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元代中央与地方政府对矿冶业进行了有效的管理。其中,在中央机构中以中书省、制国用使司、尚书省的作用最为突出,它们对矿冶业的管理全面而宏观。中政院、徽政院管理矿冶业是元代矿冶业的一大特色,其职责范围仅限于对其所属矿产的经营与管理。地方机构中以行省的职权最重,作用最为重要,体现了它作为中央派出机构的特色。路、州、县三级行政机构则以兼管矿课为其主要职能,而这一职能与它们作为国家财赋征集者的身份相吻合。  相似文献   

古代日本通过向中原王朝进行朝贡,纳入到了中原王朝的册封体制之内。隋朝时期,古代日本的朝贡目的发生了重要变化,由以前的寻求中原王朝的庇护变为从中国移植先进的政治、文化、经济等各项文物制度,朝贡的动机从政治角度转到了文化层面,从而使得两国的关系进入到了一个新的时期,也为以后两国的交往打下了一个基调,为唐朝时期两国的交往奠定了基础。  相似文献   

本文对鸦片战争后至抗日战争前的中国手工业变革进行简要分析,表明中国的现代化过程不可能脱离传统和国情。  相似文献   

明清江南的出版印刷业   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文重点考察明清江南的商业化出版印刷业。本文提出:一、在明代,官营出版印刷在江南出版印刷业中占有重要地位;而到了清代,则是私营出版印刷业占有约对的优势。二、明清江南出版印刷业出现了重要的技术进步,其中最值得注意的是活字印刷的推广,其次是彩色印刷技术的出现与改革。三、在明代年,生和教化性读物在江南出版印刷业产品中占有很高的比重。明代中期以后,以牟利为目的、面向广大中下层社会民众的商业化出版印刷业日益发展,到了清代则已成为江南出版印刷的主流。四、明清江南出版印刷业的发展出现了“外向化”的趋势,即生产所需的原料(纸张等)要依赖外地供应源,而其所生产出来的产品(印刷品)则依赖外地市场。以上四个变化,表明江南的商业出版印嵋业在明清时期有了重大发展。  相似文献   

随着唐宋时期城市化进程的发展,随着城市工商业的发展,城市内外的人口流动频率加快,城市流动人口的比重增加,城关的功能开始逐渐发生变化,其显著特点是经济功能的增强,都市经济功能边缘化的趋逐渐明显。本文拟通过分析唐长安、北宋东京、南宋临安城关区的经济功能及其变迁,探讨由唐入宋都城空间扩展的渐进性及外来流动人口对城市空间拓展的影响和作用。  相似文献   

Twenty years after apartheid was formally abolished, black handicraft exporters in Cape Town still innovate significantly less than their white counterparts. This study explains these differences based on the segmentation of business and innovation systems, a novel approach that aims to contribute to a deeper understanding of path dependency in South Africa. The study concludes that the business system is segmented between formal and informal firms and that such segmentation is correlated with race. Despite path dependency, a group of black entrepreneurs has managed to breach the barriers, owing to the ongoing support of an intermediate organisation, intense networking and risk-taking.  相似文献   

On the vulnerability of the oil and gas industry to oil price changes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Previous studies of oil-price economic activity relationships are dominated by macro-level examination of price effects. This study examines the effect of shocks in oil price and its volatility on the oil and gas extraction industry using a Vector Auto-Regressive (VAR) approach. The results show that, in the short-run, positive price and volatility shocks lead to significant increases in oil and gas activities. However, in the long-run, the industry behaves much like the rest of the U.S. economy—price and volatility shocks produce small or insignificant effects. An earlier version of this paper was presented at the 22 nd Annual North American Conference of the U.S.A. Energy Economics/International Association of Energy Economics Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia. The authors acknowledge the editorial assistance of Versa Stickle.  相似文献   

隋唐时期陕西境内的人口迁移及其影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
由于全国政治、文化中心对外地人口所具有的强大吸引力 ,隋唐时期作为京畿之地的关中成为重要的人口迁入区 ,迁入者主要是各地的旧士族、官僚、文人学士、高僧、将士、工商业者 ,周边少数民族甚至还有一定数量的域外人士。外来人口的大量迁入 ,导致关中等地的人口密度大为提高 ,并对当地的土地占有状况产生了重要影响 ;而大批文人学士及高僧等文化人士的迁入 ,则有力地推动了陕西文化的繁荣。长安胡食、胡服等“胡风”的兴盛则是大量少数民族迁入关中的直接结果。  相似文献   

The two described economic laws which are developed by the author before 10 years are very important for the marketing process in the economic crisis nowadays. Different methods and procedures developed by the author on the ground of his observations of many years on the market and formed respectively in theory and laws and practices to be applied in the contemporary life of every company acting on the market in the today economic worldwide crisis have been presented.  相似文献   

从睡虎地秦简看秦朝奴隶与唐代奴婢的异同   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文通过对睡虎地秦简与唐律的比较研究,说明唐律中有关奴婢的许多律文、亦即中古良贱身份制度的许多律文,源自于秦律中关于奴隶的规定。这与史书所栽唐律源自于魏晋之律,魏晋之律源自于秦汉之律的记载,完全吻合。另一方面,中古社会与秦朝社会相比,历史条件毕竟发生了很大变化,其身份等级系统与秦朝相比亦不相同,因而两个时期的奴隶、奴婢制度也有着相当的差异。  相似文献   

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