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An n-person game with side payments that can arise from an economic market is called a market game. It is proved here that any n-person market game can be obtained from a market with at most n ? 1 commodities. Moreover, no smaller number will suffice in some cases (e.g., the unanimity game). This result is then applied to settle a question regarding market games with a continuum of traders.  相似文献   

An n-person social choice problem is considered in which the alternatives are n dimensional vectors with the ith component of such a vector being the part of the alternative effecting individual i alone. Assuming that individuals are selfish (i is indifferent between any two alternatives that have the same ith component) we characterize all the families of permissible individual preferences that admit nondictatorial Arrow-type social welfare functions. We also show that the existence of such a function for a given family of preferences is independent of n provided that is greater than one.  相似文献   

Recently, Hermandez-Lamoneda et al. (2008) and independently Chameni and Andjiga (2008) gave an analytic formulation for all valued solutions to the n-person TU-games that satisfy linearity, efficiency and symmetry axioms. Our main purpose in this paper is to recast the proposed formulation to a more potentially interpretational one. We are focused on an interpretation based on the idea of marginal contribution, a concept already familiar in the Shapley value and the Solidarity value. A general null player axiom is introduced, and it turns out that any valued solution satisfying the three properties is characterized by a null player model.  相似文献   

We show that the use of communications to coordinate equilibria generates a Nash-threats folk theorem in two-player games with “almost public” information. The results generalize to the n-person case. However, the two-person case is more difficult because it is not possible to sustain equilibria by comparing the reports of different players, and using these “third parties” to effectively enforce contracts.  相似文献   

Summary Yannelis has shown that under very mild conditions on preferences, a 2-agent exchange economy has a nonempty -core [4, Corollary 4.2]. The purpose of the present paper is to demonstrate that an exchange economy with three or more agents can have an empty -core. Hence, Yannelis' result would not extend to three or more agents. Examples are provided with and without free disposal, and all preferences are described by linear utility functions. These results are compared with those of Scarf [3], who proved the existence of an -core solution for a large class ofn-person games. The comparison is carried out on two levels. First, since Scarf [3] and Yannelis [4] use different definitions for the -core of an exchange economy, we compare these definitions. Second, the present results show that a natural extension of Scarf's theorem forn-person games fails if certain feasibility constraints are incorporated.I am grateful to Nicholas Yannelis, Atsushi Kajii, Stephan Krasa, and an anonymous referee for their comments, and to a second anonymous referee whose suggestion substantially simplified the 3-agent example.  相似文献   

We consider dynamic group formation in repeated n-person prisoner?s dilemma. Agreements in coalitional bargaining are self-binding in that they are supported as subgame perfect equilibria of repeated games. Individuals are allowed to renegotiate the cooperating group agreement through a process of voluntary participation. We prove that a cooperating group forms as an absorbing state of a Markov perfect equilibrium after a finite number of renegotiations if and only if the group is Pareto efficient, provided that individuals are patient. The cooperating group can only expand.  相似文献   

We present a noncooperative foundation for the Nash bargaining solution for an n-person cooperative game in strategic form. The Nash bargaining solution should be immune to any coalitional deviations. Our noncooperative approach yields a new core concept, called the Nash core, for a cooperative game based on a consistency principle. We prove that the Nash bargaining solution can be supported (in every subgame) by a stationary subgame perfect equilibrium of the bargaining game if and only if the Nash bargaining solution belongs to the Nash core.  相似文献   

In two-person bargaining over riskless outcomes where the outcome is chosen according to the Nash solution or the Kalai-Smorodinsky solution, an increase in a player's risk aversion is to the advantage of the opponent. It is shown in this note that for the n-person Nash solution, an increase in risk aversion is to the player's own disadvantage but needs not be advantageous to all the opponents. For the n-person Kalai-Smorodinsky solution, the increase is to the player's own disadvantage and to the advantage of all the opponents.  相似文献   

We prove the existence of monotonic pure strategy equilibrium for many kinds of asymmetric auctions with n bidders and unitary demands, interdependent values and independent types. The assumptions require monotonicity only in the own bidder's type. The payments can be a function of all bids. Thus, we provide a new equilibrium existence result for asymmetrical double auctions and a small number of bidders. The generality of our setting requires the use of special tie-breaking rules. We present an example of a double auction with interdependent values where all equilibria are trivial, that is, they have zero probability of trade. This is related to Akerlof's “market for lemmons” example and to the “winner's curse,” establishing a connection between them. However, we are able to provide sufficient conditions for non-trivial equilibrium existence.  相似文献   

We show that any communication finding a value-maximizing allocation in a private-information economy must also discover supporting prices (in general personalized and nonlinear). In particular, to allocate L indivisible items between two agents, a price must be revealed for each of the 2L-1 bundles. We prove that all monotonic prices for an agent must be used, hence exponential communication in L is needed. Furthermore, exponential communication is needed just to ensure a higher share of surplus than that realized by auctioning all items as a bundle, or even a higher expected surplus (for some probability distribution over valuations). When the utilities are submodular, efficiency still requires exponential communication (and fully polynomial approximation is impossible). When the items are identical, arbitrarily good approximation is obtained with exponentially less communication than exact efficiency.  相似文献   

Agents partition deterministic outcomes into good or bad. A mechanism selects a lottery over outcomes (time-shares). The probability of a good outcome is the canonical utility. The utilitarian mechanism averages over outcomes with largest “approval”. It is efficient, strategyproof, anonymous and neutral.We reach an impossibility if, in addition, each agent's utility is at least , where n is the number of agents; or is at least the fraction of good to feasible outcomes. We conjecture that no ex ante efficient and strategyproof mechanism guarantees a strictly positive utility to all agents, and prove a weaker statement.  相似文献   

Given a set of alternatives S and a binary relation M on S the admissible set of the pair (S, M) is defined to be the set of maximal elements with respect to the transitive closure of M. It is shown that existing solutions in game theory and mathematical economics are special cases of this concept (they are admissible sets of a natural S and M). These include the core of an n-person cooperative game, Nash equilibria of a noncooperative game, and the max-min solution of a two-person zero sum game. The competitive equilibrium prices of a finite exchange economy are always contained in its admissible set. Special general properties of the admissible set are discussed. These include existence, stability, and a stochastic dynamic process which leads to outcomes in the admissible set with high probability.  相似文献   

Summary. Simple majority voting between pairs of alternatives is used to aggregate individual preferences. The occurence of Condorcet cycles is limited thanks to a principle of homogeneity on individual preferences. The restrictions induced on the domain of the latters are weak: among the n! possible orderings of n alternatives, more than one half are admissible within a domain. The resulting aggregated preference has then a neglectable probability of showing up cycles. We show moreover that the set of individual preferences can be `naturally' partitioned into two such domains. Received: June 17, 1996; revised version: April 15, 1997  相似文献   

This paper reports several experimental tests of the deterrence set, a solution concept for n-person games proposed by Laffond and Moulin (1977, 1981). This solution concept is distinctive because it specifies equilibria attained through the use of threats, where threats are conceptualized as costly not only to the target but also to the user. The laboratory tests were conducted in the context of 3- and 4-person cooperative non-sidepayment matrix games. In the first experimental test, the deterrence set was juxtaposed against the imputation set. Results indicate that the deterrence set has greater predictive accuracy than the imputation set. In a series of further tests, the deterrence set was juxtaposed against both the imputation set and the von Neumann-Morgenstern stable set solution. Results again show that the deterrence set is more accurate than the imputation set, but neither the deterrence set nor the stable set is reliably more accurate than the other. Overall, these results indicate that deterrence is a viable basis for stability in cooperative non-sidepayment games.  相似文献   

Using an axiomatization of subjective expected utility due to Fishburn, we characterize a class of utility functions over a set of n-person games in characteristic-function form. A probabilistic value is defined as the expectation of some player's marginal contribution with respect to some probability measure on the set of coalitions of other players. We decribe conditions under which a utility function on the set of n-person games is a probabilistic value; we prove as well an analogous result for simple games. We present additional axioms that characterize the semivalues and, in turn, the Shapley and Banzhaf values.  相似文献   

We consider a redistribution of income by an n-person game in which each member is levied a proportional income tax under some fixed rule. It is shown that the redistribution that will be achieved by a specific negative income tax is in the core of the game, which means that the redistribution can not be upset by any coalition of members acting strategically to evade the full taxation.  相似文献   

We study the rates at which transaction prices aggregate information in common value auctions under the different information structures in Wilson (Rev. Econ. Stud. 44 (1977) 511) and Pesendorfer and Swinkels (Econometrica 65 (1997) 1247). We consider uniform-price auctions in which k identical objects of unknown value are auctioned to n bidders, where both n and k are allowed to diverge to infinity, and k/n converges to a number in [0,1). The Wilson assumptions lead to information aggregation at a rate proportional to , but the price aggregates information at a rate proportional to in the PS setting. We also consider English auctions, and investigate whether the extra information revealed in equilibrium improves convergence rates in these auctions.  相似文献   

We study efficiency properties of the irrevocable exit English auction in a setting with interdependent values. Maskin (1992) [1] shows that the pairwise single-crossing condition is sufficient for efficiency of the English auction with two bidders and suggests that it is also a necessary condition. This paper clarifies and extends Maskin?s results to the case of N bidders. We introduce the generalized single-crossing condition—a fairly intuitive extension of the pairwise single-crossing condition—and prove that it is essentially a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of an efficient equilibrium of the N-bidder English auction.  相似文献   

Bargaining one-dimensional social choices   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We analyze bargaining over the one-dimension characteristic of a public good among n impatient players when decisions require q favorable votes, q?2. Stationary subgame perfect equilibrium strategies are characterized for all games with deterministic protocol. We provide a monotonicity condition (satisfied by all single-peak, strictly quasi-concave and concave utilities) that assures uniqueness for every q whenever player's utilities are symmetric around the peak. Without symmetry, the monotonicity condition assures uniqueness for qualified majorities, q>n/2, provided that agents are sufficiently patient and utilities satisfy an additional regularity condition. Asymptotic uniqueness is assured for qualified majorities by imposing only the monotonicity condition.  相似文献   

We propose a new solution concept to address the problem of sharing a surplus among the agents generating it. The problem is formulated in the preferences-endowments space. The solution is defined recursively, incorporating notions of consistency and fairness and relying on properties satisfied by the Shapley value for transferable utility (TU) games. We show a solution exists, and call it the ordinal Shapley value (OSV). We characterize the OSV using the notion of coalitional dividends, and furthermore show it is monotone and anonymous.  相似文献   

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