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在数字经济时代,数字金融对传统金融格局带来了新的冲击,其究竟是加剧还是抑制实体企业“脱实向虚”成为重要议题。本文借助北京大学数字普惠金融指数及A股上市公司的面板数据,考察数字金融发展对企业“脱实向虚”的影响。研究结果表明,数字金融显著促进了企业实业投资,同时抑制其金融资产配置倾向。进一步研究发现,相对于长期金融资产,数字金融对企业短期金融资产投资的抑制作用更显著。本文研究表明,数字金融能有效抑制实体企业“脱实向虚”,应在合理的金融监管约束下,支持并推动数字金融发展。  相似文献   

China's financial industries started the process of marketization only two decades ago, but by 2017 its financial technology or fin-tech sector had taken half of the global market. The exponential diffusion of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in Chinese financial contexts have generated new organizational structures and socio-political relations that have the capacity to change China's position in the world economy. Drawing upon the sociological concept of institutionalization, this paper examines how the Chinese state has integrated ICT diffusion in its formal policies and its informal rules in China's financial development since 1991. Further, it addresses the political and socio-economic consequences of these developments. Based on the analyses of government documents and sources, trade journals, and statistic data from business databases, this paper divides the Chinese institutionalization of financial technologies into three stages and identifies the primary actors and paradigms for ICT diffusions in each stage. ICT diffusion has been constitutive but also disruptive to the existing financial policies, instrumental to the commercialization of state-owned banks, and has gradually transformed into a set of formal and informal rules accepted by a network of professionals, corporations, and government agencies. The institutionalization of ICT diffusion has engendered the continuous adjustment of financial policies and propelled innovations in China's financial economy.  相似文献   

2009年下半年以来全球经济逐步复苏,普遍认为世界经济进入后金融危机时代.近期“民工荒”问题日益突出.“十二五”规划中关于民生、人口经济发展的政策也给对劳动力的供给产生影响.后金融危机与刘易斯拐点的交叠导致劳动力供需格局发生的变化必然导致企业人工成本的上升,企业应积极预见人工成本的变化及时采取措施保证企业长远发展.  相似文献   

金融科技催生出新的金融服务模式,这能否解决实体经济的融资难题从而促进企业创新呢?通过“金融科技”关键词百度新闻高级检索,本文创新性地构建了地区金融科技发展水平指标,并利用2011—2016年新三板上市公司数据,考察了金融科技发展对企业创新的影响及其机制。实证结果表明,金融科技发展显著促进了企业创新。就经济意义而言,城市的金融科技发展水平每提高1%,当地企业专利申请数量平均会增加约0.17项。作为一个宏观变量,地区金融科技发展水平受单个企业创新行为的影响较小,但是依然会存在测量误差和遗漏变量等内生性问题。本文运用接壤城市金融科技发展水平的均值作为工具变量,得到了一致的估计结果。本文的结果在替换企业创新指标、使用不同回归模型等一系列稳健性检验后仍然成立。机制分析表明,金融科技通过两个渠道促进企业创新,一是缓解企业的融资约束,二是提高税收返还的创新效应。异质性分析表明,金融科技促进企业创新的作用在东部地区和高科技行业表现得更为明显。在中国经济高质量发展背景下,持续推进金融科技发展、重塑金融行业生态格局,才能为实体经济提供源源不断的创新活力,从而推动创新型国家建设。  相似文献   

数字经济发展促进了信息流通和共享,推动了城市治理和服务数字化转型,将有助于改善企业的信息环境和营商环境,进而缓解企业融资约束。本文利用2017~2020年中国城市数字经济指数和A股上市公司数据对这一假定进行了实证检验。结果显示,区域数字经济发展显著降低了企业的融资约束水平,其中,数据及信息化基础设施建设、城市治理和产业融合等细分维度均具有显著影响;进一步地,其影响机制为企业外部信息传播环境的改善和营商软环境的提升。同时,这一影响具有异质性——在国有性质、存续年限更久以及规模更大的企业分组中更大。本文的结论对企业和政府部门制定相关决策,加快推进数字化转型,充分发挥数字经济在经济高质量发展中的作用具有重要启示意义。  相似文献   

文章对香港回归后国际竞争力的提升以及对中国经济增长的贡献进行了较为全面的研究。通过分析认为,香港已经成为具有国际竞争力的经济体,产业发展具有较强的国际竞争力,国际化大都市的产业结构已经形成,尤其是高端生产性服务业具有较强国际竞争力,已经形成了国际商贸中心、国际金融中心、国际航运航空物流中心、国际科技资讯中心的地位。香港对中国经济增长的贡献与作用十分突出,主要体现在,为内地提供优质生产性服务业,扩大内地国际贸易和利用外资,支持内地企业走出去,支持内地金融国际化,带动殊三角、泛殊三角地区经济发展与产业结构升级等方面。客观评价香港在中国经济中的地位与作用,对于新时期发挥香港的优势,促进香港的繁荣与稳定具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Integrating literature from institutional theory with that from market entry research, we study the effects of a firm's early marketing entry on other firms' behaviors and performances. In addition, we also consider the moderating effect of other institutional factors, such as the firms' home-country culture and institutional environments in an emerging economy. Based on a review of all the relevant research, we develop a theoretical model with testable hypotheses. With empirical data from multi-national enterprises (MNEs) competing in China's insurance-service market, we test the hypotheses. Our data analyses show evidence that, other things being equal, early market entry can cause institutional imitation, in terms of market diversification, among imitators. At the same time, the imitation can be moderated by the home-country culture of the MNEs. In addition, the imitation of early market entry firms has some significant effects on the performance of imitators, including less deviation from the industry norm and better financial performance.  相似文献   

In the era of the digital economy, improving the level of information and communications technology (ICT) development is an important measure for achieving the high-quality development of the services exports. This study constructs a comprehensive development index for the digital economy based on the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development Statistics Database (UCTADstat) to calculate the services exports competitiveness of 75 countries (regions) around the world from 2010 to 2019 and conducts ternary margin decomposition. The study empirically verifies that the digital economy promotes the competitiveness of services exports, not only driving intensive growth of quantity margin and price margin but also enhances the expansion growth of category margin. Heterogeneity analysis reveals that the effect of the digital economy on improving low- and middle-income countries' services exports competitiveness and industries with low ICT intensity is more significant than that of high-income countries and high ICT-intensity industries. The impact of the digital economy on the ternary margin of countries’ different income levels and ICT-intensity sample groups exhibits differentiated estimation results. The conclusions of this study provide novel explanations regarding the effects of the digital economy in improving services exports competitiveness and new perspectives and evidence for strategic policymaking.  相似文献   

商业信用二次配置是企业充当信用中介,将银行信贷等资金通过商业信用的渠道为供应链的上下游中小企业提供融资支持,这会导致资金供给链延长,加剧了供应链系统性风险,而数字普惠金融发展的重点在于为中小企业提供直接融资,因此,其能否抑制商业信用二次配置,对于防范金融风险和促进实体经济稳定发展具有重要意义。本文深入探讨了数字普惠金融对商业信用二次配置的影响及其作用机制,研究发现:数字普惠金融有助于降低商业信用二次配置,有效减少了企业利用商业信用把长期借款资金进行二次配置的行为,而且该抑制作用对于外部融资能力较强的企业更加明显。机制检验表明,数字普惠金融通过减少上市公司超额银行信贷抑制商业信用二次配置。进一步分析显示,在外部市场竞争程度较低、内部风险较低、现金持有水平较高以及非高科技企业中,数字普惠金融对上市公司商业信用二次配置的抑制作用更加明显;而且,数字普惠金融在降低商业信用二次配置的同时,对于促进企业创新投入具有一定的积极作用。本文研究表明,数字普惠金融通过增加中小企业直接融资,减少了资金供给的中间环节,进而抑制大型企业充当"影子银行"进行资金的二次配置。  相似文献   

中国数字经济规模测算研究——基于国际比较的视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
伴随着信息技术的快速发展及其与经济运行方式的不断融合,数字经济已被视为经济增长的“新引擎”,在世界上多数国家的发展战略中占据重要位置,数字经济规模测算研究是当前国内外统计机构与研究学者面临的亟待解决的问题。本文在系统梳理信息经济、互联网经济、数字经济演变历程的基础上,提炼数字经济的内涵与形成要素,构建数字经济规模核算框架,界定数字经济核算范围,确定数字经济产品,筛选数字经济产业,对2007—2017年中国数字经济增加值与总产出等指标进行测算,并将测算结果与美国和澳大利亚进行比较。测算结果表明:2017年,中国数字经济增加值53028.85亿元,占国内生产总值的6.46%;数字经济总产出147574.05亿元,占国内总产出的6.53%。基于国际比较的视角,2017年,中国数字经济增加值约为美国的58.12%;数字经济增加值占GDP比重低于美国0.44个百分点;2016年,中国数字经济增加值约为美国的52.77%,占GDP比重低于美国0.77个百分点,略高于澳大利亚0.03个百分点。近年来,中国数字经济增加值年均实际增长率明显高于美国和澳大利亚。2008—2017年,中国数字经济增加值年均实际增长率达14.43%,明显高于国内生产总值年均实际增长率8.27%,数字经济推动经济增长的作用明显。本文深化了数字经济规模核算框架研究,系统监测了中国数字经济的发展规模与结构,为进一步完善中国数字经济统计核算体系和提出促进数字经济高质量发展的战略措施提供参考依据。  相似文献   

The development of information technology has become a new driving force for companies' innovation. Upgrading the information infrastructure lays a foundation for companies to use information technology to innovate; therefore, this study examines the impact of information infrastructure upgrading on companies' innovation ability and the intermediate mechanism. Using a sample of China's listed companies of A-share from 2011 to 2018, this study used the staggered difference-in-difference method to investigate the impact of information infrastructure upgrading on innovation input, innovation output and quality. The results show that upgrading information infrastructure has a ‘double-edged sword’ effect on the innovation ability of companies. Companies' innovation input and output significantly increase, but innovation quality decreases. Additionally, further analysis indicates that financial constraints and managerial myopia are intermediary mechanisms for this effect. Our research results provide theoretical and empirical evidence for companies to enhance their innovation ability.  相似文献   

推动数字经济发展,是我国在当下推动经济转型,促进高质量发展的重要战略。本文基于2012~2019年省级面板数据,构建双向固定效应模型,运用基准回归、异质性检验和分位数回归的方法进行实证研究发现,数字经济助推经济高质量发展的同时还存在地区差异,对西部影响最大,中部影响最小,而数字经济的发展水平又受到产业结构、技术创新等因素影响。因此,本文针对不同地区差异分别提出建议,从而促进持续更新发展理念,以创新驱动发展,优化产业结构为数字经济提供良好环境,以期推动数字经济建设发展。  相似文献   

The unique cultural phenomenon of Asia and the growth of Asian enterprises have attracted considerable academic attention in this domain. Clan culture is a typical part of Asian culture and represents a new field in the cultural study of management. Based on the statistical data from China's Annual Census on Industrial Enterprises 2007, this article discusses the influence of clan culture on the financial and social performance of private-owned enterprises (POEs). The results of this study show that the strength of clan culture inhibits the financial performance of POEs and improves social performance—i.e., the welfare of their internal employees; in addition, the degree of regional marketization and social trust can moderate this relationship. In summary, we illuminate the institutional logic that clan protection affects POE performance.  相似文献   

中国实体经济在迈向全球化路上走在金融体系的前面,缺乏现代金融支持的中国经济步履蹒跚。金融落后使中国企业不得不依附外资金融机构。缺乏共同国家利益的交易使我国遭遇巨额亏损,外资机构主导金融市场后开始大肆掠夺。中国产业资本对赌境外金融机构失败遭遇收购。外资金融资本联手产业资本逐渐入侵中国市场。现代金融与经济发展相互配套当能推进中国强国之路。中国金融业必须加大改革和发展力度,中国必须为下一轮经济周期提前准备,产业资本和金融资本海外并购可同时出击。  相似文献   

Using data from the China General Social Survey, the China Family Panel Studies, and a unique dataset of enterprises' online recruitment, this research examines the effect of the digital economy on female employment. The empirical results suggest that the digital economy significantly promotes female employment. Consistent with our theoretical analysis, the estimates indicate that this relationship holds because the digital economy promotes the formation of egalitarian gender perspectives, promotes the use of digital technology, and increases labor demand emphasizing the necessity for female-preference occupations. The dividend of the digital economy is tilted toward vulnerable groups in the labor market, including the low-skilled, older, and rural workforce, and only exerts an employment promotion effect on women without parenting burden. Further examination reveals evidence that digitalization has not led to a holistic improvement in the quality of female employment. Digitalization lengthens the working hours of severely underemployed female workers, and improves women's occupational status and job satisfaction; however, it has a minimal impact on protecting employees' rights and interests or reducing overtime workers' work intensity. Nonself-employed, full-time, and part-time workers all benefit from the development of the digital economy, while self-employed workers do not. In addition, a weakening effect of digitalization on the gender employment gap is not evident, which relates to the digital economy generating a female dividend in terms of promoting gender equality and increasing labor demand but resulting in a digital gender divide in the use of digital technology.  相似文献   

文章论述了知识经济下现代企业财务管理面临的问题:为适应知识经济发展的要求,企业财务管理要从管理目标、融资内容、资本结构、风险管理方法、财务分析以及分配方式等方面进行创新;实现知识经济下的财务管理创新是一个重大的理论和实践课题,必须转变理财观念,提高财务人员创新能力,并借鉴国际经验以积极开展相关理论研究。  相似文献   

China has made significant progress in broadband development. As of September 2018, 95% of China's population was covered by 4G networks. However, our estimates show that nearly 30% of China's families did not use broadband that year. This study attempts to investigate the characteristics of China's broadband left-behind families. Overall, consistent with the findings for other countries, families with a lower socioeconomic status are more likely to be broadband non-adopters. In the information society, older, poorer, rural and less educated families are left behind. It is recommended that the Chinese government shift from a top-down investment-driven policy to a user-centered demand-driven policy to address the digital divide.  相似文献   

The issue of how financial development affects international trade has gained much attention in the literature, both theoretical and empirical, without investigating the various transmission channels of financial development on international trade. Significantly, how the digital economy modulates the effects of financial development on trade remains unexplored. Our study addresses these research gaps using panel data from 47 African economies spanning 1990 to 2019. Our findings based on the dynamic system GMM approach show that the direct impacts of financial development and the digital economy have been crucial in driving international trade in Africa in the short and long runs. Second, in the short and long runs, the digital economy serves as a vital channel through which financial development has the most significant impact on trade in Africa. Third, the robustness checks by excluding countries endowed with natural resources in Africa provide robust evidence that digital technology and finance matter for trade. Further, the study discloses an important novelty in that the marginal effects on trade increase when financial development in Africa interacts with the digital economy. In light of these findings, we conclude that policy reforms should focus on policies that encourage the development of the digital economy and its use in the financial sector in Africa.  相似文献   

1979年1月31日,一个叫袁庚的人在北京中南海请求中央领导在深圳给他划一块工业用地,中央领导在地图上大笔一勾,很爽快地给了他包括现在的宝安区到华侨城的近80平方公里的土地,袁庚没敢要这么多,最后,只要了深圳南头半岛东南部一块面积10.85  相似文献   

库存变化反映了市场需求预期和企业生产状况,也反映了宏观经济景气的变化。2008年下半年以来,世界各国在金融危机的影响下和经济周期的调整中完成了"去库存化"。伴随着经济回暖,欧美等贸易伙伴大国均处于不同程度回补库存阶段,其补库存过程对稳定我国出口市场、经济恢复产生不同程度的影响。目前我国库存随着经济稳步回升、需求回暖处于存货周期的小扩张阶段,这意味需求进一步回暖,宏观经济稳步回升态势进一步显现。  相似文献   

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