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In applying economic theory to evaluate antitrust laws, Judge Robert Bork explicitly favors a partial equilibrium over a general equilibrium approach. He believes the general model assumes away too many real-world aspects to be usefully employed as a criterion by which to judge real-world laws.
However, Bork's partial equilibrium replacement, the Oliver Williamson trade-off model, implicitly contains many of the same assumptions as general equilibrium theory. Equilibrium prices in all industries, an absence of external effects, and well-defined demand curves are assumptions of both general equilibrium theory and the Williamson trade-off model. If one theory is judged inadequate because of these assumptions, so should the other.
Bork's analysis is more consistent with market process theory than with his own partial equilibrium approach. Market process theory assumes neither the absence of externalities, nor the presence of well-defined demand and equilibrium prices in all industries.  相似文献   

<管子>后16篇,也称轻重篇,着重阐述了轻重理论,是中国古代特有的一种经济管理思想.前人学者大多从供求规律与货币数量论等角度对商品之间的轻重规律进行阐释.文章则重点阐述了轻重规律所蕴含的均衡思想,并且在阐述管子轻重理论中蕴含的局部均衡、动态均衡、一般均衡思想后,借用现代经济学的分析工具,试图重建管子轻重规律的均衡分析.西方经济学直到1769年以后才在经济学中引入均衡的概念,此研究将进一步丰富中国经济思想的研究.  相似文献   

马克思的劳动价值理论和马歇尔的均衡价格理论是马克思主义政治经济学和当代西方经济学分析价值与价格时的基本根据。在坚持马克思劳动价值论的基础上,吸收马歇尔对需求曲线和供给曲线分析中的合理成分,可实现马克思的劳动价值论和马歇尔的均衡价格理论的融合,形成建立在劳动价值论基础上的均衡价格理论。  相似文献   

一般均衡理论的价值基础   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代西方主流经济学中的一般均衡理论缺乏应有的价值基础。近年来试图建立马克思主义的一般均衡理论的努力也一直未能成功。然而,根据马克思的劳动价值论可以证明,在假定社会总产品的价格总量等于价值总量、平均利润总量等于剩余价值总量的条件下,必然有且仅有一个恰好等于相应价值向量的一般均衡价格向量。这意味着,一般均衡理论完全可以建立在劳动价值论的基础之上。本文首先根据马克思关于两大部类社会总产品构成的理论,建立包括技术关系在内的价值体系和相应的价格体系,其次说明在价格体系中存在有无穷多的一般均衡价格向量,最后从无穷多的一般均衡价格向量中确定一个"标准"的价格向量,并证明这个标准价格向量必然等于相应的价值向量。  相似文献   

本文通过在标准的Dixit-Stiglitz模型中引入基于Yang-Heijdra公式的全新解法,构建了全新的产业间贸易、垂直投资一体化模型.这一模型的理论贡献有二:一是在一般均衡理论框架内将垂直型国际直接投资成功地融合在"新贸易理论"框架内;二是采用基于Yang-Heijdra公式的全新解法对模型的两种均衡结构进行了一般均衡分析、边际和超边际比较静态分析,并得出了许多与传统解法不同的相关结论.  相似文献   

高水平陷阱——李约瑟之谜再考察   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
本文从经济的角度重新考察了李约瑟之谜。通过一个动态一般均衡模型 ,本文证明 ,初始人口 资源禀赋的差异是造成中国和西欧在 1 8世纪之后的文明分岔的原因。这一理论和伊懋可的高水平陷阱学说是一致的。本文纠正了伊懋可学说中的逻辑错误 ,并发现了形成高水平陷阱的两个重要前提 ,即工业中存在规模经济以及人口增长符合马尔萨斯原理。  相似文献   


It is often argued that the inability of Arrow–Debreu general equilibrium theory to produce an adequate proof of the stability of the Walrasian price adjustment mechanism was one of the program's most significant failures. This paper will not question this standard interpretation of the history of general equilibrium theory, but makes the case that characterizing the ‘stability’ question in terms of market stability– in particular the stability of the equilibrium price vector in the Walrasian general equilibrium model – actually helped to stabilize the standard model of consumer choice in general equilibrium theory and elsewhere within microeconomics. The problem of the stability of ‘consumer's equilibrium’ was much discussed early in the twentieth century, and it has recently re-emerged in a different guise as the ‘endowment effects’ and ‘reference dependencies’ of contemporary behavioral economics, and yet it disappeared from mainstream discussion during the period 1950 to 1980. This paper argues that shifting the discussion from the intra-agent stability of the individual consumer to the inter-agent stability of the competitive market contributed – despite its ultimately negative impact on general equilibrium theory – to the long period of stable normal science consumer choice theory enjoyed during the middle of the twentieth century.  相似文献   

A concept of informational equilibrium is discussed based on the idea that each economic agent views himself as facing a Markovian decision problem. The case of differential information is considered. This definition is related to those found in general equilibrium theory and in the theory of stochastic games.  相似文献   

The traditional deterministic general equilibrium theory with infinitely many commodities cannot cover economies with private information constraints on the consumption sets. We bring the level of asymmetric information equilibrium theory at par with that of the deterministic one. In particular, we establish results on equilibrium existence for exchange economies with asymmetric (differential) information and with an infinite dimensional commodity space. Our new equilibrium existence theorems include, as a special case, classical results, e.g. Bewley [Existence of equilibria in economies with infinitely many commodities, J. Econ. Theory 4 (1972) 514-540] or Mas-Colell [The price equilibrium existence problem in topological vector lattices, Econometrica 54 (1986) 1039-1053].  相似文献   

I consider abstract social systems where individual owners make gifts according to their preferences on the distribution of wealth in the context of a noncooperative equilibrium. I define a condition of regularity and a condition of strong regularity of these social systems. I prove notably that: regularity is generic, and implies the local uniqueness of equilibrium and the uniqueness of status quo equilibrium; strong regularity is nongeneric, implies that an equilibrium exists for all initial distributions of wealth, whenever an equilibrium exists for one of them, and implies the connectedness of the range of the equilibrium correspondence. These properties have strong implications for distributive theory and policy, summarized in a general hypothesis of perfect substitutability of private and public transfers. The formulation and discussion of this hypothesis lead to a general assessment of the explanatory power of the theory.  相似文献   

Games with Imperfectly Observable Commitment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[1]claims that, in models of commitment, “the first-mover advantage is eliminated when there is aslightamount of noise associated with the observation of the first-mover's selection.” We show that the validity of this claim depends crucially on the restriction to pure strategy equilibria. The game analyzed by Bagwell always has a mixed equilibrium that is close to the Stackelberg equilibrium when the noise is small. Furthermore, an equilibrium selection theory that combines elements from the theory of[7]with elements from the theory of [6], actually selects this “noisy Stackelberg equilibrium.”Journal of Economic LiteratureClassification Number: C72.  相似文献   

A rejoinder     

This paper reflects on the influence of Vilfredo Pareto's letters on Ricardian equivalence and fiscal theory to Benvenuto Griziotti and Guido Sensini. The letters are important for emphasizing the need for fiscal studies to consider equilibrium, particularly social equilibrium, at a time when Italian fiscal sociology was in its formative stage. Griziotti came to accept fiscal sociology, albeit in an eclectic form that focused directly on political and legislative matters rather than social equilibrium. In contrast, Sensini progressively developed a framework for fiscal theory that focused primarily on the fundamental relationship between fiscal phenomena and social equilibrium.  相似文献   

This paper offers a theory of model reference adaptive beliefs as a selection device in Markov-switching economies under equilibrium indeterminacy. Consistent with the classical rational choice paradigm, our theory requires that endogenous expectations be replaced with a general-measurable function of the observable states of the model, to be determined optimally. This forecasting function is derived as the regime-independent feedback control minimizing the mean-square deviation of the equilibrium path from the corresponding perfect-foresight state motion (the reference model). We show that model reference adaptive expectations always generate a rational expectations equilibrium, irrespective of the presence of nonlinearities and/or imperfect information. Under equilibrium indeterminacy, this forecasting mechanism enforces the unique mean-square stable solution producing nearly perfect-foresight dynamics.  相似文献   

This paper compares the equilibrium firm output, market area, price of services, and level of net benefits in monopolistically competitive spatial equilibrium versus the multiplant monopolists spatial equilibrium. Through a computer simulation, it is found that the welfare comparisons depend on population density—the monopolists equilibrium is superior to the monopolistically competitive equilibrium in high density areas and vice versa, contrary to traditional economic theory in which distance is assumed costless.  相似文献   

人民币汇率波动趋势表现出了"U"型特征,推动其升值的主要因素是经常项目盈余导致的净对外资产余额的不断增加、FDI资本的大量流入和贸易品部门劳动生产率的较快提高。人民币均衡汇率在1985年~1989年表现为高估,在1990年~2009年表现为低估。人民币均衡汇率低估具有逐渐收敛的特征,从而人民币均衡汇率继续升值的空间已经很小了。人民币汇率机制的完善不仅要考虑到影响汇率的主要因素,也要考虑潜在因素。  相似文献   

人才集聚中的动态均衡机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综合运用新国际贸易理论、新地理经济学、劳动经济学以及数量经济学等相关理论和方法,构建了人才集聚、产业集聚和城市化的动态均衡模型,并提出了S(Situation)—P(Patterns  相似文献   

传统的 《博弈论》 分析最终结果是两个囚徒均会坦白,但这并不是两个囚徒的最好结局,如何才能达到最好结局?本文从 《博弈论》 中“理性人”的假设出发,对传统的 (坦白,坦白) 均衡提出质疑。本文指出理性人不会满足于传统的均衡,理性人会积极寻找双方利益最大化的均衡,并达到此均衡。本文给出了新的均衡:广义均衡,并给出广义均衡的求解过程。通过对引入公共支付函数的概念,公共支付函数表达了两个人的共同利益。通过公共支付函数的最大化,使两个囚徒公共利益最大化,以求得囚徒困境的新的均衡,让两个囚徒的结果达到最好———即两人均抵赖。本文还将公共支付函数运用于其他 《博弈论》 案例,并指出广义均衡比纳什均衡更具有社会意义,因为前者体现了公共利益。文中还对囚徒困境的机制设计问题做了分析,指出囚徒困境中机制的设计会诱导囚徒作出不正确的选择,从而没有达到双方利益的最大化。  相似文献   

The valuable insights of game theory sometimes remain out of reach for students who are overwhelmed by the subject's complexity. Comic book applications of game theory, with superheroes as players, can facilitate enthusiasm and classroom interaction to enhance the learning of game theory. Drawing from content in superhero movies and books, the authors construct games to illustrate pure-strategy Nash equilibrium, Bayes-Nash equilibrium, mixed strategies, sub-game perfection, and perfect Bayesian equilibrium. To help instructors build students' skills in finding and interpreting game solutions, they translate comic book scenarios into specific game forms; however, not all scenarios are obvious so they suggest instructors help students develop their own game-theoretic judgments to determine what game forms, payoffs, and solution concepts might be appropriate for understanding a situation.  相似文献   

凯恩斯与马克思国民收入理论的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
凯恩斯的国民收入基本公式以及实现宏观经济平衡的基本条件(I=S)与马克思资本主义两大部类再生产基本公式和平衡条件具有内在的相似性和逻辑关系。作为对宏观经济整体运行状态的研究,凯恩斯的国民收入公式和I=S在马克思两大部类再生产基本公式和平衡条件简单变形的基础上就可以得出。可以说,凯恩斯开创的宏观经济学是对马克思社会再生产理论模型的基本公式及相关经济思想的直接吸收和客观发展。  相似文献   

价值理论在经济学中占有核心地位.本文简要回顾了经济思想史上价值理论的发展过程,梳理了几种主要价值理论——劳动价值论、生产要素价值论、边际效用价值论、均衡价格理论一之间的对立和传承关系,逐一分析了这几种价值理论的基本内容,重点关注每种理论的前提假设是否合理,逻辑推演过程是否正确,尽力避免意识形态角度的评断.主要结论是:马...  相似文献   

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