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苏朗 《中关村》2010,(9):113-113
缪印堂先生是我国资深、高产的漫画家,他从事漫画创作60多年,作品数以万计。他的漫画形式多样,涉及的领域颇广。具有鲜明的个人特色。除了创作了大量反映社会生活的单幅漫画外。还为科普书刊、民间笑话集画了许多精彩的漫画插图。特别是他以博学的知识,勤奋的探索精神,创作了一批科学漫画。受到广大读者的热烈欢迎和赞赏。  相似文献   

漫画是个包容量很大的画种,它不仅能讽刺,能幽默,还能带给我们知识和智慧。我一生受益于漫画多多,所以特别将科学漫画介绍给漫画爱好者。科普漫画它带给我乐趣、知识,也增强了我的创意能力。让我们更多地关心世界的环境变幻和人类的发展。例如打虎英雄在今天也要失业了,污染也会使得鱼儿逃难他乡,但是我们也会筑巢引鸟,也能让猴子和非法猎人换位。  相似文献   

方成 《中关村》2008,(6):106-107
漫画是18世纪初年,产生在英国的一种作评议用的画。到20世纪初年才传来我们中国,也产生中国的漫画家。但那时报纸上很难见到漫画,只有丰子恺所作,近于国画的漫画长期流行。新中国建立后,全国报刊上才见到漫画,漫画家人数也多些了。现在最常见,流行最广的漫画,我看,就是“小丁”的了。  相似文献   

“黑白”漫画社 (BLACK&WHITE) 学校:北京理工大学性质:校级艺术类社团起点:1998年5月想法:丰富理工人课余生活、繁荣本校动漫文化规模:自1999年,相继举办了三届北京市高校漫画文化节结构:内务、组织、外联、宜创、表演(COSPLAY)等5个部门经典:COSPLAY话剧《在遇到熏之前》动向:2003年5月,黑白漫画社五周年庆典&第四届北京市高校漫画文化节“魅影”漫画社学校:北京农业学院起点:2000年10月,最初是由五个热爱漫画的女孩儿发起的想法:对漫画特别执着,并希望更多的人能和我们一起分享由  相似文献   

王庸声 《中关村》2011,(12):119-119
我喜欢四格漫画是从很小的时候看王先生、老夫子、三毛开始的,当时年龄很小,看不懂其中的全部含义,吸引我的是那些夸张的人物造型和有趣的故事。就是这些小故事,给我眼前打开了一扇小小的窗户,看到了家里和学校以外的一些事情,也从中领略了漫画的可爱。从那时起,漫画情节就深深印在我的心底,伴随一生。  相似文献   

缪印堂  缪萌 《中关村》2013,(5):133-133
漫画是想象的艺术 搞了一辈子漫画,为它的魅力所吸引。所折服,它成了我一生的乐趣。看一般美术多重在观其主题、构图、形态和色彩,而漫画除了欣赏以上所表现的共有元素外,它还具备着“想象”的魅力,这就不是一般非写生、临摹就能获得的了。更多地要靠画家的观察力、想象力和综合能力了。需要作者具有想象的能力,更需要他具有创新的勇气。  相似文献   

方成 《中关村》2010,(6):101-101
漫画是一种语言艺术,用作评论在报刊上发表。因为滑稽有趣,也常作为幽默画供人一笑。 漫画形式有多种,画面有独幅的,有用多幅画面表现连续动作组成一起的,其中常见有四幅画分四格组成者,在我国俗称:“四格漫画”。  相似文献   

暑假向来是美国电影大鳄们争相抢夺的黄金档期,每每都有多部巨片被抛出来鲸吞蚕食洋溢着爆米花香的电影市场。今夏加入这一行列的影片中便包括由华裔导演李安执导的《绿巨人》。“绿巨人”是漫画大师斯坦·李(Stan Lee)所创造的经典漫画人物,系著名漫画公司Marvel 的看家法宝之一,与超级漫画英雄“超人”、“X 战警”、“蜘蛛侠”处于同  相似文献   

周婷婷 《中关村》2003,(1):109-109
2003年伊始,大家小聚,以确定彼此还活着,顺便交流点信息。别人说我们是一群潜伏着的冷静动物:在校园里虽然敏感,却不张扬;伺机出动,捕捉鲜活的镜头放大到画纸,然后兄弟姐妹们欣喜交流;时常对着一张张经典作品评头论足;这就是我们——一帮画漫画的人。大家都挺乖,没有人另类、颓废,但对漫画却都有非一般的狂热。我们眼里世上只有两类人——看漫画的和不看的;而看漫画的也只有两类人——画漫画的和不画的。假如有一天,你看到食堂里有个只啃馒头就土豆丝,眼睛却盯着手里漫画月刊的家伙,他一定是我们一伙的。至少现在为止,我们的涂抹还没有什么商业目的,只是单纯的喜欢,因此才研究,从而产生看法。在大部分人眼里,排除国际通行的时政讽刺,漫画始终是个低龄化的东西,60、70年代出生的人就  相似文献   

缪印堂 《中关村》2014,(8):123-123
抗日战争是中国人民几代人难忘的岁月,妻离子散、天各一方,家破国将亡的痛苦成了我们挥之不去的惨痛记忆。忘记历史就是背叛,我们绝不能忘记。自漫画在中国出现,中国漫画家们就将它当作战争武器,在民族存亡的时刻,他们挺身而出,以笔为枪,创作了大量抗日救亡的漫画,像颗颗子弹射向日本军阀主义,揭露他们的凶残暴虐,鼓舞中华子孙的斗志。  相似文献   

习牧歌 《中关村》2012,(6):74-75
2012年5月28日上午,中关村国际数字设计中心举行揭牌仪式。该中心的启用是海淀区实施中关村西区业态调整的一个重要成果。把电子卖场改造成新兴产业创新要素的聚集区,对周边楼宇的产业转型和升级具有一定的带动和示范作用。市科协党组书记常务副主席夏强、海淀区委副书记、代区长孙文锴、中关村科技园区管理委员会副主任王汝芳、区委常委、宣传部长陈名杰等有关单位领导参加了揭牌仪式。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the communication strategies used by Greek local governments through the utilization of Web 2.0 technologies, specifically Facebook, and the effectiveness of these strategies in relation to citizens’ online engagement. More specifically, it examines Facebook communication strategies and levels of citizens’ engagement. For this purpose, we conducted a content analysis on the active and official Facebook pages of local municipalities in Greece from January 2017 until the end of September 2017. Our results suggest a rise in the percentage of active Facebook pages maintained by local governments in comparison to our 2014 study. Our results also show that local governments in Greece are using Facebook in a predominantly top-down manner to promote events organized by the municipality and to push one-way information to citizens about their services and actions. Local authorities have, however, made significant progress in relation to posts that support transparency and accountability and that enhance or mobilize citizens’ participation. Our evaluation of local government Facebook strategies indicates that marketing the municipality to external public, such as tourists, and providing information about services are effective strategies that drive citizens’ online attitude expression (liking), engagement (commenting), and advocacy behavior (sharing). According to our analysis, local governments in Greece prefer the strategies that we found to be the least engaging. In addition, our study provides interesting details of how specific characteristics and modes of Facebook messages (photos, videos, URLs, hashtags, and mentions) impact on citizens’ engagement. Finally, our results provide valuable insights for social media managers in local government who aim to increase the impact of their municipal Facebook pages.  相似文献   

This paper examines statistical correlations between workers?? income levels or wages, and Information and Communication Technology (ICT). The analyzed data set is micro data collected through the Web in 2008 and 2010 by the Research Institute for Socionetwork Strategies. This micro data estimates the rank correlation of income classes with respect to three types of ICT labor service. Next, multiple linear regression functions are estimated for the wage levels with respect to age, sex, years of continuous employment, and three types of ICT labor service over all industries and in the manufacturing industry or service industry. Finally, a multiple regression analysis is conducted for individual utility levels with respect to income, leisure, and three types of ICT labor service. The results show that, first, the coefficients of rank correlation for all pooled data are positive and statistically significant. Second, individual ICT labor services have positive effects on workers?? wage levels, and the partial regression coefficients are statistically significant. Third, the partial regression coefficient of personal computer operation time decreased but the partial regression coefficient of mobile computer operation time related to work increased drastically from 2008 to 2010. Fourth, the use of the personal and mobile computer shifts the utility function upward with respect to income and leisure.  相似文献   

Taxis are considered one of the most convenient means of transportation, especially when people have to travel off-route, where public transportation is not a feasible option, and also when they need to reach a destination according to what is most convenient for them. However, many issues exist about taxi services, such as the problems of passengers who are unable to get taxi service at the location of their choice, or problems concerning when they need the taxi service to arrive. These problems may be due to the unavailability of the taxi at that particular location or due to the taxi driver not wanting to provide service. A taxi driver may not want to provide service to a potential passenger, because they may have preferences on the direction and areas they want to go or because of the different types of service zoning. Understanding the behaviors of taxi drivers and the characteristics of the trip/travel might be helpful to solving such issues. In this study, we conducted an analysis from a questionnaire survey and large-scale taxi probe data to understand taxi service behavior, travel characteristics, and to discover taxi service zoning characteristics. As a result, four types of taxi service zones including isolated zones, interactive zones, special service zones, and target zones were encountered. Travel characteristics were calculated and analyzed at different criteria, such as weekdays, weekends, and various time windows in a single day. The result of these characteristics was explained according to their similarities and dissimilarities in each type of zone. The discovery of the different zones and their respective definitions might be a good initiative for further development of a policy for taxi drivers to provide better service for passengers.  相似文献   

程桔华  吴平 《中关村》2011,(7):16-20
金山顶尖的业务集中在应用软件开发、信息技术服务和信息系统集成等三个领域,用户遍布石油、石化、电力、教育、核能等行业。此外,金山顶尖还是Microsoft的解决方案合作伙伴、服务供应商、金牌认证合作伙伴以及大客户经销商(Dlar),成为HP、IBM、Oracle、SonicWALL、DELL、神码网络等知名IT企业的增值服务商、系统集成商和战略合作伙伴。  相似文献   

程桔华 《中关村》2011,(7):58-60
继大气、水、噪声环境后,电磁环境正悄然成为一个新的关注焦点,逐步影响着大众对电磁环境安全的消费观。顺应消费者对电磁环境安全的迫切需求,无辐射家电将大行其道。如果全国的微波炉都做到无辐射,仅此一项就将催生上百亿元的市场,如此巨大的市场前景,怎能不激发起安方高科整装待发的斗志?  相似文献   

程桔华 《中关村》2011,(6):78-80
在金融与安全产业、移动互联网产业方面,大唐电信将在现有基础上,取得行业领先地位,并在细分领域成为主流供应商;在物联网和三网融合产业方面,大唐电信的业务将遍地开花,用"大终端+大服务"的整体解决方案全面迎接智慧城市、智能商业中心等各种大规模行业应用时代的到来。  相似文献   

习牧歌 《中关村》2013,(8):18-25
针对东城区及雍和园区域特殊的历史和人文环境,雍和园因地制宜,突破了传统科技园区以招商引资为生命线的扩张型发展模式,走出了一条通过内部循环更新实现发展的新路径。将文化创意产业打造成为连接文物古迹、胡同风貌和工业遗存的纽带,激发创新创意活力,促进了城市文化自身的有机更新。  相似文献   

In social network analysis, advances in social networking and computing techniques have increasingly become a popular approach for extracting features and rules of real-world networks. The network language—\(G=\{V, E \}\) provides a common representation of various networks, where G, V, and E denote the system, components, and interactions, respectively. In this study, we employ this emerging technique to discuss supply chains in Japan. We construct the supply network (i.e., system) based on the firms (i.e., components) and their transactional relationships (i.e., interactions). In comparison with the traditional approaches of industrial sectors and regional clusters, this study represents an exploratory look at supply networks, and investigates different scales of supply networks from three perspectives. (1) In the macro-scale perspective, we evaluate the “small-world” separation of supply networks using average path length. (2) In the meso-scale perspective, we detect communities of the supply networks, which can be marked for cross-location and cross-industry features. (3) In the micro-scale perspective, we investigate the “scale-free” nature of supply networks and each community using node degree-prior connections, which can find “hub” firms and simultaneously estimate the robustness of supply networks using a sequential elimination choice strategy of these hubs.  相似文献   

To support elementary school teachers in teaching by encouraging active learning while maintaining the interest of pupils, this study focuses on supporting teaching, learning, and monitoring the progress of students through a Teacher–Robot collaboration lesson application using not only laptops and tablets, but also robots and sensors. Since developing a lesson application is time consuming for teachers, we have developed an integrated intelligent application development platform named PRactical INTElligent aPplicationS (PRINTEPS) to aid Teacher–Robot collaboration. However, several functions and interfaces for education are missing. Therefore, in this study, we extend several functions for education to PRINTEPS. In addition, since it is necessary in learning and monitoring the progress of students to present learning content suitable to each pupil’s level of understanding, we also have provided support through the use of a tablet quiz system based on ontologies and rule bases. In the case study, we developed a Teacher–Robot collaboration lesson application and conducted lessons for sixth-grade pupils at an elementary school. From the case study, we have confirmed the effectiveness of our platform and the application.  相似文献   

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