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国内价格的汇率传递性——基于VAR模型的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用VAR模型研究了我国国内价格的汇率传递性。VAR模型的脉冲反应函数显示,存在人民币汇率对国内价格的不完全传递性,但是,传递弹性极低,进口价格指数的汇率传递弹性要强于消费价格指数的汇率传递弹性,且进口价格指数向消费价格指数传导逐渐衰减。因此,通过汇率升值来抑制通胀效果并不理想,从紧的货币政策才是医治通胀的良药。  相似文献   

This study uses the panel smooth transition regression model with a debt ratio as the transition variable to evaluate the level of exchange rate pass-through. This model can investigate the threshold effect of the debt ratio on the pass-through. To perform the empirical estimation, we choose the 22 Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development member countries during 1994–2013 as sample objects. The empirical results show that the exchange rate pass-through displays a nonlinear and smooth transition process, depending on each period of debt ratio of the export country in different regimes. That is, the pass-through is nonlinear and varies with time and across countries. The larger the debt ratio is, the lower the pass-through would be. The threshold for the pass-through to generate smooth regime switching is 36.62% of debt ratio.  相似文献   

人民币汇率变动对中欧出口价格的传递效应   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文探讨了人民币升值对向欧元区出口价格的汇率传递效应及其对中欧贸易顺差的调节作用。作者利用1999年1月至2006年12月的月度数据,在SITC一位数商品分类层面上,考察了人民币/欧元汇率变动对中国向欧元区出口价格的影响。实证结果显示,不同类商品的出口价格汇率传递弹性存在较大差异,汇率变动引起中国向欧元区出口价格较大幅度的调整,人民币升值对占中欧出口总额一半以上的第6类和第7类商品出口没有抑制作用。因此,人民币升值对中欧贸易顺差的调节作用有限。  相似文献   

汇率波动、汇率传递与贸易条件   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本币升值一定会改善贸易条件吗?文章基于汇率传递的视角,构建汇率波动与贸易条件的理论模型,从理论上论证了本币升值改善贸易条件的机制和条件;并运用MS-VAR模型对中国2005年1月至2014年11月的月度数据进行实证分析。研究结果表明,在不同区制下人民币实际有效汇率指数波动对贸易条件影响的方向和大小呈现明显的非对称性。进一步的非线性Granger因果关系检验发现,仅存在由人民币实际有效汇率指数到贸易条件的单向因果关系。  相似文献   

本文在汇率价格传递理论分析的基础上,采用自回归分布滞后模型在细分商品层面就人民币汇率变动对进口商品价格的传递进行了研究。研究发现,汇率传递的大小在我国不同行业的不同商品间有较大差异,我国进口商品价格存在不完全传递现象,甚至部分商品存在逆传递。对于原材料类产品,汇率对价格的影响是相当迅速的,随着深加工的进行影响会出现时滞。  相似文献   

We compare the welfare of different combinations of monetary and currency policies in an open-economy macroeconomic model that incorporates two important features of many small open economies: a high level of vertical international trade and a high degree of exchange rate pass-through. In this environment, a small economy prefers a fixed exchange rate regime over a flexible regime, while the larger economy prefers a flexible exchange rate regime. There are two main causes underlying our results. First, in the presence of sticky prices, relative prices adjust through changes in the exchange rate. Multiple stages of production and trade make it more difficult for one exchange rate to balance the whole economy by adjusting several relative prices simultaneously throughout the vertical chain of production and trade. More specifically, there is a tradeoff between delivering an efficient relative price between home and foreign final goods and delivering an efficient relative price between home and foreign intermediate goods. Second, because the small economy faces a high degree of exchange rate pass-through under a flexible regime, it suffers from a lack of efficient relative prices in vertical trade. The larger economy, however, does not face this problem because its level of exchange rate pass-through is low.  相似文献   

Exchange rate pass-through (ERPT) refers to the transmission of exchange-rate changes into import (export) prices of goods in the destination-market currency as well as into aggregate domestic prices. This paper examines the analytical and empirical literature on ERPT with particular reference to Asia. It is generally believed that Asian economies are potentially susceptible to ERPT into domestic inflation since they are highly trade-dependent. Particular attention is paid to production sharing—a key characteristic of Asian trade—and its implications for ERPT.  相似文献   

本文基于汇率传递的理论模型,运用非线性平滑转换回归模型研究了人民币名义有效汇率变动对我国通货膨胀的影响,并且使用动态非线性Granger因果关系检验确认了两者间的单向因果关系。研究结果表明:人民币名义有效汇率对通货膨胀存在负向影响,但汇率传递系数存在显著的非线性特征,在较高的通货膨胀区间,人民币名义有效汇率传递系数较高;在较低的通货膨胀区间,人民币名义有效汇率传递系数迅速下降。  相似文献   

The present paper examines export and import pricing behavior following exchange rate changes in small, open economies. Using a monopolistic model, this study reveals that export and import prices should change but not in proportion to exchange rate movements. The policy implication of the results is that the pricing to market phenomenon could be a critical factor in explaining the evolution of the external trade balance with strategic interaction present in the case of prices on tradable goods. Consequently, the use of an exchange rate policy in the case of external imbalances should be a central issue within the broader context of how market structure and conduct affect the optimal traded goods prices.  相似文献   

汇率传递效应与宏观经济冲击对通货膨胀的影响分析   总被引:35,自引:3,他引:35  
运用递归的VAR模型,本文经验估计了人民币名义有效汇率变动对国内消费者价格指数和工业品出厂价格指数及其分类指数的传递效应;同时考察了其他宏观经济冲击对国内物价水平的影响。结论表明:在我国,汇率的传递效应不显著;汇率变动对工业品出厂价格指数及其分类指数的影响,显著大于对消费者价格指数及其分类指数的影响;不同行业的汇率传递效应存在显著差别;供给冲击是导致工业品价格指数变化的主要因素,而实际需求冲击是导致消费者价格变化的主要因素。  相似文献   

We estimate exchange rate pass-through (PT) into import, producer and consumer price indexes for nine OECD countries, using a method proposed by Uhlig (2005). In a Vector Autoregression (VAR) model, we identify the exchange rate shock by imposing restrictions on the signs of impulse responses for a small subset of variables. These restrictions are consistent with a large class of theoretical models and previous empirical findings. We find that exchange rate PT is less than one at both short and long horizons. Among three price indexes, exchange rate PT is greatest for import price index and smallest for consumer price index. In addition, greater exchange rate PT is found in an economy which has a smaller size, higher import share, more persistent exchange rate, more volatile monetary policy, higher inflation rate, and less volatile aggregate demand.  相似文献   

文章以企业异质性理论为基础,从出口制造业企业微观定价的角度,借助于中国工业企业数据库和中国海关统计数据库的匹配数据,基于企业层面研究我国制造业出口企业的汇率不完全传递效应,分析我国制造业出口企业层面的汇率传递效应高低。在此基础上,文章进一步考察了企业层面的全要素生产率差异的影响,利用中国制造业企业出口价格水平来研究不同生产效率企业汇率传递效应的异同,探求企业生产效率与汇率波动情况之间的关联。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the welfare consequences of international policy cooperation by simultaneously introducing the following three elements in a standard two-country general equilibrium model: (i) general degrees of exchange rate pass-through, (ii) nontradable goods and their sector-specific productivity shocks, and (iii) general weights on goods in Cobb–Douglas consumption indices. There are two channels for possible mutual welfare gains from policy cooperation: First, cooperation can compensate for insufficient changes in the terms of trade when the degree of exchange rate pass-through is intermediate. Second, countries can cooperate in reaction to shocks in the nontradable goods sectors. This second channel is revealed by deriving an analytical condition for welfare gains under full pass-through and this condition is characterized by the weights in the consumption indices and the variances of sector-specific productivity shocks. Numerical evaluation demonstrates that when the two countries are symmetric and equal weights on consumption goods are assumed, welfare gains from cooperation increase as symmetric pass-through elasticity increases, which implies that the second channel dominates the first, whose effect on welfare gains is nonmonotonic in pass-through elasticity.  相似文献   

文章在构建一个包含信贷约束、价格粘性和工资粘性的新开放经济动态随机一般均衡(NOEM-DSGE)模型的基础上,运用贝叶斯方法估计模型中的结构参数,考察抵押率冲击、技术冲击和利率冲击对我国房产价格及实际汇率的动态影响。研究发现,一方面,正向的抵押率冲击使得房价上涨,汇率先贬值而后升值,而负向的利率冲击则使得房价上涨,汇率贬值,另一方面,正向的技术冲击则使得房价上涨和汇率升值;此外,我们进一步构建了MS-VAR模型实证研究了自2005年汇改以来利率、房价和汇率之间的动态关系。实证结果表明:扭曲的利率冲击导致了房价上涨和汇率贬值同时存在,因此,推动利率市场化改革对于实现我国经济长期均衡健康发展十分必要。  相似文献   

汇率传递是汇率变动与其经济影响的中间环节,进口价格传递弹性在很大程度上决定了汇率变动对进口的影响大小。本文利用分布滞后模型、协整、向量自回归等方法,研究了三种主要贸易方式的进口价格对人民币汇率变动的传递。结果显示,进料加工进口价格的传递弹性要大于一般贸易。在其他条件不变的情形下,人民币升值对进料加工进口的促进作用明显大于一般贸易;而来料加工装配进口受人民币升值影响比较有限,更主要受世界需求、国内劳动力成本等影响。  相似文献   

The paper examines the industry characteristics that are related to the shifts in competitiveness, measured as the relative common-currency price ratios between Canadian and US manufacturing prices. We find that relative input costs and relative productivity growth are the two most important factors influencing changes in relative Canada/US prices. Competitive pressures emanating from trade are important determinants of the extent to which relative productivity differences are passed through to cross-country relative prices. We also find that the magnitude of domestic market competition and export intensity affects the short-run relative price shifts over the cycle of exchange rate. JEL no. E30, F31, L60  相似文献   

胡冬梅  袁君宇 《南方经济》2019,38(11):94-112
文章扩展了Yang(2007)的厂商定价模型,对汇率传递非对称性、特点和成立条件进行理论分析,发现对称传递需要满足严格的条件,而现实中更常见的是非对称汇率传递。在一定条件下,商品需求弹性越大,越可能呈现出口国货币贬值传递率高而升值传递率低的特点。利用2000年1月至2011年12月我国出口日本的966种商品价格数据,发现汇率波动向价格传递具有非对称性:(1)人民币升值时,日元价格上涨较少;而贬值时,价格下降较多。我国出口商品的需求弹性较大,在日本市场上面对的是一个强竞争结构。(2)若月度升值超过一定幅度(测算约为2.43%),传递率又会有所上升,说明尽管日元价格易跌难涨,但在升值导致成本上涨较多、明显挤压利润时,厂商不得不适当提高日元售价。采用2000年至2018年9月日本从中国进口单位价值指数进行稳健性检验,得出类似结论。现阶段稳定的人民币名义汇率对我国出口企业是更为有利的。  相似文献   

We argue that a higher share of the private sector in a country’s external debt raises the incentive to stabilize the exchange rate. We present a simple model in which exchange rate volatility does not affect agents’ welfare if all the debt is incurred by the government. Once we introduce private banks who borrow in foreign currency and lend to domestic firms, the monetary authority has an incentive to dampen the distributional consequences of exchange rate fluctuations. Our empirical results support the hypothesis that not only the level, but also the composition of foreign debt matters for exchange-rate policy.  相似文献   

This paper studies how liability dollarization conditions the effect of exchange rate flexibility on growth. It develops a model with credit-constrained firms facing liquidity shocks denominated in tradables while their revenues are both in tradable and nontradables. With frictions in the reallocation between tradables and nontradables, a peg is more growth-enhancing than a float in countries with dollarized debt because it stabilizes firms?? cash flows and therefore allows them to face liquidity shock and complete their innovation process. However, this relative advantage diminishes when dollarization decreases. These theoretical predictions are confirmed by an empirical analysis on a panel of 76 countries spanning 1995?C2004: the higher the degree of dollarization, the more negative the impact of exchange rate flexibility on growth. The empirical results are robust to various specifications and to the treatment of endogeneity.  相似文献   

文章通过构建不完全竞争市场条件下的两期动态模型,分析了汇率预期的存在和厂商边际成本的可变性对汇率传递效应的影响,并使用Hansen(1999)提出的门限回归法就人民币汇率和汇率预期对进口价格的传递效应进行了实证检验。理论分析显示,汇率对进口价格的传递系数受消费需求弹性的影响可正可负,汇率升值预期会降低进口价格水平,而边际成本的可变性使得汇率对进口价格的传递会随着汇率和汇率预期的变化存在门限效应。实证分析结果表明,人民币汇率对进口价格的传递系数为负,人民币升值预期的存在导致了进口价格下降,且当汇率和汇率预期变化达到一定门限值后,汇率传递程度会发生显著变化。  相似文献   

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