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This paper presents a search model of centralized and decentralized trade. In a centralized market, trades are intermediated by market makers at publicly posted bid–ask prices. In a decentralized market, traders search counterparties. Prices are negotiated and transactions are conducted in private meetings among traders. Traders can choose which market to enter. The determinants of bid–ask spreads and liquidity are analyzed. The welfare consequence of the market fragmentation is also analyzed. It is shown that compared to the competitive market-making, monopolistic market-making may improve social welfare.  相似文献   

We consider optimal pricing by a profit‐maximizing platform running a dynamic search and matching market. Buyers and sellers enter in cohorts over time, meet, and bargain under private information. The optimal centralized mechanism, which involves posting a bid–ask spread, can be decentralized through participation fees charged by the intermediary to both sides. The sum of buyers' and sellers' fees equals the sum of inverse hazard rates of the marginal types, and their ratio equals the ratio of buyers' and sellers' bargaining weights. We also show that a monopolistic intermediary in a search market may be welfare enhancing.  相似文献   

冯聪 《产经评论》2013,(3):129-140
本文从市场微观结构层面研究了买卖价差和股权结构之间的关系,引入股权激励和B、H股因素,选取2006年至2010年上证180指数成分股作为研究标的。研究表明,公司内部人和机构投资者持股增加了买卖价差,并且机构投资者的影响更大,股权转让会导致买卖价差上升。股权激励在长期中能够降低买卖价差,但是在牛市行情中作用不明显。发行B、H股产生的市场分割和信息非对称会提高A股的买卖价差。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes how the way emission permits are traded—their market microstructure—affects the optimal policy to be adopted by the environmental agency. The microstructure used is one of a quote driven market type, which characterizes many financial markets. Market makers act as intermediaries for trading the permits by setting an ask price and a bid price. The possibility of bank permits is also introduced in our dynamic two‐period model. We consider two models whether the market makers are perfectly informed about the technology of the producers or not. When the market makers have complete information, the equilibrium price of permits is the same as if the market is walrasian. When they are imperfectly informed, they may set a positive spread between bid and ask permit prices, which creates some inefficiency as the marginal abatement costs of polluters do not equalize. By allowing more flexibility in the use of the permits, banking may reduce the spread. Moreover, it may introduce price rigidities due to intertemporal arbitrage. In this framework, the circumstances under which banking should be allowed or not depend crucially on the evolution of the marginal willingness to pay for the environment.  相似文献   

Value-at-Risk (VaR) is a widely used tool for assessing financial market risk. In practice, the estimation of liquidity extreme risk by VaR generally uses models assuming independence of bid–ask spreads. However, bid–ask spreads tend to occur in clusters with time dependency, particularly during crisis period. Our paper attempts to fill this gap by studying the impact of negligence of dependency in liquidity extreme risk assessment of Tunisian stock market. The main methods which take into account returns dependency to assess market risk is Time series–Extreme Value Theory combination. Therefore we compare VaRs estimated under independency (Variance–Covariance Approach, Historical Simulation and the VaR adjusted to extreme values) relatively to the VaR when dependence is considered. The efficiency of those methods was tested and compared using the backtesting tests. The results confirm the adequacy of the recent extensions of liquidity risk in the VaR estimation. Therefore, we prove a performance improvement of VaR estimates under the assumption of dependency across a significant reduction of the estimation error, particularly with AR (1)-GARCH (1,1)-GPD model.  相似文献   

In this article, we search for the evidence of intraweek and intraday anomalies on the spot foreign exchange (FOREX) market. Having in mind the international scope of this market, empirical evidence against market efficiency (i.e. market anomalies) will have important consequences for the substantial number of FOREX investors all around the globe. We explore intraweek, intraday and interaction between days and hour trade anomalies on the FOREX market over the period of 10 years using hourly time-series data of Euro and US Dollar (EUR/USD) exchange rate on Swiss FOREX market from 1 January 2004 to 11 January 2014. We compare by analysis of variance test all pairs of mean returns on a daily, hourly and daily/hourly basis. t-Test is used to test whether intraday returns are significantly different from zero. We employ Tukey’s honestly significant difference test to explore which intraday pairs of hourly mean returns are significantly greater than zero. We find that intraday and interaction between day and hour anomalies are present in trading EUR/USD on the spot FOREX market over the period of 10 years. The best arbitrage opportunity is evidenced on Fridays, when selling USD and buying EUR at 00:00 and selling EUR and buying USD at 03:00 the same day.  相似文献   

Empirical papers show that successful exporting firms either use unaffiliated foreign trade intermediaries or own foreign wholesale subsidiaries. However, conventional trade theory models assume that producers can directly access foreign consumers. We introduce intermediaries in an international trade model where producers differ with respect to productivity as well as regarding their varieties' perceived quality and tradability. Trade intermediation is prone to frictions owing to the absence of enforceable cross‐country contracts while own wholesale subsidiaries require additional capital investment. The sorting pattern of firms depends on their degree of competitive advantage; the equilibrium prevalence of intermediation in the industry depends negatively on the heterogeneity among producers, and the market‐specificity of goods, and positively on expropriation risk. Using sectoral US export data by destination country, we confirm the empirical validity of these predictions.  相似文献   

Extreme market outcomes are often followed by a lack of liquidity and a lack of trade. This market collapse seems particularly acute for markets where traders rely heavily on a specific empirical model such as in derivative markets like the market for mortgage backed securities or credit derivatives. Moreover, the observed behavior of traders and institutions that places a large emphasis on “worst-case scenarios” through the use of “stress testing” and “Value-at-Risk” seems different than Savage expected utility would suggest. In this paper, we capture model-uncertainty using an Epstein and Wang [Epstein, L.G., Wang, T., 1994. Intertemporal asset pricing under Knightian uncertainty. Econometrica 62, 283–322] uncertainty-averse utility function with an ambiguous underlying asset-returns distribution. To explore the connection of uncertainty with liquidity, we specify a simple market where a monopolist financial intermediary makes a market for a propriety derivative security. The market-maker chooses bid and ask prices for the derivative, then, conditional on trade in this market, chooses an optimal portfolio and consumption. We explore how uncertainty can increase the bid–ask spread and, hence, reduces liquidity. Our infinite-horizon example produces short, dramatic decreases in liquidity even though the underlying environment is stationary. We show how these liquidity crises are closely linked to the uncertainty aversion effect on the optimal portfolio. Effectively, the uncertainty aversion can, at times, limit the ability of the market-maker to hedge a position and thus reduces the desirability of trade, and hence, liquidity.  相似文献   

This article analyses bid–ask spreads in U.S. electronic futures markets around the recent financial crisis. We decompose the bid–ask spread into three components – order processing, inventory holding and adverse selection costs – and show that adverse selection costs increased the most during the crisis while order processing costs are the largest cost component. Volume significantly affects inventory holding and order processing costs, whereas volatility only influences inventory holding costs. The crisis period had a significant effect on these relations. This study extends the existing literature on liquidity in equity to futures markets.  相似文献   

This paper contributes to a recent policy discussion regarding the costs and benefits of setting up a centralized electronic trading platform to replace over‐the‐counter (OTC) markets. We modify the Lagos and Rocheteau (2009, henceforth LR) asset trading model by replacing their investor‐dealer random matching and bilateral trade with a centralized competitive market that opens periodically. This arrangement preserves the main tension and trade‐off in LR. We then analyse and quantify when to introduce a centralized market and how frequently it should open in order to make it as efficiently as the decentralized OTC market in LR.  相似文献   

International bank portfolios constitute a large component of international country portfolios. Yet, banks' response to international macroeconomic conditions remains largely unexplored. We use a novel dataset on banks' international portfolios to answer three questions. First, what are the long‐run determinants of banks' international portfolios? Second, how do banks' international portfolios adjust to short‐run macroeconomic developments? Third, does the speed of adjustment change with the degree of financial integration? We find that, in the long‐run, market size has a positive impact on foreign assets and liabilities. An increase in the interest differential between the home and the foreign economy lowers foreign assets and increases foreign liabilities. Foreign trade has a positive impact on international bank portfolios, which is independent from the effect of other macroeconomic variables. Short‐run dynamics show heterogeneity across countries, but these dynamics can partly be explained with gravity‐type variables.  相似文献   

We ask how the scope for non‐profit objectives in a state‐owned enterprise (SOE) in a mixed oligopoly changes because of competition from firms in another country. There is no change if costs and demand are given, unless the trade partner is a low‐cost country. However, the scope for non‐profit objectives is limited by the country's relative size if wages are market‐clearing and if workers and firms are stationary, because of reduced competitiveness caused by higher real wage rates. The total surplus is then not affected by the actions of the SOE. International trade does not otherwise reduce the scope for its non‐profit objectives if workers and firms are mobile, but productivity differences might require restrictions in order to avoid a complete relocation of the workforce in either country.  相似文献   

The structure of international trade is increasingly characterized by fragmentation of production processes and trade policy. Yet, how trade policy affects supply‐chain trade is largely unexplored territory. This paper shows how the accession of 10 Central and Eastern European Countries (CEECs) to the European Union affected European supply‐chain trade. We find that accession primarily fostered CEECs’ integration in global value chains of other entrants. Smaller integration benefits stem for East–West trade in services for lower‐skill activities. These increases in value‐added exports translate into sizeable job creation.  相似文献   

Financial intermediaries are, by definition, engaged in two‐sided competition. Despite the well‐known problems of achieving competitive solutions under two‐sided price competition, models of financial intermediation are commonly solved for competitive equilibria. This article provides a game‐theoretic foundation for competitive equilibria in one of the most important models of financial intermediation, the seminal Stiglitz–Weiss (1981) adverse selection model of the credit market with a continuum of borrower types.  相似文献   

It is often argued that international trade is all about long‐run relationships. In this paper, we argue that this view is flawed when factor markets are characterized by turnover. Toward that end, we provide a simple dynamic model of trade with labor market turnover and show that the relationship between the economy's short‐run and long‐run behavior is more complex than in traditional trade models. For example, in the short run, the economy may produce outside of its long‐run frontier. We show that focusing on long‐run relationships can lead one to draw faulty policy conclusions, while focusing on its short‐run behavior restores sanity. The implication is that in the presence of factor market turnover, international trade issues can only be understood by studying the entire dynamic path of the economy. Long‐run relationships should be ignored.  相似文献   

We examine changes in the information content of trading when short sale constraints between prohibition and restriction exist on a stock exchange. This is made possible by a unique institutional arrangement at the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong. It maintains a list of stocks which can be sold short under regulations. Stocks not on the list are prohibited from short selling. The list is revised on a quarterly basis based on predetermined criteria. We find that the probability of information-based trading (PIN) significantly increases when a stock is added to the list. Further analysis shows that this is mainly because uninformed traders are driven out of the market. Elimination of uninformed traders also causes the aggregate trading volume to decrease rather than increase. In comparison, the PIN does not change when a stock is dropped from the list. We also find that market liquidity, measured by volatility and bid–ask spreads, slightly decreases when a stock is added to the list and significantly increases when a stock is dropped from the list. Possible explanations are discussed.  相似文献   

We develop a monetary model that incorporates over‐the‐counter (OTC) asset trade. After agents have made their money holding decisions, they receive an idiosyncratic shock that affects their valuation for consumption and, hence, for the unique liquid asset, namely money. Subsequently, agents can choose whether they want to enter the OTC market in order to sell assets and thus boost their liquidity or to buy assets and thus provide liquidity to other agents. In our model, inflation affects not only the money holding decisions of agents, as is standard in monetary theory, but also the entry decision of these agents in the financial market. We use our framework to study the effect of inflation on welfare, asset prices and OTC trade volume. In contrast to most monetary models, which predict a negative relationship between inflation and welfare, we find that inflation can be welfare improving within a certain range, because it mitigates a search externality that agents impose on one another when they make their OTC market entry decision. Also, an increase in the holding cost of money will lead to a decrease in asset prices, a regularity that is well documented in the data and often considered anomalous.  相似文献   

This paper develops a general equilibrium model that shows that a small volume of North–South 1 trade (i.e. 2% of Northern GDP) could have caused the observed rise in the skill premium, thus resolving the ‘small trade volume paradox’ in the skill premium debate. We apply the concept of ‘trade in tasks’ of Grossman and Rossi‐Hansberg to analyze the nature of North‐to‐South manufacturing outsourcing. As a conceptual innovation, we carefully distinguish two different implicit assumptions of the Heckscher–Ohlin model: ‘factor immobility’ versus ‘task inseparability’. We show that outsourcing, as a form of trade in tasks, essentially attains ‘task separability’ while apparently retaining factor immobility, thus rendering the traditional Heckscher–Ohlin framework obsolete for analyzing current North–South trade. We argue that this change in the nature of trade calls for new thinking in economics and public policy‐making.  相似文献   

We build up a Ricardian trade model with multiple regions within a nation and examine how international trade determines interregional patterns of production and specialization. We show that the degree of interregional concentration of economic activities moves in different directions in two trading nations. The role of “absolute advantage” becomes crucial in dictating the course of income disparity across regions. We discuss cases with varying degrees of labour mobility and reconfirm the result on post‐trade interregional concentration and dispersion. Later we explore the impact of “scale factor” in this model and show how principle of comparative advantage and economies of scale interact to determine the pattern of specialization and volume of trade.  相似文献   

In this study, we draw on economic theories of cost structure and the effects of international trade on firms' productivity to assess firm‐level cost behavior in the context of globalization. We investigate why and how trade openness affects firms' cost structure by examining the changes of fixed inputs along with those in capacity levels. Using a sample consisting of 25 countries from 2000 to 2014, we find that trade openness does significantly affect firms fixed and variable cost inputs, which indicate that production uncertainty along with international trade is essential to the cost structure decision in terms of cost rigidity. Furthermore, larger firms are more likely to adopt a rigid cost structure with higher fixed costs and lower variable costs because they are more involved in the international economy and more exposed to associated uncertainties.  相似文献   

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