrupts? Confronting this “disruptor's dilemma”, the disruptor must consider several issues: How might it pitch its innovation to attract end customers and yet reduce the threat of disruption perceived by ecosystem incumbents? How can the innovation be modified to fit into legacy systems while transforming them? Based on an in‐depth analysis of TiVo and its entrepreneurial journey, we explore the strategies disruptors can deploy to address these issues. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An analysis of postacquisition top management turnover among 168 cross-border and 102 purely domestic acquisitions, and a control group of 120 nonacquired U.S. firms, revealed that turnover rates in firms acquired by non-U.S. acquirers were significantly higher than in firms acquired by other U.S. firms or the control group. Further, the timing of postacquisition turnover differed in the foreign vs. domestic acquisitions. Finally, the nationality of the foreign acquirer was found to be an important predictor of turnover in certain acquisition categories. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Critics of globalization claim that firms are being driven by the prospects of cheaper labor and lower labor standards to shift employment abroad. Yet the evidence, beyond anecdotes, is slim. This paper reports stylized facts on the activities of U.S. multinationals at home and abroad for the years 1977 to 1999. We focus on firms in manufacturing and services, two sectors that have received extensive media attention for supposedly exporting jobs. Using firm‐level data collected by the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) in Washington, D.C., we report correlations between U.S. multinational employment at home and abroad. Preliminary evidence based on the operations of these multinationals suggests that the sign of the correlation depends on the crucial distinction between affiliates in high‐income and low‐income countries. For affiliates in high‐income countries there is a positive correlation between jobs at home and abroad, suggesting that foreign employment of U.S. multinationals is complementary to domestic employment. For firms that operate in developing countries, employment has been cut in the United States, and affiliate employment has increased. To account for firm size, substitution across firms and entry and exit, we aggregate our data to the industry level. This exercise reveals that the observed “complementarity” between U.S. and foreign jobs has been driven largely by a contraction across all manufacturing sectors. It also reveals that foreign employment in developing countries has substituted for U.S. employment in several highly visible industries, including computers, electronics, and transportation. The fact that there were U.S. jobs lost to foreign affiliates in key sectors, despite broad complementarity in hiring and firing decisions between U.S. parents and their affiliates, helps explain why economists view the impact of globalization on U.S. jobs as benign despite negative news coverage for declining industries.  相似文献   

This study examines the value created from acquiring and divesting a joint venture. Unlike previous research which focuses on parent firm factors, the study examines value in light of the reason behind the termination of the venture and the characteristics of the target market. Consistent with the real options view, the paper finds that ventures divested to refocus a parent firm's product market portfolio were associated with significant value creation. In contrast, ventures acquired with the objective of growth and expansion in a target market, while not associated with significant value creation, did not destroy value either. Apart from these results, the paper also finds that acquirers and divesters gained lesser value when they terminated ventures in uncertain and concentrated industries. These latter findings highlight an important caveat with regard to termination: joint ventures confer valuable flexibility which is also forgone once they are terminated. Implications are discussed. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We examine the role that geography plays in structuring interactions within an organizational setting designed to promote broad patterns of interaction: the organizational forum. We propose that, within a forum, an individual's location structures his or her access to peer support, but individuals with power (i.e., those who control the flow of organizational resources) can transcend these geographic constraints. We examine these propositions with data collected on strategic actors in the U.S. Senate Chamber. Using a dyad fixed effects approach, time‐varying controls, selection‐on‐observables estimation, and quasi‐exogenous shocks to seating arrangements, we find support for our propositions. These results contribute to our understanding of strategic interaction patterns, with an emphasis on the geographic scaffold upon which strategic actions are constructed. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

美国联邦政府的一个研究小组对在PV C医疗器材中应用最广泛的增塑剂D EH P的安全性进行了再次调查,该调查再次引发了人们对某些儿童和孕妇接触该物质的忧虑,但健康的成年人似乎不会受到危害。由于新的研究和公众不断质疑的推动,由全国毒物研究计划组织召集的独立科学家研究小组  相似文献   

Financial resources have a significant impact on labor's current attempt to reassert itself. We examine the total assets, net worth, and income of unions in (1) a cross-sectional analysis of the distribution of financial resources across national, intermediate, and local levels of unions and (2) a longitudinal analysis of trends in a variety of financial measures. We observe considerable decentralization of financial resources across levels, substantial concentration of resources, and differences across and within union sectors. These results are discussed with regard to current merger activity.  相似文献   

A recently constructed data series suggests that the hotel industry has experienced two rather large building booms from 1969 to 1994. By contrast, hotel demand seems to move closely with the United States economy, at a much higher cyclic frequency. Occupancy and room rental rates follow the slower movements in supply. A structural model is estimated over this series which displays long lags between occupancy and room rental rate changes, as well as between room rental rates and new supply. These lags create a system of difference equations that is close to being dynamically unstable. Forecasting forward with smooth economic growth, yields a new and even larger future building boom.  相似文献   

The increased number of perspectives on joint ventures (JVs) raises important issues for theory development on interfirm collaboration. In this paper, we bring together two key theoretical perspectives on joint ventures—the asymmetric information perspective and the indigestibility view. On a theoretical level, we focus on the relationship between these two different explanations of joint ventures. We also present new evidence on the firm valuation effects of JVs in domestic and international investment contexts. The findings lend support to the asymmetric information perspective on resource combination through joint ventures. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Despite the recent flood of foreclosures on residential mortgages, little is known about what happens to borrowers’ households after their mortgages have been foreclosed. We study the postforeclosure experience of U.S. households using a unique data set based on the credit reports of a large panel of individuals from 1999 to 2010. Although foreclosure considerably raises the probability of moving, the majority of postforeclosure migrants do not end up in substantially less desirable neighborhoods or more crowded living conditions. These results suggest that, on average, foreclosure does not impose an economic burden large enough to severely reduce housing consumption.  相似文献   

The 2011 release of the National Broadband Map (NBM) has generated significant interest from the telecommunications policy community. The NBM is a multiagency effort, including the National Telecommunications Administration (NTIA), the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), fifty U.S. states and five U.S. territories, to collect and disseminate information on broadband provision and quality of service for the United States. From a geographic perspective, the NBM represents a marked departure from previous broadband data efforts. Specifically, instead of disseminating FCC Form 477 data on providers at the ZIP code or Census tract level, the NBM reports provision information at the Census block level—the smallest geographic unit in which the Census bureau tabulates survey information. While this increased level of geographic data resolution is a welcome change, there are several notable limitations to these data that are important to consider when conducting spatial econometric analysis for public policy evaluation. With this in mind, the purpose of this paper is twofold. First, this paper explores the salient characteristics of Census block geographic base files, highlighting their strengths and weaknesses as summary units of spatial analysis. This also includes a brief discussion on how the NBM treats geographically large blocks and their use of road segments for aggregating provider data. Second, this paper examines the impacts of empty blocks (i.e. blocks that have no household information associated with them) for the spatial analysis of broadband. Finally, this paper provides a short overview of how these data limitations can impact public policy evaluation and provides a blueprint for improving the National Broadband Map.  相似文献   

This paper compares authorized and unauthorized immigrants in terms of twelve job‐quality indicators. Along all indicators examined, unauthorized immigrants score lower than the authorized. The lower job quality of the unauthorized prevails even when compared to authorized immigrants with similar educational levels and duration of stay.  相似文献   

自20世纪30年代以来,美国历史上先后经历了五次较大规模的减税政策.可以说,美国的减税政策史是一部沉痛与光辉并行、曲折与浩荡兼具的发展史.本文重点研究美国减税政策的历史演变轨迹,并在此基础上进一步分析它带来的启示和借鉴作用.  相似文献   

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