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货币政策影响实体经济的主要传导途径有三个:利率途径、汇率途径和信贷途径。制造业中,不同的行业对这三种传导途径的反应速度和深度均不同,所以统一的货币政策对不同产业往往带来不同的影响,这种影响既包括产量也包括价格,被称为货币政策产业效应的非对称性。本文利用向量自回归和脉冲响应函数证实了我国货币政策对制造业中各产业存在的这种非对称性,提出并检验了造成这种产业效应非对称性的原因。  相似文献   

我国货币政策冲击对实际产出周期波动的非对称影响分析   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
本文运用马尔可夫转移模型和冲击响应分析等方法,检验了我国货币政策冲击与实际产出之间的动态关系,发现货币政策冲击对产出的影响存在明显的非对称性,并且产出对货币冲击的反应存在着“低度反应”和“高度反应”区制;我们通过时变转移概率方法进一步检验描述非对称反应的三种可能形式,即关于货币政策冲击方向、冲击规模和经济周期阶段的非对称形式。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the importance of financial depth in evaluating the asymmetric impact of monetary policy on real output over the course of the US business cycle. We show that monetary policy has a significant impact on output growth during recessions. We also show that financial deepening plays an important role by dampening the effects of monetary policy shocks in recessions. The results are robust to the use of alternative financial depth and monetary policy shock measures as well as to two different sample periods.  相似文献   

A central dilemma for the monetary authorities is how to determine monetary policy. The increasing unreliability of monetary aggregates has led over the past few years to less concern for monetary targeting, both in the UK and elsewhere, and a greater influence for the exchange rate on monetary policy. But in the UK, most recently, there has been a move away from setting monetary policy in relation to the exchange rate and external considerations in favour of setting monetary policy in relation to domestic demand. Not surprisingly, this shift has occurred at a time of rising concern about domestic overheating. It illustrates the dilemma of whether monetary policy should be driven by domestic demand considerations or by external, exchange rate considerations. This dilemma is not just confined to the UK for it is a real source of conflict underlying the Louvre Accord and its successors that seek to determine G7 exchange rates in a cooperative manner. In what follows, we argue that exchange rate developments should have an appreciable influence on monetary policy, since this is helpful in attaining stable inflation. But we also suggest that this influence should not go too far, since this stability of inflation may be at the expense of stability of domestic demand and output. Targeting of exchange rates within narrow bands is unlikely to be desirable, unless fiscal policy can be used more flexibly to stabilize domestic demand. This suggests that, in the period up to the spring, the use of monetary policy to hold the £/JDM exchange rate within narrow limits may have been overdone. More seriously, international exchange rate agreements among the G7 countries are likely to founder under adverse market pressures, unless current imbalances in fiscal policy are adjusted. In the absence of greater flexibility in fiscal policy, policy makers will have to trade off domestic and exchange rate considerations in determining monetary policy. An important outstanding issue that needs further consideration is what indicators should be used for monetary policy, in a world in which monetary aggregates provide unreliable signals.  相似文献   

中国地区间货币政策效应双重非对称性研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文使用二步OLS法及Markov-Switching model对货币政策效应可能存在的双重非对称性进行实证研究,发现货币政策不仅存在方向上的效应非对称性,而且存在区域间的效应非对称性.在中国,中西部地区对扩张政策反应弹性小于紧缩政策反应弹性,东部地区对紧缩政策的反应弹性小于扩张性政策的反应弹性,即东部、中部、西部地区对于同一货币政策的反应弹性不同.  相似文献   

本文从货币政策对产业经济影响非均质的假设出发,通过设计包含9个指标的产业金融结构指标体系,对中国证监会所分12类产业建立面板模型,实证研究货币政策对我国金融结构异质产业的非均质影响.通过定义和研究货币政策组合传导机制,发现金融加速器效应普遍存在于产业经济范围内,不同产业金融加速器效应大小的异同是由商业周期中各产业金融结构的变化所决定的,并对货币政策实施效果有不同程度的放大或抵消作用.  相似文献   

我国财政货币政策的区域差异效应研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
财政货币政策的区域效应是有关区域协调发展的重要问题。本文建立了一个包括政府投资、银行贷款、价格指数和东中西部人均产出等变量的结构向量自回归SVAR模型,通过比较投资和贷款冲击的脉冲响应,发现:①我国的财政货币政策对东部的作用强于中西部,存在明显的区域差异效应;②与货币政策相比,财政政策对区域经济发展的作用更大;③1978年后,两种政策的作用都有所增强,货币政策对中西部,特别是对西部的影响明显增加。其含义是,为了缩小地区差距,应根据各个区域的特点,制定差异化的区域政策,在注重财政政策的同时,充分发挥货币政策的积极作用。  相似文献   

Monetary Policy     
《Economic Outlook》2014,38(1):52-52
We are fast approaching the point at which the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) will have to make a decision about the future of its forward guidance policy. The policy had been intended to reassure households, firms and markets that Bank Rate would remain at 0.5% for a prolonged period. However, the economy and, in particular the labour market, have improved so quickly that unemployment will reach the 7% threshold within the next few months, more than two years earlier than the Bank had forecast when it introduced forward guidance…  相似文献   

从货币政策规则看货币政策中介目标选择   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
本文从货币政策最优规则和有效规则的角度出发,分析中央银行的福利损失情况,进而对不同的货币政策中介目标作出福利评判。  相似文献   

The main implications from the discussion above are:
  • 1. 

    If the PSBR affects the money supply it should also have a direct influence upon inflation.

  • 2. 

    Our research indeed suggests that the PSBR is the root cause of inflation as well as the root cause of monetary growth.

  • 3. 

    The government should therefore be less pre-occupied with M3 and lay even greater emphasis on the PSBR.

  • 4. 

    It should avoid sinking its energies into money base control. At most some form of money base control is advisable as a precaution.

  • 5. 

    To avoid any further money market disturbances the authorities should resort to a floating rate policy for MLR as was formerly the case.


货币政策对资本市场的影响是宏观经济领域研究的课题之一。本文对货币政策的溢出效应进行理论分析,通过构建VAR模型,以2008—2015年货币政策中存款准备金变化的数据为样本,实证分析中国货币政策变化与资本市场相互关系的影响。实证研究发现,货币供应量的变动对股市影响比较大,货币政策的制定和实施对资本市场的影响比较明显。货币政策的制定必须充分考虑到对资本市场的影响,并积极完善利率市场化,推进资本市场向纵深发展。  相似文献   

The Bank of England's Monetary Policy Committee has controlled interest rates since June 1997. By comparing the MPC's record with that of the Shadow Monetary Policy Committee (SMPC) and evaluating the degree of volatility in the financial markets, this paper concludes that in many respects the MPC succeeded in its task. However, whilst the lack of 'groupthink' and the record compared with the SMPC are commendable, increased financial market volatility suggests the MPC could have done better.  相似文献   

The Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee has now been in operation for two years. How can one judge whether it is performing its tasks successfully? In this article Alan Budd considers some of the difficulties in answering what might appear to be a straightforward question.  相似文献   

This article explores the implications of Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) for the conduct of fiscal policy. Under EMU, where the European Central Bank is successful in controlling inflation, the loss of seigniorage revenues causes a potential problem for public sector deficits. To prevent the debt-income ratio from spiralling upwards, a primary budget surplus is ultimately required. EMU has usually been considered as a strong central monetary authority which forces fiscal discipline on lax national governments. But this is not the only possibility. Because the debt ratio can be reduced by surprise inflation, the price expectations of the private sector are important. Once these are taken into account, EMU can be examined in a 'game' framework in which the reputation of the authorities and the existence or otherwise of cooperation between the fiscal and monetary authorities becomes a critical factor.
The paper finds that where the authorities enjoy reputation and cooperate, a one-off reduction in public spending will lead to a permanent decline in the real interest rate and crowd in extra private spending (consumption and investment). Without reputation the cut in government spending has to be sustained. Where there is neither reputation nor cooperation, the outcome depends on the structure of the European economy and whether fiscal policy can effect the terms of trade between countries. If the terms of trade remain unchanged, the outturn is similar to the case of cooperation without reputation, but where the terms of trade can be improved in one country, there is no incentive to cut public spending. In this case the outturn is higher inflation with private spending crowded out.  相似文献   

在离散卡根模型中引入理性预期假设,可以对卡根货币模型进行扩展,通过求解模型的理性预期解来分析跳跃变量约束下各种货币政策的冲击效果。本文结合价格变量的动态调整途径,对形成通货膨胀和通货紧缩的货币政策方式进行分析,进而提出一些有助于经济运行脱离流动性陷阱和缓解通货紧缩的政策建议。  相似文献   

财政政策与货币政策相对有效性研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
张羽  李黎 《价值工程》2003,10(3):73-76
本文从实证的角度 ,对我国财政政策和货币政策的相对有效性进行了研究。运用协整分析方法并通过邹氏检验 ,对整个数据期间进行了制度检验。结果显示1980年以前平均来说 ,财政政策比货币政策有效 ,而其后平均来说货币政策比财政政策有效。这一结论与我国建国以来宏观经济调控政策选择的基本情况相吻合 ,为对宏观调控的政策选择提供了有力的支持。  相似文献   

我国货币政策在防治通货紧缩中的局限与改善   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通货紧缩是近几年影响我国经济的主要问题,我国采用稳健的货币政策对付通货紧缩。但是由于我国选择货币供应量为货币政策的中介目标,在通过货币供应量影响投资和消费的过程中,货币政策传导机制不畅通,影响了货币政策效用的发挥。因此,必须寻求有效的途径,加快利率市场化进程,改革货币政策中介目标,完善货币政策传导机制,以防范和治理通货紧缩。  相似文献   

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