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The potential for dust explosion from electrostatic discharge in pneumatic Conveying systems has been reviewed. The importance of lab testing to determine electrostatic charging of powders in contact with materials of construction is illustrated. Correlation of predicted voltage fields (from lab testing) to full scale is good. With the voltage field information, ESD potential at various parts of the pneumatic conveying system can be determined (primarily in receivers, silo and separator).  相似文献   

This paper addresses the unusual combustion hazards of silane and its chlorides, comprising the homologous chlorosilane series SiHnCl4-n. The literature on silane is briefly reviewed and new experimental data presented showing the effects of sudden releases into free air. New data are presented for ignition sensitivities and deflagration rates of chlorosilane mixtures with air. Specific hazardous reactions of this group of materials are described and contrasted with those of the analogous alkanes. Mechanisms for flame acceleration and transition to detonation are discussed.  相似文献   

Africa has achieved the fastest growth rate of inward foreign direct investment (FDI) recently. Yet heightened political hazards present substantial challenges to foreign firms in Africa. This study examines the entry strategies that firms may take to mitigate such hazards by exploring the relationship between political hazards and entry mode choices in Africa. We further consider how an investing firm’s host country experience and foreign aid provided by its home country government to host countries in Africa can influence this relationship. In a sample of listed Chinese firms’ investments in Africa from 2000 to 2014, we find that Chinese firms tend to use the joint venture mode when political hazards are high in an African country. This relationship is weakened when they accumulate host country experience and when the Chinese government’s foreign aid to an African country increases. Our findings point to firm-level strategies to mitigate political hazards as well as instruments available to home country governments to help their multinational firms operating in host countries characterized by unstable political environments.  相似文献   

流场拟合法在堤坝隐患探测中的应用实践   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
流场拟合法作为一种适合探查堤坝渗漏管涌等险情隐患的物理探测高新技术,在近几年的防汛抗洪中,在数十个堤段及水库,查找出上百个渗漏管涌入水口,为堤坝治理制定科学、可靠、经济的处理方案提供了可靠的依据。  相似文献   

A reliability and hazards analysis of a portion of a petrochemical process plant and how the application of system reliability engineering can contribute to plant safety is demonstrated.  相似文献   

依据职业卫生现场调查、检验检测结果分析等方法,对某企业焊接车间职业病危害因素进行了调查分析,针对电焊烟尘、锰及其化合物污染严重,对其进行了治理,治理前,检测结果前车架焊接工和后车架焊接工的电焊烟尘、锰及其化合物时间加权平均浓度均超过国家职业接触限值,治理后前车架焊接工和后车架焊接工的锰及其化合物时间加权平均浓度均低于国家职业接触限值,电焊烟尘的检测仍超过国家职业接触限值,但与治理前相比其结果下降幅度较大,电焊烟尘浓度得到有效控制。经过分析,本次治理措施有效、可行,但应加强除尘系统的维护和生产现场管理等综合措施。  相似文献   

从堤防隐患探测到堤防隐患监测的思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过从堤防隐患探测中所得到的启示,结合汛期防洪抢险的实际情况,提出了对将来堤防隐患监测的地球物理参数的选择、方法和设备的思考。  相似文献   

杨森 《化工管理》2002,(8):56-56
齐鲁石化公司烯烃厂每年组织全体职工进行职业健康查体,据近十年的查体资料统计分析,全厂两千名职工中,与职业危害相关疾病发病率低于普通人群。作为化工企业特殊的生产性质,这不能不说是一个奇迹。齐鲁烯烃厂是以生产有机化工原料为主的大型石油化工企业,生产物料中含有苯、硫化氢等70余种有毒有害物质,接害岗位90余个,接害职工1400余人。投产以来,该厂多方位并进打造“防御屏障”,使职工远离职业伤害。从源头抓起该厂推行清洁生产,消除有毒有害物质对环境的污染,从源头避免职业伤害的发生。他们加强设备管理,把装置精…  相似文献   

5S管理的认识误区   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“5S管理法”因其5个日文词汇的罗马拼皆均以“S”开头而得名。后来,有人又特别找出了相应的5个以“S”开头的英文词组来解释。5S传入香港并在企业及政府机构推广,香港人将之总结为“五常法”。5S管理的基本内容为:  相似文献   

本文通过对寒区地面冻胀引起冬测成果误差的分析及利用冬测成果进行工程规划设计出现的问题,提出了相应的对策,对提高工程规划设计的质量具有一定的实际意义。  相似文献   

结合水环境监测特点,分析水环境检测过程中可能出现误差的环节,针对不同情况,提出具体的对策措施,避免或减小水样检测中存在的误差。  相似文献   

To safely fill drums with flammable liquids of low conductivity, bonding and grounding may not always be enough. Static discharges may under certain conditions originate from charged liquid in the drum, unaffected by grounding. The problem is discussed with reference to actual incidents, published Guidelines, and the types of static discharges that may occur.  相似文献   

Research Summary : In multivariate regression analyses of correlated variables, we sometimes observe pairs of estimated beta coefficients large in absolute magnitude and opposite in sign. T‐statistics are also large, suggesting meaningful findings. I found 64 recently published Strategic Management Journal articles with results exhibiting these characteristics. In this article, I demonstrate that such results may be Type 1 errors (false positives): If regressors are correlated via an unobservable common factor, estimated beta coefficients will misleadingly tend toward infinite magnitudes in opposite directions, even if the variables’ real effects are small and of the same sign. Diagnostics such as Variance Inflation Factors (VIF) will misleadingly validate Type 1 errors as legitimate results. After establishing general results via mathematical analysis and simulation, I provide guidelines for detection and mitigation. Managerial Summary : This article demonstrates mathematically how regression analyses with correlated independent variables may generate beta coefficients of opposite sign to the variables’ true effects. To assess the likelihood of this possibility, I propose that: if (a) absolute correlation of two independent variables is about ±0.3 or more (smaller correlations may be problematic for large data sets), (b) the two variables have beta coefficients of opposite sign, if correlated positively, and of the same sign, if correlated negatively, and (c) the bivariate correlation of one independent variable with the dependent variable is of the opposite sign from the beta coefficient, then the beta might be a false positive. To facilitate such analysis, authors should provide complete correlation tables, including dependent variables, interaction terms, and quadratic terms.  相似文献   

小型水库是江河防洪体系的重要组成部分,为农业生产提供灌溉水源,也为人民生活用水和工业用水提供水源,同时在防御洪水灾害中也发挥了重要作用;水库的安全关系到下游人民财产的安全和水库的经济效益。因此,做好小型水库除险加固工作,确保工程质量,对促进我国工农业经济发展至关重要。  相似文献   

Studies of the effects of top management team (TMT) composition on organizational outcomes have yielded mixed and confusing results. A possible breakthrough resides in the reality that TMTs vary in how they are fundamentally structured. Some are structured such that members operate independently of each other, while others are set up such that roles are highly interdependent. We examine the potential for three facets of structural interdependence—horizontal, vertical, and reward interdependence—to resolve ambiguities regarding effects of TMT heterogeneity. Based on a sample of TMTs in technology firms, we find that the three facets of structural interdependence are potent moderators of two classic predictions: the positive association between TMT heterogeneity and member departures, and between TMT heterogeneity and firm performance. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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