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提高对职业教育的认识培养高质量技能型人才   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵英 《经济论坛》2006,(14):86-87
职业教育是我国教育体系的重要组成部分。大力发展职业教育,加快培养生产、服务一线需要的技能型人才,对于推进我国工业现代化、城镇化和城乡居民对教育的多样化需求,具有重大而深远的意义。我们作为职业教育工作者,要跟紧形势,更新观念,明确发展思路,乘势而上,有所作为,加快推进我校的教育教学改革发展。在二十年的办学实践中,我们深切地感受到,我国医学职业教育大力发展的形势逼人,不进则退,必须增强危机意识、改革意识、创新意识、发展意识。在办学模式上,要坚持以服务为宗旨,以就业(市场)为导向,走产、学、研相结合的发展之路,这是由职业教育的本质性所决定的。在办学思想上,以转变观念为先导,树立与经济社会发展要求相适应的重量观、教育观、人才观、评价观,  相似文献   

随着经济的发展,我们已逐步走向信息化社会,人与人之间的诚信就越发显得重要。缺少诚信,必然阻碍市场经济的发展。因为市场经济是立足于诚信的法制经济,缺少诚信,市场经济就会陷入混乱无序,冲击经济基础,造成巨大损失,影响国民经济发展,会计人员是市场经济的守护者,是维护市场经济秩序的重要因素,因此,诚信是会计人的根本。在物欲横流的今天,人们追求时尚,崇拜物质,不讲诚信,常为一已私利,不惜以假、赖、骗、欺等手段,拢乱经济秩序,横行于世,使社会面临诚信危机,近年美国连续发生的会计丑闻引起的华尔街风潮,安然、施乐、世界通信、默克制药等公司先后爆出财务丑闻。我国连续发生的银广厦、黎明股份、郑百文、深圳原野等上市公司造假事件,使会计成了造假的代名词,据媒体报道,根据权威人士预算,  相似文献   

侯平义  刘桃 《经济师》2005,(12):291
当前,改革在不断深化,每一个人都在机制转化、角色转变、利益调整中遇到非常现实的问题,思想空前活跃,各种新矛盾的出现甚至还激活一些不稳定因素。如何进一步引导职工解放思想、统一认识、把握机遇、施展才干,锲而不舍地克服前进中遇到的困难,如何激励职工振奋精神、团结拼搏、艰苦创业,更好地发挥积极性、创造性,创造新的辉煌,如何进一步帮助职工坚定信念、理顺情绪、抵制消极倾向影响,增强主人翁的责任感,维护安定团结的大好局面,与时俱进、开拓创新、迎接新挑战是党必然面对的绕不开、越不过的实际问题,作为基层的党组织、企业的党组织的政工部门、党务干部、工作人员、专门或兼职从事做人的工作的同志们,怎样在这种情势下落实党中央的决定,提高自己的能力呢,笔者有如下几点思考。  相似文献   

华池县位于甘肃省东部,庆阳市东北部,属黄土高原丘陵沟壑区,境内山川塬兼有,梁沟峁相间。 近年来,华池县国土资源局锐意进取,在县委、县政府的正确领导下,坚持以科学发展观为指导,在局长李志贞的带领下,抓班子、带队伍、保廉洁、促工作,紧盯目标、突出重点、明确职责,坚持依法行政,不断加强国土资源管理,为全县经济社会发展保驾护航,在国土资源工作中取得了骄人的成绩。  相似文献   

任何工作都不是孤立的,它必须与一定的人际、时间、环境相协调。与一般的工作相比,会计工作具有涉及面广、事务性多、政策性强、风险大的特点,除了正常的财务收支、会计核算、会计监督业务以外,还要与单位领导及职工发生联系,也要与银行、财政税务、审计等部门发生联系。人际环境对做好会计工作有着重要的影响,而诚信是处理人际关系的基础,有些会计人员认为根本办不成的、不可能的事情,而由另外的会计人员去办,可能会得心应手,左右逢源,做的很出色,而且并不违背现行的政策、法规,所以,协调处理好会计工作中的人际关系,对会计工作的开展会起到积极的作用。  相似文献   

一、概述 通肯河流域位于黑龙江省中部,包括海化、拜泉、望奎、青冈等县。其土质肥沃,是黑龙江省重要商品粮基地,素有“北大仓”之称。该区土质结构松散、有机质含量较高,便于耕作,有利于作物生长,过去一向被群众誉为“榛材岗、艾高塘,不上粪也打粮”的漫岗区,近些年来,由于人口的增长,加之无计划不合理的开垦、砍伐,致使大面积的林草被毁,植被破坏,原来茂盛的林草不见了,随之出现的便是又深又大,纵横交错的侵蚀沟和大面积的坡耕地,生态环境遭到严重破坏,导致经常旱涝失衡,水土流失十分严重,制约农业生产的发展和社会主义新农村建设的步伐。  相似文献   

温州商贸业发展历史悠久,唐朝时,城内实行坊市制,"坊居人,市贸易",商业开始粗具规模。南宋时辟为对外贸易口岸,置市舶务。历经元、明、清和近代的发展,逐渐成为温州、台州、丽水及闽东一带的商业中心。改革开放以来,温州经济快速发展,城乡居民收入大幅提高,城市化、现代化建设步伐不断加快,使得这一古老的商业中心焕发青春,大商业、大流通、大市场的格局正在逐步形成。  相似文献   

人生在世,有一种东西是不可以不讲的,那就是人格。所谓人格,固然指人的性格、气质、能力等等的总和,更特指人的道德品质,比如自尊、坚强,比如无私、奉公,比如爱国、重义,比如光明磊落,等等。而在是非问题上取何种态度,又特别反映出一个人人格的高下:一个人格高尚的人,一定是非分明,  相似文献   

一、生态及习性长白忍冬为忍冬科、忍冬属的落叶灌木,俗名“干层皮”。产东北、华北、西北等省,性强健、耐寒、耐旱、喜光、也略耐荫,性喜湿润、肥沃、深厚的土壤。该树种树势旺盛,枝叶丰{葫,高约S米,小枝空心,花先白色后变黄色,芳香。人夏花自耀眼,后白花变成金黄色,远远望去金灿灿一片。人秋红果满枝,凌冬不落,非常艳丽好看。是北方园林中优良花灌木绿化树种之一,常用播种方法繁殖。  相似文献   

连云港,位于亚欧板块东缘、太平洋西岸,地处中冈东部沿海的中间地带,南连江淮、北接齐鲁、西通中原,是跻身于全国第一批沿海对外开放城市行列的东部港口城市,这里是新亚欧大陆桥东桥头堡,地理位置优越,区位优势突出,高速公路四通八达,水路、铁路、  相似文献   

India's wastelands have been classified as both over utilized and underutilized. Perplexingly, an apparent tragedy of the commons exists alongside extensive official management powers. In this paper, I argue that the complexity of governance structures may be inadvertently worsening the situation. Looking to recent work on contested property and the anticommons concept, I suggest that an anticommons amongst those officially controlling the lands is casting a long and unexpected shadow by encouraging the emergence of open-access de facto resource exploitation and discouraging de facto management. This extension of the anticommons concept implies that the effects of anticommons are not necessarily limited to under exploitation, as most commonly used in the developing anticommons literature. It points to a wider examination of the harmful effects of anticommons situations.  相似文献   

A joint production model representing Spaceship Earth is used to explore at a conceptual level, implications of natural resource depletion and economic waste production for economy-environment change. Ecological change is considered as uncontrolled technological innovation, partially induced through disposal of unwanted surpluses (by-products and wastes from economic activity). These surpluses may accumulate as wastelands, or (more likely) contribute to uncontrolled ecological change. Technologically stationary economy-environment steady-state solutions are contrasted with instability and forced change where either the technologies or the patterns of resource allocation in economic and environmental processes are incompatible with a steady state.Thanks to Charles Perrings, Louis Arnoux, and three anonymous referees. Responsbility for any errors or obscurities in argument is mine alone.  相似文献   

In an archetypal economy with a single private good and a single shared good, the latter represents the public sector. With the shared good a club good, we ask if second-best (SB) provision of it is too small, as usually claimed for pure public goods. When consumers differ only in exogenous incomes, if the club good is a superior good in a single-club economy, overprovision in the SB occurs if club good demand is convex in income. We show this can extend to an economy where consumers differ in both tastes and incomes, depending on the covariances between consumers' incomes and their relative strength of preference for the club and private goods, and the covariances between incomes and taste parameters.  相似文献   

Summary. In the model presented, a buyer uses competitive bidding to facilitate her purchase of a good (the primary good of the exchange). Not included in the original purchase is the possible procurement of a good related to the original purchase: the supplementary good. The primary and supplementary goods are closely related; knowing a bidder's cost of producing the primary good implies that the buyer can infer the bidder's cost of producing the supplementary good. I show that a bidding mechanism for the primary good will fail to ensure an efficient allocation if the buyer learns the bid of the winner and the price of the supplementary good is determined through sequential bargaining. Received: August 22, 1996; revised version: June 23, 1997  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to associate elements of Aristotle's view of a "good society" with the development ethics standpoint of a "good society." For Aristotle, the vehicle to "eudaimonia" and to a "good society" is "politics." We argue that development ethics provides an ethical response to the question "what is good society" based on Aristotle's key concept of "eudaimonia." The Aristotelian vision for a "good life" can be perceived as a precursor and a contributor to development ethics perspective for a "good society."  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of exogenous capital inflow on prices, production, labour supply, and welfare in the presence of specialisation-based externalities. The paper utilises a simple model of an economy that produces one-final good by means of capital, labour, and a large number of varieties of an intermediate good. The intermediate good is produced by means of capital and labour. The supply of capital is exogenous but the supply of labour is endogenous. The presence of internal economies of scale in the intermediate good industry gives rise to specialisation-based external economies in the production of the final good. Perfect competition prevails in the final good industry whereas the intermediate good industry operates under Chamberlinian monopolistic competition. It is shown that exogenous capital inflow decreases labour supply and increases welfare only if the elasticity of substitution between leisure and the final good is equal to or less than unity. The paper also shows that, if trade opens up between two otherwise similar economies, a capital rich country would be a net importer of varieties of the intermediate good.  相似文献   

In two recent investigations into the economic problems of externality the authors have noted in passing that the welfare or optimality conditions in the case of a consumption externality seemed identical with the welfare conditions in the case of public goods as originally stated by Samuelson.1 The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate that the welfare conditions for a public good are a special case of the welfare conditions for a consumption externality where a public good is defined as a good ‘which all enjoy in common in the sense that each individual's consumption of such a good leads to no subtraction from any other individual's consumption of that good’ (Samuelson [4]). Since the welfare conditions for a private good are also a special case of the welfare conditions for a consumption externality, it follows that we have a range of externality with the pure private good and the pure public good as polar cases.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effects of a fall in the price of an imported good in a region of a country that is specialized in producing that good. The context is a “lumpy country” model in which factors are unable to move between locations, although in this case I assume that only labor is immobile, and that the other factor, capital, is perfectly mobile between regions. With mobile capital, the lumpy-country equilibrium can be anywhere in the factor-price equalization set, but my focus is on a region that initially produces only one good, on the border of that set. When the price of that good falls due to import competition, it would be possible for both factors to reallocate partially into production of the other good, but I assume instead that some capital simply leaves the region, so that it continues to produce only the same good that it did before. The result of this is a fall in the real wage of labor, just as under Stolper-Samuelson assumptions. I then look at production also of a non-traded good, and find that the same import competition that cheapened the traded good also cheapens the nontraded good. The result is that the region shrinks, losing capital and producing less of both goods unless the substitution in favor of the nontraded good expands its consumption out of a smaller income.  相似文献   

This paper explores the ramifications of exclusivity arrangements, e.g., iPhone’s partnership with wireless carriers, for market competition and consumer welfare. Two firms compete in a primary good market, and a monopolistic firm offers a value-adding good. The primary good can be consumed alone, while the value-adding good must be consumed with the primary good. The monopolistic firm forms an exclusivity partnership with one of the primary good providers. Buyers are able to consume the value-adding good only if they patronize the monopolistic firm’s exclusive partner. This practice allows the monopolistic firm to extract surplus from the primary good market. Surprisingly, consumers benefit from the exclusivity arrangement. However, overall social welfare declines, despite improvements to consumer welfare.  相似文献   

A series of experiments was designed and implemented to investigate cross-cultural differences in preferences for contributing to local public goods. The research investigates differences between contributions made by participants from the United States, Russia and Kazakhstan. In these experiments each participant has three options: keep money for herself, contribute to a public good that benefits a small group (the local good), or contribute to a public good that benefits the entire group (the global good). The researchers find significant differences in contribution patterns across the three cultures, and find that all participants contribute significantly more to the small group public good than to the large group public good.  相似文献   

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