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良好的审美素质是一个人对于美的事物的一种鉴赏能力,是一个人的审美情趣和审美观念的体现。旅游与审美的特殊关系以及旅游工艺品的特殊性决定了旅游工艺品设计者在旅游业中的特殊地位。提倡美育,就是要培养人的审美情趣,作为旅游工艺品的设计者应该让购买者从产品中感受到审美观念。  相似文献   

In this paper we explain how practice, prior knowledge and task difficulty interact to affect demand for hedonic experiences. As predicted by the human capital model, we propose that the key determinant of demand for hedonic experiences is the increase in performance efficiency that can be gained through practice. In addition, we argue that the nature of the effect of practice is distinctly different in hedonic consumption, compared to utilitarian consumption. Specifically, for hedonic experiences, practice allows consumers to extract greater value within a given period of time, rather than reduce the amount of time spent on a (utilitarian) task. Finally, we argue that if changes in performance efficiency across repeated hedonic experiences adhere to the power law of practice, then both prior knowledge and task difficulty will be important moderators of the main effect of practice on demand. These predictions are tested in two experiments that use an online panel to examine consumer demand for videogames.  相似文献   

Much prior literature has focused on how hedonic shopping motivation operates in hedonic shopping environments such as shopping malls, but few empirical studies have assessed hedonic shopping motivation effects in utilitarian shopping environments. Combining a field survey (Study 1) with observation using video ethnography (Study 2), our research addresses this issue. Our results empirically reveal how, through both psychological and behavioral routes, hedonic shopper motivation affects purchases in a utilitarian shopping environment, specifically a section of a superstore selling predominantly utilitarian products. Hedonic shopping motivation is found to induce consumer impulsiveness (psychological route) while also encouraging shoppers to stay longer in a store (behavioral route), which when combined result in greater consumer purchases than either route alone. Additionally we observe a moderating effect of co-shopper influences on these two routes. Implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

The Behavioral Perspective Model of purchase and consumption (BPM) portrays the rate at which consumer behaviors take place as a function of the relative openness of the setting in which they occur and the informational and hedonic reinforcement available in or promised by the setting. Each of eight combinations of contingencies based on these explanatory variables is uniquely related to a specific mode of observed consumer behavior. By providing an environmental perspective on consumer behavior, the model makes a critical contribution to the development of contemporary consumer research that frequently decontextualizes its subject matter. It also presents an innovative conceptualization of the nature of marketing strategies.  相似文献   

Although marketing researchers have recognized the importance of early life experiences in shaping patterns of consumer behavior in later life, they have inadequate theoretical and methodological bases for investigating consumption-related issues over the life course. As a result, relatively little is known about the changes consumers experience over time, how they respond to these changes, and how early life experiences affect their consumer behavior. The life course approach, developed as an interdisciplinary program for studying various aspects of behavior, offers a framework for filling gaps in previous efforts to study consumer behavior over time. The purpose of this article is to advocate the life course approach for studying various types of market behavior. First, the author presents a general conceptual life course framework that serves as a blueprint for discussing theoretical perspectives and organizing, integrating, and reporting consumer research relevant to the life course paradigm. Second, methods of data analysis compatible with life course research are discussed. Finally, select areas of interest to marketing researchers (materialism and compulsive consumption) illustrate how the life course approach might contribute to previous efforts to study these consumer behaviors in an innovative way.  相似文献   

审美是商业的最高境界之一,随着消费水平的提高和社会文化的进步,消费审美需求日益强烈,消费审美推动商业的发展,商业的发展又提升了消费者的意识和能力,研究商业美学离不开消费美学。本文在以上认识的基础上,引荐《商业美学》一书。  相似文献   

The conceptualization and measurement of product usage   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The purpose of this research is to identify the key conceptual dimensions of product usage, and to develop reliable and valid measures of product usage. Two different methods (a self-report questionnaire and a diary study), two samples, and four consumer durables have been used to develop the measures of usage. The results suggest that usage frequency and usage variety are two critical dimensions of product usage, and that the measures developed in this study for each dimension have high convergent and discriminant validity. The study highlights the importance of investigating usage in the post-purchase context, and helps to identify issues for future research.  相似文献   

味觉及其美感问题是一个十分复杂的问题。本文基于生理层面和人文精神层面对味觉进行了分类,通过论述人对味觉生理感受与精神感受的密切联系性,批评了西方文化中的一些对味觉认识的片面性,提出了味觉能产生美感和作为审美对象的原因。  相似文献   

从审美角度来看,当代旅游演艺从视听震撼的剧场效果、真山真水的演出背景、异质文化的时空压缩、异域景观的集中呈现四个方面,带给游客强烈的感官审美冲击.“奇观化”是旅游演艺美学品质的集中反映,表现在表演形式的杂糅性、内容符号的异质性、体验程度的极限性三个层面.在更深层维度上,旅游演艺的“奇观化”品质正是对于当代旅游者感官审美趣味的某种契合.由此我们也可对旅游演艺本真性问题产生更深刻的理解.  相似文献   


Conventional wisdom suggests that brands should respond in an accommodative way to consumer complaints. However, this research shows that observers of the communication between complainants and brands on social media may prefer a defensive response under specific conditions. Thus, this study helps managers to find optimal responses to social media complaints, thereby minimizing negative consequences. We introduce a previously unexamined key moderator that takes account of the observer perspective: the benefits sought in the context of a complainant–brand interaction (e.g., brand presences in social media). Hence, we differentiate hedonic from utilitarian contexts and we note the distinct observer benefits and corresponding preferences. A field study and a series of experiments show that a defensive response can be superior in hedonic contexts but inferior in utilitarian ones. We also show how response strategy indirectly affects observers’ behavioral consequences and identify complaint reasoning and brand communication style as relevant boundary conditions.


The Web is intrinsically a global medium. Consequently, deciding how a Web site should express potentially culturespecific content to worldwide visitors is an important consideration in Web site design. In this article, the authors examine some of the site content characteristics that can lead Web site visitors to an optimal navigation experience, or flow, in a cross-cultural context. In particular, a cognitive framework focuses on the effect of culture on attitudes toward the site and flow. The authors suggest that the congruity of a Web site with a visitor’s culture is a site content characteristic that influences the likelihood of experiencing flow. The authors develop a conceptual model to account for the impact of culture and other site content characteristics on flow and describe preliminary evidence supporting their model. David Luna, Ph.D., is an assistant professor of marketing at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater. His primary interests are in language processing, the role of language in advertising and electronic marketing, and cross-cultural advertising. His work has been published or is forthcoming in theJournal of Consumer Research; Journal of Advertising; Journal of Consumer Psychology, Psychology and Marketing; International Marketing Review; Marketing Science Institute Working Paper Series; and other publications. Laura A. Peracchio, Ph.D., is a professor of marketing at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Her primary research interests include understanding persuasion processes with applications to social marketing, consumer decision making, language processing, and children’s consumer behavior. She is an associate editor of theJournal of Consumer Research and serves on the Editorial Board of theJournal of Consumer Psychology. Her work has been published in theJournal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Consumer Psychology, and other publications. María D. de Juan is a professor of business administration at the University of Alicante (Spain), where she has lectured since 1991. She has been a lecturer at the University of Florida and at the Southampton Institute (United Kingdom), as well as at several Spanish business schools. She is the author of theShopping Centre Attraction Towards Consumers, Sales Promotions, andCommercial Distribution: Channels and Retailing. Her articles about distribution and consumer behavior have been published or are forthcoming in several journals and edited books, including theJournal of Consumer Psychology. She focuses her research on commercial attraction and consumer behavior.  相似文献   

随着国民经济的发展和人们对新兴旅游活动的向往与热爱,露营旅游日益成为社会大众积极参与的时尚旅游休闲活动,这给正由观光型旅游目的地向观光度假型旅游目的地转型的桂林带来了良好的机遇.在前人研究的基础上,提出了露营旅游的概念,介绍了露营旅游在国内外的发展情况;以桂林作为实证研究的对象,通过大量的调查问卷,分析了桂林露营旅游的发展现状,并有针对性地提出了发展露营旅游的具体意见和建议。  相似文献   

While most consumer socialization research has focused upon the development of consumer orientations that young people can enact, little research exists on how children and adolescents develop consumer orientations that have relevance for adult consumer behavior. This article addresses the concept of anticipatory consumer socialization by focusing on a variety of consumer cognitions and how they are acquired.  相似文献   

中国美学韵味范畴的生成与老子提出的味无味中的无味说的影响分不开。韵味范畴有一个逐步构成、丰富和发展的过程,而其原初构成域就是老子所提出的味无味的命题。可以说,正由于此,所以作为审美效应与审美感染力之韵味范畴被解释为由多重审美意义的有机合成,在整个审美创作独特风格与氛围中显示出来的审美境域与超越价值,这也正是中国式审美意境的永恒魅力所在。  相似文献   

Consumer behavior theory, as it has largely evolved from economics with its rigid adherence to marginal utility theory, suggests that consumers are highly rational and that they basically strive to maximize utility or satisfaction by the careful rationing of resources. In this paper, the typical assumptions in consumer decision process models are reviewed and analyzed, the empirical evidence supporting the models of the rational consumer is challenged, the concept of rationalization is developed and the existential support for the concept is examined, the role and significance of alternative ego state on consumer decision processes are explained and finally, the rudiments of a revisionist approach to consumer behavior are advanced. An earlier draft of this paper entitled “Consumer Decision Processes: The Role and Influence of Rationalization” was presented at the annual meeting of The American Psychological Association Division 23 in 1977. The author was assisted in the preparation and development of this earlier draft by Dr. Chem Narayana. This assistance is herewith acknowledged.  相似文献   

竹子作为一种特殊的自然质体,已渗透到中华民族物质和精神生活的诸多园圃,并凝聚于精神文化之中,加之文化传统理念的审美观照,就构建了独具魅力的中国传统"竹子情结".因此,"竹子情结"建构的景观境界不只是有限的亮丽风光,而是具有"象外之象""景外之景""味外之味"的审美情趣,并激发游赏者突破有限时空而跨入无限的自由联想.从而升华了"竹子情结"的审美魅力.  相似文献   

消费者行为学是一门实践性和应用性很强的学科,仅仅依赖课堂理论讲授难以培养学生的动手能力,现有的"案例教学"和"情景模拟"也不能真实地再现消费者的行为。基于校园环境设计的"大学生消费行为调查"和"校内销售观察"两种实践方式可以达到锻炼学生实践能力的目的。  相似文献   

The determinants of consumers’ online shopping cart abandonment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Despite placing items in virtual shopping carts, online shoppers frequently abandon them —an issue that perplexes online retailers and has yet to be explained by scholars. Here, we identify key drivers to online cart abandonment and suggest cognitive and behavioral reasons for this non-buyer behavior. We show that the factors influencing consumer online search, consideration, and evaluation play a larger role in cart abandonment than factors at the purchase decision stage. In particular, many customers use online carts for entertainment or as a shopping research and organizational tool, which may induce them to buy at a later session or via another channel. Our framework extends theories of online buyer and non-buyer behavior while revealing new inhibitors to buying in the Internet era. The findings offer scholars a broad explanation of consumer motivations for cart abandonment. For retailers, the authors provide suggestions to improve purchase conversion rates and multi-channel management.  相似文献   

Previous research on the arts, entertainment, and other cultural objects has found, at most, a weak link between expert judgments of aesthetic excellence and audience appeal to nonexpert consumers. However, this tendency for audience appeal only weakly to reflect expert judgments of excellence raises the question of how this fragile relationship might be mediated by audience judgments of excellence. As the first study to examine the potential intervening role of audience judgments, the present article investigates the links between expert judgments, audience judgments, and audience appeal in an illustrative case based on 200 recordings of the song “My Funny Valentine.” The results support a scenario in which audience appeal is weakly related to expert judgments through the hitherto neglected intervening role of audience judgments so as to suggest refinements in our approaches to marketing entertainment, the arts, or other cultural offerings, as well as various consumer services, durables, or nondurables. Morris B. Holbrook (mbh3@columbia.edu) is the Dillard Professor of Marketing, Graduate School of Business, Columbia University, New York. Holbrook graduated from Harvard College with a B.A. in English (1965) and received his M.B.A. (1967) and Ph.D. (1975) in marketing from the Columbia Business School where, since 1975, he has taught courses in Marketing Strategy, Research Methods, Consumer Behavior, and Commercial Communication in the Culture of Consumption. His research has covered a wide variety of topics with a special focus on communication in general and on aesthetics, semiotics, hermeneutics, art, entertainment, music, motion pictures, nostalgia, and stereography in particular. Kathleen T. Lacher (ktlacher@comcast.net) lives in Tallahassee, Florida, where she has a consulting business. She received her B.M.E. in choral music (1978) and her Ph.D. in business administration—marketing (1991), both from Florida State University. She taught at Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama, and Georgia Southwestern State University, Americus, teaching courses in Consumer Behavior, Research Methods, and Strategy. Her research covers consumer behavior, using both quantitative and qualitative methods. She performs with the Tallahassee Community Chorus, which debuted at Carnegie Hall in 2004, and holds the position of Secretary for the Board of Directors at the Tallahassee Habitat for Humanity. Michael S. LaTour (michael.latour@unlv.edu) is a professor of marketing and chair, Department of Marketing, College of Business, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. He earned his Ph.D. (1986) in business administration from the University of Mississippi with a major in marketing. He graduated with multiple honors. His research has covered a variety of topics including psychophysiological response to promotional stimuli, gender issues in advertising, advertising ethics, cross-cultural consumer behavior, industrial buyer behavior, and consumer memory of advertising stimuli and product experience.  相似文献   

Consumer behavior, as a social science discipline, is analyzed from a developmental perspective. Seven developmental levels or stages are identified reflecting the growing role of consumer behavior study in applied social settings. A classification schema is also presented in an attempt to categorize consumer behavior research  相似文献   

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