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冷战后,俄罗斯面临内忧外患的国内外形势,采取了切实可行的地缘战略,为其重振大国地位起到了重要作用.在地缘战略概念和提法被国际社会普遍认同情况下,有必要从战略高度综合思考地缘政治、地缘经济、地缘军事和地缘文化等内容.对维护国家主权与领土完整统一,确保国家安全与发展,谋求和平稳定的周边环境,以及推动建立国际政治经济新秩序等具有重要意义.  相似文献   

徐茉 《活力》2005,(9):70-71
能源是俄罗斯的优势资源。俄罗斯拥有世界石油资源的13%,天然气资源的45%,煤炭资源的23%。这一潜力必须用足、用好。世界地缘政治和经济的变化,促使俄罗斯能源利益的问题提到优先的地位。  相似文献   

中国和巴基斯坦之间的双边关系作为全天候的战略合作伙伴关系,双方对彼此有着重大的地缘战略利益.本文主要用定量的方法,以战略物资石油为研究对象,分析了中国从中巴运输线路中获得的战略利益,预计2030年中国如果要将所有非洲以及中东地区的石油先海运到达巴基斯坦瓜达尔港或者卡拉奇港再通过铁路运输到中国兰州所花费的基本运费是中国直接将非洲以及中东石油只通过海运经马六甲海峡到达中国宁波或者上海港所花费基本运费的14.8倍,但是透过海运和铁路运输的多式联运方式,速度可以提高3.3倍.运输费用的增加在成本上增加了我国国内企业的成本压力,但运输速度的提高加强了我国应对突发事件的响应能力,并拓展了国家战略纵深.  相似文献   

周立星 《科技与企业》2013,(23):316-316
东北亚有广泛的地缘战略利益,激起了大国的觊觎,东北亚海洋安全的发展对中国具有十分重要的战略意义,东北亚海洋安全具有深刻的复杂性、尖锐性、长期性与中国发展纠缠不休,中国亟需构建国家海洋安全对策,为国家海洋安全及国家安全大战略提供借鉴。  相似文献   

进入21世纪,东亚地缘环境发生了深刻变化,主要大国的海洋战略进行了调整。文章分析了海洋战略调整后对中国所产生的可能影响,提出必须高度重视东亚地缘环境的变化。中国要从新地缘环境的海洋权益、国家安全、海洋安全、战略资源基地的高度,考虑海洋问题。  相似文献   

基础科学对俄罗斯国家安全的迫切性日趋明显,俄罗斯不久前还是一个超级大国,苏联的主要共和国,而现在它不得不为自己今后能否存在下去感到担心。因此,重新考虑国家安全的构想,成了国家新的最高领导层要采取的重大步骤之一。  相似文献   

新世纪的开篇10年,美国消,中国涨,博弈的序幕已经拉开,就像一盘围棋,胜负基本上已经定了。当今的世界格局,就是后后冷战时代下的中美大博弈状态。什么是后后冷战时代?1945年以前的两次世界大战叫做热战。热  相似文献   

一、管道运输在俄罗斯国家经济生活中的地位 俄罗斯的能源工业在俄罗斯国民经济生活中占有特殊的地位,近年来,俄罗斯石油管道运输主干线,作为实现俄罗斯能源工业发展战略的主要依托工具-它在俄罗斯实现能源战略和国家复兴方面所起的作用特别引起注目.  相似文献   

袁静宇 《新远见》2010,(4):41-46
一、日本社会党的疾速衰落日本社会党成立于1945年11月2日,是战后日本成立最早的政党,同时也是战后五五年体制的重要组成部分。在五五年体制下,社会党作为革新势力的代表,形成了与自民党长期对峙的局势,其总体上坚持非武装中立、维护宪法与民主主义、实现完全就业,改善福利状况等基本政策,并且在1960年的反  相似文献   

2015年两会,一带一路战略成为被广泛关注和讨论的热点话题.不过,在推进这一战略过程中要始终关注到地缘政治因素带来的影响,让一带一路的经济成果更多的惠及沿线国家与地区,促进相关地区的和平与发展.  相似文献   

通过对俄罗斯投入产出表的解构,系统研究了俄罗斯向市场经济转型后经济结构的变化特征和主要缺陷。研究发现:并不是俄罗斯经济依赖石油等能源出口,而是能源部门更依赖于出口的拉动;出口需求对商贸和中介服务部门的拉动作用要超过对能源部门的拉动;俄罗斯的经济增长是由消费需求拉动的,其中最重要的是服务业需求;俄罗斯的产业分工体系已经表现出明显的“去重工业化”和“服务化”,这可能是俄罗斯经济结构的最大缺陷。  相似文献   

The study investigates talent management practices in Russian and foreign companies and their influence on a company's performance. In our work, foreign companies are foreign-owned companies (multinational or global) that operate in the Russian market and their headquarters are located outside the Russian Federation. Attention is paid to the analysis of the factors that support talent management implementation. As the results of the research are based on a comparative analysis of differences and peculiarities in talent practices in Russian and foreign companies, the paper explores and provides a number of ideas and conclusions about talent management elaboration, realization and talent practices improvement in the Russian context. Our data show that talent management practices are influenced by a number of factors that are different, in parts, in Russian and foreign companies. Supplementary analysis also suggests that the positive connection between talent management efforts and a company's performance can be found.  相似文献   

This study examines the effect of the Russia–Ukraine conflict on global financial markets and the resulting changes in investor psychology. We have analysed weekly data from January 2021 to March 2023, including indicators such as gross national income, Bitcoin historical price, Standard and Poor 500 index, US consumer price index, US dollar index, and investor psychology index, using a variety of econometric techniques. Our findings reveal a positive and significant correlation between investor psychology and market returns. These results highlight the importance of monitoring investor psychology during times of conflict as it can greatly impact investment decisions in financial markets, providing valuable insights for investors and policymakers.  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2023,47(2):101077
Family structure is considered a particularly important predictor of social and political development; historical differences in family size and other family characteristics cast a long shadow over societal development. This paper explores the effect of differences in historical family size on political behavior based on within-country variations in this characteristic in Russia. Unlike most papers on historical legacies, we trace the effect of family size over a century of Russian history with a focus on the first competitive and free elections in Russia—to the Constituent Assembly—held in 1917 and on the presidential elections in post-Soviet Russia in 1996 and 2000. Mean family size is measured based on the census data for 1897. We find a robust and significant association between smaller family size and a voting preference for parties that are economically liberal, which holds despite differences in the political, economic, and social environment between the 1910s and 1990s  相似文献   

李超  林滨 《价值工程》2011,30(5):319-321
冷战期间的苏联是世界军火出口第一大国。苏联解体后,俄罗斯继承了原苏联大部分的军工产业,成为世界第二大军火出口国。近年来,印度和东南亚国家成为俄罗斯军船的主要出口对象。文章就俄罗斯对印度和东南亚军船出口现状和未来趋势进行了分析,认为印度是未来俄罗斯军船出口的重要市场。  相似文献   

Russian human resource management (HRM) practices remain durable even with the onslaught of economic change and exposure to global HRM practices and international competition. Based on survey results of 201 CEOs of domestic industrial companies located in central regions of Russia we identify the resilient archetype of Russian HRM system. Even companies that have achieved high levels of profitability or those that engage in innovations continue to practice retrograde HRM techniques left over from an earlier era. We are able to identify strategic misfits that are a direct result of the continuation of rigid HRM system that prevents the development of an organizational climate to support innovative or dynamic firms.  相似文献   

冷链物流是实现由"量"向"质"的转变和"时空领域"的均衡供应,向质量要效益的重要举措。产后农业在我国农业中是薄弱环节,也是最有发展潜势的产业。果蔬冷链物流已在发达国家广泛应用,而我国的冷链物流与世界先进国家相比存在很大差距。文中通过对我国果蔬冷链物流现状分析,探讨我国果蔬冷链物流发展的对策,对现存问题研究解决,推广先进物流技术,提升农产品价值和活跃城乡市场有深远意义。  相似文献   

In developed markets, Emerging Market Multinational Enterprises’ (EMNEs) organizational attractiveness may crucially depend on applicants’ country and corporate character images (CCIs). Applying image and signaling theory, this study compares the influence of these images on the organizational attractiveness of Chinese, Russian and US companies in Germany. Employing data from 287 German business students, findings show that applicants prefer US over Chinese and Russian companies as future employers, confirming the existence of the liability of emergingness. Moreover, findings indicate gender differences in applicants’ attraction toward EMNEs. In particular, female applicants are less attracted to EMNEs with a bad CCI than male applicants are.  相似文献   

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