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李钦 《北方经贸》2009,(8):20-23
中亚地区对中国能源安全意义重大,但能源进口并非新疆与中亚能源合作的全部。站在能源垂直一体化合作角度,分别从能源储备、勘探、开发、运输、销售以及深加工等涉及整个能源产业链方面,对新疆与中亚进行能源垂直一体化合作的动因、潜力等进行了全面分析。应着力加强能源进口和运输,构建“中国能源安全的陆路进口通道”:内引外联,加强新疆与中亚能源垂直一体化合作。能源产业发展目标应是中国能源深加工基地和面向中亚的深加工产品出口基地。  相似文献   

This article analyses how product differentiation affects the volume of trade under duopoly using Shubik-Levitan demand functions rather than the Bowley demand functions used by Bernhofen (2001). The drawback of Bowley demand functions is that an increase in product differentiation increases the size of the market so the increase in the volume of trade may be the result of the increase in the size of the market rather than the increase in product differentiation per se. The Shubik-Levitan demand functions have the advantage that an increase in product differentiation does not increase the size of the market, but consumers still have a ‘love of variety’. It is shown that the volume of trade in terms of quantities falls with increasing product differentiation when the trade cost is relatively low, but rises with increasing product differentiation when the trade cost is relatively high. Among the results, it is shown that the trade liberalisation is more likely to be profitable under Cournot duopoly than under Bertrand duopoly for differentiated products with a positive trade cost.  相似文献   

“宁镇扬一体化”的发展理念肇始于21世纪初。从理论角度,城市之间形成一体化的发展态势有利于整合各类资源和优化资源配置。在实践方面,随着区域经济和社会发展水平的不断提高,宁镇扬三市一体化不断走向成熟。本文以目前宁镇扬一体化发展实际作为出发点,通过结合各市产业经济发展背景和现状,提出在新时期,宁镇扬三市产业的融合与协同是进一步实现一体化的基础,而新型产业要素的引进和集聚则是推动产业融合的重要条件。据此,本文提出了宁镇扬一体化过程中推动新型生产要素集聚的相关对策建议。  相似文献   

Vertical integration can be a source of significant strategic advantage for firms, whether in the form of backward integration to gain security of some important supply or of forward integration to ensure adequate distribution of products or services. It may have profound effects on the competitive processes in an industry, substantially modify the threats from new entrants or substitute products, and mitigate the power of suppliers or buyers. Yet for exactly these reasons, vertical integration causes great concern to competition authorities. A number of consumer products markets with vertical ties have caused such disquiet to the UK's Office of Fair Trading (OFT) in recent years that they have been referred to the Monopolies and Mergers Commission (MMC) for further investigation. These include beer, petrol and soft drinks. The three cases illustrate the nature and importance of the strategic advantage derived from vertical integration. They also illustrate the concern competition authorities feel about vertical integration, and provide lessons for firms regarding the objections that may be raised towards their trading arrangements.  相似文献   

存在产品垂直差异和产品内分工的贸易模型可以更为深刻地考察南北贸易的模式及影响因素。其中,生产技术仍然是决定生产分工格局的重要决定因素,当其他条件保持不变时,如果南方生产技术水平提高,其将扩大生产范围,在保持生产原有质量产品的情况下,向更高质量产品的生产领域进军。而北方发生技术进步时,其生产范围将缩小,抛弃低质量产品的生产,专攻高质量产品的生产。当两国分别在不同的生产阶段发生技术进步时,基本变化趋势是使本国发生技术进步的生产阶段趋向高质量产品的生产。  相似文献   

基于上下游垄断市场结构反倾销税率的博弈分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章运用经济学原理和博弈论中的逆向归纳法,通过建立一个基于垂直市场结构的国内外上下游垄断的产业模型,在假定企业和政府均处于完全信息静态博弈下,推导出国内社会福利最大化下的最优反倾销税率,发现一国最优反倾销税率与本国市场容量正相关,与出口国企业的生产成本负相关。文章建议我国企业努力优化出口产品结构,加大自主知识产权产品的出口份额,我国政府应通过国际谈判等争取我国企业在国际贸易中更加公平公正待遇。  相似文献   

通过分析地方政府与中央政府诸多方面存在的激励兼容问题,总结出中央政策目标与地方财政利益在区域发展平衡、改善社会福利、环境保护和财政安全等方面存在不一致给国家治理带来的风险,认为中央政府应对治理风险的政策工具单一,纵向控制力较弱。现有财税体制改革中所体现的中央适应性地强化对税收的控制、监督地方非税收入等,在防范治理风险方面存在很大局限性。提出鼓励公共参与、改善转移支付、强化地方人大预算监督等多种方式辅助纵向机制降低治理风险,促进财政在国家治理中的作用。  相似文献   

企业并购后整合系统探析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
企业并购后的整合是并购成败的关键。并购后整合所包含的内涵是极其丰富的,涉及到一个企业的方方面面,任何一方的整合的不利或欠缺,都会导致整个整合活动的失败。企业并购后的整合应以培育核心能力为目的。因此,必须建立基于企业核心竞争力提升的并购后整合的系统框架。  相似文献   

This paper examines the GATT/WTO rules for anti-dumping measures in a duopoly model with both horizontal and vertical product differentiation. The GATT/WTO rules allow for anti-dumping measures if domestic producers, exposed to price discrimination, also demonstrate injury where price-undercutting is an important indicator of the latter. The paper shows that the procedure for calculating injury is flawed due to negligence of quality differences in the calculation of the margin of price-undercutting. This gives countries with high-quality producers an option to practice protectionism. This asymmetry between countries in ability to implement anti-dumping measures predominantly favors the developed countries which are specialized in producing high-quality products. The paper suggests an overall critical look at the lenient rules for implementing anti-dumping measures—especially the rules for injury determination—in order to restrict the use of such measures to a minimum and to move the world economy closer to free trade.  相似文献   

企业纵向一体化发展战略除了受产品类型、企业自身特征等因素影响外,还受政府特征的干预.本文选用2007-2015年上市公司数据,基于市场分割这一制度性政府行为的视角,探讨政府干预如何影响企业选择.我们发现地区间市场分割政策的实施能够促进企业选择纵向一体化发展战略,且这种效应在国有企业、异地子公司占比较小、地区竞争程度较为缓和的分组中更为显著.进一步地,我们发现市场分割下企业的资源优势使其在纵向扩张的同时也会选择横向发展,表现为地区市场分割越严重,当地企业尤其是国有企业的多元化程度也越高.本文为企业一体化影响因素提供了新的研究视角,也为政府干预下国有企业的盲目扩张提供了实证依据,既是粗放型经济增长模式在微观层面的反映,也从侧面反映出市场分割导致的资源错配给企业发展带来的阻碍,为我国在打破行业垄断和市场分割以及实现经济增长模式由要素驱动向创新驱动转变等方面的政策制定提供了经验证据.  相似文献   

从高层梯队理论提出到上世纪90年代初期,高管团队研究主要集中在团队人口统计特征对组织绩效的影响。从上世纪90年代中期到本世纪初,高管团队运作过程的研究开始大量出现。文章综述了2003年以来的高管团队研究文献,基于团队整合的理论基础,总结了资源整合研究、过程整合研究、公司治理背景下的整合研究以及更为宏观的跨文化背景下的整合研究的成果。文章还总结了高管团队研究从资源整合到过程整合的趋势以及研究方法的演进。  相似文献   

浅谈消费者的需求集成   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
顾客需求是市场营销学研究的永恒主题。迄今为止,无论在理论还是实践上,人们研究的往往是消费者单个需求和新需求,而很少将消费者的几种需求集成起来研究。要真正做到满足顾客需求,仅仅研究单个需求或新需求远远不够,必须将顾客的多种需求联系起来考察,研究这些需求在消费者心目中的地位、关系及其变化。  相似文献   

随着零售市场集中度提升和信息技术的普及,零售商对制造商行使纵向约束,这种新型流通组织创新模式极大地提升产品服务效率。文章从分工深化、顾客需求、信息技术三个方面分析零售商纵向约束的演化逻辑,研究表明分工深化是推动零售商的纵向约束演进的动力机制,信息技术是零售商行使纵向约束的充分条件,顾客需求变化是零售商行使纵向约束的必要条件。  相似文献   

This paper constructs a simple, mixed bundling model of one-phone service to explore its social effects. The study demonstrates that the fixed line monopolist has an incentive to foreclose the competitive mobile market through the provision of one-phone service. In other words, efficient mobile firms will be driven out of the market. This finding, however, contrasts with the existing findings of the Chicago School and arises from the routing and converging effect of the one-phone service. We suggest that equal treatment of competitors will solve this undesirable issue of mobile market foreclosure.*Earlier versions were presented at the 2005 Korea Economic Association Annual Conference held at Seoul, Korea and 2005 ITS conference held at Perth, Australia.  相似文献   

企业物流职能一体化问题研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李艳丽 《商业研究》2005,(15):207-210
建立完善的企业物流职能一体化是增强企业竞争力的有效途径。企业物流职能一体化,即消除冲突性管理,提高物流运作效率;权衡交替损益关系,实现物流总成本最小化;提升物流职能地位,发挥其战略作用;增强企业敏捷性,促进物流内外部一体化。目前,我国与发达国家相比,企业物流一体化发展严重滞后,由于大多数工业企业尚未实现物流职能一体化,成为其发展的障碍。因此,为了增强企业的竞争力,必须加强有关一体化的研究和宣传,实施企业组织结构再造以及提高企业信息化水平。  相似文献   

区域经济一体化理论的缘起、发展与缺陷   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
受西方区域经济理论及社会发展趋势的影响,区域经济一体化正成为促进地区经济发展的重要形式。我国学者借鉴国内外相关理论从更为普遍的角度对区域经济一体化源起、发展的相关理论进行研究,并总结了区域经济一体化理论在发展过程中存在的缺陷。  相似文献   

试论集成的内涵与特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
集成一词目前已越来越频繁地出现在报刊及论著中 ,成为了较流行的一个概念。但在众多的运用中 ,集成的内涵却相去甚远。研究集成论、集成系统 ,首先要澄清概念。通过深入分析 ,明确提出了集成的内涵是集成主体为了实现某一目标 ,将若干集成单元通过相互作用和必要的整合及交叉复制动态地集合成一个泛边界状态的有机整体的过程。其主要特征有主体行为性、功能涌现性、关系动态性、单元泛化性及选择竞争性。  相似文献   

本文依据外部性理论,对零售商主导的纵向约束研究进行系统综述,分析各种纵向约束方式的福利效应以及相应的规制政策,以此对我国零售业实施相关的反垄断政策提供一定的理论指导和经验借鉴.  相似文献   

Climate change policy, market structure, and carbon leakage   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The 1997 Kyoto Protocol on climate change obliges the industrialized countries to initiate the international effort of abating anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. If such an initiative is to be taken, the associated competitive effects may lead to significant relocation of developed countries' energy-intensive production. This paper examines this issue. I adopt an oligopolistic structure combined with increasing returns to scale production technologies to represent the strategic interaction among the firms producing energy-intensive products. This representation is then embedded within a multi-regional computable general equilibrium model, which in turn is used for quantifying these relocational effects. The results suggest that significant relocation of energy-intensive industries away from the OECD may occur, depending on the type of market structure, with leakage rates as high as 130%, in which case GHG control policies in the industrialized countries actually lead to higher global emissions.  相似文献   

文章在回顾供应链整合相关研究文献的基础上,首先对供应链整合的概念演变进行梳理,然后将供应链整合对企业绩效的影响以及供应链整合的前因研究成果整合为一个包容性更强的“供应链整合的前因——供应链整合——供应链整合的结果”组织间供应链整合概念模型,最后对未来的相关研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

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