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A smooth and detailed distribution is fitted to coarsely grouped frequency data by a nonparametric approach, based on penalized maximum likelihood. The estimated distribution conserves mean and variance of the data. The numerical solution is described and a compact and simplified algorithm is given. The procedure is applied to two empirical datasets.  相似文献   

The economic theory of option pricing imposes constraints on the structure of call functions and state price densities. Except in a few polar cases, it does not prescribe functional forms. This paper proposes a nonparametric estimator of option pricing models which incorporates various restrictions (such as monotonicity and convexity) within a single least squares procedure. The bootstrap is used to produce confidence intervals for the call function and its first two derivatives and to calibrate a residual regression test of shape constraints. We apply the techniques to option pricing data on the DAX.  相似文献   

This paper presents estimation methods and asymptotic theory for the analysis of a nonparametrically specified conditional quantile process. Two estimators based on local linear regressions are proposed. The first estimator applies simple inequality constraints while the second uses rearrangement to maintain quantile monotonicity. The bandwidth parameter is allowed to vary across quantiles to adapt to data sparsity. For inference, the paper first establishes a uniform Bahadur representation and then shows that the two estimators converge weakly to the same limiting Gaussian process. As an empirical illustration, the paper considers a dataset from Project STAR and delivers two new findings.  相似文献   

A semiparametric two-component mixture model is considered, in which the distribution of one (primary) component is unknown and assumed symmetric. The distribution of the other component (admixture) is known. We consider three estimates for the pdf of primary component: a naive one, a symmetrized naive estimate and a symmetrized estimate with adaptive weights. Asymptotic behavior and small sample performance of the estimates are investigated. Some rules of thumb for bandwidth selection are discussed.  相似文献   

Dr. J. Fischer 《Metrika》1982,29(1):227-247
Based on sample values of a one-dimensional random variable a nonparametric maximum likelihood estimate for the unknown probability density is introduced as the solution of an optimization problem in an appropriate Hilbert space. This solution turns out to be a polynomial spline function, and a complete characterization is given using recent results on the differentiability of the optimal value of a parametrized family of optimization problems. An important feature of this estimate is that its support interval results in a quite natural way from the formulation of the problem and is not fixed in advance. The estimator is shown to have a certain consistency property for a special class of density functions. Numerical results will be given in a subsequent paper.  相似文献   

The estimation problem of the unknown covariance matrix of a multivariate distribution with the known mean is studied under a matrix-valued quadratic loss function. The conditions on the sample sizes for the best unbiased estimator to have a smaller risk than the sample covariance matrix is established. The former estimator is completely (without exceptional sets of Lebesgue measure zero) characterized by its expectation in the class of all multivariate distributions with zero mean and finite fourth moments. Received: November 1998  相似文献   

Cost function estimation often involves data on a function and a family of its derivatives. Such data can substantially improve convergence rates of nonparametric estimators. We propose series-type estimators which incorporate the various derivative data into a single nonparametric least-squares procedure. Convergence rates are obtained and it is shown that for low-dimensional cases, much of the beneficial impact is realized even if only data on ordinary first-order partials are available. In instances where root-nn consistency is attained, smoothing parameters can often be chosen very easily, without resort to cross-validation. Simulations and an illustration of cost function estimation are included.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the problem of estimation of a nonparametric regression function from selectively observed data when selection is endogenous. Our approach relies on independence between covariates and selection conditionally on potential outcomes. Endogeneity of regressors is also allowed for. In the exogenous and endogenous case, consistent two-step estimation procedures are proposed and their rates of convergence are derived. Pointwise asymptotic distribution of the estimators is established. In addition, bootstrap uniform confidence bands are obtained. Finite sample properties are illustrated in a Monte Carlo simulation study and an empirical illustration.  相似文献   

We propose and study a new method to nonparametrically estimate a discontinuity of a regression function. The optimal rate of convergence n −1 is obtained under minimal assumptions. No smoothing is required.  相似文献   

Michael Kohler 《Metrika》1998,47(1):147-163
Let (X, Y) be a pair of random variables withsupp(X)⊆[0,1] l andEY 2<∞. Letm * be the best approximation of the regression function of (X, Y) by sums of functions of at mostd variables (1≤dl). Estimation ofm * from i.i.d. data is considered. For the estimation interaction least squares splines, which are defined as sums of polynomial tensor product splines of at mostd variables, are used. The knot sequences of the tensor product splines are chosen equidistant. Complexity regularization is used to choose the number of the knots and the degree of the splines automatically using only the given data. Without any additional condition on the distribution of (X, Y) the weak and strongL 2-consistency of the estimate is shown. Furthermore, for everyp≥1 and every distribution of (X, Y) withsupp(X)⊆[0,1] l ,y bounded andm * p-smooth, the integrated squared error of the estimate achieves up to a logarithmic factor the (optimal) rate   相似文献   

We model a regression density flexibly so that at each value of the covariates the density is a mixture of normals with the means, variances and mixture probabilities of the components changing smoothly as a function of the covariates. The model extends the existing models in two important ways. First, the components are allowed to be heteroscedastic regressions as the standard model with homoscedastic regressions can give a poor fit to heteroscedastic data, especially when the number of covariates is large. Furthermore, we typically need fewer components, which makes it easier to interpret the model and speeds up the computation. The second main extension is to introduce a novel variable selection prior into all the components of the model. The variable selection prior acts as a self-adjusting mechanism that prevents overfitting and makes it feasible to fit flexible high-dimensional surfaces. We use Bayesian inference and Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods to estimate the model. Simulated and real examples are used to show that the full generality of our model is required to fit a large class of densities, but also that special cases of the general model are interesting models for economic data.  相似文献   

This paper introduces nonparametric econometric methods that characterize general power law distributions under basic stability conditions. These methods extend the literature on power laws in the social sciences in several directions. First, we show that any stationary distribution in a random growth setting is shaped entirely by two factors: the idiosyncratic volatilities and reversion rates (a measure of cross‐sectional mean reversion) for different ranks in the distribution. This result is valid regardless of how growth rates and volatilities vary across different economic agents, and hence applies to Gibrat's law and its extensions. Second, we present techniques to estimate these two factors using panel data. Third, we describe how our results imply predictability as higher‐ranked processes must on average grow more slowly than lower‐ranked processes. We employ our empirical methods using data on commodity prices and show that our techniques accurately describe the empirical distribution of relative commodity prices. We also show that rank‐based out‐of‐sample forecasts of future commodity prices outperform random‐walk forecasts at a 1‐month horizon.  相似文献   

Jean-Claude Massé 《Metrika》1997,46(1):123-145
Maximum likelihood estimation is considered in the context of infinite dimensional parameter spaces. It is shown that in some locally convex parameter spaces sequential compactness of the bounded sets ensures the existence of minimizers of objective functions and the consistency of maximum likelihood estimators in an appropriate topology. The theory is applied to revisit some classical problems of nonparametric maximum likelihood estimation, to study location parameters in Banach spaces, and finally to obtain Varadarajan’s theorem on the convergence of empirical measures in the form of a consistency result for a sequence of maximum likelihood estimators. Several parameter spaces sharing the crucial compactness property are identified. This research was supported by grants from the National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada and the Fonds FCAR de la Province de Québec.  相似文献   

Estimation of the parameters of an autoregressive process with a mean that is a function of time is considered. Approximate expressions for the bias of the least squares estimator of the autoregressive parameters that is due to estimating the unknown mean function are derived. For the case of a mean function that is a polynomial in time, a reparameterization that isolates the bias is given. Using the approximate expressions, a method of modifying the least squares estimator is proposed. A Monte Carlo study of the second-order autoregressive process is presented. The Monte Carlo results agree well with the approximate theory and, generally speaking, the modified least squares estimators performed better than the least squares estimator. For the second-order process we also considered the empirical properties of the estimated generalized least squares estimator of the mean function and the error made in predicting the process one, two and three periods in the future.  相似文献   

《Journal of econometrics》2005,126(1):79-114
We propose a hybrid estimation procedure that combines the least squares and nonparametric methods to estimate change points of volatility in time series models. Its main advantage is that it does not require any specific form of marginal or transitional densities of the process. We also establish the asymptotic properties of the estimators when the regression and conditional volatility functions are not known. The proposed tests for change points of volatility are shown to be consistent and more powerful than the nonparametric ones in the literature. Finally, we provide simulations and empirical results using the Hong Kong stock market index (HSI) series.  相似文献   

This paper shows how to solve and estimate a continuous-time dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) model with jumps. It also shows that a continuous-time formulation can make it simpler (relative to its discrete-time version) to compute and estimate the deep parameters using the likelihood function when non-linearities and/or non-normalities are considered. We illustrate our approach by solving and estimating the stochastic AK and the neoclassical growth models. Our Monte Carlo experiments demonstrate that non-normalities can be detected for this class of models. Moreover, we provide strong empirical evidence for jumps in aggregate US data.  相似文献   

We present a nonparametric study of current status data in the presence of death. Such data arise from biomedical investigations in which patients are examined for the onset of a certain disease, for example, tumor progression, but may die before the examination. A key difference between such studies on human subjects and the survival–sacrifice model in animal carcinogenicity experiments is that, due to ethical and perhaps technical reasons, deceased human subjects are not examined, so that the information on their disease status is lost. We show that, for current status data with death, only the overall and disease‐free survival functions can be identified, whereas the cumulative incidence of the disease is not identifiable. We describe a fast and stable algorithm to estimate the disease‐free survival function by maximizing a pseudo‐likelihood with plug‐in estimates for the overall survival rates. It is then proved that the global rate of convergence for the nonparametric maximum pseudo‐likelihood estimator is equal to Op(n?1/3) or the convergence rate of the estimated overall survival function, whichever is slower. Simulation studies show that the nonparametric maximum pseudo‐likelihood estimators are fairly accurate in small‐ to medium‐sized samples. Real data from breast cancer studies are analyzed as an illustration.  相似文献   

We address the problem of the estimation of the population mean and the distribution function using nonparametric regression. These methods are being used in a wide range of settings and areas of research. In particular, they are a good alternative to other classical methods in the survey sampling context, since they work under the assumption that the underlying regression function is smooth. Some relevant nonparametric regression methods in survey sampling are presented. Data on breast cancer prevalence derived from 40 European countries are used to study the application of the nonparametric estimators to the estimation of cancer prevalence. Result derived from an empirical study show that nonparametric estimators have a good empirical performance in this study on cancer prevalence.  相似文献   

Comparing occurrence rates of events of interest in science, business, and medicine is an important topic. Because count data are often under‐reported, we desire to account for this error in the response when constructing interval estimators. In this article, we derive a Bayesian interval for the difference of two Poisson rates when counts are potentially under‐reported. The under‐reporting causes a lack of identifiability. Here, we use informative priors to construct a credible interval for the difference of two Poisson rate parameters with under‐reported data. We demonstrate the efficacy of our new interval estimates using a real data example. We also investigate the performance of our newly derived Bayesian approach via simulation and examine the impact of various informative priors on the new interval.  相似文献   

Kernel spatial density estimation in infinite dimension space   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, we propose a nonparametric method to estimate the spatial density of a functional stationary random field. This latter is with values in some infinite dimensional normed space and admitted a density with respect to some reference measure. We study both the weak and strong consistencies of the considered estimator and also give some rates of convergence. Special attention is paid to the links between the probabilities of small balls and the rates of convergence of the estimator. The practical use and the behavior of the estimator are illustrated through some simulations and a real data application.  相似文献   

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