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This paper presents a 3-region footloose-entrepreneur new economic geography model. Two symmetric regions are part of an economically integrated area (the Union), while the third region represents an outside trade partner. We explore how the spatial allocation of industrial production and employment within the Union is affected by changes in two aspects of trade liberalisation, regional integration and globalisation, conditional to the skill endowment and the market size of the outside region. Our main contribution pertains to the analysis of the local and global dynamics of the specified factor mobility process. We show that significant parameter ranges exist for which an asymmetric distribution of economic activities is one of the possible long-run outcomes which may allow a smooth transition to agglomeration (in contrast to the NEG typical catastrophic scenario). In addition, we show that multistability is pervasive and that some attractors are Milnor attractors. Both results reinforce the NEG narrative on the importance of initial conditions for the long-run location of industrial activity.  相似文献   

Integration, agglomeration and welfare   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This paper studies the social desirability of agglomeration, and the efficiency arguments for policy intervention in a simple, analytically tractable new economic geography model. The location pattern emerging as market equilibrium is ‘bubble-shaped’, i.e. it features dispersion both at high and low trade costs and stable equilibria with partial and full agglomeration for intermediate levels of trade costs. We show that the market equilibrium is characterized by over-agglomeration for high trade costs and under-agglomeration for low trade costs, and we work out analytically that a net pecuniary externality is the underlying cause of this market failure. One particularly noteworthy result is that the net pecuniary externality is positive at high levels of trade freeness. However, there is no market under-agglomeration unless this positive net pecuniary externality interacts with an additional congestion force originating in the (per se efficient) competitive housing market.  相似文献   

The paper develops an analytically solvable model of new economic geography in which agglomeration of firms is caused by workers' investment in the acquisition of skills. Skilled workers earn high wages and have a large demand for goods. Since firms are attracted towards the demand, they locate at proximity of skilled workers. More workers invest in the acquisition of skills when more firms ask for these skills. Consequently, partial or full agglomeration of firms may be the location equilibrium. We also show that a reduction in transport costs increases the regional governments' incentives to subsidize the acquisition of skills.  相似文献   

This paper explores the role of academic linkages in the product development efforts of small and medium-sized manufacturing firms (SMFs). Data from a sample of 204 SMFs in New York State's scientific instruments sector suggest that university research units can play a helpful role in small firm innovation. Knowledge spillovers from the academic sector are shown to be geographically localized. A key finding is that the intensity of academic-SMF interaction varies inversely with the time-distance that separates firms from major campuses. A related finding is that innovation rates are higher among SMFs that enjoy close proximity to academic resources. The paper concludes with a brief discussion of the role of micro-geographical factors in regional knowledge diffusion.  相似文献   

Survival of entrepreneurial firms: the role of agglomeration externalities   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper analyzes the role of various types of agglomeration externalities on the survival rate of entrepreneurial firms. In particular, we trace the population cohort of newly-established and self-employed Swedish firms in the Knowledge-Intensive Business Service sector in 1997 up to 2012 and investigate the role of Marshallian and Jacobian externalities on the survival of these firms. We find that only Jacobian externalities (diversity) is positively associated with the survival of entrepreneurial firms. Not all Jacobian externalities matter though. Only the higher the ‘related variety’ of the region in which an entrepreneurial firm is founded, the higher will be the survival chance of the firm, while ‘unrelated variety’ barely has any significant correlation. The result is robust after controlling for extensive firm characteristics and individual characteristics of the founders. The main message here is: for a newly-established entrepreneurial firm, not only it matters who you are, but also where you are.  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of external service linkages in the innovation and market peformance of small manufacturing firms (SMFs). Survey data from a technological cross-section of 146 Western New York SMFs are summarized. The data suggest a helpful role for consultants in the product development efforts of innovative firms, especially those that serve foreign export markets. Several multiple discriminant models are presented, each of which suggests an interactive connection between SMF commercial performance, externa) technical links, innovation propensity and in-house R&D. It is argued that innovative SMFs that exploit specialized technical services perform significantly better than comparably sized firms that rely solely on in-house resources. It is also argued that the quality of a region's producer service environment may have a significant bearing on the growth potential of its SMF population. The paper concludes by discussing the main academic and public policy implications that flow from the empirical results.  相似文献   

Emerging industries are not rare elements in the economy; rather, they constitute a permanent feature in constantly developing and changing economic environments. However, the emergence of new industries is rarely painless or particularly straightforward processes; actors involved in these processes are confronted with uncertainties of which some are exclusive to emerging industries. A distinctive example of these processes was the emergence of the internet industry in Sweden and the agglomeration of internet firms in central Stockholm. Through three levels of uncertainty: (1) the newness of the technology introduced to the public and the emerging markets; (2) the process of developing new markets and approaching new customers and (3) the renegotiating of pre-existing structures and flexible ways of organizing work and labour, this article argues that agglomerations or local urban milieus play a crucial role to actors (internet entrepreneurs) coping with uncertainty. Agglomerations or urban milieus compose a necessary infrastructure for (1) negotiating industrial legitimacy, and thus establishing structures and procedures in the emerging industry; (2) discovering market opportunities and (3) informal relations necessary in making flexible labour markets efficient.  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2020,44(4):100777
This study analyses the spatial and sectoral distribution of Greenfield Foreign Direct Investment (GFDI) and its impact on industrial agglomeration in India for the time period 2006–2015. We employ a unique dataset obtained by merging GFDI data from FDI Markets and plant level data from Annual Survey of Industries (ASI). We find that the Indian manufacturing sector shows signs of industrial dispersion rather than agglomeration throughout the sample period. Likewise, the spatial distribution pattern of GFDI also shows a decline in regional concentration and, interestingly, GFDI also seems to target new destinations. We also find that the increased spatial spread of GFDI leads to an industrial dispersion in Indian manufacturing industries.  相似文献   


This paper sheds empirical light on the relationship between agglomeration and economic growth and its impact on the convergence hypothesis. Using a sample of 208 European regions over 25 years, ‘standard’ growth regressions are estimated using panel data techniques. Both the effect of agglomeration within one's own region and the interregional aspect of agglomeration are looked at. The estimation results show that, on average, denser regions grow slower than other regions, indicating a net negative effect of agglomeration. However, being located close to other growing regions is found to stimulate growth in one's own region. The implied convergence rate is also affected when the inter- and intraregional aspects of agglomeration are taken into account, where the former (latter) results in lower (slightly higher) convergence estimates.  相似文献   

We consider the core-periphery model [P. Krugman, Increasing returns and economic geography, Journal of Political Economy 199 (1) (1991) 483–499]. The nature and stability of the possible steady states of the model have been made progressively precise; [M. Fujita, P. Krugman, A. Venables, The Spatial Economy. Cities, Regions and International Trade, MIT Press, Cambridge, 1999; R. Baldwin, R. Forslid, Ph. Martin, G. Ottaviano, F. Robert-Nicoud, Economic Geography and Public Policy, Princeton Univ. Press, 2003]. In that model as well as in all the new economic geography models that have been derived from it, the short-run (instantaneous) equilibrium is implicitly determined by the current labor distribution across regions. The numerical computations used so far to determine the short-run equilibrium, tend to suggest its existence. In this paper, an existence and uniqueness proof of short-run equilibrium is provided.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose an empirical model based on the heterogeneous agents literature. Price changes are induced by fundamental, technical, and international factors. The model is estimated for Hong Kong and Thailand surrounding the Asian crisis. We find that the three sources are relevant and that their relative price impact fluctuates conditional on price impact in the previous period. Results imply that the crisis is triggered in Thailand due to an increased focus on the fundamental price, followed by an increase in chartism and finally aggravated by a focus on foreign developments. Furthermore, the crisis deepens in Hong Kong because of increased attention for foreign markets.  相似文献   

As promoting the engagement of firms and universities through collaborative linkages gathers pace among policymakers, it appears to be pertinent to examine in more detail the mechanisms that underpin their formation. This paper examines the processes by which small firms assess the credibility of their potential partner when engaging in collaborative links with universities. Here, credibility is defined as the ability to deliver the promised knowledge and experience of a particular field when entering into a collaborative linkage with a university, and represents the firms' assessment of the usefulness of the university as a potential partner. The paper presents two main findings; firstly, the credibility of potential university partners is based around the realism, comprehensiveness, and specificity of their knowledge. Secondly, credibility appears to be judged at an individual rather than institutional level. The implications of these findings to theory and practice are also discussed.  相似文献   

High-speed rail (HSR) has greatly promoted cross-regional economic activities, but few studies have been conducted from the perspective of urban network externalities (UNEs). Based on data from China from 2008 to 2019, this paper constructs an HSR operation network model to study the impact of the network position (NP) on urban agglomeration economies (UAEs) by jointly employing network and econometric analysis methods. The findings suggest the following: (1) Improvements to NP significantly enhance UAEs. Improving the comprehensive NP by 1% will increase urban output per capita by 193.5–226.8 RMB. The findings hold under several robustness tests. (2) The NP's facilitation of growth in UAEs is reflected mainly in national core cities, while the impact of peripheral cities reflects a “∽-shaped” curve as their distance from each nearest neighboring core city changes. (3) From the temporal-dynamic perspective, the NP's impact on UAEs appeared one year before the HSR line was opened and was fully realized three years after the opening of the HSR. (4) Investment agglomeration and expansions in borrowed size are the main mediating mechanisms whereby NP facilitates UAEs.  相似文献   

This paper investigates local spinoff dynamics in manufacturing industries in peripheral areas. It focuses on the question whether local inheritance of competences and routines from parent firm to spinoff is also relevant for firm survival in peripheral areas. The analysis is based on a unique data-set, tracking all manufacturing firms at five observation points during the time span of 1980–2004 in two case study regions in Switzerland. The results show that the local inheritance of capabilities gives spinoffs a competitive advantage in peripheral regions as well. Further, the findings suggest that spinoff dynamics differ between different types of peripheral regions, depending on their varying local economic conditions. Finally, spinoff dynamics in the periphery might be characterized by a stronger hostility of larger parent firms towards spinoffs. This research adds a distinct peripheral perspective to the entrepreneurial heritage literature and advocates for a more nuanced discussion on spinoff dynamics in varying geographical settings.  相似文献   

This paper outlines the important role of human resource management practices with a link between corporate entrepreneurship and firm performance. Data were collected from a survey of 124 firms operating in different industries in Turkey. The findings of this study indicated that human resource management (HRM) practices partially mediated the relationship between corporate entrepreneurship and firm performance. In other words, corporate entrepreneurship affects firm performance, both directly and through its effects on HRM practices. In addition to corporate entrepreneurship, it is found that HRM practices explain a significant level of additional variance (9 per cent) in firm performance. The theoretical and managerial implications are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper argues that the diversity of a region's knowledge stock and its balance between knowledge-based manufacturing and services are both important determinants of variations in the rate of new business formation across spatial areas. An empirical study of new firm formation across 408 local unitary authorities and districts in Great Britain over the period 2001–2007 is presented, taking explicit account of the interactions amongst spatial units through an econometric modelling procedure involving maximum likelihood spatial models and alternative spatial weighing matrices. The results indicate that both related and unrelated knowledge diversity have a positive impact on the rate of business formation, whilst aggregate local economy-wide industrial and ethnic diversity has no impact; the division of the knowledge stock between services and manufacturing is also significant, with services having a positive impact on new business formation in contrast to a negative impact for high-technology manufacturing. There is also some support for the view that low wages and economic inactivity constrain new business formation, whilst a competitive regional environment has a positive impact. The results imply that polices should be aimed at creating a diverse set of knowledge-based industries rather than specialization in a narrow range.  相似文献   


While the direct positive effects of public cluster policy on subsidized industries are beyond controversy, the impact of such policy interventions on non-subsidized industries within the same region, that is, the indirect effect of public cluster policy, remains vague and unexplored. This study examines the impact of a prominent public cluster policy in Germany, the so-called Leading-Edge Cluster Competition. Based on a unique dataset, we analyse the spillover effects of this cluster policy initiative on those firms and industries, which have not been the primary target of the cluster policy. Our results suggest that public cluster policy seems to have an indirect negative effect on firms that have not primarily been related to the targeted industries; therefore, the concept of ‘agglomeration shadows’ might also apply to industries and related firms. Despite the existence of knowledge flows induced by additional governmental funding within a region, non-subsidized industries, that is, non-targeted firms, seem to be unable to compete against targeted industries and, therefore, suffer from a lack of human, financial and social capital. Based on our findings, we propose policy recommendations on how to best identify policy instruments aimed at augmenting innovation-driven growth across a broad spectrum of industries and regions.  相似文献   

We explore the local factors associated with the emergence of innovative start-ups fostered by a targeted industrial policy intervention in Italy. We focus on the local industrial fabric and the agglomeration mechanisms, namely localization (specialization) economies, diversification economies and the proximity to large firms. Results show that both localization economies and diversification economies are at play. Notably, a greater presence of large firms at local level seems to support the creation of innovative start-ups. Other factors, such us the presence of technical and scientific universities and the urbanization, are found to encourage their formation. The contribution of local factors to the innovative start-up creation is found to be different depending on the regional development conditions. Our analysis outlines the features of a local ecosystem favourable to the emergence of these firms, providing policy makers with suggestions for moulding industrial policies to regional specific needs and to better exploit the local opportunities.  相似文献   

Most cross-border organizational practice transfer involves implementation challenges, yet key literature in this field largely overlooks the mediating role of the transfer coalition, which serves as a ‘bridge’ between headquarters and subsidiaries in transferring an organizational practice. By exploring an in-depth case study of a top-tier professional service firm, this study contributes to the literature on cross-border human resource management practice transfer. We show that the transfer coalition displayed activities that translated into two separate managerial roles – transfer leadership and control – that were practiced with quite different levels of commitment by different members and impacted the successful management of the transfer process. We propose two distinctive transfer coalition archetypes – the entrepreneurial and the ceremonial type – where the leadership and control roles were practiced quite differently and reached different levels of organizational practice adoption. Furthermore, we suggest practical implications for HR professionals in order to improve global leadership and control competence.  相似文献   


The 2008 Nobel Prize for economics was awarded to Paul Krugman for three papers—Krugman (1979, 1980, 1991). In this paper we illustrate that, indeed, these three papers are closely connected. We present a summary of the papers using a unified framework. Central in the discussion is the so-called home market effect that was already alluded to in Krugman (1979). We evaluate his work and conclude that these three papers changed and improved the way in which economists think about trade and geography.

Commerce et Géographie: Paul Krugman et le Prix Nobel 2008 en Économie

Résumé Dans la présent communication, nous illustrons la façon dont ces trois communications sont en rapport étroit. Nous présentons un récapitulatif sur ces communications, en suivant un cadre unifié. Au c?ur même de ces discussions se trouve ce que l'on appelle l'effet du marché intérieur, déjà évoqué dans Krugman (1979). Nous évaluons cet ouvrage, en concluant que ces communications ont changé et optimisé la façon dont les économistes conçoivent le commerce et la géographie.

Comercio y Geografía: Paul Krugman y el Premio Nobel 2008 en Economía

Résumén En este documento ilustramos que, de hecho, estos tres ensayos están estrechamente relacionados. Presentamos un resumen de los ensayos utilizando un marco unificado. Un factor fundamental del debate es el denominado efecto del mercado nacional, al que ya se había hecho alusión en Krugman (1979). Evaluamos este trabajo y concluimos que estos tres ensayos cambiaron y mejoraron la forma de pensar de los economistas sobre el comercio y la geografía.  相似文献   

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