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Imputation systems integrate corporate and shareholder personal income taxes to alleviate double taxation of dividend income. In this study, we empirically examine whether a corporate tax rate reduction under an imputation tax system benefits shareholders. Using Taiwan as a setting, our analyses indicate that decreasing the corporate tax rate is associated with an increase in dividend payout ratio and foreign investment. Moreover, the increase in dividend payout ratio is even greater for firms that have a higher increase in foreign ownership. Additionally, the market reacts positively to an announcement of a tax rate reduction; specifically, positive stock price reactions are stronger for firms that experienced a greater increase in foreign ownership in response to the tax rate reduction, for firms with greater liquidity constraints and more growth opportunities before the tax rate reduction, and for firms with a bigger decrease in effective tax rates after the tax rate reduction. Overall, we provide evidence that a tax rate reduction is associated with economic impacts and that foreign shareholders appear to be the main beneficiaries of a tax rate reduction under an imputation tax system.  相似文献   

While both financial and behavioral theories suggest that cash holdings may be beneficial to R&D‐intensive firms, agency theory would suggest that strong monitoring may be needed to ensure that cash holdings are not squandered. We contend that transaction cost economics provides a valuable lens for understanding the performance implications of cash holdings because not only does it explicate the benefits and costs of cash holdings in a single unified theoretical framework, but it further clarifies how environmental uncertainty critically moderates these relationships. Empirical tests on a large sample of US corporations yield strong support for our theory. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper we analyze the allocative investment decisions of a Multinational Firm (MNF) when it faces uncertain quantity restrictions such as a voluntary export restraint or a quota imposed by the host government. The model with uncertain quantity restrictions is analyzed further by introducing additional uncertainties such as a foreign tax rate, transfer prices, foreign exchange rates and foreign demand. The MNF invests more in the host country due to uncertain quantity restrictions. The risk averse MNF invests more in the host country despite its uncertain tax rate if the transfer price is less than the expected marginal revenue loss due to the uncertain quantity restriction. The uncertain transfer price leads the MNF to invest more in the foreign country if the tax rates are dissimilar between the two countries. Foreign demand uncertainty and foreign exchange rates uncertainty have the same effects on capital allocation between the host country and home country. In particular, we derive the condition under which the direction of investment is unambiguous.  相似文献   

该文章运用微观经济学、博弈论等理论和方法探讨了在国内外企业处于完全信息且同时决策(即古诺纳什博弈)的假设条件下,面对进口国政府的反倾销国外企业对商品出口或对外直接投资决策如何抉择问题;建立了绕过反倾销的可能引起对外直接投资的最小反倾销税率模型;得出了该反倾销税率与国外企业在国内外生产产品的单位边际成本及进口国市场所用收入税率有关以及进口国政府不能确定过高的反倾销税率等结论,并以彩电行业进行案例分析。  相似文献   

公司使用可转换债券筹集外部资金既是作为普通债券的替代,增加转换特性来降低利息率从而保持现金流量,也是转换条款建立“延迟股权”,通过转换,以高于现行股票的价格出售。本文研究发现,公司发行可转换债券是为了减少由于股东和管理者以及股东和债权人之间冲突所引起的代理成本;为了降低由发行普通债券带来的高额预期财务危机成本和普通股发行中经常出现的严重负面公告效应;以及在投资者和管理者对公司面临的风险认识不同时,使其价值不易受公司风险变化的影响。  相似文献   

This paper investigates factors affecting the global sourcing choices of firms in the US: (1) US investment abroad; (2) foreign direct investment in the US; (3) wage–productivity ratio; and (4) transaction cost. I found that there is a statistically significant association between the country of sourcing choices and foreign direct investment. Both the wage–productivity ratios and transaction costs are not statistically significant at the conventional significance level, but their regression coefficients show proper signs. The paper also examines the patterns of foreign direct investment among countries and compares transaction costs by income group. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study uses a sample of Canadian natural resource firms during the global financial crisis (GFC) of 2007–2008 to examine the influence of firm hedging strategies on their working capital management. Our evidence implies that increased cash holdings and derivatives are alternative ways of hedging risk, and also provides another perspective on the U.S. “trapped cash” controversy as our sample firms are not R&D intensive and do not face the same tax regime as U.S. multinationals.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of international debt shifting and exchange rate uncertainty on investment and capital structure decisions of foreign subsidiary. We find that debt shifting induces earlier investment, earlier default, higher leverage, and larger ex ante firm value of foreign subsidiary. When debt shifting is not so costly, the optimal leverage of foreign subsidiary increases as the tax rate differential increases. Moreover, when the correlation between exchange rate and foreign cash flow uncertainties is positive (negative, respectively), foreign investment advances as exchange rate uncertainty increases (decreases) as well as the correlation increases. These results reveal that the impact of debt shifting and exchange rate uncertainty on investment and capital structure policies cannot be ignored, supporting existing empirical findings.  相似文献   

This study takes China’s short selling deregulation as a quasi-natural experiment, employs a sample of Chinese A-share listed firms from 2007 to 2017, and tests the impact of a short selling pilot on firms’ cash dividends using a difference-in-differences model (DID). We find that China’s short selling pilot significantly increases the pilot firms’ cash dividends. The mechanism test shows that short selling can improve the pilot firms’ cash dividends by playing a corporate governance role to restrain dual agency costs such as management fees and major shareholders’ tunneling. Furthermore, we identify that short selling restrains the behavior of “large stock dividends” and increases the cash dividends of “large stock dividends” firms. Moreover, the governance effect of short selling is complementary to the external governance environment. The higher the degree of marketization and government quality, the more significant the governance effect of short selling to increase the pilot firms’ cash dividends. This study enriches not only the research related to cash dividends in emerging economies, but also provides new empirical evidence for the evaluation of China’s short selling deregulation and offers valuable lessons to other emerging economies.  相似文献   

以中国民营上市公司为样本,文章实证检验不同市场环境下政治联系对企业权益资本成本的影响,研究发现:政治联系对权益资本成本的影响在不同地区是有差异的;在市场化程度较低地区,由于政府干预导致企业经营业绩有较高的不确定性,有政治联系企业承担着较高的权益资本成本;在市场化程度较高地区,政府干预相对较少,政治联系更多地体现为一种荣誉或良好的政商关系,此时有政治联系企业享有较低的权益资本成本;当上市公司存在控股股东利益输送时,投资者预期到无法共享政治联系为企业带来的利益,此时有政治联系企业要承担较高的权益资本成本。本研究为厘清政治联系对企业和投资者的利弊影响提供了一个有益的视角。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to investigate whether managers with tax avoidance motivation also engage in corporate financialization. Using a large sample of Chinese A-share non-financial listed firms from 2009 to 2020, the empirical results show that there is a positive association between corporate tax avoidance and corporate financialization. Moreover, the positive effect of tax avoidance on corporate financialization mainly manifests in firms with myopic managers. Our results are robust to alternative measures of both tax avoidance and managerial myopia. Two-stage least squares (2SLS) regression and propensity score matching (PSM) confirm our results and mitigate any potential endogeneity issues. Overall, we show that the agency costs between shareholders and managers indeed play a critical role between tax avoidance and corporate financialization.  相似文献   

Private firms are likely to use the financial reporting process more for other objectives, such as tax savings, than for communicating performance. However, observing firms choosing accounting policies for tax-minimisation purposes is not straightforward due to (i) tax and non-tax costs of reporting lower income (ii) accounting policies that result in lower reported income and no tax savings but generate non-tax benefits (iii) preparers' multiple incentives and (iv) econometric issues. We observe a large sample of 20,505 private firms writing off assets in two separate regimes, one that generates tax savings and one that does not. Firms significantly decrease, but continue to use, write-offs after the adverse change in tax treatment of write-offs. The exogenous tax change should not affect other reporting incentives. This allows us to disentangle the tax-minimisation incentive from other (un-observable) incentives, including debt contracting, dividends and employee relations that contribute to the observed anomalous positive relationship between write-offs and profitability. We show that for private firms (i) obtaining tax savings is important overall (ii) non-tax costs and benefits are probably also important and (iii) earnings informativeness for future cash flows increases after the adverse tax legislation change.  相似文献   

This paper provides evidence on the minimally explored topic of abnormal returns earned by stockholders of foreign bidders seeking to acquire a target firm in the USA. Four sources of influence on abnormal returns are identified: changes in net wealth of the bidder associated with changes in exchange rates; possible value-destroying managerial discretionary behavior by bidders with excess cash flows, as suggested by Jensen; comparative advantages for foreign bidders domiciled in relatively favorable tax jurisdictions; ownership status of the target, i.e. whether the target is an entire firm and whether it involves divested assets. The study includes 77 firms from 10 countries. The results show that stockholders of foreign bidders earn significant, negative abnormal returns surrounding the announcement of an acquisition in the USA. These abnormal returns become increasingly negative over the 15 days after the announcement of the acquisition, indicating that more information about the acquisition is revealed to investors subsequent to the initial announcement. Cross-sectional regressions indicate that relative exchange rates and cash positions explain variation in abnormal returns. A decline in the value of the dollar increases abnormal returns for the foreign bidder, thus supporting the net wealth hypothesis. The results also show that cash-rich foreign firms tend to enjoy higher abnormal returns when making acquisitions in the USA. The result provides support for the Froot and Stein cash-constrained hypothesis rather than for Jensen's free-cash-flow theory.  相似文献   

In choosing between forward and spot hedging, cash constrained and/or high credit risk firms are more likely to hedge foreign currency transactions forward than firms of greater quality. This arises because the cost of the levered component of a spot hedge is greater than the cost of the unlevered component and this premium increases with higher credit risk. For given cash and credit characteristics, importers are more (less) likely to hedge forward than exporters if transactions costs in the home security market are less (more) than the corresponding costs in the foreign security market.  相似文献   

This study investigates whether corporate social responsibility (CSR) reports mitigate the value destruction associated with increases in cash holdings. We find that the issuance of a standalone CSR report increases the marginal value of cash holdings and this effect is more pronounced for firms in a less transparent information environment and for firms with weaker external monitoring. Our results suggest that information in CSR reports can facilitate monitoring and thus induce more efficient use of cash holdings.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of governance and ownership variables on agency costs for a panel of large UK quoted companies. We use three measures of agency costs: the ratio of sales-to-total assets, the interaction of free cash flows and growth prospects and the number of acquisitions. We employ a range of techniques to analyse the data: fixed-effects, instrumental variables, and Tobit regressions. We find that the changes in board structures that have occurred in the post-Cadbury period have not, generally, affected agency costs. This suggests a range of mechanisms is consistent with firm value maximisation. We also find that having a nomination committee increases agency costs, which indicates that there are costs associated with certain governance mechanisms. Increasing board ownership also helps to reduce agency costs. We also find that debt reduces agency costs. Our results raise questions about the usefulness of the information sent to shareholders when firms adopt a recommended governance framework.  相似文献   

Domestic demand uncertainty in the presence of adjustment costs can cause profit-maximizing firms to sell output abroad at a loss. Firms may dump output at prices below long-run marginal and average productions costs with probability arbitrarily close to one. The model predicts dumping is particularly likely in process industries such as steel. Closed form dumping solutions and interesting comparative statics are obtained. Also, the effect of domestic competition on dumping is examined. I find domestic competition increases total dumping, although a monopolist maximizing output subject to a zero expected profit constraint will dump more than a competitive industry.  相似文献   

This paper offers and investigates the hypothesis that managers are motivated to control accumulated free cash flows, as well as to control the recurring component from operations as suggested in Jensen's (1986, 1988) theory on agency behavior and control. Such managers may be willing to sacrifice a portion of the recurring component of free cash flow in the form of additional interest expense, as well as to incur the additional monitoring by capital markets, in exchange for control over a greater level of accumulated free cash flow in the form of cash and equivalents. Partial support for this hypothesis is observed for a sample of acquisition targets possessing poison pill defenses, which enhances the likelihood of the required agency behavior. Target firms are observed to have above-average levels of capital expenditures, cash and equivalents, and debt. When regressed on premiums offered to target shareholders, however, only the target debt level is found to be significant.  相似文献   

本文以1999年 ̄2004年连续派发现金股利的沪深A股上市公司为样本,分析了上市公司盈利能力、长期偿债能力、获取现金能力和发展能力对持续现金股利政策的影响程度。研究结果表明:在持续现金股利政策下,上市公司实现的盈利约有40%作为现金股利派发给了股东;而上市公司长期偿债能力、获取现金能力和发展能力对其持续现金股利政策无显著影响。  相似文献   

A theory of interregional tax competition   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
A general equilibrium model is constructed to study tax competition, where local governments compete for capital by holding down property tax rates and public expenditure levels. An exact definition of tax competition is provided, and both the existence and nonexistence of tax competition are shown to be theoretically possible. It is argued, however, that tax competition must occur under empirically reasonable conditions. Inefficiency in public production is also explicitly modeled. The amount of capital used to produce a given level of public service output is shown to be greater than that which is required to minimize costs evaluated at the prices facing private firms.  相似文献   

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